Ask My Characters - Tumblr Posts

Ask my characters by twood5
i feel like i never draw my oc's enough, so i figured id give this a try. comment on this post any question you want and ill draw an answer. i may do these in my sketch book or digital, depends on how im feeling at the time my default character that ill draw is sparks. all of my oc's are available for questions not just my transformer ones.

Ask us #1 by twood5
my first question from juggernot117 i did draw sonar, but i didnt like how he turned out, you can still see him here though :3 ask questions on link below

ASK THEM THINGS! My only request is to keep most questions in universe/character and not break the fourth wall pfft. Im going to make it look like they’re answering questions on a fun lil radio. Idk i thought this would be fun >:)
Tremaine, does it hurt being as fine as you are? Also, what's your favorite color? 👀

"O-oh! Thank you, it doesn't hurt at all, hehe. And my favorite color is green"
Well, guess I'll get working on that! Thanks to everyone that voted! I'll rb again tagging the ask acc when it's done and we reach follower goal! (40) x3
![So Close!!! 2 Followers Till Askblog :]]]](
So close!!! 2 followers till askblog :]]]

Zebra: I was not aware there were cookies

Zèbra: Good gracious why do we get such...obscure questions??
Lucida: Dunno but that one by @reversalmushroom is kinda nasty
Norman:......I thought this was a pg-13 blog....

Zèbra: Don’t worry Gabe, I still love it very much
Gabe: I just wanted to make a story up
saw one of my new found fav writers @taegularities do this, you can now ask my character's something!
Just go to my ask and type out
"ask! tpafl Jungkook: ...."
Or whoever you wanna ask :)
Ask tpafl Jungkook: how much do you love your gf (idk first thing that came in my mind HAHAH)
pls i love this thank you so much!!
(Tpafl) Jungkook: how much? Well, i guess more than i can admit realistically. She drives me up the wall but, i definitely love her a lot.
Tpafl JK, has Taehyung tried to reach out to your girlfriend again?
(Tpafl) Jungkook: god that bastard. He has, a few fimes actually. But i got his pathetic ass suspended and he also saw her get into my car. I hope things finally clicked for him then, if not i might have to make them click manually
TD OC: When did you realizd you were attracted to Jungkook?
(TD) oc: Literally the first day i saw him, he looked so damn good. But if we're talking more than physically attracted, maybe that one time where we smoked weed together, he kissed me like it meant something. I don't know if it did though
Td Jk; do you like oc more than a friend? What do you like the most about her?
(TD) JK: i admire her no bullshit attitude. She matches my ego and brings me back down to earth sometimes..
If i like her more than a friend?
I'm not sure myself, i just know i'm willing to bring down the moon for her, i mean fuck, i quit my whole reputation for her.
I guess yeah, i think i do.
Jungkook & Oc (tpafl) - Who’s the most jealous out of you two? What do you guys fight about?
*looking at each other judgingly*
Jungkook: definitely her, she gets-
Oc: it's him. We always fight about this. He can never be honest about it but, his face literally contorts when another guy checks me out
*Jungkook rolls his eyes*
Jungkook: whatever
This is Paintbrush "PB"
ask them anything

Ask my Characters!
Hi babes, hope you're all doing well. I saw the lovely Vi (@ladyartemesia) play this game with her followers and she encouraged me to do it! So i'm going to do it and see if you guys like it???
So, ask any of my characters questions from the following stories:
Into Eternity
Vegas, Baby
Crimson Grail
Hurt Me... Please
Please feel free to ask questions to any of the characters from these stories! I'll keep it open as long as you guys want! And feel free to ask multiple questions from different stories! I just want to interact with you guys <3
Hope you enjoy! I'll be keeping my eyes on my notifs! I'm writing now so I have a ton of free time ;)
I love you all, please send in asks, my characters would love to answer you!
If you guys want different story options, maybe we can make this like a thing that we do every month or so and I'll update it with new fics that I post and the lot!
(If you send an NSFW ask please just preface it so I know! You are more than welcome to send these in as well!)
Uncontrolled Jimin!
How has your relationship with your mate been going?
Jimin: it’s been a new experience for both of us.
Jimin smiles softly while looking at his mate with nothing but love and devotion.
Jimin: She’s shy around wolves though, and is having trouble when it comes to adapting into the pack but, she’ll get there. I know she will!

Uncontrolled Jimin’s friends and pack (especially Irene):
What were your thoughts and reactions when you found out Jimin had mated with a half wolf... that was not Irene? 👀
Irene: To be frank, I was beyond pissed. She’s a half-breed and has no idea what it’s like to be a wolf or the intricacies of being part of pack dynamics or anything like that-
Irene clears her throat and tries to calm herself down.
Irene: But, when I saw how Jimin interacted with her, I knew. There would never have been any love between us, respect of course but never love.
Jungkook: She’s pretty hot!
Jimin: watch your mouth pup or I’ll make you regret it.
Y/N: You think I’m hot???
Jimin: why don’t you react like that when I say your hot?? I say you’re hot all the time!
Y/N: Yeah, but you’re not Jeon Jungkook, star of the university track team!!
Y/N notices her boyfriends pouting and sighs, patting his cheek.
Y/N: Hey, you’re the star of my heart?? Isn’t that more important???
Jungkook: Y’all are gross.