Asuka R Kreutz - Tumblr Posts
I think AsukaR#'s music, "Gravity", is cannon because while AsukaR# is fighting, there are clones of him in the background playing the instruments.
@guiltygearofficial, is this true?
I REALLY want the next Strive character to be Sin, Answer, or Asuka. Please. I need this.

Look, just make the man a cat boi, and nobody get hurt. He don't gotta be this soft, but c'mon, make the disaster twink man a disaster.

give him back the cat ears.

Based on a post by @incorrect-guilty-gear
I love thinking about how much I love and feel bad for Asuka and then remember that he did just shoot Frederick in the face instead of trying to explain literally anything at all because he figured nothing would motivate Frederick Bulsara to fix everything more than hate. And he was right.
Asuka's fundamental misunderstanding of personhood and the value of identity is one of the most fucking compelling things about him when you think about him - he has such poor self-esteem that he doesn't even understand his own identity or value so it makes so much sense that he's constantly fucking up everyone around him when it comes to their identity and bodily autonomy. He mentions at one point that he never felt in control of his life and never really made his own decisions - he didn't even want to become a scientist but felt pushed into it. He doesn't understand the emotions of others, he cares only about "reality" because that's what his whole life has been - reality, logic, the "correct" answer. So when Aria gets sick, he cryofreezes her. When she says she doesn't want to miss out on time with Frederick, he makes him immortal. When the Gears are planned to he used as weapons, he figures "Oh I'll make Aria into a command gear - won't matter if she gets to be woth Frederick, right?" basically RIGHT after a drama CD shows us that she values her own person immensely and who she is - she says that to Frederick. Then, when he tries to bring her back by creating the Jack-O Valentine unit, he's likely kind of perplexed by the fact that she's developed her own personality! Hell, he's probably baffled at the fact that Frederick seems to treat her like Jack-O and not Aria, but fuck me man, Frederick probably does that because he fucking remembers what Aria taught him about identity!! And after! Al of this! Asuka! Goes to the moon! And CLONES HIMSELF TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND IDENTITY AND WHO HE IS!!! HE FIGHTS BATTLE DATA OF ALL THESE PEOPLE TO TRY AND SEE IF HE CAN UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS TO THEM MATTERS SO MUCH TO THEM! I am so sick. Do you get it? This man is so twisted but he isn't EVIL! He's just a little fucked up, and I think that all this is why he loves Frederick so much - this is the man who is everything he wants to be. He's sure of himself: he's the "find a way or make one" guy! Asuka spends so much time trying to quantify and understand the one thing that can't be measured with his understanding of "reality:" Humanity and love and emotions. BUT HE'S TRYING SO FUCKING HARD TO LEARN. You gotta see my vision you gotta see it I feel so fucking bad for this man.
In the next game Asuka should be in a big hoodie with cat ears on it and he should be wearing those stocking that have the pawpads on them and he should just act exactly the same. The only person who comments on it should be Sol who goes "What the hell are you wearing?" and Asuka should go "My loungewear. It's fun."
keep forgetting to post but the reason Asuka's theme is called "The Gravity" is that you can trt and explain gravity however you like, but no matter what its existence is undeniable - Gravity simply "is." That's why you have the the repeated opening of "All things as they are" at the start of the song and why Asuka jokes that "maybe we can disprove gravity next" with R# - he is so CLOSE to getting it; the concept of Gravity is the closest comparison he has to understanding the truth that feelings are not always quantifiable and simply "are." Gravity is a scientific concept that he can grasp cause for him it's rooted in "reality" which is the vehicle through which Asuka understands the world, so it's an attempt at using what he DOES understand as a bridge for him between reality and truth, or science/logic and emotion/feeling. If you even care.
Asuka: So now that you're sapient, what should I do about Fredrick and Aria? They're working on transport to my current location. Sabotage is the most direct answer-
Asuka R#: Wait why?
Asuka: Well I can't let them up here? They'll destroy everything and I've spent so long making them a new life, destroying them would be a complete waste. I could go to the Backyard again...
Asuka R#: Did Fredrick say he still wanted to kill you? Or Aria?
Asuka: ...well no but going by previous interactions-
R#: Asuka. A hypothetical. Could they...just want to check on you? You left them, again, after taking the Flame of Corruption. And immediately absconded to Luna. Is there a possibility...that they are worried about you?
Asuka: I have ruined their life on multiple occasions, caused suffering on a scale only I can calculate, and have once again escaped any lasting consequences, due to their actions. It seems most likely they still harbor ill will. Now, what options would you suggest?
R#: Talk to them. Ask them. Your trauma and obsession with self-flagellation has ripped all logic from mind it seems. No wonder you created me. They were our friends. Our partners. Who knows how they feel now? You are simply willing data to exist to support your hypothesis.

sanest man from ireland
He's my 2nd favorite for a reason
Asuka being revealed to be a boring guy that liked math is just hilarious.
He’s That Man, The Gear Maker, The Devil, and the man who had a hand in destroying Japan. He kickstarted The Crusades, indirectly causing the deaths of over 6 billion people worldwide.
And he likes making buckwheat noodles using Rube-Goldberg machines.
Asuka could probably be distracted by a crossword puzzle that he would find on the floor.
He turned himself in to the President of the United States and leaked that he did so to the local news.
He went and started a podcast on the moon after he removed the Seed of Adam from Sol’s neck.
He has a clone of himself for some reason.
He put his soul into a homunculus of what he looked like during his time in the Gear Project so that Sol would recognize him.
He turned Sol’s girlfriend into a Gundam because she had super cancer.
Asuka’s both the best and worst wingman you could ask for.
The fan base didn’t have so much as a face or a concrete name besides “That Man” for a decade.
He had cat ears in Xrd and that was never brought up again.
Asuka’s just a fun guy to think about!
Hot Take
I do not like Slayer, if you couldn’t tell.

Tbf you don’t see many HCs around anymore, but honestly with Ky he’s not too hard to beat, just DI and then sprint at him to grab. They never see it coming :3
Now call me wrong and tell me why a character who can do 80% of your health in a 5 hit meter-less combo and can 1 hit wallbreak on a move with 2f of recovery is not actually bullshit and is completely balanced.