Atem X Reader - Tumblr Posts
It's time to d-d-dress up!
Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I really like horror and being scared. You could say I'm a thrill seeker. Anyway, enjoy this filler while I work on other stuff lol
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Content: Various Yugioh people x gn!Reader
Warnings: Sexual themes (Yami Marik) but no actual sex so it's still SFW, unsure whether or not Yami Marik's fake blood is actual blood
Notes: Halloween is my favorite holiday. I wish I could do this for every fandom I write for, but that'd be too much for me right now, sadly. I'll probably do one or two more, but that's about it
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❥Yugi Muto
You and Yugi would obviously go with a couples costume.
He would be the dark magician, and you would either be dark magician girl or celtic guardian (they get shipped the most with dark magcian)
You two probably wouldn't trick or treat, probably just party with your friends while helping grandpa hand out candy
Would kiss you as much as you were comfortable with, because you just look so pretty/handsome to him
He's also grateful that you decided to match with him this year
Takes a shit ton of selfies to remember this moment and to post on his story/social media
Before Halloween, he probably would have spent all of October decorating the shop with you
Would absolutely want to make certain cut out cookies with you, he thinks the ghost ones are cute
Very wholesome Halloween. 100/10.
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You already know mans isn't original with Halloween costume ideas
He'd go as an Egyptian Pharaoh and would like it if you went as his queen/king, though he wont force you
He wont know what Halloween is about until you tell him, he's just a confused old man lol
He would love being in Pharaoh-like clothing again after so long. He'd proably try tanning the entirity of October, then be confused when there isn't much of a difference.
Help him, he's trying his best lol
Would also help you decorate if you asked, but he'd be asking questions non stop about the meaning of lights and window stickers. He doesn't take "tradition" or "it's fun" as an answer lol
A little annoying, but still wholesome. 8/10.
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❥Seto Kaiba
Seto isn't crazy about Halloween. It's six days after his birthday, that's the only way he remembers the holiday exists every year.
Because he's not crazy about the holiday, he hasn't dressed up for it since his parents were alive
Mokuba still dresses up, and he tries his hardest to get Seto to as well, but it just never happens. You're not an exception, unfortunately
Unless you get a blue eyes white dragon onesie.
He'll go as himself then, and you're his trusty dragon
Otherwise, he won't care about dressing up and will let you go as whatever, so long as its outside of the scandalous range. He's very much in the public eye, remember? He's also a raging virgin, so leave the risque costumes for private time
He'll probably especially enjoy it if you tell him it doubles as a birthday present
Either very funny or very boring. 5/10.
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❥Joey Wheeler
He'd probably be the cheesiest motherfucker out of them all
Would definitely have you two go as matching vampires or werewolves
He has such a generic look on horror and monsters in general
Dude you literally play duel monsters, there's more than just vampires and werewolves-
Would buy cheap fake blood that ends up staining your skin for a week after.
It would also strangely taste like apples?
You should probably go to a hospital after the party
Halloween with Joey is accidentally lethal. My kind of party. 10/10.
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❥Marik Ishtar
Dude I have no fucking idea what he'd be, and therefore neither would he lol
He has 0 creativity when it comes to this, so usually he'll turn to you for costume ideas
Would also be like Joey with the cheesy, overdone costumes
I can really only see him being werewolf and you being little red riding hood
He'd probably get a kick out of that, in multiple ways...
Marik doesn't understand Halloween decorations, but if it makes you happy, he guesses he'll help you put stuff up
Absolutely sneaks candy for himself though
Pretty average Halloween. 5/10.
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❥Yami Marik
Absolutely a vampire. No. Shh. Shut up. I am taking ZERO criticism on this one.
He takes it all the way. He's basically a blond, Egyptian dracula lol
He'll probably have you not dress up so he can be the vampire that corrupts you
He takes it a little too far, biting your neck with his fake fangs in
He also sprays fake blood on himself and everywhere else, but you're not entirely sure it's fake blood...
Like Marik, he also sneaks candy for himself, but very openly. He knows you can't do anything to him anyways
Yami Marik will help you put up decorations once he learns just how spooky Halloween is supposed to be
If you were hoping for a cuter Halloween, where children weren't afraid of approaching your house, then kick Yami Marik out until Halloween is over lol
Terrifying Halloween, but a great 'afterparty.' 7/10.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
if you’re still taking yugioh requests do you think i could get atem and kaiba comforting an s/o who’s afraid of storms (especially thunder and lightning)? thank you!! 🩷
OMGOMGOMG YES HI I just saw this in my inbox!!! I am absolutely still taking Yugioh quests!!!
Content: Atem x gn!Reader; Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: You didn't specify if Atem was in modern or ancient times, so I just went with ancient times......I'm a history/mythology nerd so I took the chance lol sorry. I also slipped in a small YGOTAS reference at the end of Atem's part lol
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❥ Pharaoh Atem
Normally, it was custom for the Pharaoh and his spouse to sleep in separate bedrooms. This allowed them both down time after being in the public eye all day. As much as you loved your husband, you needed this time away, even if it was to just rest.
After your servants helped you undress and get ready for bed, you were left alone with your thoughts. Although, you were so exhausted you just wanted to sleep. You'd be up and at 'em again in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you fell asleep until a loud boom woke you, practically shaking your room. Sitting up immediately, your heart beginning to thump rapidly in your chest, you opened your mouth to yell for anyone who was still awake.
"Guards! Guards!"
Almost immediately, a couple of the many palace guards entered the room, all three being armed. "Your majesty, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm-" You were interrupted by another loud boom. You screamed and shut your eyes. "Fetch my husband! Please!"
"Right away, your majesty!" The three left the room to get their king from his room.
Soon, Atem strode in swiftly, and the sight before him broke his heart. His spouse, curled up in a tight ball on their bed, scared out of their mind. He quickly approached them, and gathered his (Y/n) into his arms. "There, there...I'm here, my love. What's gotten you so afraid?"
Clinging onto him almost immediately, you answered, "The storm...I wasn't expecting it..."
"Oh, my love..." Atem gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. "It is only a storm, it will pass."
"No, Atem...I have always been afraid of them. Since I was a child." You shook your head, moving away slightly to look at him.
"Is there any way I can help you with this fear?" He asks, voice soft and kind, as always, and his hand gently rubbing your arm. "I can try to cover your ears, but I'm afraid my hands do nothing compared to the might of Set."
Atem adds a small giggle to the end of his last remark, showing you that he was kidding. It makes you giggle too. "Oh, I love you so."
Another boom flows through the sky outside, making you jump and scream, scaring Atem for a moment. He tightens his hold to try and calm you. "My (Y/n), it's okay. As long as I am here, I will protect you. Set will not harm us."
"How can you say for sure?" Your voice shook with fear. "Set is a fearsome God, Atem...have you forgotten all of his stories?"
"Set would not harm the royal family, he protected my father during his reign, and his father before him, and his father, and so on." Atem then gave his spouse a smile. "We are safe. But, if you still feel scared, I can stay with you throughout the night."
You nod. "I...would like that very much."
Atem nods, then moves your head rest out of the way so you both lay on the bed, your face in his chest. "Is this okay?"
You nod again, then yelp and jump closer when another boom rings in the room. Atem thought for a moment. "There is one story that comes to mind about Set. You recall how Anubis killed him, yes?"
You nod. Atem carries on.
"Well, after going into the afterlife, Set had begun to do good things. My father once told me a story about how Set travels with Ra on his nightly trip to the underworld, and Set helps him battle the fearsome Apophis."
You focus in on what your husband is saying. The warmth of his arms around you and his body being pressed to yours, the softness of his voice as he tells a story passed down through generations, and suddenly you find yourself falling asleep once more.
"...and now, when people hear thunder, they are reminded that Ra is engaging in an epic battle, with Set by his side." Atem finishes not too long after, waiting for a response. When he doesn't get one, he looks down to see you've finally fallen back asleep, and the thunder seems to have gotten quieter. Set was moving away, possibly sensing the Pharaoh's spouses discomfort.
Sighing softly to himself, Atem placed a kiss on your forehead and taking in the peaceful look on your face, before finally falling asleep himself. Screw the rules, he's the Pharaoh.
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❥ Seto Kaiba
It was after hours at KaibaCorp, and Seto was still at his desk like usual. You, having finished work three hours ago, stopped by to try to coax him back to the house so that he could get some sleep. Of course, he didn't budge. Like usual. Knowing you were going to be sitting here for hours, you opted to order some dinner for the two of you.
"What about Mokuba? Where is he?" You asked Seto before ordering the food.
"He's with Yugi, he wanted to attend one of his game nights." Seto spoke without moving his eyes away from the screen.
After getting said food, you had noticed dark clouds rolling across the sky, with flashes of light in between the angry clouds. Clenching your jaw as your anxiety spikes, you quickly move back to your car and sped (as legally as you could) back to KaibaCorp.
When you got back to Seto's office with the food, he hadn't noticed your anxiety yet, or the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. You plopped the food down and curled up on the couch. Reaching over, you took out your food and begin to numbly eat it while scrolling through your phone, tensing as you start to prepare for the first sound of thunder.
Soon the storm begins, first with a flash of lightning, and then a loud boom soon after. You jump, dropping your fork. That gets Seto to look up as it makes a muffled thump against the ground. " okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You nod, going to pick up the fork from under the table. Another flash and boom sounded, making you jump and hit your head on the table.
Reeling back, you grimaced and held your head, and Seto moved over to you. "Are you sure?"
“I…” You sighed. “No. It’s the storm, I’m…scared.”
Seto didn’t do anything for a moment before sighing and pulling you back up on the couch. “I suppose I can stop for the day.”
“What? No, Seto, your work is important. Don’t-“
“Hush.” Seto tapped some more on his keyboard before shutting it, and moving over to you. “Mind if I sit here?”
He gave you a small smirk that makes your heart stutter. You nod and he sits down. Thunder sounds around you both, and you jump into Seto’s side. His heart warmed as you came to him for protection. He put a hand around you.
“It’s okay. No storm will hurt you with me here.”
You resisted the urge to cringe slightly. You loved your boyfriend, but sometimes he can say the weirdest things. “Thanks, hon…”
Seto’s grip tightened, then he leaned over to grab his food, and then grabbed your fork from the ground. “You can share my fork.”
“Thank you.”
Seto ate with one hand, his other hand around you. You watched him eat for a moment before he wordlessly offered a bite to you. You took the bite, then looked to the windows as rain began to pour down.
“It’s okay, we’re inside. Nothing can harm us.” Seto reassured.
“I know, just…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, I know this is probably childish…”
“Is that why you never told me about this before?" Seto asks, taking another bite of his food.
"...kind of." You then jump as lightning flashes and thunder rolls loudly in the sky. "Although, I guess you would've found out one way or another..."
Seto nods, setting the fork down. "Well, I don't think it's childish. People have fears, always have and always will. It isn't something childish or new."
You nod, sinking into his side a little, jumping and yelping a little when thunder sounded again. Seto leaned back into the couch and moved you into his lap, one hand on your head as he cradled it against his chest. His other hand rested on your thigh.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" Seto asks, his hand that's on your thigh begins to massage it, and the hand on your head gently scratches your scalp.
You begin to relax, but tense up again as you see lightning light up the room again. Seto's repeated movements are accompanied by a kiss on the forehead. You focus back on him.
"This is fine...thank you." You move your face slightly, so that it's in his chest.
Seto hums, and you can feel the reverb. It feels nice. It feels warm, and safe. You still tense and jump at thunder and lightning, but Seto's hands help you settle down enough. He occasionally plants kisses on your forehead or cheek, and makes small talk to try and distract you. Before you know it, the storm clears and the thunder begins to sound distant, the lightning becoming less frequent.
"Seems the storm is going away. Should we get ready to go home?" Seto asks, looking out of the many big windows, then back to you.
"In a minute." You mumble, snuggling into Seto's chest. "Right now I'm enjoying myself."
Seto cracks a smile. "Was this your plan?"
"No, but I'll take the outcome." You smile, making Seto let out a small chuckle before tightening his hold on you.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Hello!! Can I just say I love your blog and your writing sooo much. If you still write for Yugioh, can I please request relationship headcanons for Yami/ Atem if you have the time? He was my childhood crush (even still to this day tbh). Thanks! Have a nice day <3
Absofruitly anon! He was one of my childhood crushes too lol
Content: Yami Yugi/Atem x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: I went with modern Atem this time around. If you want ancient Egyptian Atem, lemme know!
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Atem is kinda shy when you both first start dating
Cut the man some slack, he hasn't dated in about 3,000-5,000 years (depending on the dub or sub)
He doesn't particularly like PDA, and doesn't see a need to announce your relationship to his friends. He thinks they should "just know."
Obviously they don't, so Tea still hits on him and you get angry about it. Atem never notices when Tea hits on him and only knows about it when you point it out
He's quick to tell his friends about your relationship then. Joey teasingly asks him to prove it, and he wastes no time kissing you on the lips despite not liking PDA
It takes him a couple months to start getting comfortable with the relationship, and slowly gets more comfortable with PDA
He'll only go so far as hand holding and putting his arm around you, but it is progress
Behind closed doors though, I'd like to think he's a little clingy. If you need to go in another room for something he won't follow, he'll just wait for you. But he'll always want to cuddle or be touching you in some way
He prefers kisses on the cheek instead of the lips
He'd take you on such cute dates. He'd get the ideas either from Yugi, Bakura or social media (Joey and Tristian aren't exactly cute, and he wouldn't ask Tea about this)
He'd take you on picnic dates, take you to local events, he'll win you prizes at Kaiba Corp and go on any rides you want to go on and end the day with a kiss on the ferris wheel.
When you cuddle, he likes being the big spoon. He'll rub your back, scratch your back, whatever you want
He loves watching Tik Tok or Instagram reels or Youtube with you on your phone while you spoon. He'll periodically give you cheek kisses
I feel like Atem would be the first one to say "I love you" and he says it after every goodbye, every goodnight, every good morning, and every hello
If you two are away from each other, he always starts the conversation with a "how are you? how was your day?" text
His first priority is you. He loves you and he wants to make sure you're okay
He's also pretty chill with anything. If you're sick and look terrible, he's still going to want to be intimate. When you ask why, he'll kiss your cheek and give you a poetic sentence about loving you at your worst. Makes you tear up
Atem is also really good at listening to you and comforting you when something is wrong. He wishes he could duel all your problems away :(
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Its to long😭😭😭😭
Hello pretty, I read your writings and I loved them !!, so please could you write yandere atem and yugi jealous before a relationship.
Characters: Atem, Yugi
Time period: Ancient Egypt
Warnings: Slight yandere themes, obsessive behaviour, extreme jealousy, threats of banishment
Word count:
Genre: yandere, jealousy
Gender: Fem/Male/Gen

Before a relationship, Atem would first encounter you as one of his personal dancers.
You were new and he had never seen such beauty and grace before.
He would have you dance for him alone all the time.
This is how his obsession starts.
Now that the start of the encounter has been addressed, let’s get into it 😻
He would take up all your time with you dancing for him, the way your chest would heave with every shallow breath was intoxicating to him
How he dreamed to have you beneath him, for you to be his. But he had to wait
It was too soon
Seto would keep tabs on you, from Atem’s request of course
But even then, having another mans, another persons eyes on you sent Atem into a mind of hazy thoughts of sinful details
Keeping you with him late into the night
Small touches against your waist, teeth barely brushing your shoulder, and the eyes of an animal staring at his prey
It was terrifying for you. Yet you couldn’t help but get addicted to his touches, his words, his stare.
This would continue everyday
Until one day when he called for you after an extreme stressful day and was told that you couldn’t make it as you were busy with something else
Something more important than him?
It was unimaginable, it was
A feeling like no other settled in his stomach, his eyes lidded, and his thoughts running rampant as his cape whipped around every corner as a twisted smile settled on Atem’s lips as his eyes widened in the beginnings of insanity
He was going to find you and punish who ever dares to take your undivided attention from him
He found you in the gardens, talking to one of the guard, laughing and taking a leisurely stroll
To say he was furious was an understatement
Yet he couldn’t shake this sickening feeling in his stomach that made his chest burn with a heavy weight crushing him on the inside
His eyes flashed in rage as he backed away, back to his chamber.
Plotting the imprisonments and banishment to the shadow realm for the scum that dared speak to what was to be his.
His desired had never burned brighter as he settled back into his throne.
A frown etched into his face.
He had to make you his, and no one was going to get in his way.
Or else they’d pay

Yugi Mutou:
All of these start with Joey huh-
You first become friends with yugi and the gang was through Joey helping you up when Kaiba had shoved you, knocking your duel monster card everywhere
“You alright? That was a hefty shove, oh I oughta-“
Your smile sent the group into silence “ano, this is more than enough, thank you for the help, Joey”
Joey’s face displayed confusion on how you knew him, because a proud grin swept across his face thinking you knew him from duelling
Before he could have you inflate his ego yugi slightly pushed past him, your cards in hand
“Here you go, um..?” Accepting your cards back from him you smile wider, “Y/N, my names Y/N, Yugi”
And that’s how y’all met, creative right 😼
I ain’t ever been that serious in a w h i l e,,
This was the begging of the obsession that Yugi had, and will forever, have with you ✨
He starts off subtly, he thinks you’re so cute
His sweet words that make you flutter
The seemingly shy touches
His longing stares
They made you feel special, they made you feel... exposed.
In a disgustingly lovely way
He made sure you got home, walking you back
Keeping you close to him
Constantly having you to himself
Keeping you from prying eyes
Spending time with him. in his room. in his care. with his rules
That’s how it should be
Not you in joeys arms after Joey had won a duel against a fellow class mate.
That was not part of his plan
The plan to keep you to himself and have you love him as much as he loves you
So why are you looking, smiling, touching Joey?
The pit of his stomach twisted and turned in a foreign feeling.
The urge to claim you stronger than ever
He will make you his before the night is over
And no one will get in his way..
Unless they’re willing to lose their life, right Joey?~
OKAY I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKED WRITING THIS EYE- supper sorry for the long wait 😀 you can sue me if you want-
So cute