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Dancing in the Rain
Atticus Finch x Reader
Requested by Anon: can i pls request a fluffy atticus x reader fic dancing under the rain
Warnings: none, it’s just fluff🤍

There weren’t a lot of time that you and Atticus had time to yourself, let alone time outside of the house by yourself. Of course you loved the children and you loved being around them, but those few alone moments were truly so important to both of you.
Tonight was one of those special moments as the two of you walked hand in hand on the sidewalk. You had just walked the children over to a friend’s house, they were going to be staying over the weekend, and Calpurnia was taking the weekend off. It was truly going to be just you and Atticus, it was very hard to contain your excitement.
It was late enough in the evening that there was no one else outside, not even on their porch. Darkness seemed to cover the sky earlier than expected but it was that time of year, the possibility of rain never crossed your mind.
“We should go dancing sometime.” Atticus mused aloud, “If youd like.”
A large smile spread across your face, “I would love that.”
The both of you stopped walking and turned to face each other, there was hardly a gap between your two bodies.
“I’ll make sure I take you out soon, okay?” His arm slipping around your waist, raising the hand he was holding as Atticus slowly guided you in a dance.
You giggled like a lovesick teenager as he twirled you around on the empty sidewalk, the wind was starting to pick up as it blew through your hair. The two of you danced to the soft humming of Atticus, as you studied every gorgeous detail on his face.
The light sprinkle of water barely phased you until it turned into a more steady fall, “Oh!” You exclaimed in shock, reaching up to feel rain land on your palm.
Atticus chuckled as droplets began to land on his glasses, he didnt stop dancing instead he waltzed you into the empty street for more room.
In that moment it was as if you were the only two people in Maycomb or even the whole state of Alabama, there werent even any animals to be seen as they hid from the rainfall.
It was you and your husband embracing each other as you swayed to whatever piece of music Atticus was humming ever so softly. Your clothes were drenched but neither of you cared as the fabric clung to your limbs. The shoes that had been on your feet were now on the curb as you felt the water on your bare feet and between your toes.
There were no worries in your mind, you were miracously living in the moment instead of thinking of the everyday struggles one always has. The children or chores or finances or work never crossed your minds. Only you and Atticus mattered, as you gazed at the way the rain fell into his dark hair while his glasses stayed spotted with water.
"Next time I'll make sure we're dancing somewhere indoors." His hearty chuckle filling the empty street as he twirled you again.
Your wet hair flying in the wind with your skirt, your cheeks burned red as you smiled brightly.
In the end it did not matter whether the two of you danced in this lonely street or in a grand ballroom, it didnt matter whether there was actual music. All that mattered was who you were with in this very moment and the love you shared.
Me, rn:

Sick Day
A/N: requested awhile ago, I apologize for the wait, my life has been really busy and I’m dealing with a lot. I thank you for your patience! 😊 please be gentle with me as this is only my second writing for TKAM.
Pairing: Atticus Finch x Reader
Warnings: Maybe a typo and some terrible mechanical errors and grammar.
Word count: 1,003
Summary: Atticus is sick and you take care of him.

The therapeutic smell of Vick’s Vaporub made your nostrils tingle as you made your way up the stairs to your bedroom. The tray you carried loaded down with soup, tea, and a sleeve of saltine crackers, all for your darling husband, Atticus, who you had all but held at gun point to take a few sick days.
Ever the worker though, upon opening the door, you found him sitting up reading a document that had been in his briefcase that had rested on the vanity. Had it not been for his red nose and hoarse cough every now and then that would all but rattle his bones, the picture would have been quite normal.
Settling the tray down on the nightstand, the gentle clinking of the silverware caused him to peer at you over the top of his glasses. Dark eyes slightly narrowed when you sat on the edge of the bed and removed his glasses.
“You’re supposed to be resting, darling.” A smile softly slipping onto your lips as you gently chided.
“And I am.” His voice coming out in rasp as he surveyed you with a coy grin. Setting, the documents on the nightstand he took your hand in his free one.
“You needn’t bother with me too much, I’ll be better by tomorrow with all the rest I’m getting today.”
“Atticus Finch, I’m shocked that you’d advise me not to bother with my husband.” You teased, leaning forward a bit to put a pillow behind him so he could sit up more comfortably. He grinned slightly, nestling down into the newly fluffed pillow, his eyes moving down to look at your fingers which had intertwined with his.
His thumb making gentle strokes on the back of your hand, “I can almost guarantee you that he wouldn’t divorce even if you didn’t bother with him.”
Eyes shining with admiration as he joked back and looked at you softly before tracing the plane of your face to your lips. At this a smile crossed your lips, eyebrow quirking upward as you leaned forward towards him, “how can you be so sure that he wouldn’t?”
Dark eyes now locked on yours he leaned even closer to you, “because I’m absolutely positive that he adores you.”
The statement followed up by his lips meeting yours in a delicate kiss, fingers tracing up your wrist and arm to trace along your collarbone. Goosebumps alighted on your skin at the gentle precision of it all, your lips moving with his as you melted closer to him. Pulling away, you rested your head on his shoulder as his arms enfolded you to him.
“You know if I get sick from you, Cal is going to have to take care of us both.” You smiled at him, moving your hand up to rest on his chest, your fingers absentmindedly tracing the length of the lapel of his pajama shirt.
“Sick? You’re sure I’m sick? Because right now I feel just fine.” Arms giving you a playful squeeze as you looked at him, your facial expression one of gleeful disbelief.
“You’re impossible.” You chided, placing a kiss on his cheek before moving to get up from your place on his lap. Replacing your own weight with the tray you had brought up, “now, I expect you to eat all this soup -“
The sound of the door swinging open and feet scurrying up the stairs interrupting you, you both laughed quietly and shared a knowing glance before the bedroom door flew open. Scout rushed in, offering you a small smile before turning her attention to Atticus.
Her face alight with joy as she jumped onto the bed, the soup nearly sloshing over the side of the bowl in the process, making your eyes widen a bit and a chuckle leave your mouth.
“Careful, Scount.” Atticus warned, his eyebrows arching at the young girl as he adjusted the tray on his lap.
“Today, Walter Cunningham was out on account of working with his dad again so -“
“Scout?” Jem’s voice echoed through the upstairs of the house before he appeared in the doorway, a glare fixing itself on his face as he gazed at his sister who was now busying herself looking at the tray on her father’s lap.
“Sir, can I have one of those?” Pointing at the sleeve of crackers, “Scout, I told you on the way here to let Atticus rest, and now you’re here doing just what I told you not too.”
“Nobody asked you to be in charge.” Scout shot back, not even bothering to move her expectant gaze off her father, as she looked between him and the crackers. Her face lighting up when he nodded at her, brow furrowing as she grabbed at them greedily before chasing Jem back down the stairs, their argument continuing the whole way down the stairs.
You and Atticus exchanged a smile and a knowing glance, before you were placing a kiss on his cheek once more, “I’ll be back soon to get your tray.”
Reaching out quickly to grab your hand, he brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against the supple skin, “don’t take too long to come back, hm?”
“I thought you told me not to bother with you?” A coy grin turning your lips upward, the tease making him chuckle slightly, “I decided I might need more bothering than I originally thought.”
“Oh? And why is that?” Your nails lightly tracing his arm causing goosebumps to rise up on his skin.
“It’s not very often that I get so much time with my lovely wife, I wanted to take advantage of it.” His hand squeezing yours affectionately as he beamed up at you. The comment so sweet and genuine it made you swoon and your cheeks flush a light pink.
“Well, in that case, -“ you began, sitting down on the side of the bed, “eat your soup.”
Nodding, he smiled at you brightly lifting the spoon to his lips.
I mean, a fictional widowed lawyer who reads a lot and advocates for racial justice is sexy as hell
atticus finch is a dilf
Ngl Acttius Finch is probably the sexiest character ever written