Australian Animals - Tumblr Posts
apologies for being australian on main two times in a row but i find it really funny when people from other countries are first learning about the creatures we have over here and are just. so confused and bewildered. i remember that post of someone talking about how instead of the Easter Bunny, we have a mascot called the Easter Bilby and someone reblogged it going "what the fuck", and i'm just sitting there like "..... yeah? i thought everyone knew this" and it's very entertaining. seeing people be genuinely bewildered, confused and afraid that this silly lil guy exists,

is some of the most entertaining shit ever and it'll never get old
this is the Greater Bilby, by the way, and it is currently a vulnerable species in Australia, with many efforts being made to save it from endangerment and extinction. there used to be a lot more of them, but because of threats to habitat and competition with other animals (like red foxes, feral cats and dingoes), they became an endangered species, though they fortunately now no longer hold that status. the Lesser Bilby is much less lucky though, as they were unfortunately deemed extinct in the 1950s. i love these lil guys so much and i want to hold one in my hands and give it a nice soft blanket in it's little burrow to curl up and fall asleep on :)
hhhh I need to do a formal ranking of my fave birds cos Lyrebird is *up there*. I get to glimpse them every now and then when I go out bush. closest encounter was outside camp after a hike at the Cathedral Ranges, but I'll most reliably come across one over Mallacoota/Genoa way visiting family. exceedingly cool creatures.