Ava Agent - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Agent Smith and Victim as Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens

OOOOR, as Manuel Belgrano and San Martín

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5 months ago

May or may not be inspired from real life incorrect quote time!

Yellow: Make sure to wash your hands, with soap this time.

Red: Got it!

*Red goes over to the sink and starts squirting dish soap on his hands.*

Yellow: … I meant HAND soap, Red.

Red: What’s the difference?! It’s all just soap!

Yellow: The HAND soap is for your HANDS. Is it that hard?

Blue, walking into the room: Is this why we kept running out of dish soap recently?



Dark: I wonder what would happen if someone fell down the stairs?

Chosen: How about we find out?

Dark: Pfft- Do you really think you could push me down those stairs?

Chosen: I was going to suggest that you jump down the stairs but hey, that works too.


Ballista, stuck outside the door: Let me in! Let me in!

Hazard: I’m pushing on the door, but it wouldn’t open! It’s locked over on his side!

Agent: ….

Agent: The door opens the other way you morons.

Primal: I say we just leave it outside.

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