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So I noticed everyone talks about how messed up every character's life is but no one ever talked about Ozai.
He had an age gap between him and his brother which leads me to start thinking he might actually be a mistake. If we look closely royals usually have only one child. Sozin was an only child so was Azulon.
Only child thing changes after Ozai.
According to my opinion since he was a mistake his parents didn't give him as much love as they gave to Iroh. Which lead him to be an emotionless person.
His brother was a general and had many military victories whilst he had literally nothing. (I'm not talking about his achievements after being the firelord, we all know he started a new age with machineries) The age gap also didn't help. He grew up being jealous of Iroh and he knew he could never get the throne with his brother on the way.
When Zuko was born his lack of firebending abilities made Ozai don't like him but I think it wasn't the only thing that made him don't like him. He saw Iroh in him. Ursa's fake letter also didn't help.
I think Azula was planned to be a mini Ozai before she was born. When he saw Iroh in Zuko he didn't want the history to repeat itself. Azula being a fire bending prodigy also helped her being favorite even more.
Ozai was never loved and he had a messed up life too. But it's never a reason to be who he is.