Gaang - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Part 1 here :) there’s soooo many gems but here’s some of the most popular write ins from part 1!

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1 year ago

Sozin's Comet - Part 4: Avatar Aang (2008)

Zuko’s Coronation

Sozin's Comet - Part 4: Avatar Aang (2008)

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1 year ago

atla whatevers part whatever

Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever
Atla Whatevers Part Whatever

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6 months ago

Chat, did i cook?

Chat, Did I Cook?

the penta team arriving in the water nation after getting stranded in another universe

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7 months ago

I adore the fact that the very few times aang gets pissed its mostly because appa is attacked by someone.

I have an idea! why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the north pole?

How dare you blame appa? he saved your life three times today. you're always talking about how you carry your own weight but you're not. he is. appa's carrying your weight.

that's all any of you guys care about, yourselves. you don't care whether appa is okay or not.


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3 years ago

So does anyone know of any one shots where someone says that Zuko is an accomplished firebender, but Zuko renounces that and at first the Gaang think he’s just being modest, but then they come to the realization that; “Oh shit, he actually believes that.”

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5 years ago

Sokka: Aang y'know how you took away Ozai’s firebending?

Aang: I recall yes

Sokka: can I have it

Aang: …what?

Sokka: can I have his firebending. just for like ten minutes

Aang: what no

Sokka: why not I wanna prank zuko



Aang: okay five minutes

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8 months ago

Percy Jackson x Avatar, The last airbender

Since I didn't see much of these, I am gonna be putting the main atla heroes sorted based on what their godly parent could be. These are just my opinions, I don't put any claim that this would be canon or that you shouldn't think differently.

So...since Aang is the main character...yeah Idc, I am starting with my favourite Toph

Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Gaia - primordial Goddess of Earth or Hades - God of the Dead and Riches, king of the Underworld.

Well I couldn't find any picture of her kids and she doesn't have a cabin, so...well you know what erthbending looks like either way. Gaia or Gaea can control eveyrhting earthy, even bones and animals, her kids would be able to do most of the same things. They would be more powerful than any demigod from the camp, since Gaia is a primordial Goddess and Zeus is lesser in power to them, since they are the oldest. Toph is without a doubt the strongest earthbender. I read the children of Gaea avoided being away from earth, especially in the air, which is very Toph. It is also said they use the earth as an extension of themselves, which I do not kidd you, it really was there, is so Toph to a point. They are also described as stubborn and determined, but loyal. Do I need to say anything else? Toph would 100% be Gaea's child. But....if you don't like her being a child of a primordial Goddess...I guess Hades, God of the Dead and Riches and king of the Underworld. Hear me out....bone bending. If you haven't heard about it..basically there is a theory bone bending can be done by an earthbender...which in a way...could raise dead from the ground. Besides, Hades is said to have some control over stones and minerals. Since it's said his children can be surrounded or have affinity for money, Toph is also from rich roots and she often doesn't have problems attracting money, read cunningly getting some. This gives Hermes energy as well, but oh well. So yeah, Toph in my opinion is a Gaea's child....or Hades's, altho I am tilted more towards the green option. Oh, and for those asking why not Demeter or Persephone, they control the fauna mainly, not earth. We don't see Toph even once bend flowers in Atla.


Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Poseidon - God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods and horses.

With this one I had no trouble. I mean, not only by bending, but by characteristics. She can be calm and sweet as still waters and then raging and determined like a sea storm. Her personality matches the description in Rick Riordan's site. She is also fiercely loyal to Aang and loyalty is said to be the fatal fault of Poseidon's children. They can also heal by entering water. Really, there is nothing more worth mentioning. At least to me, Katara is an obvious child of Poseidon.


Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Athena - Goddess of wisdom, civilization, mathematics, strategy, defensive warfare, crafts, the arts, skills, intelligence and brilliance.

Okay, so, disregarding the logic that Katara and Sokka are siblings, Sokka as Athena's child makes the biggest sense to me. Yeah, he goofes around a lot, but you can not say he is dumb. He plans everything, the group is lost without his abilities to read maps, to make schedules and generally without his tactic mind. Sure, he gives off Poseidon vibes as well, since he is also very loyal and protective of his closed ones, but Athena really fits him more, at least in my opinion. Just to warn, I do not only watch the bending abilities, or in his case, lack of such, and you will see that when I do Zuko. So, yeah, I got off the main point, Sokka is very strategic, thoughtful and has great interest in war duties. He is also incredibly smart, maybe the smartest one in the Gaang. So yeah, for me, he is 100% Athena's child.


Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Hebe - Goddess of Youth and cupbearer to Zeus or Zeus himself - God of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor and justice.

Oof, is Aang hard to sort or what??? Okay, I think he could be Hebe's child, because, they are said to preserve their youthful look (Iceberg *couph couph*) and because they are described as caring, sociable, friendly, liking to make others happy and generally concerned with others's happiness, take pride in community services, enjoy parties and feasts and tend to heal fast from injuries. I think that sounds a lot like Aang. Honestly at some point I was thinking of putting Hermes in, because of Aang's cheeky and travel-loving nature, but then just dropped the idea. Also, when I searched for Wind Gods in PJO universe, the resultats weren't something that reminded me of Aang at all, so I left them out as well. In genral, Aang is very lively and childish in a good way and he likes to make others happy. Because he wanted to live out his childhood, at the beginning of the series, he was too irresponsible towards his duties as the Avatar, which I think would happen if you put a Hebe's child in his place. But why then do I think of Zeus as well? Well, because the children of Zeus are more or less born with responsibility and while they usually take on it with pride, who said that would be the case for everyone? Besides Zeus children can control the weather to some extend, which is said to be an ability for the airbenders. Plus, Zeus and the sky. Yeah, air nomads. While Aang isn't the one to love leadership roles like Zeus's kids usually do, he is good at it when the cause is to his liking. In comics of Atla, he is shown to start leading an air nomadic group and seems to be doing good and to be happy. He also loves his traditions, which I think would fit Zeus. Zeus's kids are also mentioned to be brave and strong, which Aang is. It is stated that Zeus kids can control air. I think it fits. Altho by duty I think Aang fits more Zeus, in personality he is much more like Hebe, and that's why I can't really decide. For Toph, I am heavy on Gaea even tho Hades fits as well, but for Aang I really can't decide whether he would be Hebe's child or Zeus's.


Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Ares - God of war or Hades - God of the Dead and Riches, king of the Underworld or Zeus - God of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor and justice.

Oh boy.....I was saying how Aang was hard to sort....Let's just dive into it. For me personally, Zuko would be most likely Ares's son. Just to mention, ignore all the daddy issues going on in the series, altho with a father like Ares who needs Ozai? Anyways, obviously, Zuko is very agressive, especially at the start of the series, war is surely on his mind, no doubt about it and of Ares are described as war streategic minds, with courage and determination. Okay...while Zuko was in a way forced in this position by his father, he was indeed brash and very agressive at the beginning. I know he settled down in the third season...but still. Hey, no one says you need to only be a bloodlusting screaming angry issues head to be a kid of Ares. They are smart, despite what your initial impression of them might be. Determination is what drives Zuko and fuels his firebending. Whether that would be the goal of catching Aang or later the goal of helping him stop his father, there is no denying Zuko needs an ending point or something he is passionate about to keep him going. I think that fits Ares great. But....Hades wouldn't be a bad option as well. Okay, yeah, Zeus, Ares, Hades, the great awful father trio....but I mean at least Zuko is used to it (Poor Zuko, he really needs more hugs from the Gaang). So, back on track, Hades. Why Zuko would make a good child of Hades? Well, Hades's children are said to hold grudges and to want to finish their business with someone. Doesn't that sound like our fire prince? Also, he really gives off this shadowy emo vibes that Hades usually has. His sass would also be very much appreaciated. Also, Hades's children can have some sort of control over fire and minerals. As I mentioned, I don't only watch the bending abilities when sorting. If I did, Zuko would either have to be Hephaestus son with Leo's rarer fire ability or Hestia's son...which as at least I can tell, does not fit him. So yeah, back to the main topic, while Zuko doesn't really give the vibe of necromancy stuff, his personality does fit well with that of the children of Hades. And now, Zeus. Look, I just added him, because of three main things. First, Zeus's children as mentioned in Aang's sorting are born with a heavy burden. Second, his kids are usually serious and goal orientated. And third, they are said to have good leadership skills and at the beginning of the series, while cold and distant, Zuko does a good job with commanding his soldiers. Not to mention he ends up as the next Fire Lord. Oh yeah, and he can also bend electricity, which is something Zeus and his kids are definetly known for. conclusion of Zuko...he is either a son of Ares, Hades or Zeus.


Percy Jackson X Avatar, The Last Airbender

Arthemis - Goddess of the hunt, archery, wilderness, animals, forests, the Moon, radiance, maidenhood, and childbirth.

Okay. I mean, this one is very obvious. Suki is part of warrior girl group that is super badass and doesn't rely on bending abilities. How more Arthemis coded can it be??? Do I need to explain more??? Since Arthemis is a sworn virgin Goddess, Suki wouldn't be her daugher but part of her huntresses. They have more physical prowess than other demigods. Now...if you have to ask me as which God's kid she would be....I don't really know. I don't even know if I want to speculate tbh. If you want, go ahead, but I am leaving it at that. She is definetly one of Arthemis's huntresses. This would however make things between her and Sokka technically impossible tho....but oh well. I honestly am too tired to think it anymore lol, but I am definetly sure that if Suki was to be in the PJO universe, she would be a huntress of Arthemis.

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6 years ago



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Pre-order period is from October 15-29, PHT; Expected shipping is mid-Nov to early Dec

Photo sample


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4 years ago
Dont Mind Mejust Drawing More Hugs.

Don’t mind me…just drawing more hugs.

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4 years ago

So I wrote one line... guess this is actually gonna be a thing that happens. Time will tell but I do have a lot of ideas, the only hard part is making them actually coherent lol. Here is said line:

Sure he knew, he remembered, what they all had been like at the beginning of this journey... at least for the most part. Sure he didn’t know what they were like before they all met but one thing’s for certain, he did not expect this. I have any idea where this will go? Absolutely not. Does it sound neat and fitting? I sure hope so. Hopefully I’ll have an actual first chapter up within a weeks time (but no promises)

Might make a impulsive decision and write an atla fic...

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4 years ago

Aye lmao what if I actually posted art on what was supposed to be my art blog...haha....unless 😳👊

Aye Lmao What If I Actually Posted Art On What Was Supposed To Be My Art Blog...haha....unless
Aye Lmao What If I Actually Posted Art On What Was Supposed To Be My Art Blog...haha....unless

Fuck it ATLA brain rot time, Stan Sokka, Zuko is gay if you say he isn't have fun being wrong

Aye Lmao What If I Actually Posted Art On What Was Supposed To Be My Art Blog...haha....unless

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3 years ago

Part of me agrees, but the other part of me thinks that they went through so much and probably matured so much in all the ahit they went through that they were probably like "fuck it, wanna date?"

Plus, specifically with Katara and Aang, there was so much teasing and obvious hints they were going to get together that if they hadn't ended up together, a lot of that probably would've just felt like a waste of time. Imagine that episode where they're stuck in the tunnel of lovers, but instead of the two hooking up at end of the show it was like "Eh, whatever." That entire episode and a good chunk of moments in episodes would've just felt like a waste of time.

Not a day goes by that I don’t wish that AtLA had ended with no canon pairings among the Gaang because they’re fucking children and the friendship and community that develops between them is more important than teenage crushes. I love AtLA but pairing off the characters like that at the end was a fuckin’ rookie mistake.

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4 years ago
Fire Nation Dances Just HIT Different
Fire Nation Dances Just HIT Different
Fire Nation Dances Just HIT Different

Fire Nation Dances just HIT Different

This is inspired by This post because it was just too cute (plus an added Sokka and Suki because they are everything I ever wanted)

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If Iroh Was There To Help Zuko Introduce Himself To The Gaang, But Its Still Just As Disastrous
If Iroh Was There To Help Zuko Introduce Himself To The Gaang, But Its Still Just As Disastrous

if iroh was there to help zuko introduce himself to the gaang, but its still just as disastrous

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4 years ago

So I noticed everyone talks about how messed up every character's life is but no one ever talked about Ozai.

He had an age gap between him and his brother which leads me to start thinking he might actually be a mistake. If we look closely royals usually have only one child. Sozin was an only child so was Azulon.

Only child thing changes after Ozai.

According to my opinion since he was a mistake his parents didn't give him as much love as they gave to Iroh. Which lead him to be an emotionless person.

His brother was a general and had many military victories whilst he had literally nothing. (I'm not talking about his achievements after being the firelord, we all know he started a new age with machineries) The age gap also didn't help. He grew up being jealous of Iroh and he knew he could never get the throne with his brother on the way.

When Zuko was born his lack of firebending abilities made Ozai don't like him but I think it wasn't the only thing that made him don't like him. He saw Iroh in him. Ursa's fake letter also didn't help.

I think Azula was planned to be a mini Ozai before she was born. When he saw Iroh in Zuko he didn't want the history to repeat itself. Azula being a fire bending prodigy also helped her being favorite even more.

Ozai was never loved and he had a messed up life too. But it's never a reason to be who he is.

So I Noticed Everyone Talks About How Messed Up Every Character's Life Is But No One Ever Talked About

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