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5 years ago
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.
Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham Never Smiles ;_;) From Bryan Fullers Twitter.

Hugh Dancy (because Will Graham never smiles ;_;) from Bryan Fuller’s twitter.

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Goslings Are An Odd Phenomenon In The Bird World. Most People Assume They Are The Offspring Of Whichever

Goslings are an odd phenomenon in the bird world. Most people assume they are the offspring of whichever goose species they are following around, but they are in fact parasitic mimics much like the better-known Cuckoo bird. By appearing as adorable as possible, they infiltrate and convince their host parents to offer free food and shelter. They continue this charade by eventually growing into adult birds that appear almost identical to their ‘parents’, even going so far as to join migrations. Next time you see a flock of geese, try spotting which ones are actually adult goslings!

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4 years ago
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air
Akaashi Keiji In Haikyuu!! Land Vs. Air

Akaashi Keiji in Haikyuu!! Land vs. Air

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5 months ago
a pencil sketch of karsis valker as a child. he's an aasimar, and has a very wide-eyed expression.

pov: you're a gladiator taking a break from training and you take your dogs out hunting but instead find a very lost 8 year old boy (circa 19 years ago)

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5 years ago


KMS Admiral Graf Spee:


Place of Origin: Germany

Ship type and class: Deutschland-class cruiser

Height: 173cm.

Like/s: Cute little animals like rabbits, respite/peace, friendship

Dislike/s: Fighting, abandonment, lies

Hobbies: Observation/People-watching, gardening(if and when he could), playing with animals

A bit quiet and socially awkward, Graf Spee is a slightly emotionally-innocent young man who has a hard time conversing properly with other people and has the mentality of "the strong live, the weak perish"-- although there's no animosity in this thinking, it's just a mentality he developed after being involved much only in warfare and being the symbol of Nazi Germany’s resurgent naval power for quite a while. Despite all that, he does mean well and tries his best at seeming like a "normal person" because he wants to know how it feels like to be away from combat and doing and experiencing mundane tasks and situations.

Spee values the peace and quiet of days and would very much like it if he didn't participate in anymore conflicts/hostilities but it's his job so even if he doesn't like it, he'll do it. Ironically, as much as he likes non-hostility, he's absolutely skilled in warfare and fighting which goes against his wishes.

Also because he hates fighting, even more so killing someone, he’d rather beat down opponents ‘till they can’t stand anymore. If given the chance he would spare people’s lives, much more so if they’re innocent, but he’s also someone who’s honest to a fault and follows any and all orders so it often causes conflict within him at times.

While he may look small, he packs a mean punch and can hit someone with enough force to send them flying away- but he also has a "glass jaw", meaning while he can certainly dish out pain he's not too good at receiving the hit. He's also quite quick on his feet, though if he can’t outrun them, as he puts it; “Outrun anything you can’t outfight. Outfight anything you can’t outrun.”

It helps that he has two scary giant clawed gauntlets that can easily tear apart anyone like a shark, though it would be more accurate to call him a "killer whale". Said gauntlets can’t be removed by him and he can only put them on, if he wants them to be removed then he must ask for assistance from others (although they’re really fucking heavy so good luck trying to pry and carry it from his hands).

He HATES lies and deception, so much so that one little lie is enough to greatly disappoint him and cause him to almost never trust the person who told a lie almost ever again. Thus he encourages the Admirals and others to never lie ever, even when he's not the one they're interacting with.

Graf Spee looks up to and admires his brothers Deutschland and Admiral Scheer, and he shares an interest regarding Scharnhorst since his namesake was Scharn's Admiral and went down with him during the decisive battle at the North Cape. 

He bears no animosity nor grudge towards Ajax, Achilles, nor Exeter despite all of them, particularly Ajax, having a hand in his scuttling/death. Spee actually thanks Ajax at one point because he helped a plectra of his crew to be escorted back to Germany. Spee also has a relatively close acquaintanceship with Dunkerque and Hood, the latter being a trusted confidant and such.

Bonus art:


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5 years ago


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10 years ago
A.N.: Finally. I'm Done With This... Let's See How Fast I Can Churn Out The Halloween One And Finish
A.N.: Finally. I'm Done With This... Let's See How Fast I Can Churn Out The Halloween One And Finish
A.N.: Finally. I'm Done With This... Let's See How Fast I Can Churn Out The Halloween One And Finish
A.N.: Finally. I'm Done With This... Let's See How Fast I Can Churn Out The Halloween One And Finish
A.N.: Finally. I'm Done With This... Let's See How Fast I Can Churn Out The Halloween One And Finish

A.N.: Finally. I'm done with this... Let's see how fast I can churn out the halloween one and finish up this arc. :D

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6 years ago
CuteGyeom: Dainty Dumb-Dumb (3/)
CuteGyeom: Dainty Dumb-Dumb (3/)
CuteGyeom: Dainty Dumb-Dumb (3/)
CuteGyeom: Dainty Dumb-Dumb (3/)

CuteGyeom: Dainty Dumb-Dumb  (3/∞)

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1 year ago


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