Baby Mama - Tumblr Posts
How are you and your baby?? :")
You're so sweet to ask, kutie anon!! 😘 Baby is doing great and is healthy so far. Me? Not so much 😅 I mean, I am healthy too, thank goodness. I am just nauseated pretty much all the time... I got some anti-nausea meds from the doctor, so hopefully those help!!
I am so excited for my first sonogram, which is happening in about a week. I'll try and post a pic of our little bean for you to see!!
Honestly, I can't believe I'm going to be a mama. After trying for so long, it seems almost surreal. I have a lot to do!
Again, thank you for checking up on me, ily 💜
I can't wait for sonogram your sweet bean! 🤗

I could hardly wait either, but here they are!!
Update on me: Still feeling yucky all the time. It’s hard to do much other than sit on the couch and watch Netflix most days. I am taking medicine for the nausea, and it helps, but I’m still wiped out most of the day. On days I feel good, I write! There’s some good stuff coming soon....
Update on baby: They are fantastic so far. Healthy, as far as the doctor can tell. I cried when I heard their little heartbeat for the first time.
The only part I’m upset about is the fact that my partner was not allowed in the hospital room with me due to COVID restrictions, which I understand... but at the same time, it hurt my heart. He was pretty disappointed he couldn’t hear the baby’s heartbeat or see them on the sonogram. He is as much of a parent to this child as I am, plus he’s been the best partner ever, he deserves to at least hear his kid’s heartbeat at least once, right? :(
Love all you kuties!! <3 <3 <3

it's real, baby #2 will be with us soon, congrats travis and kylie for being daddies again 🥺❤️