Pregnant - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Oh We Love A Good Sunday Drive, Especially When You Have 2 Restless Boys Inside You!

Oh we love a good Sunday drive, especially when you have 2 restless boys inside you!

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8 months ago
Good Job I'm Blessed With Extra Long Legs! Or I'd Be Steering By My Baby Bump. Does This Make Me "Daddy

Good job I'm blessed with extra long legs! Or I'd be steering by my baby bump. Does this make me "Daddy Long Legs"?

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7 months ago
Already Round As I'm Pregnant! Add In A Bloat Too And It's Unreal!!!
Already Round As I'm Pregnant! Add In A Bloat Too And It's Unreal!!!
Already Round As I'm Pregnant! Add In A Bloat Too And It's Unreal!!!

Already round as I'm pregnant! Add in a bloat too and it's unreal!!!

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4 years ago
My Cats Pregnant, And I Just Realized That It Gives Me More Kitty To Pet!!!? How Did I Just Realize That

My cats pregnant, and I just realized that it gives me more kitty to pet!!!? How did I just realize that now?! She's so fluffy!

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4 years ago
My Cats Giving Birth!!!! Aaaaahh!

My cats giving birth!!!! Aaaaahh!

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6 years ago
Goddess Of Light. Tinta Sobre Papel Blanco. #god #goddess #owl #pregnant #woman #bird #light #ink Https://

Goddess of light. Tinta sobre papel blanco. #god #goddess #owl #pregnant #woman #bird #light #ink

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1 year ago

A little bit of compassion leads to the first step to friendship

A Little Bit Of Compassion Leads To The First Step To Friendship

Cold as it was in the office space, nothing was colder than the stark gaze aimed directly at the new owner of OrangePerfect Inc. No words were spoken between the owner and the client, but there was a very real weight in the room as time went on.

With a slightly annoyed sigh, the client spoke. “Ms. Ann, are you sure you’re even up to this right now?”

“W-what makes you say that?”

His arms crossed. “Because we’ve been sitting here in dead silence for almost an hour. There’s no way you haven’t come to terms with the contract. Either make adjustments or stop wasting my time.”

His harsh words were nothing new in the entertainment industry, at least as Ms. Ann learned. In her few years dealing with various media giants she learned this was common place. However used to it she was, it was difficult to get her bearings whenever she heard things like this.

Fumbling around with the paper in her hands, she still said nothing.

“Besides, aren’t you the infamous owner who has such particular contracts that most refuse to work with you?”

Ms. Ann remained quiet for a second. “I guess so…”

“Then what is the problem? Is it something you wish to bring up with me?”

Ms. Ann knew what she wanted to say, but actually saying it was an entirely different story. She didn’t want to bring most of this up knowing how it would sound and right now, she wasn’t in the position to argue with anyone.

“Um, I guess I do have a little issue…” She eventually said.

“Wonderful. Now would you mind telling me what it is?”

Ms. Ann, once again, took a long pause. At this point, the client grew even more agitated. He sat up reaching and grabbing the contract out of her hands, forcing her to look at him.

“Listen, if you have an issue, feel free to bring it up. If not, then I'll say it again, stop. wasting. my. time.”

His intense gaze made her freeze up, but she took a small breath and tried to keep herself calm.

“Um, I guess I don’t… particularly like the idea of how long you’d be working with us.”

“Finally.” The client leaned back. “Is the time frame too long?”

“No, actually, it’s the opposite.”

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t… really wanna work with someone I can’t keep an eye on. Maybe if this project was smaller, I wouldn’t mind, but knowing the recording time is likely going to be several months, I don’t want this to be the only time we work together.”

“Oh. So, you’re saying because you know I’m talented you don’t want me just running off somewhere else?”

“P-pretty much.” She got out.

“I understand that much. I have no issue with that, to be honest. I feel the same way that I wouldn’t want your company to turn into a shit hole that drags my name through the mud years after the fact.”

“N-nothing like that would happen.”

“You mean, nothing you all would promote?”

Ms. Ann looked off. “Yes… we would never allow anyone to do something abhorrent and just let it slide.”

“Good to know. Then let me ask you something?” He paused. “If, say for example, someone from my company were to be caught doing something. What would you do?”

Ms. Ann looked at him and found herself in a strange position. Not only did she want to ask him why he was asking this hypothetical question, but she also wanted to know what exactly he was mentioning. She stared at him and found his eyes never losing their lock on her.

“Well, without knowing what you’re talking about, I wouldn’t drop you. Unless, it was you specifically, I’m not going to assume you knew anything about it.”

He then smiled. “I was hoping you’d be a little more scrutinizing.”

She took a small breath. “I wanted to ask what this hypothetical situation would even be about.”

“Given the work we do, take a wild guess.”

All the news pertaining to media companies, movie directors, and other obscenities, Cassie made an assumption and gave him and knowing look.

“Is this particular issue with someone you can easily report?”

“No. In fact, I’m sure what you’re thinking is the exact person I’m talking about.”

Cassie didn’t like the sound of that, but she understood how serious this must be if he couldn’t even fully mention it to her. She shifted in her seat and finally looked at the client with a less stressed look.

“Kit? I promise you, if we work together, I’ll never allow for something like that to go unchecked. I won’t throw you or anyone else affected under the bus either.”

Kit didn’t seem fully impressed by her words, evidenced by the dazed look he gave her. “Am I too assume your words are enough?”

“Most likely not. How would I prove it to you?”

Kit remained quiet for the longest time since they begun talking. He spoke up after a moment. “Maybe I’ll believe you if you stop acting so damn scared by everything.”


“We both know it’s true. You’re frightened at the idea of making any mistake so you try and fix problems before they’ve even happened. When all it makes you look like is a scared little girl.”

Cassie tried to keep her resolve. “I am fairly new at this, I would imagine anyone in my position would be a bit on the cautious side.”

“Well, that’s the thing; you’re not cautious. You’re fearful. That’s why I can’t fully believe in your words that if something were to come out I would rely on you to hold up your end. Not fold to any stack of cash or the will of a man’s finger.”

“You should talk to my boyfriend- sorry, husband then. I don’t think he would agree with you.”

“Is that so? Well, maybe I could better understand what you’re talking about if you explained why you’re hiding the fact that you’re pregnant.”

Cassie froze at his words and saw the smirk on his face grow. Trying not to move, she remained in her chair exactly how she was as to not give him any better of a view of her body.

“W-why are you saying that?”

“Come on, most of my close friends are women, you think I can’t tell when a woman’s pregnant?”

“M-maybe, but why would that have anything to do with this?”

“Because if you’re hiding something so normal as a pregnancy, what would be the case if something more serious were to happen?”

Cassie dropped her head understanding what he meant by that. Slowly, her hand came to her stomach and rubbed the small bump hidden underneath the large jacket she wore.

“I get why you feel that way, but imagine being in my position. Everyone coming at you with all the normal nonsense of the day and then I have to deal with having a baby?" She sighed. "I should take some time off but…”

“I bet you don’t trust anyone else with your job.”

With a downcast gaze, she nodded. “Not only that, but I didn’t think I’d be so stressed out. I got in my head somehow and now I’m worried about this baby and… even my own life.”

“As wealthy as you are, you can’t hide some more doctors to put you at ease?”

“You don’t know me that well. There’s not a single thing anyone else could tell me, I have to come to terms on my own before I start feeling better.”

“Humph, I guess that makes sense.”

“But you know what, I never thought about what you just said.”


“If I’m so worried about everything that I end up even hiding something like this, then what would I do is something that’s an actual issue were to pop up?”

She was more speaking to herself in this moment, but Kit responded. “That’s what I would like to know. If you know me at all, you’d know I don’t like working with spineless individuals.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But you’re okay working with some loser who, hypothetically, is committing an actual crime?”

Kit grunted. “Hypothetically, I don’t have much choice here. Until I can effectively prove what’s going on is a punishable offense, I can’t just kick him in a grave myself.”

A small smile came to her face. “I get what you’re saying. If you swing and miss it’ll only worsen the situation.”

“Exactly. At least you’re smart enough to understand that.”

“That’s not exactly a complicated thing. You do know I happen to be trying to get into the true crime world. Romance is great and all, but I want to branch off into the world of crime dramas.”

“Humorously, that seems to suit you quite well.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I’ve heard people say you think of every little possible thing when agreeing to a contract. You seem not to like anything that doesn’t fall in line with your mindset perfectly.”

“I’ve actually heard that before. Me and my husband think it’s because thinking of everything that could possibly happen eases me. Like I know every outcome and can plan accordingly.”

“Then maybe that’s the answer.”

“To the hypothetical?” Her head shook. “If I did that, there are several ways this could turn out, especially if you’re somehow involved at any point.”

“Of course, but I don’t mean that. I mean for me to believe you. Maybe if you prove you’re unlearning that scared personality of yours, I’ll feel your words are much more truthful.”

Cassie took a small breath. “With everything you’ve said, I feel like my best bet would be to act how I want to. That includes getting this little secret off my chest…” She laughed a bit. “More like out of my belly.”

Kit rolled his eyes. “Is that really funny?”

“Of course not, but it made me giggle a little.” Cassie continued to look at her stomach and gave it some gentle rubs. “You know, if that what it takes then I think I can relax a bit.” She looked at Kit with a newfound vigor in her words. “How do reoccurring roles sound?”

“What?” Seemingly lost for a second, Kit responded with confusion.

“Well, I don’t like the idea of you participating in just one role. I’d want you back here as much as possible!”

“For what reason exactly?”

“Because, as a kid, I remember absolutely loving your character roles. It was a little bit of a dream of mine to work with someone I enjoyed listening to as a kid.”

“You do know the kinds of roles I had as a kid were… much more mature than I should have been in right?”

“Yes, I’m very aware of that. Here’s a little fun fact about me: I used to watch M and R rated stuff when I was just eight years old!”

Kit shook his head. “No wonder your ideas are so crazy, you must have something wrong with you.”

Cassie smiled. “You know, most likely.” She exhaled. “Wow, that feels really nice to let someone know.”


“Because it’s hard keeping things like that bottled up. I’d love to tell people that the stuff I watched as a kid really screwed my brain up. I learned about things kids just shouldn’t have and now that I’m much older, I understand how that’s shaped even the world’s I create on paper.”

“You’re not all bad all things considered.”

“Trust me, I know, I know I could have been a lot worse than I am now.” She paused. “Speaking of which, maybe I should really give in and embrace that. I should try and reclaim the bit I lost as a kid now.”

“And how would you expect to do that?”

“With this office, of course. It’s so drab and business-like. I wanna create something little kid me would have loved to work in!”

Kit listened as she went on about what she was going to do. “Honestly, the day I see that is the day I’ll know you’re really being truthful with your words.”

“Really? Then I guess it’s settled. Leigh isn’t gonna be happy at the renovation cost though.”

“That doesn’t matter to me, all that does is you don’t go back on your word.” Kit then got up. “If so, then it’ll be a pleasure every time I’m asked to return here.”

“Oh, we didn’t agree to anything though!”

“I know, I’ll be back the next time you’re free and by then you should be staring those renovations right?”

Cassie smiled and gave an eager nod. “By then, you won’t be the only one who knows about my little secret.”

Kit, amused by her words, said nothing as he made his way out of the office.

“Oh, you must think he’s gonna be good too because you’re craving the good stuff!” Cassie reached for her phone and eagerly dialed her husband’s number to give him the good news and to get her and her baby fed.

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8 months ago

“pregnante cat walk”

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4 years ago

Shout out to all the young women working at Walmart who had a one night stand and soon after missed her period and thinks she might be pregnant so takes a pregnancy test in the employee bathroom during her break and learns she is pregnant but manages to stop herself from crying until her shift is over so her racist and sexist boss doesn’t fired her

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1 year ago

Pregnancy Troubles - Part 1

A biting pain shot through her abdomen as Astrid was finishing the plates. She bit her lip to keep from making a pained sound. Her hand slid over her large belly; she was now at the beginning of the fifth month. “Astrid, is everything okay with you?” Astrid flinched for a brief moment, but in a matter of seconds found herself in the warm brown-green eyes of her mother Ingrid. “Yes, mother, I’m fine, just a little kick from the baby I think.”Her mother smiled gently and stroked her shoulder as she went back to the table where Valka, Eret, Grobber, Astrid's husband Hiccup, her two children and Astrid's father Magnus were sitting. Eret was just about to tell some of his stories about what it was like to live as a dragon hunter under the control of Drago Bloodfist. Astrid was just about to sit down at the table again when that breakneck pain shot through her abdomen again. She suppressed a gasp and grabbed the kitchen island for support. She caught Hiccup's eye, who seemed to have noticed her hesitation. Concern was reflected in his emerald green eyes again as she sat down next to him. He immediately reached for her hand. "What's wrong?" he whispered. “I…” Astrid was about to start when she was interrupted by Grobber’s loud yawn. “Eret, I think we should then?” His husband nodded and the two of them stood up to leave. Hiccup's mother followed suit. Zephyr and Nuffink, who had just been sitting snuggled up to their grandmother, rushed over to their parents. Hiccup took the tired Nuffink in his arms as they all went to the door to say goodbye and thank you for dinner. However, before Hiccup could walk out the door, he was stopped by his father-in-law, whose eyes were as blue as Astrid's and whose hair was also the same color as hers. He's as tall as Hiccup, but in contrast to his son-in-law, he could be compared to an ox because of his stature. Astrid's mother, on the other hand, was the complete opposite, small and petite with mousey brown hair. “Hiccup, I just wanted to say thank you again. I know I said this on your wedding day, but I couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law to take better care of my daughter." A soft smile danced across Astrid's lips as she watched her father and her husband while holding Zephyr's hand held. Her father had always had a problem with all boys who were interested in Astrid, but he immediately accepted Hiccup - or rather, immediately took him to his heart. "Thanks, Magnus, that means I fell," Hiccup smiled. Magnus patted Hiccup on the shoulder with his strong arms before walking over to Astrid.

There were only a few lights burning in the village as the little family made their way home, accompanied by a warm breeze. "So what did you want to tell me earlier?" Hiccup asked impatiently. Astrid, who had leaned her head on his shoulders, murmured: "I'll tell you when we've put the children to bed." Hiccup nodded and unlocked the front door to their House. After the two had put their children to bed, Hiccup helped his wife force herself into her nightgown. “So, Astrid, tell me,” he urged, his hand running over her bulging stomach. “I had pain in my abdomen,” she confessed to him. His eyes widened in horror and she felt him pull her closer to him. “But I’m okay now, I hope,” she assured him. “Please tell me immediately if you feel the pain again, okay?” he asked. Astrid nodded. "I will," she said, placing a loving kiss on Hiccup's cheek. “Come on now, I want to go to sleep.” A small smile played on his lips as he followed his wife into bed, where they cuddled together and fell asleep. She woke up with a start in the middle of the night, the pain in her abdomen worse than before. It burned like someone was plunging a cold knife into her warm flesh. The hair on her neck stood on, end followed by cold beads of sweat running down her temple. She gasped in agony, blackness filling the edges of her eyes. She had to wake Hiccup up. Immediately. “Hiccup, please wake up!” She barely had to wait a minute before her husband sat up in bed. He lit a candle. He stroked her arm. “Are you in pain again?” She nodded. "Good, I'll get your mother immediately." With these words he sprinted out of the room. Astrid struggled to get herself to the edge of the bed, trying to control her breathing and prevent herself from sinking into the darkness. “It’s all good, my little one, we can do it,” she whispered to her stomach. “We can do it. You can do it.” “Mommy?” Astrid spun around in shock, Zephyr and Nuffink were standing at the door. Hiccup probably accidentally woke them up when he stormed out of the house.

To be contioued….

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1 year ago

Pregnancy Trouble - Part 2

Her two children stood frozen in the doorway, their eyes darting around the room in alarm. “Mom, where is Dad? What’s going on?” Astrid sighed heavily and waved her children over. Zephyr took her little brother by the hand and walked with him towards their mother. A gentle smile crossed Astrid's face as she looked into her daughter's sapphire blue eyes, identical to hers but with concern reflected in them. Nuffink, her little Nuffink, hugged his sister close as he looked at his mother. “Come here,” she said, patting the blank page. Her children hopped onto the mattress next to her and each snuggled up on one side of her. She stroked both of their heads and watched reverently as they stroked her stomach with their small hands. For a moment she forgot that she was in pain, but that moment didn't last long as an unspeakably razor-sharp pain shot through her abdomen again. She gritted her teeth to suppress another pained moan. Her children weren't allowed to see how much she was suffering; she definitely didn't want to drag them along with her. Both of them were so sensitive and too small to understand what was happening to her. She didn't want to scare them. "Everything is good. Your father just went quickly to get your grandmother because I need her help for a moment.” Zephyr and Nuffink nodded. “Is there anything we can do to help you, Mom?” Zephyr asked. Astrid smiled and stroked her daughter's soft cheek. "You two, my darling, can only help me by staying here with me and just cuddling with me for a bit until your father comes back." The two nodded and cuddled even closer. Then she suddenly heard Nuffink's sniffling. "What's wrong, baby?" He rubbed his green eyes, which were sparkling with small tears. “Mommy, I’m scared for you.” She kissed his temple lovingly. “You don’t have to worry about me, Finky. I am a warrior and besides, your father is by my side and he is the bravest and most selfless man I know, he will take care of me. Everything will be okay again.” I hope, she thought. I really hope so. “Was dad always so brave?” Zephyr asked curiously. “Yes he was,” she said reverently. “When I'm fit again, I'll tell you some stories about his heroic deeds, I promise.” Zephyr and Nuffink smiled enthusiastically. With every minute that passed, Astrid felt her pain steadily increasing. Hopefully the baby was okay? She could never forgive herself if something happened to her unborn child in her womb. Astrid didn't know how much longer she could hide her grief. Hopefully Hiccup comes back soon. Then...all of a sudden she heard the front door slam open with a loud crash. Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs and just a few moments later Hiccup appeared in the doorway with Astrid's parents. "Zephyr? Nuffink? Why are you still awake?" she heard Hiccup's voice hurrying towards her. But before either of the two children could reply, Astrid intervened. "Hiccup, darling, they were just supporting me while you were away." She gently took one of his shaking hands and squeezed it tightly. He sighed heavily, his hand slowly stopping shaking as he took the tired Nuffink in his arms and held out his hand to his daughter. "Good. Then I'll put you two night owls back to bed. “Thank you for being there for your mother while I was away,” Astrid heard him whisper. Then her father suddenly came to the edge of the bed and put a hand on his son-in-law's shoulder. “Just leave it, Hiccup. I’ll put them both to bed, you stay with Astrid,” he said gently. Hiccup handed his son to Magnus and stroked his hair lovingly as always. "Sleep well, you two." Zephyr and Nuffink gave their parents a quick wave before they went out the door with their grandfather. Hiccup knelt in front of Astrid, placed both of his hands on her stomach and leaned his forehead against hers. “How do you feel?” She moaned in pain. "Not better. On the contrary, it got worse.”

sequel follows….

(Sry for again sequelbate you guys But Tumblr Said at One point that I can’t Continue the whole Prenancy Troubles Story with this Chapter)

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1 year ago

A new Life & the Beat of Young Hearts - Part 1 (Epilouge to the Pregnancy Troubles Chapters)

The sun was setting over the mountain peaks of New Berk, casting everything in a rich golden light. Astrid was now eight months pregnant and already quite tired from the long months of carrying her third child. With a good book that Hiccup had given her for her thirty-first birthday. It was a beautiful book in a beautiful leather strap with the Deadly Nadder's mark on the cover and filled with everything that reminded Astrid of her wild teenage years on Dragon's Edge up to the time when Zephyr was born. She traced over a heart of cobbled-together onyx and sapphire scales of Stormfly and Toothless that framed a drawing of her engagement necklace and above it was a small note:

Entry 23

Today is the day I can finally give Astrid her engagement gift, I hope she likes it. It's hard to believe that I asked for her to marry me two weeks ago and she actually said YES.

She smiled to herself and thought back to the many adventures she had spent out there with the love of her life and their mutual friends. She felt the baby moving in her stomach. She gently stroked her round belly and felt the little human inside her stirring. “Well, what do you say, my darling, are you as hungry as I am?” She felt a gentle kick against the skin of her stomach and she smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She clumsily pushed herself up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen. “Let’s see if we can help your daddy prepare dinner for your two siblings.” Astrid leaned against the doorframe and watched as her husband served the soup and then took care of cutting four slices of bread. Zephyr and Nuffink sat at the table, which was already set, and painted small dragon figures that they tried out for the badge from the Book of Dragons. Astrid put an arm around Hiccup's shoulders, she immediately saw a smile on his lips as she snuggled up to him. “Can I help you with something?” He stroked her back. “I have everything under control.” Astrid gave him a kiss on the cheek and tickled his beard, making him giggle while she nuzzled him a bit. “It needs some trimming again.” Hiccup smiled. “The few centimeters. But if you really want to? As long as you don't cut it off completely." "Don't worry, you look really sexy with that beard. I just don't want it to look like a possum died on your face." Hiccup could only grin at that. Hiccup took the soup spoon and stirred the freshly seasoned vegetable soup, giving his wife a conspiratorial sideways glance. Astrid walked over to the table and picked up the soup bowls so Hiccup could fill them with the freshly made soup. As she put the soup down, she stroked Hiccup's soft fabric of his tunic and listened to the beating of his strong heart beneath her fingers. Their eyes collided. "I hope everything will be okay," Hiccup whispered to her, his hand resting on her stomach. Astrid sighed: “I hope so too. I'm so tired already." "I know you're tired, Honey. Just hold on for another week, then the baby should come according to your mother." Astrid nodded and she and Hiccup sat down on the table where their children were already waiting impatiently so that they could finally eat. After dinner, the family decided to sit outside for a while every evening and enjoy the beauty of the warm summer night. But thousands of stars glittered above them in the deep black of the night like glistening salt crystals in mines. Zephyr jumped up and down excitedly as a shooting star flashed through the night. “Look Nuff, now we can make a wish for a shooting star!” “Oh, I wish for a shield for the next Snoggeltog,” gasped the little boy. “And what do you want?” Astrid asked curiously and nudged her husband on his biceps. "I'm not allowed to say birthday wish rule." Astrid rolled her eyes with a smile and leaned back. “How long have we been married now? And you don't tell your wife, who you've lusted after since we were little children, what you want." Hiccup laughed and stroked her thigh. “You know I’ll tell you everything. But...if I say it out loud, it usually doesn't come true." "Sure," Astrid said, watching carefully as Hiccup proudly smoothed his beard and looked at her with that conspiratorial look again. “But what if I want my beautiful wife to dance with me now?” He was immediately on his feet and held out his hand to her, of course Astrid couldn’t say no and let him pull her into his arms . "Hiccup, I'm not sure if dancing is right, I feel like a whale." He leaned closer to her, hugging her waist protectively. "And whales can sing beautifully." "Hiccup, darling, I can't sing," she corrected him with raised eyebrows. “Then you’re much more like a killer whale. Strong, intelligent, social and an unpredictable warrior of the ocean." Astrid laughed: "Fishlegs' new hobby of finding out everything about sea mammals must have rubbed off on you a bit." Hiccup sighed. "I'm just glad Snotlout has to listen to most of it now that they're married."

Sequel will follow…again

Sry for doing This again But I Haven’t figured out yet how to make more space in the document.

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11 months ago

this is so cute. Rick couldn't even surprise Michonne with a proposal because she knows him like the back of her hand ❤️

This Is So Cute. Rick Couldn't Even Surprise Michonne With A Proposal Because She Knows Him Like The

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1 year ago

i’m like violently against having kids but if leon kennedy got me pregnant suddenly im a stay at home mom who runs the pta

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6 years ago
Never Stop Believing In Yourself. You Are A Machine In Evolution. Everyday, Every Second. Dont Believe

Never stop believing in yourself. You are a machine in evolution. Everyday, every second. Don’t believe what others say. If you want to do a different thing, think different. Connect with people that think the way you think. Get away of those that slow you down. Photo taken by @photo_with_will yogalovers #yogatopia #acroyoga #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #nitpt #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #pregnant #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys (at Lisbon, Portugal)

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6 years ago
So This Baby Was Born And Was One Of The Last Birth Of 2018. He Isnt Just A Baby. He Is A Acrobatic Child

So this baby was born and was one of the last birth of 2018. He isn’t just a baby. He is a acrobatic child that will be raised with a different mindset. Sports, healthy food, etc. I’m so proud to be able to see him grow. Photo taken by @photo_with_will #acrolovers #acropedia #acroyoga #worldyoga #acroyogaeverydamnday #ypotw #acroyogaportugal #acroyogaeverywhere #yogalife #acroyogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #acroyogafun #yogaaddict #pregnant #gay #yogaintegral #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #lisbon #bendyguys (at Lisbon, Portugal)

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7 months ago

Wait, what?

My first skz story :D

Wait, What?
Wait, What?
Wait, What?

Bang Chan x fem!reader


“Wait, what?”


You’ve been feeling sick lately, vomiting and feeling nauseous. It could’ve easily been a cold or a fever, and that’s what you originally thought.

Until you were 6 days late on your period.

Channie knows you’ve been feeling sick, and he’s tried to comfort you as much as he could. But it’s hard when he’s an idol who is preparing for their next comeback. That’s obviously okay though, you can take care of yourself. Anyway, you went to the pharmacist and grabbed a box of two tests. When you got back home, you were shaking. You were scared.

What if I am pregnant?

What if he leaves me?

What if we can’t keep it because of his job?

Or, what if I need to stop overthinking and actually open the fucking box.

You finally opened the box and took one of the tests.


Just wait.

How much longer?


How about now?

Maybe now?

Or now?

Please be now!

Your phone timer finally went off, the alarm startling you.


The tears immediately fell, racing down your face like it was their life mission.

No. No no no no no. Please, please be false! Youre shaky hands scrabbled to grab the other one, chugging water until your stomach felt full. Finally, you took it.

Hurry up.

Please be false

Would he want a baby?

Or would he leave me?

Or would I be forced to get rid of it or leave him because of his public image?


The alarm went off again. You stopped walking back and forth and wiped a tear, looking at the test.

Still positive.


Your first instinct was to call your mom, but you didn’t want to freak her out. Mind the time difference, you didn’t want to wake her, or risk her not picking up. So you just walked over to your couch and hugged your knees, sobbing rapidly as your heart rate picked up. Soon, you were hyperventilating and your head was pounding.

This went on for 20 minutes until you finally snapped out of it, wiping your tears and snot on your sleeve. The sleeve of Channies hoodie. Your boyfriend. A famous idol.

And the father of your child.

You blinked for a moment and turned on your phone, spamming the password in and opening messages.

The big nosed bitch who stole my heart✨🌹🦘


Heyy what's up??

I know you're probably working at the studio still but please come to my apartment. I need you.

Is everything okay love???

I'm heading over now.

When Chan got to your place he immediately saw you spooning jello into your mouth as if it would run away. He nearly sprinted over to you and hugged you while on the couch. “Baby are you okay? What happened? Are you sick? Are you hurt? I left Changbin in charge of recording for now, you’re my top priority,” he rambled so quickly that it made your brain think he was mad at you. So you cried. “I’m- I’m sorry!” You sobbed, covering your face with your sleeves. Chan was confused, why are you apologizing? “Hey, my love, it’s okay, I didn’t mean to sound mad. Can you take a deep breath for me?” He rubbed your back as he calmed you down. He always had a way of calming you even in the worst situations.

“You wanna tell me what’s wrong now, yeah?” He asked gently. “I’m- I’m pregnant…” you nearly mumbled. Chan was shocked and he felt like time had stopped. “Wait- what?” He asked, his brain already knowing the answer but not really processing it. “I’m pregnant,” you said, a bit louder this time. “I…how far along?” He asked hesitantly. “I don’t know, I just found out….” You checked the time, “An hour ago.”

“Woah. Uhm, alright….fuck I don’t know what to say…do you want to keep it?” Chan asked, rubbing her thigh gently. “It’s our child. I mean, I could never just get rid of it and forget about it…” you responded shakily. “Yeah…?” He questioned before speaking, “I want to keep it. Keep him or her.”

“Really…?” You asked, wiping snot away from your puffy red face. “Really,” He confirmed, “I want to keep our baby. The life we made together.”

This only made you more emotional, tears making themselves known, appearing on your face like they had a plane to catch on your chin. “Hey, it’s okay, let it out…” her said softly. When you finally calmed down, he spoke again. “Do you want to tell the others now or later?” He asked. “Now…” you responded. “Okay…well, how about we go get some food for us, then go to the studio and tell the boys, hm?”

“Okay, but let me get dressed? I look like a wreck.”

“You look gorgeous.”

Part two?


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