Lense Flare - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
Incident Sorrounding A Joyous Celebration VIII
Incident Sorrounding A Joyous Celebration VIII

incident sorrounding a joyous celebration VIII

"Det finns optiska figurer som när man först ser dem tydligt framträder som någonting [...] men som när man studerar dem närmare visar sig vara någonting helt annat [...]" Stig Larsson - Tiden före och efter en plötslig insikt

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9 years ago
Beyond The Windowframe

beyond the windowframe

leaving the b/w - at least for this roll of film -, if you get such nice colours, why not use them... thus, no filter, no nothing

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4 years ago
Scenes From A Quarantine

scenes from a quarantine


På livets anrop rusar tiden till, förlängande sekunden då man sprängs. Hur fasan blåser in, hur skräcken blåser ut. Hur svårt det alltid är att söndersprängas.

Harry Martinson - Aniara (Sång 29)

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4 years ago
Land - 2019

Åland - 2019


fastnar alltid i en tanke i ett avsked i en sorg

trång tystnad hur kan något så stort förbli så åtsittande

(Heidi von Wright - from the collection “som om m”)

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3 years ago
So, Lets Rewind. I Was Going To Take The Night Train From Hamburg, I Promise, But This Trip Happened

So, let’s rewind. I was going to take the night train from Hamburg, I promise, but this trip happened so spontaneously that the train had been fully booked by the time I was looking for tickets. With the ferry being too slow I was left with flying. Airports sometimes bum me out because your doing a lot of waiting. But then again, your mind starts to wonder and you can get into the picture-taking spirit.

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