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Ultimate Spider-Man Meets Spider-Boy (A Spiderverse story idea)
-This idea involves Miles Morales discovering a Spider-anomaly (like himself) and becoming a mentor/big brother figure to said anomaly.-
I discovered the existence of Bailey Briggs (aka Spider-Boy), while browsing the Spiderman wiki, and thought he would be a perfect character to be in the Spiderverse movies. Or at the very least be in a Spiderverse fanfiction. And according to his comic series Bailey is also technically an anomaly like Miles Morales is in Across the Spiderverse. So, it would only be natural for two anomalous spider kids to find kinship in each other. So, without further ado here is my Fanfic Idea.
It's been four months since Miles defeated spot, saved his dad and the multiverse, as well as helped reform the Spider society. things with Gwen and the others are still a little tense between them but their healing slowly. And since he revealed his identity to his parents it has made mile's job as spider-man a little easier. then one day miles gets a call from Miguel saying that an unknown anomaly has appeared in his universe and to be on the lookout. After a bit of web swinging around the city miles discovers that the "anomaly" in question is a young spider kid named Bailey Briggs. Bailey explains to miles that in his dimension he was the sidekick to the Spider-man of his earth, but because of a fight with a Mysterio variant with actual magic, no one, not even his Spider-man, remembers he exists. (Similar to Spider-man: No Way Home) afterwards Spider-boy fell through a weird hole (presumably the spots doing) he ends up on Earth 1610 and expresses no interest in going back since he has nothing to go back to. feeling sympathy for the kid (because he is an anomaly as well) Miles decides to take the kid under his wing and act as a sort of mentor/big brother figure to bailey. Now the question remains is how long can Miles keep his new sidekick a secret from the rest of the Spider Society?
-to be clear Miles is trying to keep Bailey's existence a secret from the Spider Society out of fear for what they would do to him. Considering he was chased all over Nueva York for being an anomaly himself. Because of this Miles is able to work with the Society, but still doesn't quite trust them yet, not ever Gwen and Peter B. I mean he wants to trust them, but he is just afraid to. -Bailey would also have trouble opening up to others considering the last time he did everyone he knew forgot his existence and wasn't able to get those connections back because they thought he was crazy. So, he would probably be afraid that if he opened up to someone again, he would immediately be forgotten. -And like Miles, Bailey has extra spider powers besides the basics. he has venomous fangs, extra eyes that can appear and disappear at will, and a more evolved spider sense.

For more information on Bailey Briggs (aka Spider-Boy) visit the link below