Because Fabian Is A Simp For His Friends - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
hi i’d like to think that after his first day of school Fabian tells Cathilda how horrid the food was and she packs him a lunch every day. There’s always a nice little note about how proud she is of him and she always wishes him a good day. It’s very sweet. There’s almost always kippers in his lunch. Once Fabian brings his friends around she starts including snacks for all of them in it as well. And they’re very specific to each person’s taste because Cathilda is goddamn good at what she does. Because Fabian isn’t good at showing he loves people with actions, but Cathilda makes a mean chocolate chip cookie and an even meaner ants on a log, and Fabian is more than willing to share with his crew.
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listen fabian gift giving to his friends gives me life
fabian sees how hungry riz is all the fucking time and mentions it off-handedly to cathilda
and she starts packing a whole extra lunch just for riz
because fabian is a simp for his friends
he's such a sweet boy
i love him
fabian seacaster
cathilda the black
the bad kids
fantasy high
fantasy high sophmore year
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dimension 20 live