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7 months ago

I have SO MANY Risen OCs it’s insane and I can’t pick one so imma rapid fire one fact per Risen under the cut

Bitrik, my main Risen and Young Wolf (Awoken Hunter), is afraid of water. Season of the Deep was a nightmare for him lmao

Enjik-3, my in-game Exo Warlock, has metal wings that light on fire when she pops super. She always smells like burning metal

Alanor, my in-game Human Titan, used to be horribly racist towards Eliksni until he met an Eliksni Lightbearer named Ristrek who he developed a mad crush on

Speaking of Ristrek, he’s one of three Eliksni “brothers” who all wield the light. Ristrek himself is a bubble Titan and gives good hugs

Kirik is one of Ristrek’s brothers. He’s a multiclass Hunter, mostly doing arc but slowly learning others. He looks up to his big brother and Bitrik in equal measure, and has anxiety attacks that knock him out with the arc surges it makes

Tithariks is the youngest of the brothers, and is a pure Arc hunter. He has a hat made of an old shank chassis he found shortly after being rez’d for the first time. He also loves fishing, much to Bitrik’s chagrin

Ekira and Bonnie-21 are lesbians. Ekira is an Awoken Voidwalker, and Bonnie is a blade barrage Hunter. Ekira is perpetually freezing, so Bonnie acts as the space heater to her AC unit.

Qui’ora is a Psion Hunter who uses a specially-made Celestial Nighthawk to accommodate for her single eye. Her favorite planet is Mars, but she can’t really tell you why.

Rory is an Uluran Titan who specializes in arc. He also gives good hugs, and he’s trans! His helmet is modified to accommodate his tusks

Rorark is a Scarlet Hive Knight Titan that I haven’t fleshed out yet, but he and his partner Anviok are hired guns around the City

Anviok is a Scarlet Hive Acolyte Hunter and acts as Rorark’s cool head. They were killed in their first life by another Scarlet Hive for aligning with Savathûn during the swarm’s schism in Shadowkeep

Mazerunner is a weird dude. He’s not human (idk what he is), and he’s half Hunter half Warlock. He has ten eyes, gills, slits for mouths with mandibles underneath, and SO MUCH autism. He likes exploring the backrooms and going OoB.

Shifter isn’t human either. He’s a chimera, with limited shapeshifting. He has a HUGE crush on Misraakskel, and totally isn’t a self-insert


Nyariks is an Eliksni who founded a tattoo and decal shop in the City. He’s pioneered carving and painting Exo chassis

Aetis-1 is an Exoliksi who escaped from House Salvation and looked for shelter with House Light. She’s queer-platonic-partnered with Nyariks, and the two of them run the shop.

Routrisk-2 is a Splicer Devil Baron who was also Exo-ified, but unfortunately his model is half-working and stricken with mood swings from hormone imbalances prior to his conversion. He frequents the Exo repair shops in the city to try and fix himself, but it’s not looking good

Kiran Vastis: Human female, civvie, Exo “surgeon.” In WAY over her head, has no idea how Eliksni biologically operate. Ends up with a “deal” with Routrisk-2, but I’m not elaborating here ;)

Iphaksis is a Salvation vandal who’s kind of a dick. He likes to snipe, idk he’s just a reoccurring heel like Rahndel

Malisovek is a Scorn pseudo-Baron who leads a pack of Scorn Wretches. She specializes in glaives and being a nuisance.

Bal’akan is an inert Psion and Rorark and Anviok’s “handler.” He gets them jobs around the City. Real sleazy type dude, butts heads with Spider a lot.

Phoebetor is a Vex Goblin who learned to simulate and eventually wield the Light. It partnered with a pack of Risen who eventually purged an errant Taken swarm in the Infinite Forest

Might be silly but let me try. I want to hear about other people's guardians. A random fact about them, maybe just something as simple as what they'd carry along everywhere or a joke they like to tell

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7 months ago

made a lancer askblog/rp blog- @faulty-heat-vents

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6 months ago

you need to surround yourself with more transgenders ok

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6 months ago

please can we do inbox trick-or-treating this year. can we make that a thing on tumblr. please please please please please

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5 months ago

sorry i’ve been inactive lately, moving timeline accelerated real quick

last day in the house i’ve been in for like 14yrs is today

my pc is all packed away so no proper posting for a while

it’s 0032 and the company comes at 0800, i’m cooked

keep yourselves safe <3 -tired, scared shitless

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5 months ago


I'm not sorry for the person I'm about to be when revenant drops btw

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7 months ago

The thing I hate most about transhumanism discourse are the appeals to "humanity". Like, "are you less human if you have cybernetics?" and "does it affect your humanity if you change your genes?"

And I just.. Look man, I'm trans, disabled, and autistic. Half the world already barely considers me human, on a good day.

So I don't think it makes sense to get mad at me for wanting fangs and a gender you can pick up on a Geiger counter.

You're yelling about this being a slippery slope, and meanwhile you pushed me down it. You can't justify annoyance at me deciding to go "weeee" all the way down.

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7 months ago

(Girl who has no frame of reference voice) I'm pretty sure it's normal to get kind of dysphoric about not having machine parts. Like I think everyone feels restricted by the shackles of the flesh at least once

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7 months ago

hey man i get that it’s your thing but you are making people uncomfortable by, and these are your words, “blair witching it” in the corner

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7 months ago

people like to bring up things like "all your loved ones would die before you" as a concern re: immortality. But the real danger for me would be that i'd literally never get anything done again. I'd adopt the elvish lifestyle immediately. Not doing anything in a week that could be done in a century. Not getting anything done in a century that can be done in 10 centuries. Spending the next 100 years reading 1 book very slowly because i have infinite time and don't care.

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7 months ago

It’s weird how everyone hating you when you’re nine years old still affects your self esteem when you’re 26 like yeah nobody came to my birthday party but that was like 17 years ago why is it stopping me from going to a gay bar

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7 months ago

we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why not....it's my cake....?

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7 months ago

All body is body horror because having a body is scary. All psychology is psychological horror because thinking is scary. All survival is survival horror because being alive is scary.

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7 months ago

life update: august is slipping away into a moment in time and there's nothing i can do about it

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7 months ago


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3 years ago


Me: Getting excited about Hamilton Hodell's new insta story, bc this time they will surely announce Katie's new project.

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3 years ago

What if,

we are living in a multiverse and the fics we are creating are just stories from other universes which come to our mind because we can catch some of the frequencies from other worlds? Like an old radio we all once had?

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