Ben 10 Art - Tumblr Posts

It’s the witch queen herself. Charmcaster!!! I’m trying different art apps to get a less pixelated line art and I still don’t know what I’m doing.
anyways the little fox golem is her familiar kumiho

Ben 10 but it’s Pokémon. That’s it that’s the idea. The poketrix??? Idk can turn Ben into slightly mutated versions of Pokémon we know and love and when I say mutated I mean like the transformations look different enough to be recognizable while not looking so different to the point that you can’t tell what Pokémon it is. So Ben and Gwen are given their starters by grandpa max before Ben finds the watch( created by professor azimuth). Gwen’s starter was a skitty while bens was an eevee for obvious reasons. Of course both Ben and Gwen want to be champion. Ben can collect the dna of specific Pokémon by catching them.
his transformations would be
hisuian arcanine as wildmutt machamp as fourarms froakie as greymatter cyclizer as xlr8 alolan sandslash as diamondhead dusknoir as ghostfreak yanmega as stinkfly Mightyena as Benwolf ( I wrote benwolf because I reject the name blitzwolfer) And that’s all I got

just a lil reference sheet for Ben probably not the final but hey ya never know. I’ll most likely be doing this for the other 5 main characters Gwen Lucy scarlet cooper and lux so prepare for some samey-ness( not a word but idk how else to describe it without sounding boring) I’ll obviously try to differentiate them as I much as I can but just a warning.

just some doodles of scarlet since I don’t post all that much about her but I do draw her a lot

Its hero time!!!
Updated version of bens ref sheet

“ its not a tank doofus its a fully automated urban assault vehicle”

“ somebody put a flea collar on this mutt”

“Need a hand, I’ve got four”

action poses with benny( this child is no doubt a menace to society and i love him for it)

"Who are you calling miniature?"

"You think that's cool? Watch this!"

“My watch says its time for an Upgrade”
I might come back to this one as I’m not quite satisfied with it but its good for now

Without background
Ben 10 themes
For me personally I think the classic is the best with omniverse and RAT tying for second

Some lil Ben 10 doodles + my designs for Kai and skurd

“What comes around goes around”
I’ll be reposting the other designs with the updated background so apologies to anyone who follows me and have seen these already