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6 months ago

Ben 10: Biomatrix

Ben 10: Biomatrix

(Warning: this is a little long)

Ben Tennyson was 16 when he found a broken Omnitrix in the woods while on a camping trip with some teammates, celebrating their victory in the last game of the season. As he tried to get it off, Ben accidentally activates the device and transformed into an amalgam of himself and a Pyronite. After some mishaps, and a fight with a giant robot looking for the watch, Ben decided to use it to help if/when the opportunity came.

Gwen Tennyson was invited to go camping by Ben as a way to help get her mind off of college exams; though the two weren't close, Gwen took up the offer, reminded of their road trip with Grandpa Max. At the camp site, Gwen was the one to spot the impending forest fire from Ben's transformation, and was the first one to rush to help, discovering Ben, and giving him the idea to create a backfire to stop the original.

JT Mackleroy used to bully Ben after befriending Cash Murray, but changed his tune when Cash voiced his unconcern for anyone caught in the forest fire, let alone Ben or Gwen. Following Gwen to help, JT brought a pair of fire extinguishers to try and douse the fire before it got out of hand, but it was too big by the time he arrived, so just kept the flames at Bay while Ben and Gwen tried coming up with a plan. afterwards, JT apologized for bullying Ben and even wanted to try and be friends again.

After that camping trip, Ben, Gwen, and JT team up when something would happen in or around town: Ben is the muscle, using any one of ten transformations in the newly dubbed Biomatrix; Gwen is the informant, using her research abilities to find any bit of information no matter how minute; and JT is the equipment guy, his time as the Soccer teams equipment manager giving him an insight into any and all items that may come in handy.

Ben 10: Biomatrix
Ben 10: Biomatrix

Because the Biomatrix is damaged, it doesn't fully transform Ben, but the effect on each alien varies, along with how complete each transformation is.

Hot Shot: Ben's first alien, and arguably the most complete due to how little of "Ben" is left once the transformation is "done", being a few inches taller than Ben, but is still primarily, physically a Pyronite. Abilities include limited Pyrokinesis and heat resistance and detection.

Wildmutt: The transformation is more of a 60/40 split, making Ben look like a Vulpimancer werewolf, and because of this, can talk, though not well, utilizing short simple sentences only when he needs to. Abilities include echolocation, enhanced sense of smell, enhanced strength and flexibility.

Diamondhead: Petrosapien crystals form pieces of armor around Ben rather than actually becoming Ben but aren't as tough as normal Petrosapien crystal. Abilities include crystal generation, enhanced durability, and weapon formation originating from the crystal gauntlets.

XLR8: Due to some of the more important biological features of Kinecelerens are missing from the transformation, XLR8's top speed is a fraction of what a normal Kineceleren can move, but is still incredibly quick, topping out around 200 miles an hour. Abilities include enhanced speed and perception, and limited enhanced durability.

Cerebrum: Even with the partial transformation, Cerebrum is still the smartest alien in Ben's arsenal, but isn't as smart or as small as other Galvans, surpassing the average but is nowhere near the top, and stands at an even two feet tall. Abilities include enhanced intellect and mechanical knowhow.

Tetraman: For some reason, because of the incomplete transformation, the Biomatrix improperly scales the power of a Tetramand to Ben, giving Tetraman more power than natural Tetramands have, while being much smaller in size and stature, standing just under eight feet tall compared to the natural 10-12 feet. Abilities include enhanced strength, stamina, durability, dexterity, and sight.

Flyboy: An odd combination, Flyboy would remind you of some horror character fusion of man and insect, which makes Flyboy one of four transformations useful for interrogations. Abilities include flight, enhanced sight, goo generation from eyes, tail doubles as blade.

Angler: Due to the transformation being incomplete, Angler can stay out of water longer than regular Piscciss Volann's, but not by much, so Ben tries not to use him too much on land but keeps extra water on hand just in case. Abilities include enhanced swimming, strength, and durability, underwater breathing, jaw can unhinge for powerful bites.

Upgrade: The Galvanic Mechamorph primarily takes the shape of Ben, and leaves most of Bens clothes untouched compared to the other transformations, but because of the incomplete transformation, Upgrade can't fully merge with technology, leaving the primary body exposed while the "arms" are engaged. Abilities include technokinesis, "eye" laser, limited plasticity, enhanced durability.

Specter: Something about the transformation keeps Ben from using it too much, describing it as being like someone is always behind him, trying to tell him something; Ben really doesn't like using it, even if the situation calls for it. Abilities include phasing, possession, and flight.

If anyone has any questions or transformations they want to see, feel free to send me some asks, my inbox is open.

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1 year ago

Wildpup 🐕

Hands You This

Hands you this

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1 year ago
Some Doodles Of My Design For Ben. I Mainly Changed His Skin Tone To Be Tanner Than Gwens Since Hes Outside

Some doodles of my design for Ben. I mainly changed his skin tone to be tanner than Gwen’s since he’s outside a lot more and he plays baseball and presumably soccer. I also gave him Velcro shoes because despite playing and enjoying sports mans is lazy and would totally be a Velcro kid

Some Doodles Of My Design For Ben. I Mainly Changed His Skin Tone To Be Tanner Than Gwens Since Hes Outside

As for the aliens I only redesigned a couple of aliens. For Ditto I leaned more into the omniverse design since I liked the more mole like motifs and just added some patterns. For greymatter and buzz shock I added mor elements from bens design for buzzshock it was a patter similar to bens jacket and greymatter with the sharper stripe down his head since Ben generally has spikier hair.

wild mutt on the hand is the only one where I changed the main colour because I wanted to make the fur a more brownish orange and changed the direction the spikes go in the opposite direction to look more like bens hair. Also all of bens aliens inherit bens chipped tooth( well the ones that have teeth)

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1 year ago



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1 year ago


Get back you flea infested mongrel!

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11 months ago
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)
Ben 10 Aliens By Valentino Lasso, An Illustrator, Visual Developer, And Character Designer (Lassos Website)

Ben 10 Aliens ✳️ By Valentino Lasso, an Illustrator, Visual Developer, and Character Designer (Lasso’s Website) (Instagram)

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5 months ago
"i'm Not Gonna Hurt You"

"i'm not gonna hurt you"

Drawing human is hard 🫤 but anyway, these are my ocs, gonna chance the desing a little, but anyway, this is a female Vulpimancer called Beanie, she was taken away from her planet, for experiments by robots, which it made her very inteligent, in a way that she can understand human language and communicate through signs, and understand machines easily, but still acts like a dog and can't reconize letters or numbers, besides being agressive, she can be very docile when she trusts someone

Anyway, about Hazel (the girl) i was trying to make her lore but it wasn't good so i'm still thinking, but these two are gonna meet each other, and Beanie will trust her and they'll help each other to escape, on earth, Beanie must be kept hidden from everyone while strange anomalies are making problems and they need to stop them

Since I was a child I really liked Wildmutt, along with Ghostfreak, but I liked Wildmutt more, and I don't know exactly why I like him so much, if he looks like a dog or something like that, I don't know, no reason, because compared to the other aliens he wasn't that special, but I like him a lot and he's one of my favorite aliens in the entire Ben 10 franchise, and I think he and the other Vulpimancers deserve all the attention and love, I'm going to change Beanie's design a little according to the Vulpimancer using for example their mouth which is different because of the radiation, also based on a video I saw analyzing the species, even studying biology to explain them, not proven to be canon, but it makes a lot of sense

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