Sbg X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Hey this is my first time requesting with you and I LOVE you're sbg stories so I just wanted to ask

How would the sbg character make out with reader?

It's ok if it makes your uncomfortable to do and you don't wanna do it 👌 do what makes you comfortable😄❗️

Thank you if you do it!

-by iluvoptimus!

hiii I'm so glad you like my sbg posts and thanks for the request! 😊

Warnings- making out, very short, I'm not gonna do one for logen because I don't think he'd really do that sorta thing? Idk I just can't see it sorry



I feel like she'd be very nerves but wouldn't show it?

It might take her a while to get comfortable but eventually she's actually pretty good at it

She wouldn't go to far when you guys are making out just a lot of kissing I think

I'd have to be somewhere far away from people catching you or she wouldn't do it

Also making out with her is probably something that rarely happens because of how focused she gets on school and the phantom realm

She probably won't be the one to start the make out sessions so I'd have to be you most of the time to start it

But maybe very very rarely she might start one but it's a big maybe



I think the first time you guys make put he's very nerves but refuses to show it lol

I think he'd get used to it kinda quickly and he'd go crazy, like all out with like his tongue in your mouth and stuff like that?

For the first few times I think he'd be kinda careful about where you guys are making out because he doesn't wanna get caught

But progressively throughout the relationship he'd take risks and do it in places where there's a chance in getting caught because he's a little daredevil and likes the thrill



It'd take him a while to get used to it because of how nerves he is

But eventually he'd kinda get used to it

He'd be very stiff and very hesitant at first because he dosent want to make you uncomfortable in any way

But eventually he'd get comfortable and he'd actually be pretty good at it

He probably wouldn't go as far as his tongue in your mouth and stuff like that at all

I also think he'd be very gentle with you no matter what like his touch like on your side or face are feather light even though he's such a big dude he's scared to hurt you



I think the first few times he's very gentle with you making sure your comfortable with what he's doing not stepping any boundaries

After a while though he'd kinda just take the lead making it a little heated ig?

I think he'd just get a little rougher after a while but not enough to hurt you at all

I can see him maybe slipping his tough into your mouth at least once in your relationship

He'd be very careful where you guys end up making out because he dosent want to get caught

Also might not be something that happens often because of how focused be gets on taking care of taylor, his baseball games/practices, and the phantom realm



Its kinda hard to tell with taylor for me but ik she'd be very gentle every time

Pretty careful where you guys make out because she dosent wanna be caught

I don't think she'd go to far in your make out sessions but maybe if you do she might be ok with it

She's very very careful around tyler and makes sure he isn't around because he'd beat your ass if he caught you

I'm sorry this is so short I really don't know about taylor:,)


again sorry for not doing logen but I hoped you liked it!

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6 months ago

Sbg main six with reader that’s good with kids? Or really just really motherly?

-✨ Anon


hii again!! Thanls for the request! you always manage to make me smile 😭

Warnings- non I think



The first time she sees you being motherly is when you convince her to go on a walk near the park

As you where walking some random kid walked up to you with this bright innocent smile asking if you can push them on the swings

Which you happily agree to as ashlen is just watching the interaction not really knowing what to do

As you follow the kid over the the swings and give them a few pushes ashlen thought it was actually kinda cute from how nice you are around kids

She probably wouldn't actually say that but she's definitely thought it



The first time he'd see it is when your over at his house to hang out and his little cousin Lilly walked in (I think thas her name?)

You where probably watching some movie with him in his room, though he only agreed if it was a movie he picked, which was one of the spider-man movies because you said no to any other gore filled movie lol

You weren't to far into the movie when Lilly walked in asking if she could watch to which you happily said yes to since spider-man is a good movie for her age (I think?)

Then you and Lilly kinda talk about the movie the while time

Which aiden did get a little jealous because he's lost your attention-

But! He thought it was super cute to, I mEan the love of his life and his cousin getting along so well? It's adorable! (Even if he loses your attention-)



Again you'd probably be over at is house watching some movie in his room (that's calmer then a marvel movie just some sweet movie you found that looked good)

He left to get some popcorn and did come back with some but also with his little cousin

You thought she was so cute and you offered to let her watch the movie with you and Ben

That's how she ended up sitting in Ben's lap and you next to Ben leaning on his shoulder as you all watch the movie, you and Lilly talking every so often

Ben thought it was so cute that you both got along so well

He was sure to bring her over more often when you where around cuz you loved her so much and Ben loved that about you



Hed probably see you be motherly when taylor and you made him go to the park with you both

Some random kids would walk up to you asking if you wanted to play with them

Which you happily said yes to

Taylor joined in to as tyler sat off to the side watching

It was actually adorable to him how you where so nice to these little kids and he mightve fell harder for you in that exact moment

Just the fact you where so motherly was so awesome to him he loved it so much and is probably a huge reason why he loves you so much

Though may possibly get jealous from losing your attention



Again it's probably at the park when she sees you be motherly for the first time

Some random kids probably walked up to you asking if you wanted to play or something like that which you happily agreed to

She thought it was the cutest thing in the world, I mean who wouldn't think that? The love of her life getting along with so many kids so well? Cutest thing ever

And she loves to hang out with she's kids with you

Just playing there random games and simply having fun us the best thing to her

It might be one of the number 1 things she's gotta love about you



Again at the park lol

Some random kid would walk up to you asking if you can push them on the swings so which you happily said yes to

Logen just kinda watched with a smile thinking it was actually pretty cute how well you where around kids

He'd only be able to watch for a few minutes or so until some other kid drags him in to

Which results in you and Logan spending the day playing with a bunch of little kids and having fun

That day would probably be one of his favorite days with you and probably has a few pictures he took of you having fun with the kids


I hope you liked it!! I still have 2 more requests to do lol so expect at least one more today!

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6 months ago

HEYYYYYY!!!!! :3 if your still taking requests then would you be up for writing a SBG main six with like a drop dead gorgeous S/O that tends to get a lot of attention from people. Example: gets approached and flirted with a bunch?

-⭐️ anon


P.S: im literally listening to party rock anthem/party rockers right now😆

hiii!!! Thank for the request and these reminders always end up putting a smile on my face thank you 😭 also party rockers is such a good song lol-

Warnings- jealous sbg gang, astablished relationship, some posable swearing, a mix up of guys and girls flirting/talking to reader, most likely spelling errors



So you ashlen and the gang where walking down the school halls to your next class, you where just talking to ashlen and aiden when this guy walked up to you

"Hey there gorgeous"

"Oh uh hey"

I stand there with a slight awkward smile as this guy talks to you and ashlen is giving this guy a glare that if it could kill he'd be dead already

"Uhh ash you ok..?"

Aiden said noticing her glare getting a little nerves from it himself, ashlen dosent respond as she continues glaring g daggers at this guy who hasn't even noticed

"I was wondering maybe we can hang out some time? Get to know each other?"

The guy said with a flirty smile leaning closer

"Oh uhm sorry im-"

"Their taken"

Ashlen butted in and the guy finally noticed her instantly getting nerves under her glare as she stood next to you

"Shit- sorry sorry!"

The guy quickly ran off and ashlen just rolled her eyes continuing the walk to class you and the rest of the group shocked but followed behind her

The rest of the day she stayed pretty close to you and any time she saw that guy he was getting death glares



You aiden and the rest of the groupwhere at the arcade (not the same day as when barron was there) everyone was kinda scattered doing there own thing and playing games, you went to go to the bathroom when some guy stopped you

"hey there"

"Oh hi"

The guy smiled at you as he introduced himself and you not wanting to be rude introduced yourself to

Aiden on the other hand noticed quickly that you where talking to a guy, he watched for a moment and once this guy got just a little to close to you he walked over

"Anyways, maybe you wanna hang out sometime? Get to know each other?"

"Oh uh-"

"Who you talking to?"

Aiden said with his usual smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the guy

"Oh hey aiden what'cha doing?"

"Oh uhm is this your-?"

"Im their boyfriend, and you where taking a while I thought I'd come check on you"

He said as he gave the guy a small glare which quickly made him leave ou alone, then looked at you as if nothing happened

"Hey wanna play air hockey with me?"



You guys where at school, yall where just chilling in one of the halls before heading back to your houses when this girl walked up to you

"Hii omg your soo pretty!"

"Oh thank you"

The girl smiles at you and you smile back just introducing each other

Ben on the other hand is trying to stay out of it for now after all your just talking to this girl, right?

Wrong, some how she ending up flirting with you and you where completely oblivious at thus point

"Wow I really love your hair! Maybe we should hang out sometime and do each other's hair or something"

Before you could say anything ben wrapped his arms around you from behind giving the girl a annoyed look

"Oh! Ben do you need somthing?"

"O-h uhm who's this big guy..?"

"He's my boyfriend ben"

You say with a soft smile as ben just gives the girl a small glare to which she quickly leave

"O-oh look at he time I've gotta go!"

Ben tightens his hold on you slightly before grabbing his phone and typing on it for a sec before showing you

"We should go to, before we miss the bus"

"Oh i didn't even notice the time let's go"



You where at one of his baseball practices to support him when one of his teammates approached you

"Oh hey there! Enjoying the practice so far?"

the guy said with a smile as he sat next to you

"Ya it's been a good practice today"

This interaction didn't take long for tyler to notice as he quickly made his way over

"Ay, why aren't you practicing?"

He said to his teammate with a glare which is returned with a smile

"Calm down dude I'm just talking to this pretty person!"

"Well that 'pretty persen' is taken jackass!"

Yeaa you quickly had to pull tyler away to make sure he didn't start a fight with this guy, and when he got back to the practice once you calmed him down he wouldn't stop glaring at that guy and keeping a close eye on him making sure he wouldn't flirt with you again



You guys where at school, you just left your guy's class when thus girl walked up to you

"hey there!"

"Oh, Hi"

You smile at the girl who smiled back at you, Taylor's standing a little off to the side watching the interaction

"Your soooo cute!"

"Oh uhm thank you"

"Maybe we should hang out some time to get t know each other Maybe"

Taylor noticed as she started to flirt with you instantly steping in and grabbing your hand

"Actually their taken!"

"Oh uhm sorry but-"

She wouldn't let the girl finish her sentence as she pulled you away holding your hand tightly



You guys where out on a walk just hanging out and talking when this guy walked up to you

"Hey there pretty thing"

"Oh um hi"

The guy continued to introduce himself to you as you stand there awkwardly not wanting to be rude and Logan stands there looking at the guy waiting to see if he gets the hint your not interested

"Anyways maybe we should hang out some time, idk get to know each other?"

"Sorry I'm actually taken"


"Ya they have a boyfriend thats right here"

He gave the guy a small glare as he grabs your hand pulling you away from the dude maybe even mumbling about about him not getting the hint as you two walk


Second request done!!! :D I hope you liked it!! The third request will wither be out later today or tomorrow

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6 months ago

hi I'm not sure if you have done this already/ if you are still taking requests but if you are could you please do the SBG group reacting to the reader coming out as trans masc please? thank you so much for making these I really enjoy reading :3

hiii thanks for the request and I'll try my best with this I don't know everything about trans people but I know some!

Warnings- probably spelling errors, nothing to bad



Shed probably be a little confused on what that is so youd have to explain what being trans is

Once she kinda gets an idea of it she's still supportive and probably mixes up your pronouns accidentally at first but eventually gets the hang of it

She'd be supportive on any look/style you'd want to try and give honest opinions when you want her to

Either way still treats you the same way and trys her best to support you!



I think he might have a small idea of what being trans is or have some terrible misconsumption about it saying something bazar 😭

After you explan it a bit better to him he's completely supportive

I feel like he'd definitely either joke about becoming trans himself or send you trans memes all the time

Since he's rich and all I can see him buying you things to help you transition I to being trans (is that the right word?)

Like he'd buy you a binder if you wanted one and that sorta thing

Definitely would let you take some of his clothes if you wanted to try out his style



Probably either knows absolutely nothing on what being trans is or knows a good amount of what it is

You might have to explain some of the details and Ben would also probably do a little bit of research on it himself just to make sure what it is

Either way though he's 100 percent supportive!

He'd give honest opinions on anything you ask him like if whatever style would look good on you and what not

He'd also let you borrow some of his shirts if there not huge on you (which most likely are)



You'd definitely have to explain it to him because he'd have no clue

If he did know what that was he'd definitely thought it was a joke on YouTube or something

But after you explained it to him he was supportive

He'd let you borrow his shirts more and give you opinions on what styles look good on you

He'd be a little sceptical at first thinking it was a prank or something but when he figures your telling the truth he's supportive 100 percent

Also later he realized he's technically gay now



I think she'd be the once to know the most of what trans is compared to the whole group

Shed be sooo supportive and take you on shopping sprees when she should and help you figure out your style

Shed love helping you figure out how to cut your hair and how to dress that sorta thing

Shed be such a good girlfriend no matter what gender you re she loves you just the same



he might know a small amount on what being trans is

Though you still might have to explain it a bit and he'd do some research on his own about it

He'd be super supportive and lend you some of his clothes whenever you wanted

Would definitely recommend some styles if you asked

He'd make sure you where comfortable with yourself all the time when he figerd out how much hate they get

Will love you either way <3


Hope you liked it!!! Also shout out to all my trans readers your all valid and awesome!!!! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🩷

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6 months ago

HEYYYYY, saw you recent post and LOVED THEM. You up for doing SBG with really tired S/O? Example: always napping, even in public. S/O would just like lay on them and nap

⭐️ anon

yesss!!!! I love this idea its actually how I would be like around my partner if I had one 🥲

Warnings- probably spelling errors cuz I'm to lazy to go fix them



She wouldn't really mind whenever you just fall asleep near her

On her though she might be a little awkward but will never push you off of her

When it's just you two and you just decide to take a nap next o her she might take a nap with you (cuz all these kids need it bro)

In public it really just depends

if there's little people around (and aiden isn't there) she'd take a small nap with you

If there's lots of people she probably would just try her best to keep you up until there in a better place with less people and probably no aiden

Speaking of aiden again I think she'd give him hella glares if he trys to wake you up with a prank or something she's not letting that happen

Especially in the phantom realm she wants you to get as much sleep as you can when your just chilling in the phantom realm she dosent want you to tired more then you are



Itd probably be pretty hard to fall asleep around him but if you do bed think it's so cute!

Buuuuut aiden might pull some pranks on you somtimes when you fall asleep near him

When he dosent though he'd just let you sleep (cuz yall desperately need it fr) and he'd go do his own thing that may or may not be stupid (it 100 percent is)

Though if you fall asleep on him like leaning on his side or your head in his lap thats a different story!

If he dosent feel like pranking you he'd try his hardest to stay still and let you sleep

Even though it's a little hard with his adhd he trys

He most likely plays with your hair when you lay on him to help keep himself occupied and not wake you

If your in public and fall asleep near/on him I think he'd 100 percent just carry you to wherever your going next instead of waking you



Hed love to just nap with you all the time

If it's just you two hanging out and you fall asleep on him he's asleep with you

Even in public if there's not many people he'll nap with you

Bit if there's alot of people he probably won't unless the rest of the group is there

Speaking of the rest of the group ben definitely has to make sure aiden doesn't wake you up because aiden would definitely do that -_-

Also he'd be awesome to sleep against, he'd be like a giant warm pillow It'd be awesome I don't blame anyone for wanting to cuddle him tbh

Back on topic lol, I think just like aiden he'd carry you if you fall asleep and they needed to go somewhere, he'd just scoop you up easily and they'd be on there way lol



When it's just you two he'd love to just cuddle and nap with you

Like when you two have a study date at his house and you fall asleep? He's cuddling with you once he finishes, he also makes sure you finish to

But in public he'd probably act annoyed but will never push you away or wake you up

He'll only wake you up when you have to get going or somtimes carry you

He also acts like a guard dog any time you fall asleep and makes sure nobody wakes you up especially aiden

If it's cold out and you fall asleep near him he'll probably lay his jacket over you

And if you lay on him in public he'll put his arm over you to make sure you don't fall or something but still acts annoyed and probably fights with aiden when he teases him



Shed think it's soooo cute whenever you just fall asleep near or on her

No matter where you guys are shell always just admire you when your asleep

If you fall asleep on her when it's just you two she might just play on her phone or something while stroking your hair

if you fall asleep on her in public shel try her hardest to sit still and make sure your comfortable until she has to wake you up

She makes sure nothing will wake you up because she knows you and the rest of the group desperately need sleep fr

Somtimes if your really tired and fall asleep on her in public she'll ask tyler or Ben to carry you

She definitely has a bunch of pictures he took of you sleeping in random places and on her she thinks it's so cute



He'll make sure to be quiet whenever you fall asleep near or on him

I fell like every time you fall asleep on him he blushes at least a little bit

In public he trys to let you sleep as long as you can before gently waking you up by like stroking your hair/cheek gently

When it's just you two he will most likely fall asleep with you just cuddled up next to you being extra careful to not wake you

He trys his hardest to not let aiden wake you when you guys are with the group but he'd need Ben's help to keep aiden away

I fell like he'd stroke your hair a lot when your asleep as if you where a cat

Might also offer you his hoodie to use like a blanket some days


Hope you liked it!!!! I've still got a few more requests to do so expect more posts randomly lol

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6 months ago

SBG main six with S/O that’s always cold? Example: clings onto them for warmth, wears there hoodies/sweaters, tends to stay snuggled up in blankets.

-✨ anon


hiiiiii!!! Love the request and don't worry I will!! :D also sorry I'm taking so long to answer these requests I've been busy 😅

Warnings- probably spelling errors, that's it I think



At first she'd act so awkward lol but wouldn't do much to push you away

Shed probably like your warms almost as much as you like hers so you both just cuddle alot sometimes when it's just the 2 of you

Shed probably keep an extra sweatshirt stashed in her dad's car for you and just give them to you randomly if you're cold

Also secretly thinks you look adorable wrapped up in blankets randomly in her house/your house

Will bring you blankets to wrap yourself in at her house and might cuddle with you to



Finds it so cute whenever you cling to him for warmth

Though you can't usually cling to him as often when he's trying to do some random stunts or something

But if you cling to him before that happens he might stay with you and let you cling to him

He'd probably be that type of guy to purposely leave his sweatshirts at your house just to see you wear them

Will also hand one to you if you asked (will most likely give you the one he was wearing in that moment)

Also thinks you look so cute when your wrapped up in blankets if your at his house he'll give you like a million blankets and cuddle with you lol



Whever you going to him he just hugs you/ cuddles you which would be so cute 😭

Hed probably be like a human furnace and super comfortable to cuddle with so if your cold no problem!

Hed 100 percent give you his goodies if you asked but they'd probably be huge on you lol

Will wrap you both in a bunch of blankets and cuddle with you

Also thinks it's so cute any time you cling to him or when your wrapped up in blankets

you both probably at least once fell asleep together in the randomest spot when you both cuddle



Hed probably get flusterd out in public and act annoyed or be like super protective and shamless when you cling to him

Will probably let you borrow his sweatshirts especially his jersey jacket/number (basically his baseball number + his name on it)

You two probably fall asleep cuddling alot at his/your house

He also thinks it's cute and funny when you wrap yourself in a bunch of blankets and probably has pictures of it

He has at least once cuddled with you with a bunch of blankets wrapped around you both



She loves it whenever you cling to her for warmth

She thinks it's so cute and she gets to cuddle you more who wouldn't love that?

Probably makes sure to bring an extra sweatshirt for you at the graveyard just in case

Also loves cuddling with you wrapped up in a bunch of blankets

she probably also has a bunch of pictures of you two cuddling and ones of you sleeping when she thought you looked cute

Definitely falls asleep with you alot at the graveyard so somone in the group constantly have to wake you two up if somethings happening



He also loves it whenever you cling to him

I can see him being a very comforting presence and also surprisingly warm?

He'll let you cling to him whenever and probably brings an extra sweatshirt for you or stashes on in the graveyard

Also he probably has a few pictures of you guys cuddling or of you sleeping like taylor (not in a weird way just to clarify)

Also thought it was kinda funny the first time he found you wrapped up in a bunch of blankets

Definitely cuddles with you under a bunch of blankets while watching a movie or something resulting in you both falling asleep together like halfway through the movie


Hope you liked it!!! Again sorry it took a while 😅 for the other people who requested don't worry I am still doing your requests just be patient!

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6 months ago

Hi, not sure if your taking requests or if this to weird to ask for, but could you do SBG main six with S/O that just likes to sit in between there legs? They just sit in between there legs still facing them and just laying there head on there leg/thigh?

If this is to weird or far for you then ignore this!!!

hiiii!!! Thanks for the request and sorry this took so long I've been busy 😭

Also think this is kinda cute? If that makes sense...

Warnings- probably spelling errors, other then that nothing I think?



Would probably be like "what the heck?" When you first sat between her legs casually

Would be very confused but won't push you away much

Might kinda like pet your head awkwardly and just continue whatever she was doing

If other people are around or the gang aiden would definitely teases you both tyler Might to

That might result in some fights/arguments between them but it's something that yall are used to

She probably has like an awkward blush? Does that make sense? Idk



Hed give you a confused look but his smile would still be on his face cuz it's aiden -_-

Definitely would tease you about it after a while

Might kinda pet your head a bit or play with your hair

Will take so many pictures and send them to the gc at the randkmest times just to embarrasse you

Him and tyler Definitely have fought/argued because tyler made some comment about you laying between aidens legs



Just kinda sits there like "what-?" When you sit between his legs

He won't push you away though he just kinda exepts it?

Aiden definitely teases you both and Ben gives him either a glare that makes aiden back off or just an unamused look

Will play with your hair after a while and might play some soft music

You probably end up falling asleep and wake up moved to some more comfortable spot and he's either near you or asleep next to you



Very very confused and just looks at you like "the hell-?"

You might have to kinda fight him to be able to stay laying between his legs but you probably end up winning

After a while he might play with your hair but if you or someone comments about it he'll immediately stop and act like nothing happened

Definitely argued/fought with aiden because aiden was teasing you both

He might secretly think you look cute bit won't say it



She'll be like "oh! Hello there!" When you sit between her legs

She won't push you away at all and will definitely play with your hair

If your hairs long enough there will be so many braids in it

Aiden definitely teased you both and she just tells him to go away or leave you two alone

Definitely tells you how cute you look as she plays with your hair



Would definitely turn as red as a tomato when you lay between his legs

He wouldn't be able to for a sentence for a few minutes but once he does he will ask you what your doing

Once you tell him your just sitting between his legs he's just kinda like "Oh ok"

Would still be kinda awkward but will play with your hair a bit and just let you do whatever


Im sorry it's short but hope you liked it!!!

Also if your reading this and sent me a request that hasn't been done yet don't worry I'm still doing them ill maybe get one more out today 😅

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5 months ago

Can I request an sbg x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova mv in the phantom world, but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)

hiiii so sorry it took so long for me to do your requests but here's one of them! 😅

I think I've actually seen a older post like this so I'll use inspo from that but try to make it different from that post

Also I'm gonna do one-shots just to make it a little easier for me so sorry if that disappoints you 😔



The first time you figure out you had powers was probably in a slightly stressful moment and ashlen would be super concerned that you where just fucking floating lol

After you have drawback shes even more concerned because of all the blood you throw up

She might be one of the first to notice your lucky girl syndrome to, which she uses to the groups advantage (if your ok with it obvi)

Shed be careful about you using your powers though simply because of the draw back she dosent want anything to happen to you even if your not dating

Even with your lucky girl syndrome she never has you do anything to dangerous cuz she figures luck can only take you so far

Always asked if your ok if you do use your powers and stays kinda close to you while having drawbacks



Again you probably found out about your powers while in a stressful moment and aiden thinks it's so sick like he does with ashlens hearing

Does get concerned though when you get drawbacks and puke blood even if you can see it with his usual smile

He probably dosent notice your lucky girl syndrome till somone points it out and he's like "ohhhhhh your right she is oddly lucky!!!"

Hed want to do a bunch of crazy shit like see how high you can fly and if you can carry him stuff like that

But sticks pretty close to you wile having drawbacks and makes sure your ok

Also if your around aiden your lucky girl syndrome does wonders whenever he's doing something crazy cuz likely it dosent end up so bad when your close by

Also if he figures this out prepare for him to practicly beg you to do the stupid shit with him lol



Very very concerned when you just start floating out of nowhere and you panicking trying to get back to he ground

Hed be the one to get you down or catch you cuz he's the tallest and strongest so ya

Hed be even more concerned when you have drawbacks and would try to comfort you and try to help you through the drawbacks

It also might take him a while to notice your luckygirl syndrome but will eventually and be kinda fascinated by it?

Hed be kinda against you using your powers to much because of the drawbacks specifically

If you do end up doing something for a mission or whatever and need to use your powers then ben has to go with you

Hed be full of to much anxiety otherwise and wouldn't be able to do much



Probably like "wha the fuck?" When you start flying out of nowhere trying to get back down

Hed be very determined to get you back to solid ground to

When you start puking blood he's very worried even if he dosent show it at first

He won't let you use your powers much just because of the draw backs and if you do he has to be with you you cant talk him out of it

hes also probably the first to notice (or second to ashlen) your luckygirl syndrome

He still dosent let you go anywhere alone in the phantom realm even with your powers

Most missions the group is on your either pair with tyler and Taylor, just you and tyler, or your not going anywhere, it's just how it is



Very scared for you tge first time you figure out your powers

Trys her hardest to help you get back to the ground with the help of Ben and even Tyler once he makes him

She's also the first at your side when you start having drawbacks and patting your back trying to comfort you

After that she sticks kida close to you and at first dosent want you to use your powers

after a while though she gets more comfortable with you useing your powers

Shed still have to be with you though because pf the draw backs and because she's worried about you

Most likely won't notice your luckygirl syndrome till somone points it out to her



Very very worried when you figure out your powers for the first time

He probably knows some ways to help with the nausia feeling when you have drawbacks backs

Hed also be worried the whole time

Hed probably try and do some research about it to and ways to possibly help you

Is agenst you useing your powers for a long time bit eventually warms up to he idea when you get more used to your powers

It's a 50/50 of him noticing your lucky girl syndrome first or not noticing till its pointed out to him


Hope it's good!! Again sooo sorry his took so long I haven't had time/motivation to write 😭

Also I'm sorry to say I might not do your other 2 request because of this and maybe I can do them next time I take requests or you can go to a different writer idk, I'm sorry! 😅

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5 months ago

HEYYY gonna keep this short!!! But can you do SBG main six and first kiss?


hiiii I'm glad to be back to lol thanks for the support 😋


Ashlen- probably would need a moment to prosses what happened and blush while acting like it wasn't a big deal

Aiden- would probably take a sec and just be like 'wow 😃' then go back for another kiss if your ok with it might also be internally panicking to

Ben-would be the one to blush the most,might ask for another kiss after a few minutes of mental panicking lol

Tyler- would either completely freeze with a deep blush on his face or pull you into another kiss immediately, probably also sticks by you a lot more after

Taylor-shed be the most excited about it and would pepper your face with so many kisses and give you so much affection, she's such a sweet heart

Logen- he'd freeze and need a moment to prosses what happened with a deep blush on his cheeks after he recovers from the first kiss he might ask you for another one only if you wanted to


There you go! Hope it turned out like you hoped 😊

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5 months ago

Hellooo!!! I need some help 😅 so I just started this tyler x reader fanfic bur I'm kinda unsure about posting it cuz it's super random and probably gonna be pretty angsty if you interested here's some small description of the fic


A tyler x reader fanfic where reader is a part of a mafia family! (Inspiration from moxxie and his dad in helluva boss!) Reader wasn't answering her phone for a day or so on a weekend because her mom (the mafia boss!) Had her doing some extra work and Hadden had time so tyler went to check on you and learned about your life style even though you tryed so hard to hide it!


Theres probably gonna be some abuse themes to it and just angest with some comfort at the end? Idk, it's pretty random but should I post it when I'm done? Does it sound interesting?

I posted it before thi poll finished lol here's a link if you wanna read it!

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5 months ago

HIYA!!! SO GLAD YOUR BACK🫶🫶🫶🫶 I MISSED YOU❤️❤️❤️ ANYWAYS!!! Can you do SBG main six when there S/O is jealous?

HII!!! thanks for the request 😋

SBG main 6 when jealous


Ashlen - silently glares at whoever is talking/flirting with you until they get he hint if thy don't shell go over there herself and drag you away not saying a word to the person as she does

Aiden - dos that creepy/threatening smile (I think that's the best way to explain it?) He'll pull you away saying things like "Oh hey look at this!" "We've gotta get going!" "Hey check this out!" Hed switch back to his normal self quickly once your away from the person

Ben - trys his best to seem unbotherd but eventually walks over and awkwardly stand next to you and unintentionally glare at the poor person until you pull him away

Tyler - will shamelessly tell the person to fuck off and drag you away grumbling to himself, he won't calm down till you give him attention or kiss him on the cheek/lips (whatever your comfortable with)

Taylor - will act unbotherd and stand next to you trying to make it obvious your not single to the person without seeming rude if that dosent work she just pulls you away with her

Logen - watches the interaction for a bit telling himself he's over thinking and stuff like that, once it goes just a little to far for his comfort though he'll walk over and ask you to go slmwere with him or something just kindly pulling you away from the person


Hope you liked it have a good day/night :3

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5 months ago

Hi!!! Good to see you’re back!! Can you do SBG main six with a S/O that can honestly just kick ass(Barron’s ass🤩) and can just be straight up a badass when needed?


HEY!!! not gonna lie you just made me realize I haven't drank any water today lol- 💀 I promise I'll drink some right after I post this 👍

SBG x badass! reader


Ashlen - shed be pretty impressed with how easily you can handle yourself and stick up for others and just look so badass all the time no matter what, dosent verbally say it often though

Aiden - would fall in love the very first time he seen you be badass, he wouldn't go a day without at least once telling you how badass you are, also makes up some nickname that's just badass and call you that more then your actual name

Ben - would be impressed and constantly admire you evrytime you do anything bad ass especially if your sticking up for somone he's in love, probably scolds you some times though if you got into a fight or somthing dangerous over all, would patch you up himself

Tyler - probably the reason he fell in love with you, he does love everything about you obviously but he just loves your badass-ness a bit more over all, probably either gets in fights with you or is the one draging you out of it before things are out of hand

Taylor - constantly I mean constantly reminds you how bad ass you are, she thinks your so cool and awesome that you can just handle yourself and look so pretty/handsome the entire time to

Logen - at first he was probably scared of you before you stood up for him and beat Barron's ass (as he deserves) after that he admires you constantly even while you two where dating, does try to make sure you stay out of fights though


Hope you like it I personally think there all pretty on point for each character have a good day/night!! 😋

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5 months ago

EEK hello. first ever request sorry if this is awkward but can we get sbg main 6 x closed off generally ... kind of rude s/o?

HIII!!! Thanks for the request glad I can write your first request 😊

SBG x kinda rude! reader


Ashlen - shed be a little concerned about how closed off you are and your rudness and try her best to stear you the right direction and help you out with being nicer

Aiden - dosent really think of it at first cuz he's kinda used to it (lots of people are somtimes mean to him cuz they think he's annoying and won't leave them alone) but after a while he gets a little concerned and trys to help you be nicer without being obvious

Ben - would ask you if everything's ok with you if it is he'll talk to you about your attitude and your closed off-ness and helps you be more open and kind

Tyler - you've probably had a few arguments with him and he trys to talk to you about it even if he isn't the best with his own attitude, Taylor probably is the one to help you both with your attitudes

Taylor - asks you about your home life without stealing boundaries she just wants to know what's the cause of your rude attitude and your closed off self, always open to talk whenever your ready and helps you be a bit nicer

Logen - probably a lot like taylor but does a bit of research on causes of being the way you are and ways to help, will do whatever he finds with you or just talks to you whenever you need


Sorry if it's not exactly what you expect but I tryed! Have a good day/night >:D

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5 months ago

Appears out of nowhere

Throws the randomest tyler sbg x reader angst/comfort-ish fic at you


"you shouldn't be here"


hellooo! 😃 this is some random tyler x reader fic idea I've had for a while so I thought I'd just make it into a fanfic cuz why the hell not?

The title/prompt wasn't exactly my idea so credit to the person who came up with it! (I was scrolling on tumbler for prompt ideas :,)) they didn't say if they wanted credit or not for it so I'm not gonna tag them unless they say they want credit

Anyways onto the warnings and summary-


Warnings - probably spelling errors, swearing, abuse, harsh words from the mom to reader, might be sensitive for some readers just beware!

Summery - reader is a part of a mafia family (inspo from moxxie and his dad) and tyler decided to come over to your place to check up on you since you weren't answering your phone and tyler sees how your treated by your mom (she's the mofia boss/abuser)

to the actual fic now!!


Its been a loooong Saturday for you

Your mom made you do extra work for the day since you've been shaking more and more (mostly you've just been extremely tired from all the work she already has you do after school and your nights at the phantom realm dosent help) you've been so busy today you didn't even realize you've been ignoring your phone

The group was calling and texting you for a while probably about hanging out someplace or tge phantom realm and you didn't even notice since your phone was on silent and with how busy you where there just wasn't time

You where just walking down the hall on your way to dinner which was almost never fun

Just as you where heading there somone knocked on the front door, you open it thinking It'd be some of the other gang members or somthing you didn't expect to see tyler standing there with his arms crossed


"Hey i- AGH-?!"

Out of panic you quickly pull him inside so he wouldn't be seen by one of your moms goons

"You shouldn't be here!"

"Relax I just wanted to check up on you idiot"

"What? Why?"

You look at him confused and he just scoffs softly

"You haven't answered your phone at all, everyone's been trying to reach you all day"

"Oh shoot! I've been so busy I haven't thought about checking my phone!"

"Busy? Busy with what? It's saterd-"

Just then tyler was interrupted by a loud yell...from your mom..

"Darling? Where are you dinners about to start!"

"I- uh- coming mom I just-uh- need to- freshen up!"

You quickly reply back in a panic and grab tylers arm trying to pull him out the door speaking in a yell/whisper

"Tyler you really need to go! Now!"

"What? Why? What's going on with you?!"

You where just about to open the door when your mother walked around the corner

"Ah, I see, you've got a friend splendid!"

Your mom's voice sounded kind but it had a threatening undertone to it which you know it wasn't good, tyler just stood there confused as he looked at your mother

"Mom it's not what it looks like-"

"Quiet dear, why dosent your friend here join us for dinner? I'm sure he's hungry after coming all the way here"

Tyler was confused just the tone of your mother's voice just screamed bad news and he could see how you where acting, stiff? Uncomfortable? Frightened? He knew whatever was up was not good

"M-mom it's fine he was just about to leave anyways-"

"I'll stay for dinner it can't hurt.."

"what?! No no no, you- you should really get going ty-"

"Darlng he said he wanted to stay so come on we're already late"

Tyler didn't know what exactly was going on he was determined to get to the bottom of it though he knew whatever was happening it wasn't good

After that your mother lead you both down the halls him walking beside you quietly, he could see how uncomfortable you where just by how stiff your movements were and how you wasn't right to him

"Ahhh here we are, sit sit dinner with be out shortly!"

you quietly sit next to your mother tyler right next to you watching you closely as you stare at the table uncomfortably


Your mother starts, with her gaze right at tylr with a smile but it was off just wasn't exactly 'kind' more of a silent threatening smile as she spoke

"You must be my daughters/son's/kids friend am I right?"

"Uh ya I am..."

"Thats amazing! She never talks about anyone from school or anything always so quiet, hm"

You mother looks at you from the corner of her eye her smile fading for a moment before looking back at tyler with that smile again

"Anyways! How school been going for you two? It mist be so stressful for you both at this age hm?"

"Thats an understatement..."

You mutter under your breath thinking back to the phantoms dimension and your mother turns her head to you

"What was that? Speak up"

"N-nothing! Just....saying it is.....stressful I mean.."

Your still looking at the table and picking at the food quietly ad you speak your mother just looks at you before turning her attention back to tyler

"Anyways any big events at school? Anything exciting?"

"There was uh........this trip to savanna I guess-"

As he said that you tryed to stop him turning your head quickly and shaking your head but it was to late as your motgers gaze snaps to you with a hidden threatening smile

"Savanah? The trip I said you deliberately where not aloud to go on die to your job in the family?"

"W-wait! Mom listen! I-i had to it was a big part of the grade and if I didn't I would've failed-"

You look at your mom as you desperately try to explain the situation, tyler is watching it play out getting more and more concerned at you and your mothers behaviors

"Is that why you where gone for that night? Because you wanted to go on some...silly trip?

"M-mom please! J-just listen for a moment-!"

"Excuse us dear I need to have a word with my daughter/son/kid for a moment"

At those words your mother got up and started walking to tge hall doors expecting you to follow behind, you glance at tyler a small look of dread that didn't go unnoticed by tyler who looks at you concerned before you get up to follow your mother to the hall

She shuts the door behind you and her gaze instantly hardens with anger

"I told you you weren't going to go on that stupid trip brat!"

"I-i know-"

"You had work to do here! A job as a member of this family!"

"Mom please-"

Before you cold even try to explain she shaped you across the face hard definitely leaving a brouse on your cheek just under your eye then harshly grabbing your jaw

"You do what I fucking say brat! You think that little tough boy in there's gonna save you?"

"w-wait no-"

"Next time you fucking try to disobey me ittle be that boy in there paying for it, got it brat?"

"Y-yes mother"


After that she roughly through you to the ground making a small yelp leave you at impact, she opened the doors back into he dinning from to greet tyler again who was still sitting at the table

"Sooo sorry for having to leave like that darling"

"'s fine"

You walk in a few moments after her tyler noticed the bruise almost I instantly

"Whoa! What happened to you?!"

"Tyler calm down I just........I tripped when we where talking in the hall no big deal"

"Yes they can be quiet clumsy all the time"

Your mother just laughed as you sat back into your seat tyler looking at you concerned as you just look at your plate


The rest of dinner just consisted of a lot of talking, or more so of your mother talking and tyler answering some random questions here and there as you sat quietly through most of dinner

"Anywas darling would you escort your friend to the front door so he can go?"

"Yes mom, come on tyler let's go"


Tyler followed behind you quietly but as soon as you shut the door to the dinning room he grabs your arm turning you to face him his gaze on the bruise your mother left under your eye

"What the hell happened?"

"Tyler I told you I fell-"

"Bullshit she hit you didn't she? Somthings off about...well....everything here"

He lightly brushed his fingers over the bruise surprisingly carefull making sure to not hurt you, somthing your not exactly used to anymore with your life style here

"Tyler you hold really get going-"


The firmness in his voice surprised you as he looked you in the eyes

"I'm not leaving you here now I know about this, I'm going to help-"

"No! You can't s-she'll hurt you I don't want that to happen to you!"

"And I'm not letting you stay here in this hell hole of a family!"

your suddenly pulled into a hug which was surprising to you yet again and you can't help but tear up slightly at how much he cares

"We'll both leave, call the cops- CPS- somone-... your not going to stay here..."

All you can do is nod as you hug him tightly holding back tears

Then you both sneak away and make it to his house where his mom called CPS and/or the cops about this situation and you endid up staying with taylor,tyler, and there mom after that tyler made sure you where comfortable constantly and didn't tell the group what happened till you where comfortable with it


Alright! I hope that was good cuz most of you voted yes in my earlier post about this, I kinda like it especially if any of you people that reading have been or are in a situation like this hope this was comforting and I hope you know your not alone 💕

Also please do leave a comment if you have anything to say about this post good or bad I just wanna make sure I don't trigger people or stuff like that so if you have an opinion on this please do share if you'd like

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1 year ago
Teaching Logan Piano

“Teaching Logan Piano„

There is absolutely NOTHING for school bus graveyard and I’m SICK + I’m learning piano so ! Gn Reader

Convincing | SBG

This would obviously have to be before their trip to Savannah

No lie your probably his only close friend as he was bullied majority of his time at school

So it wasn’t rlly that hard to get him to become your student

“‘Yo Logan wanna learn piano?”

“You want to hang out with me?”

“I mean—sure.”


Now he’s really smart so he’ll quickly memorize any notes

Actually playing though is another story

“Just pick any C key.”

“That’s a D.”

“I know, sorry. I don’t know why I pressed that one.”

He’s so shaky😭 (Ignore his pristine aim)

“Try arching your fingers! Kinda’ like a spider.”

“My hands hurt.”

He’s more of a slow player

He would start to mess up his hand placement if he tried to play any faster

He’s a very hard worker though and with some more time he can learn to play faster

Has even made some personal pieces of his own

Now that you’ve taught him the basic understanding of piano he’ll drown you in astrology facts

Teaching Logan Piano

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1 year ago
Relationship Rendezvouses With Taylor Hernandez

“Relationship Rendezvouses With Taylor Hernandez„

The perfect person tbh ! Gn Reader

Blooming Partnership

She’s so nice

Your personality doesn’t matter bc she can literally get along with ANYONE

Obviously you’d meet in school maybe for a group project or just because she thought you’d be cool

She loves when you talk about your interests with her

If you’re more of a quiet type she won’t make you talk or anything(like Ben)

She def likes to just walk around with you

Just spending time together tbh

Always orders the same food as you bc she’s indecisive 😭(just like me fr)

LOVES physical contact

Constantly holding your hand, hugging, etc.

Probably a fan of Just Dance! and WILL make you play with her bc Tyler doesn’t want to💀

Her fav is Timber

Would immediately drop Tyler if u wanted to match outfits that day

Likes to hangout at the mall

Frequent food court goers

Kicks in her sleep (prior to the Savanah Trip) and a blanket hogger

Has an unhealthy obsession with Disney films and WILL make you binge watch movies together

10/10 partner tbh

No sabó kid💀

Relationship Rendezvouses With Taylor Hernandez

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1 year ago
Relationship Rendezvouses With Tyler Hernandez

“Relationship Rendezvouses With Tyler Hernandez„

He’s so aesthetically pleasing to look at my lil meow meow ! Masc/Male Reader

Sour Dude

Average Latino smh


He’s so sassy

It’s hard to imagine how y’all got together you kinda just did

Bro just decided u would be his boyfriend and you went along with it😭

If you’re on the baseball team as well he has you pitch to him after classes everyday

Bro is committed

Has a terrible habit of BLASTING music

Good thing he doesn’t have a license bc the noise complaints would be INSANE

Bass boosted type shit

Jersey club fan😭

Just party music overall but he prob hates actually going to parties💀

Rihanna and Beyoncé fan as well

Nicki fan(derogatory)🩰

Gets into fights over music choices😭

Speaking of fights u gotta consistently stop him from getting into altercations

He’s actually nice but bro has a short temper

Tolerates no slander and would start swingin if someone said smth about the relationship or just you in general

Would probably prefer to stay home for dates and such in contrast to his sister

Speaking of Taylor she plans all his date ideas for you😭

Smth so elaborate that “he came up with” (it was Taylor’s idea)

He is also a blanket hogger I jus know they used to FIGHT over the blanket

Deadass GRABS YOU in his sleep like ur a teddy bear

Scary asl

REFUSES to watch Disney movies with you bc of the many of years his sister subjected him to

If you don’t have classes together he constantly “goes to the bathroom” to chat with you

He’s of those fake bathroom users😭

Teaches you phrases in Spanish if u already didn’t know(he gave up with Taylor)

On a real note bro def has abandonment issues

Takes the relationship seriously and it would take smth TERRIBLE for him to be the one to end things

Likes to watch baseball highlights with u

Surprisingly quiet when watching bro is INVESTED

Would let you borrow his clothes or rlly anything of his but WILL make sure you return that shit

Gives u the MEANEST side eye if he sees a shirt he lent to you in ur room after it’s been missing for months

He’d be pissed if u didn’t return his stuff but he constantly snatched ur shit

Willingly watches old 2000s reality television

Awake at 02:00 rewatching the second season of Jersey Shore

Would teach you guitar if u asked

He’s not the best but he knows some songs and the chords

8.5/10 jus bc of his lil temper problema

Relationship Rendezvouses With Tyler Hernandez

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1 year ago
Creating Questionable Cuisine With Tyler Hernndez

“Creating Questionable Cuisine With Tyler Hernández„

NEW EPISODE OF SBG WAS POSTED AND HE CAN COOK? I got smth for y’all ! Masc/Male Reader

Culinary 101

If you’re just friends he would deny teaching you to cook for a MINUTE.💀

He’d cook for u in a heartbeat if ur dating tho

Teaching you is another story

“Why do you need to learn if I can just make it for you?”

“Just show me!”

If you make any mistakes he’s not mad he jus always looks annoyed😭

The gang prob finds their way over to y’all and just sit and watch

Think good critics/judges

“Alright it appears that Tyler is instructing him to add more rice to the dish to balance out the ratio.”

“Indeed, seems to me like we’ll have an A-Class dish on our hands.”

“Go away Aiden!”

“Taylor’s here too!”

Makes the cleanest cuts ever

One of those fast choppers

Doesn’t follow any cookbooks or anything

Straight off the dome🗣️

Helps throughout the entire process if you are rlly bad💀

If ur good or decent he’ll let you lead for most of it

Constantly taste tests throughout to see if it needs more seasoning/flavour

Bro is all abt presentation and is ON YOUR ASS if the plate looks bad

Genuinely happy to teach you

Becomes a routine thing where you guys just cook together

Culinary experts

Me when men cook

Creating Questionable Cuisine With Tyler Hernndez

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1 year ago



Fem Reader

Good fucking luck, bro.

Having Aiden as a FRIEND is chaotic in and of itself so imagine being his sister and dealing with him 24/7

As stated in the comic he and his family travel quite often

So you would rlly just be each other’s long term friends

He screams iPad kid

He has definitely forced you to play any and all games with him

Constantly making you watch him speedrun FNAF3 for the fifteenth time

Aiden and his bum-ass fashion sense is APPALLING

Despite if you try to get him to dress differently he REFUSES

Eventually when Ben joins your traveling circus Aiden’s behaviour mellows out ever so slightly

It’s nice having someone in your presence who isn’t constantly on 10

When the trip to Savannah happens you bet your ass he’s telling you all about it

His dumbass gossiping got u dragged into the dreamworld too💀

Having to witness his awkward crush on Ashlyn

“Go talk to her. Y’know you want to.”

Scoffing at your teasing comments, “I talk to Ash everyday. Can’t I just watch for today?”

“One, that’s weird. Two you’re never quiet, it’s weird.”

He definitely blamed you when you were younger for him microwaving plastic

Horrified eyes pierced the two of you as your mother parted her lips, “Who thought it was a good idea to put plastic in the microwave?”

“It was her.”

“You fucking liar!”

“No cursing!”

Will hoard the TV remote all the time especially when you guys were younger

If you experience a period he’ll tune down a bit especially if you get moody during but is still a menace

Forced you to watch the Barbie movie with him(he cried)

Every time his roots start showing y’all immediately take care of it

Bleach bros (gals? Pals?)

When he sees Taylor and Tyler matching outfits he suggests you guys do the same

He was immediately shot down with that request.


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