Bendy Secrets Of The Machine - Tumblr Posts

That one fucking easter egg
I’m so fucking glad this exists
[flashing lights tw!]
Guys I found an easter egg in secrets of the machine where I can quit the game
Secrets of the Machine (Bendysplaining)
(Full disclosure: both of the computers I have access to WILL NOT TRIGGER THE LIGHTNING CUTSCENE therefore making B:SOTM unplayable for me! Watched a couple walkthroughs to get the gist of things. I found ONE easter egg on my own lol.)
Secrets of the Machine is so out of place to me, seeming almost unpolished. I'll give it a fair shake and go over the pros and cons, but if you want a short Bendy game to play, PLEASE play Boris and the Dark Survival, not this.
This very important bird that makes me well up inside with a positive emotion.

Ragtime Guffie. Cute character that I feel has a charm similar to the original Bendy cast. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this guy walking around in BATIM back in the day.

This screenshot I can use for memes:

This ONE scene/"jumpscare" was executed well:

The Goofy ahh can dispenser laugh

My personal favorite, this random ass arrow outside that you can follow into the darkness for about a minute until you're spat back out by the entrance arch (useless):

And last but not least, the inclusion of Gaskette and an insanely niche nod to Nightmare Run?
FIrst off, Gaskette looks killer (pun intended):

And secondly, there are at least a couple hands around the map that open and close when you click them in a very similar fashion to a hand that could be found on the menu of Nightmare Run. I was actually excited about this! (Why they didn't they just go full ham with the Nightmare Run characters for this game?)


The first glaring issue I have is *checks watch* the FOUR Bendy advertisements thrown into the game??? What???
I'm not mad about hyping people up, but it is............LAZY?? What was the point of this? These ALL could've been Tweets!!
In fact, Lone Wolf's Announcement nearly WAS a Tweet!!

I would feel differently if the presentation was better, but you literally throw a can at some flippable....plates(?) around a screen at random and get still images. I understand that this game is meant to be small like BATDS, but BATDS was more polished, more fun, and didn't throw four adverts in as gameplay/easter eggs.
This is also gives me a Bad Feeling because if you're willing to make your smaller content into a glorified advertisement, what are you going to do with your mainline games? How are you going to treat your content? Are you going to let things cook or serve it to us raw?
Riley's story itself is fine. Not amazing, not awful. Riley's parents die in a car accident when she's six. She starts drawing disturbing content, and the school counselor catches wind of this and brings it up to her guardian. Riley goes to work for JDS at the same age as Buddy (17), and is subsequently fired for drawing more disturbing material pertaining to the accident.

While it sounds cliché, the way it was presented in-game was fine. There are obviously things that could be improved, but the point here isn't the story itself.
Let me ask the audience of this post a question.
Where the hell is Lacie Benton?
Or, more broadly, why aren't M+M fleshing out characters that have been with us since *checks watch* 2017?
I'm struggling not to start doing the Macarena, because adding new characters and slowly abandoning the old ones works in direct contrast with "caring about the lore", AKA what this franchise was built on, and it's something M+M like to bring up. When you remove that backbone, everything else falls apart. When you neglect the old characters, you're neglecting the heart of the franchise.
Riley having her story isolated to one game seems to be a blessing in disguise, I'll admit. However, this is ALL just BATIM: Red Flags. Disappointed, but not surprised. Scared for the future of this franchise, but trying to stay optimistic.

Yay my Secrets of the Machine video is almost done! (I'm scared for the future of the Bendy franchise.)

this until my newest shally art is finished
"Three times last month we couldn't even get out of our department because cum had flooded the stairwell.
Joey's solution?
Pump to drain it periodically.
Thanks, Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions. These stupid cunty songs don't write themselves y'know?
The violin shudders with a piercing voice..."
*Jaifei scream*
watch a bit of my soul die!

It’s OUT
(Warning: Sort of flashing image beneath)
Calling all my BATIM lovers >:)
Hey guys! Quick update before I get into what I’m making this post for:
I apologize for the delay in works being published :( I’m working on the Dr. Sherman headcanons, and then the Kinito oneshot is next!
I’ll soon be writing for Bendy and the Ink Machine! I can’t wait to start writing for this game! Feel free to go ahead and put in your requests!
Love y’all! <3

Would you write Henry Stein x Child Reader in a familial way? I have no other way to phrase this, I'm sorry. I just want to read more of Henry acting like a dad to other characters.
A Creative Compromise: Henry Stein + Child! Reader (familial dynamic)
Summary: Joey Drew’s kid won’t stop bothering Henry, so he decided to compromise.
Character(s): Henry Stein - Bendy and the Ink Machine franchise
Warnings: None :)
Genre: Fluff!
Author's Note: Thanks for the request! I watched a gameplay of BATIM a couple days after you submitted your request, and I totally see him being such a great father figure, lol! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 373 words (sorry it’s so short! T^T)

“Uncle Henry,” they pouted, tugging at his pant leg as he tried to work. “I’m bored… You gotta play with me.”
Henry sighed, taking a moment to close his eyes. Joey’s kid had been hanging around the studio a lot during work hours now that school was out for the summer. Despite the kid only being in kindergarten, they could be pretty rowdy.
“Look, kiddo,” he began, rubbing his eyes, “your pops is my boss, and while I’d love to run rampant around the studio with you and give Sammy a headache, I really can’t.”
He paused, taking a closer look at them. “And I can tell that you’re sleepy.”
“No…,” they whined, rubbing their eyelids, “no, Uncle Henry, I’m not sleepy… I just wanna play…”
Henry sighed. Stubbornness was a quality they’d obviously inherited from their father.
“Alright, kiddo,” he began, turning his chair around to face them, “how about this—you can sit in my lap and watch me draw, and we can chat, but I can’t get up and play with you. How about that?”
“Um…,” they hummed, “okay.”
“Alright, c’mere.” Henry reached down, lifting the kid up into his arms and setting them on his lap before turning back to his work and picking up his pen.
“Bendy,” the kid said, pointing to the little ink demon on the paper.
“Mhm. Yeah, that’s Bendy. Is he your favorite?” Henry asked them.
“No,” they shook their head.
“Oh? Then who is?” He asked them.
“Boris. He looks like my dog,” they replied.
“Ohhh, okay,” Henry smiled, continuing to draw. “I like Boris, too.”
Time went on, and about thirty minutes passed before Henry looked down to realize that Joey’s kid had fallen asleep in his lap.
“Huh, looks like you got them tuckered out. Just in time, too, I’ve gotta be headin’ home,” Joey smiled, his hands on his hips.
“Oh!” Henry looked up at his boss. “Hey! Sorry, uhh, here’s your kid.”
Henry lifted them up, and Joey took them into his arms. “Nah, it’s fine. I know how much they like you, anyways. I’m surprised you were able to get them to fall asleep, though! How’d you do it?”
“Oh, you know,” Henry chuckled, “just a lil creative compromise.”