Bernard X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Work and a visit from an elf

(Chapter 4 of wrapped in love)

Work And A Visit From An Elf
Work And A Visit From An Elf

It's been eight months and the amount of mouth injuries I've gotten is impossible to count. Luckily my mouth instantly heals now, but it's still inconvenient. My canine teeth have sharpened and my ears have elongated slightly. Being a children's librarian it makes it easy to pass off as a cosplay in town. Dad is trying to deny what happened, but his hair has gone light grey and he has gained a lot of weight. I mean a lot. I'm setting up to record when I hear the sound of bells. I spin in my chair to see Bernard standing in my doorway.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Just checking in. How's everything going?" Bernard sits onto my bed.

"Cool, cool. My mom doesn't want dad to ever see Charlie again, but other than that I've been good." I say pulling on my sweater over my tank top.

"Oh, sorry about that." He winces.

"They'll work it out. They always do." I shrug.

"What exactly are you doing?" He asks, looking behind me at my books laid out.

"I'm gonna be going to work at the library" I say putting on my barrettes. 

"Can I come?" He asks.

"Absolutely! Just wondering, why?" I ask, putting on my clip on earrings.

"I have to see what your like with children. It's customary." He explains.

"Makes sense." I nod as I grab the bag he gifted me.

"It's just down the road so I walk." I say slipping on my shoes.

"Are you sure you can walk in those?" He points to my platforms.

"Yeah, totally. I've been rocking platforms for over ten years." I smile.

We walk out the door and I lock it behind me. The walk to the library is a short but pretty one. The flowers seem to bloom and the birds sing in the trees. After a short five minutes, we are there. Entering the library, I am greeted by a chorus of hellos from patrons and coworkers. I clock in and walk back to Bernard.

"Reading corner isn't for another couple hours, I've got shelving until then." I gesture to my cart.

"That's okay. I need to see how you work with others anyways." He shrugs.

Quickly and efficiently I stock all the returns and still have twenty minutes until reading to the children. Bernard observes from the corner as I check out several people.

"Oh I love this book!" I say to the person I'm checking out, gesturing to the book Misery.

"I adore Stephen king and haven't been able to find this one yet. Im excited to read it." The customer grins.

"Well, tell me how you like it when you return it." I smile back.

The head librarian taps my shoulder as the customer walks away.

"It's time." She smiles.

I grab my small bell from the counter and make my way to the reading corner where Bernard already sits. I bring the bell up high and ring it six times. Children seem to come out of the brickwork and swarm around the reading corner. Some racing to the front and others preferring to sit back.

"What story are you telling today Ms. Calvin?" A girl with no front teeth lisps.

"Today we are reading... where the wild things are!" I drumroll and pull out the hardback.

"That looks scary!" A boy from the back calls out.

"Remember, it's fiction! And fiction means-" I start and they all bellow "fake!"

"The monsters in this book are not real and cannot hurt you! And if they were, I'd be here to protect you!" I flex my arm and the kids erupt into giggles.

"Now we have the main character, his name is max! And he's naughty!" I explain the premise.

I open the book and begin reading.

"The night max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind"

I flip the page. "And another."

Flipping the page "his mother called him wild thing" I say in a sweet voice.

"And max said 'I'll eat you up!" I give a gruff voice.

"So he was sent to bed without eating anything."

"That very night, in max's room, a forest grew." I rustle the potted plants behind me, "and grew- and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around."

"And an ocean tumbled by with a private boat just for max and he sailed off through night and day. And in and out of weeks, and almost a year to where the wild things are!"

The kids become enthralled with the story. Some stomp when the wild things do and some make scary faces. The children no longer appear scared and relax into the story. I close the book and set it onto the shelf.

"What story are you reading us tomorrow?!" A girl from the back calls out to me.

"Well I guess you'll have to come here to see!" I taunt jovially.

The group erupt into giggles and sighs of disappointment. They begin to scatter back into the library when the girl with no teeth approaches me.

"Ms.Calvin? Who's your friend?" She points to Bernard.

"This is Bernard! He's from out of state so he's just visiting for the time being." I lie.

"Oh, that makes sense. So can you tell me what book your gonna read next?" She pleads with me.

"Now Gisselle, that wouldn't be fair for the other kids." I ruffle her hair.

"I know." She giggles as she runs off.

"How'd I know her name?" I mumble.

"That's part of being Santa. They're all knowing. Most of the time anyway." Bernard shrugs.

"Oh. That makes sense I suppose. Anyway my shift is over, we better get back to pick up Charlie from the bus station.”

I sling my bag over my shoulder and punch out. I send a goodbye to the head librarian and she nods. Walking the way to Charlie's bus stop I think about what this means for my family. Getting to the stop, we wait about five minutes until Charlie's bus pulls up. I sit on the bench and change my shoes, a new pair appearing in my bag and I slip my platforms into it.

"Why the change?" Bernard asks.

"Charlie likes to be carried. And I can't do that in platforms without risking injury to both of us." I shrug.

The bus doors open and charlie is the first kid off, running to me with open arms.

"(Y/n)!!!" He throws his arms around me.

I pick him up and place him onto my shoulders.

"Bernard! You're here too!" He points.

"Hey sport! I'm here to see how your sibling and dad are doing." Bernard smiles.

"Dad's in denial. I learned the word from Neil." He smiles proudly.

"I'm sure you want to get home before dad gets back, so we better head out." I start walking.

Bernard trails behind us. We soon make it to the house and I unlock the door. Placing Charlie down, he kicks off his shoes and runs to the tv.

"Can we, oh can we watch muppets Christmas carol? Please (y/n)?" He asks with puppet eyes.

"It's not even winter yet, sport." I sit next to him.

"But it's my favorite!" He pleads.

"I can't say no to you, you watch it and I'll start dinner." I kiss his forehead.

I walk into the kitchen and start to prepare supper.

"This a new thing with him?" Bernard nods his head at the movie.

"Oh no! It's been his favorite forever. He watches it all the time." I clarify.

"So your dad. How's his transformation going?" Bernard clasps his hands.

"He's convinced it didn't happen. Even though we both have changed dramatically." I sigh.

"That's ok. You have three more months to get your affairs in order. Then you both will move to the pole." He wrings his hands.

"Like forever? How's that fair to us?" I get up.

"Well someone has to deliver Christmas presents. And your dad is now responsible for Christmas cheer." He holds his hands up.

"He's like the least cheery person I know." I try to explain.

"Well that doesn't matter now." Bernard shrugs.

"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask.

"Not my job, sorry." He says, proofing into glitter once more.

"This is fucking bullshit!" I set the knife onto the cutting board.

I hear the door bell ring and sigh.

"Can you get that Charlie?" I ask him.

"It's the list!" He calls back.

The what now?

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2 years ago

Curtis can’t mind his own business

(Chapter 15 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)

Master list

Curtis Cant Mind His Own Business
Curtis Cant Mind His Own Business

Bernard wakes up the next morning, dressed in only a pair of flannel sleep pants, soulmate snuggled tightly against his side. Things couldn't be better. Sighing contently, he plants a kiss in your hair. He wishes he could stay there forever, but there's work to be done. Gently untangling himself from you, he steps out from under the covers. Picking up his clothes from the ground, he slips them back on. Securing his beret back in place, he looks in the bathroom mirror. Scratches cover his back and a dark hickey is on the base of his neck. Sighing, he slings his bag over his head and slips on his shoes. Giving one last look to you, he smiles and unlocks the door, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing in Mx. (Y/n)'s room?"

Whipping around, he sighs after seeing it is only Curtis.

"None of your business." Bernard huffs.

"As keeper of the handbook, it is my business to keep the spirit of Christmas in good health. And that includes their soulmate." Curtis berates Bernard.

"Well, as head elf, I'm overruling that decision." Bernard places his hands on his hips, still sore from the previous night.

"Well, as you should know, the legendary figures are here to welcome Santa and the spirit of Christmas. And that means that Mx. (Y/n) needs to be woken up." Curtis says, opening the door before bernard can stop him.

Curtis's eyes widen as he gazes around the room. Clothes thrown about and a bare leg hanging out of your bed.

"Oh my—" Curtis starts only to be cut off by Bernard's hand covering his mouth.

"I told you that it was none of your business." Bernard almost growls.

You turn over in the bed and reach to where bernard previously was. Feeling that he's no longer there, you open your eyes and scan the room for your lover.

"Oh, fuck!" You exclaim, seeing Curtis standing there, his mouth agape, and gather up the blanket to cover you.

"You— you— Santa's not gonna like this!" Curtis points to them and rushes out the door.

"What the fuck, Bernard!" You scramble to grab underwear and a shirt.

"I didn't mean-" Bernard stutters out.

"Well that's great. Now he's gonna tell my dad." You sigh.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute." You stumble up.

"Let me help you!" Bernard rushes to your side, hooking his arm around you.

Walking to the bathroom and sitting down, you quickly pee. Going to wash your hands, you look in the mirror. Large hickeys litter your neck and shoulder. Blooms of purple and blue surround your nipples.

"Look what you've done." You sigh.

"You did a number on me as well. You weren't complaining last night." Bernard crosses his arms.

"Guess I'm wearing a turtle neck for a while. At least I'm not seeing anyone for a while." You sigh in relief.

"Well, actually, the legendary figures are here to meet you and your dad." Bernard rushes out.

"That's just great. When is that?" You ask.

"Actually, now. They're waiting in your dads room." Bernard bites his cheek.

"Now!? Why didn't you lead with that?!" You say, rushing out of the bathroom and throwing on clean clothes.

"I'm fucked!" You exclaim, searching for a scarf.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Bernard snakes an arm around your waist and peppers your face with soft kisses.

"I'm late, I can't just not show up." You kiss him back.

"Yeah, I guess your right. And as head elf, I'm supposed to be their as well to make sure everything goes smoothly." Bernard pries himself off of you.

"Well, Mr. head elf, lead the way." You giggle, gesturing to the door.

"As you wish, Mx. spirit of Christmas." He jokes back, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway.

Making your way to your dads room, you slip your hand into his and rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know Curtis was going to come into your room." Bernard whispers softly.

"It's okay. I mean we are soulmates. What did he think was gonna happen." You giggle.

Butterflies swarm his stomach. Even though you were just so intimate last night, he can't help but feel special to see you so vulnerable.

Smiling up at him, you place a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

"I love you." He smiles down at you.

"And I love you."

Getting to your dads room you rap your knuckles against the double door. Shifting can be heard behind the door and you untangle yourself from bernard.

Opening the door your dad grins widely at the both of you.

"Finally up, sleepyhead?" He ruffles your hair.

"Yeah, yeah, old man. Hardy har." You roll your eyes.

"And you," your dad points to Bernard, laughing. "I expected you much earlier. I guess even the head elf can be tardy."

"It won't happen again, sir." Bernard blushes.

"Let's get this meeting started." Your dad ushers you both into the room.

"Let's get this meeting started." Your dad ushers you both into the room.

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