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Dad is late and Laura wants to make my life hell (chapter 1)

Ever since I could remember I've had the name Bernard practically engraved onto my wrist. Elegant strokes had seemed to dance joyfully across my skin, silver glittery writing that practically glows. I've never met anyone with only a first name. In fact I've never met anyone with a tattoo on them since birth.
Today was Christmas Eve and Laura was dropping Charlie off at me and dads house. Neil, his stepdad, decided to drive them there.
I see them pull into the driveway and open the door wide as Charlie runs to me with open arms. I pick him up and spin around once and set him back down as he giggles. I stand back up and hug Laura .
"I see your father couldn't even be here to greet Charlie. Not that I'm surprised." Laura snarks.
"He just got caught up at work for a little more than he thought. He called me and said he'll be here within the hour." I retort.
Even if she is my step mom she doesn't deserve to be able to talk shit about dad. He's never been the same since their divorce. My mom died when I was around 11. It was on Christmas Day that she died and I've never liked it since. I remember asking Santa to have her survive that year. I had rushed down the stairs hoping to see my mom and dad on the couch, mom checked out from the hospital and all better. Instead I got a dad with glassy eyes and every present I had ever wanted over the years, but no mom. Ever since then I stopped believing in Santa and the whole Christmas shtick. I'm now 22 and work as a baker living in my childhood home with my dad. He could never do it alone and I could never imagine what he would do alone. He's planning to make Christmas dinner so I've already made a reservation for Dennys seeing as it's the only thing open late on Christmas Eve. As I was silently praying that I don't have to spend any more time than necessary with this woman Charlie's voice breaks my concentration on keeping a fake smile on.
"There's not any Christmas lights outside sissy! Can we put some up to surprise dad when he comes home?!" Charlie pleads with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.
Sighing I nod and kiss his head.
"Sure bud but I'm gonna have to get them from the attic so stay here in the living room until I get back."
He nods his little head and pulls his mom onto the couch where he sits.
I trudge up the stairs to the attic and open the pull latter. All are Christmas decor is still in boxes because dad knows it's a sore subject. But I'd probably kill someone if Charlie asked. So I suffer bringing down the cardboard box labeled *X-MAS LIGHTS*. I make my way back down to the living room and Laura has this annoyed look on her face. As if I'm not fit to watch my brother even though I'm 22. I literally have a successful bakery in downtown Chicago for christs sake!
Charlie notices my presence and runs over to me with the biggest grin he could muster.
"Sissy (y/n)! Let's go decorate the house!" He gently pulls on my sweater sleeve as he guide me out the door. Laura gets up with crossed arms and follows us out.
"So (y/n), you ever get that little idea of yours off the ground? Because if not I'm sure your dad can give you a job scrubbing toilets at his company." Laura asks rather smugly.
Oh how I hate that bitch. I force a smile on my face and turn to her.
"Actually I have a shop in downtown Chicago on Michigan avenue. Thanks for asking Laura!" I rub in her face and get back to lifting Charlie into the air to put the lights on the roof.
"Well how do you afford that. I mean you can't be making that much money off of cookies alone. Are you running a drug ring in the back?" Laura whispers the last bit into my ear as to block Charlie from hearing it.
I bite my lip and take a deep breath before setting Charlie back down and turning to her.
"Charlie it's getting a little cold, why don't you run along inside and I'll be inside in a minute." I smile at him.
"Ok sissy (y/n)!" Charlie skips inside shutting the door behind him.
"How dare you. I've been very cordial seeing as your a massive bitch and all you can say is that I have got to be a drug dealer because I'm making enough money to afford my dream." I snap at her.
Looking dumbfounded she begins sputtering as dad rolls into the driveway.
"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late. Hope I haven't kept you waiting to long!" Dad smiles at us not realizing how tense things just were.
"There's Christmas lights up!
(y/n), I didn't think you wanted them up this year." Dad looks at me confused
"Charlie wanted to surprise you. You know I can't say no to his little face!" I defend myself laughing a bit.
"Your daughter just called me a bitch just so you know Scott." Laura tells dad.
Dad frowns at me "(y/n), now why would do that? All she did was drop Charlie off."
"She said that I was a drug dealer!" I defend myself.
"I did no such thing!" Laura lies.
"(y/n) apologize to your stepmom now!" Dad practically seethes.
"That's bullshit and you know it. She's lying. And she's not even my stepmom anymore!" I turn and go into the house slamming the door behind me.
"Why do you and mom always have to fight?" Charlie surprises me by popping up in front of me.
"We weren't fighting sport. We were singing! But your moms singing kinda sounds like cats fighting. So that's what you heard honey!" I try to reassure him. I don't think he buys it but doesn't ask further.
Dad soon comes inside and Charlie rushes over to him. Dad whisks him into his arms.
"Why are there no presents under the tree?" Charlie asks dad.
"Well Santa has to come yet buddy!" I reassure him.
"Neil and mom said that Santa's not real. Believing is for babies!" Charlie shakes his head.
Of course the fucking did. Can't the kid enjoy anything?
"Well I believe in Santa and I'm not a baby." Dad tells him, hoping to save the spirit. I quickly agree "I agree and I'm not a baby either!"
"Well sport! I'm gonna start on our delicious Christmas turkey!" Dad strides into the kitchen.
"So we have to eat it? Can't we go out to eat sissy (y/n)?" Charlie whisper asks to me.
"Don't worry sport. I already called Dennys and made a reservation for 8." I encourage him.
"But I don't like Dennys!" Charlie cries.
"I know but it's the only thing that's open on Christmas sport!" I disclose to him.
Smoke billows out of the kitchen entrance. It envelopes dad and his extinguisher as he fights the fire. Charlie and I are sitting at the dining table and I give him a knowing look.
"Dad, let's just go to Dennys. I already called them so I know they're open." I call out into the smoke.
Dad steps from the smoke with ash covering him from just about head to toe.
"Yeah. I guess that's okay. I really wanted to make Christmas special for you again but looks like I failed again." He glumly agrees.
"You didn't fail anything. We are here as a family and that's all I could ever want!" I say as my eyes water, somewhat from the smoke and somewhat from the sentiment.
I pick up Charlie and we both hug dad, not caring to get dirty.
"Come on guys! Let's have a Christmas dinner at Dennys. It's an American institution!" Dad scoots is out as we put on our winter coats and scarves.
We load into the car and buckle up. Soon we are at Dennys.
"Are you with Hatsutashi?" The lady with a name tag reading (JUDY) asked us.
Dad starts to open his mouth but I cut him off.
"No actually I made a reservation earlier under Calvin." I inform her.
"Party of three," she begins pulling out the menus, " follow me" she says beckoning us to the right side of the resultant into a booth.
We sit down and dad starts to order egg nog as Charlie sits with a disgusted look on his face.
"We're out." Judy says flatly.
"I guess we will take coffee, decaf though please. And he'll take a chocolate milk please." I tell her.
"We're out."
"Plain milk's fine then!" I tell her and she walks away.
"At least we know they got hot apple pie." Dad tries to lighten the mood.
Judy shouts from somewhere behind the counter "We did".
This is just great!
Christmas sucks and dad killed Santa (chapter 2)

Finally we were home after a mediocre dinner at Dennys. I drag my feet as I enter the threshold of the house. I'm the last to enter and the last to get my pajamas on. I may be an adult but I still wear onesies. My pjs of choice are a pink rabbit with a white tail. It resembles the one off of a Christmas story. It was mom's favorite movie of all time so I wear it Christmas Eve each year to honor her memory.
I lean into the doorway of Charlie's bedroom. Dads reading the night before Christmas and Charlie has just about a million questions.
"When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, l sprang from my bed to see what was the matter away to the window I flew like a flash.With a miniature sleigh and St. Nick and Prancer and Dancer and to all a good night." Dad recites the book, practically from memory, as he had since I was Charlie's age.
"What's that?" Charlie questions our dad.
"What's what?" Dad asks, clearly confused.
"A rose schuck ladder!" Charlie says with wide eyes.
"It's not a ladder. He said, 'arose such a clatter.' It means, eh, 'came a big noise.'" I clarify.
"What?" Charlie scrunches up his face still confused.
"Charlie, ‘arose’ is a word that means 'it came’, and 'clatter’ is a big noise." I reiterate.
"Yes and now it's time to go to bed" dad agrees as he tucks Charlie into his bed.
He turns to me and takes in my pajamas and holds back a snicker.
"Gotta problem with my duds old man?" I joke at him.
Charlie giggles and snuggles in deeper into the covers.
"No problem at all, squirt. Just makes me think is all." Dad replies with a small, sad smile. Tears are brimming in his eyes that threaten to spill.
"Come on, let's get to bed! If we want Santa to come we need to be asleep!" I usher dad out and into his room and walk to mine.
Soon I hear a gentle knock on my door just as I'm ready to snuggle in.
"Sissy (y/n) can I sleep in her with you? Dads snores too loud and I can hear it through the wall!" Charlie practically wails.
I know he just wants to make sure I'm ok but I pretend to buy it nonetheless.
"Come on sport! Let's snuggle and fall asleep to some nice music." I say swooping him into my arms and sitting us onto my queen size bed. Too tall for him to reach on his own without a stool. I put on some Mozart and we drift away.
I am abruptly woken by Charlie shaking me. This is not what I signed up for when I said he could sleep with me.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! I heard a clatter!" Charlie yells.
I slowly open my eyes and ask "What? Charlie, what are you talking about?
"You know! From the story! It came a big noise. It's coming from outside"
I start to say it might be the wind until I hear a loud noise too. Kinda like a ka-thump. The the sound of boots on the roof. I jump out of bed taking Charlie with me. I run as fast as I can to dads room.
I practically take the door off its hinges. My heart is pounding out my chest.
"Dad you gotta get up now! Someone's on the roof!" I say setting Charlie down rushing to his bedside.
"What (Y/n)? Someone on the roof? That's impossible. You probably dreamt it. Go back to sleep." Dad begins but gets cut of by more footsteps. Now he's wide awake.
"I guess it wasn't a dream dad," I huff at him
"Now is not the time for the sass (Y/n), someone's on our roof. Come on we'll go outside. Put on your shoes and coat quickly!" He says while pulling on some socks while quickly hobbling to his bedroom door and down the stairs.
I pick up Charlie again because I know I'll be faster carrying him than waiting for him at the bottom of the flight of stairs.
Throwing on a coat, boots and a winter hat onto both of us with Charlie still holding his blanket.
I rush out after dad and Charlie follow suit.
Dad yells something I can't make out to the person on our roof. Suddenly they slip and plummet onto the lawn as I quickly shield Charlie from the sight.
"Oh my gosh! You killed him!" I yell running through the slushy snow to where the man lay. However, all that was there was his clothes.
"You got him!" Charlie cries out, running, and nearly tripping to get to me.
"I did not! He's gotta be here somewhere! Let's check for some Id to see who this poor shmuck was." Dad argues now riddling through the pockets of the red coat.
"That almost looks like-" I start
"Look (Y/n)! Reindeer!" Charlie interrupts me pointing to the roof.
Lo and behold eight reindeer and a sleigh are parked on our roof.
"(Y/n) come here! I found something!" Dad calls after me.
I approach him and take a small business card from his gloved hand.
"lf something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do. What does that mean?" I read from the card and inquire to dad.
He shrugs and Charlie comes to us. "That means you gotta put it on dad!"
"No we are not going anywhere!" Dad asserts poorly.
"We never do what I want to," Charlie says, his eyes watering.
I hug him from behind and glare at dad .
"Look! The rose schuck ladder! Like from the poem!" Charlie beams at both of us.
"I'm going to call the police, please watch your brother for a minute (y/n)." Dad pleads and scurries off to get his phone.
Before I can even blink Charlie is now on the roof trying to touch a reindeer. I follow after him in a hurry.
"Charlie! (Y/n)! Get down from there! I thought you were watching him!" Dad yells at me. It's a miracle the neighbors haven't woken up.
"Dad, it's amazing! Come up here!" I yell down at him.
He runs to the ladder and climbs up, suit in hand.
"You need to get away from ghost things! They could have key lime disease!" Dad panics as he walks carefully towards Charlie. "Easy Rudolph" dad says to the reindeer.
As clear as day the reindeer says "I'm not Rudolph." I look to my dad to see if he also heard but he's just looking at its nametag.
"It's Santa's sleigh!" Charlie jovially says while climbing into it.
"There's no such thing as Santa's sleigh" dad scoffs.
"Sure there is. You said you believed in Santa, right dad" I nudge him.
"I did" he questions then covers his tracks with "I do!"
Dad climbs into the sleigh and I follow him. The seats are much softer than they look.
"Hey dad look! A hat!" I say pulling a plush Christmas hat from in between the cushions. I gently place it on my head after inspecting for lice. It's warm and cozy. The ear flaps are extra padded with faux fur.
"Oh great you found a bug infested hat! Oh how joyous! Let's get out now please" dad practically pleads with Charlie.
"No!" Charlie shakes his head making his hair get in his eyes.
"Come on Charlie! Let's go!" Dad pushes.
Suddenly the reindeer take off. I guess I'm in for one helluva ride tonight!
Delivering gifts and -THE NORTH POLE?! (chapter 3)

Soaring through the sky everything looks tiny. I hold onto Charlie as tight as I can as he and I peer over the edge of the sleigh. Suddenly the sleigh starts to descend onto a nearby roof.
"I hope you're all happy! And I hope the guy that lives here is a TAILOR!" Dad yells.
"You've got the suit on, now what?" I ask dad.
"The list." Charlie says calmly.
"Oh here's a list, how fortunate!" Dad snarks.
Dad steps out of the sleigh, bag in hand. Suddenly the bag starts floating up, bringing him with it.
"Are you ok dad?" I ask him.
"I lived through the 60s, don't worry about me!" He shouts down at me.
I climb out of the sleigh only to start flying up too. "What's this bullshit now?! I'm not in the suit!" I burst out before we are both sucked down the chimney.
"Ok what now?" Dad glares at me.
I take the sack from his hands. "We deliver." I say straight faced.
"Even if I wanted to, it's empty." He hisses.
I open it and find three boxes inside despite the bag feeling empty just moments earlier.
"I guess not dad, we better hurry though and get back to Charlie." I hurriedly placed the presents under the tree. I turn around to see this kid standing there, grinning ear to ear.
"Uh we got company dad," I nudge him.
"How come you don't have a beard?" The kid asks him.
"Because I shaved," he spits.
"You're supposed to drink the milk!" She points to a cup of milk and a cookie set out on the end table.
"Look I'm lactose intolerant and you should be asleep," he argues.
"And who are you?" She says pointing to me.
"I'm the spirit of Christmas, Santa can't do it all by himself you know. Now how bout I drink this milk and you go on to bed sweetheart." I convince the child downing the milk and pocketing the cookie.
"My mom calls me sweetheart! How'd you know that!" She rocks on her feet.
"I'm not Santa's helper for nothing, now off to bed with you." I whisper, ushering her up the stairs.
I make my way to the chimney and dad turns to me. "How did you know that little girl's nickname?"
"It just came to me, I don't know how, but it did. Now let's get out of here!" I say grabbing his arm as we get sucked back up the chimney.
"So how'd it feel?!" Charlie probes.
"Felt like America's most wanted. Now take us home guys!" He commands the reindeer and they take off flying.
At one point or another Charlie and I must have conked out. Next thing I know dad is shaking me and snow is biting against my exposed skin. I pull the blanket around Charlie tighter and him to me. Charlie is definitely awake as he is talking dad's ear off as I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
The reindeer start their descent onto a patch of land surrounded by pine trees. All that is here is a pole.
"It's the North Pole!" Charlie jumps up and down excitedly.
Suddenly a kid comes from behind the trees. He approaches the pole, flips the top open and puts in a code.
Dad tries to get his attention but he ignores dad.
Suddenly the ground begins to move.
"We're moving! We're going down somehow!" I shake dad.
"Yeah I can see that (y/n)!" He shakes me back playfully.
Comet turns his head to me. "We're home!" He says.
I look at dad and he seems unfazed. Like he didn't hear it so I look at Charlie and he's the same.
I must have hit my head at Dennys. First a guy falls off the roof. Then we squish like jello down some chimneys. And now I'm hearing reindeer talk to me.
We make our way down into what seems to be a workshop. Dad steps out of the sleigh. He turns to me and places a hand on my shoulder " stay here with your brother where you're safe." He asserts himself. I know I'm going to ignore him as I'm curious.
Dad walks over to a kid and starts talking to them. I step out and lift Charlie, blanket and all out of the sleigh. I walk to dad with Charlie as a person around my age comes over.
"Hey! Who's causin' all the trouble around here?" He asks the kid.
"He is!" "She is!" Both dad and the kid point at each other.
"Are we on a coffee break?" The man asks the kid.
"We don't drink coffee!" The kid retorts.
"Then I guess the break is over! Back to work. Thanks." He grumbles and starts to walk away.
Dad squares his shoulders " Take it easy on her, will ya? Who are you?"
"I'm Bernard. Nice to meet you Santa." The man now known as Bernard says to dad.
Suddenly my tattoo is so itchy. It feels like it's on fire. I don't know why but I feel drawn to this person.
I must zone out for a minute because Charlie is now next to dad. I rush over and pull him back slightly. Bernard may be handsome, but he's also still a stranger.
"I'm hungry and thirsty too!" Charlie butts in.
"Yeah dad, all he's had for the past couple hours are cookies I've pocketed from houses." I chime.
"And who might these be?" Bernard asks my dad.
"These are my kids Charlie and (y/n). (y/n) and Charlie meet Beh- beh-." Dad struggles to place the name just given to him moments before.
"Bernard, right?" I ask Bernard.
"Yes." He nods at me and then turns his attention towards Charlie, "Hiya sport"
"He called me sport just like you two do dad!" Charlie says excitedly.
"Wonderful" dad spits.
"Hey, you know what. I got somethin' for you. Okay, now hold out your hand, all right? Now, be very careful. This is very old, just like me." Bernard reaches into his satchel and retrieves a snow globe.
"Shake it Charlie,"I encourage him with a nod.
" Uh, Larry, take Charlie here and get him some chow." Bernard beckons a kid over.
"No, Larry, don't do that. Charlie!" Dad sputters.
"He will be ok dad. He's not dumb." I try to reassure dad.
"Exactly! You'll want to get out of those clothes as soon as possible. You two look drenched." Bernard gives a look over and shakes his head.
"Barnaby, I just wanna go home. Look, I am not Santa Claus!" Dad stammers.
"Did you or did you not read the card?" Bernard says through gritted teeth.
"Yeah why?" Dad snaps.
"In putting on the hat and jacket you accepted the contract" Bernard motions to our attire.
"The Santa Clause: "ln putting on this suit and entering the sleigh the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Clause and the Christmas spirit in perpetuity until such time that wearer becomes unable to do so by either accident or design." Bernard reads off the card.
"Christmas spirit, what's that?" I ask him.
"The very essence of Christmas. You're responsible for all the holiday cheer." He explains to me. "Now the list will be shipped to your house. Mark each name with a P or a C."
"P for present and c for coal." I explain.
"What list?" Dad asks, confused.
"THE LIST! You know," Bernard points. "He's making a list" Bernard starts low.
"Checking it twice!" Charlie chimes in.
Bernard's hands meet his face in somewhat embarrassment.
The rest of the elves join in with "Gonna find out who's naughty and nice!"
"Now you and your kid gotta get your affairs in order. You're due back here on thanksgiving! That should leave you enough time for me to train them." Bernard says deliberately to dad.
"When do we get out of here?" I chime in.
Bernard turns his attention to me, "You leave tomorrow morning."
"What if I don't want to do this?" Dad asks angrily.
"Don't even kid about something like that!" Bernard glares at him.
"Why not?" Dad challenges.
Bernard's face falls, "Then there would be millions of disappointed children around the world. You see, children hold the spirit of Christmas within their hearts. And seeing as your kid now is the spirit of Christmas, you wouldn't want to be responsible for killing the spirit of Christmas and your kid, now, would you Santa."
What now?! I'll die if dad doesn't get with the picture. My jaw drops slightly and my eyebrows furrow. This has got to be some nightmare.
"Judy will take you to your room. Get out of the suit. It needs to be cleaned. I'll take (y/n) to their room." Bernard motions for me to follow and I do.
Dad's mouth falls open but he quickly shuts it.
This has got to be the worst night of my life thus far.
The spirit of Christmas?! (chapter 4)

The hallways seem to twist and turn in random directions but Bernard seems to know how to navigate it like the back of his hand. He looks back to make sure I'm still following every once in a while. I'm practically tearing off my skin at this point. My tattoo is hot to the touch and I can feel it through my sleeve. Bernard rubs his wrist every now and then, looking to me with furrowed brows. It seems like an eternity following him when we finally are met with a door. It's rounded with light blue paint on it. Strings of pine decorate it with painted on snowflakes speckled onto the varnish. Bernard reaches into his impossibly large bag and fishes out a key, it's handle matching the doors design. Turning the key and pushing on the door it gives a large creak, almost like it hadn't been used in decades.
"Well this is it." Bernard says, fully turning to me. "Welcome home (y/n)!"
"Your home maybe! Not mine!" I joke.
"Well, your home too now. At least it will be after the next eleven months." Bernard says sternly.
He motions into the room and I enter. The entire room is ice blue, except the few red and green accents. The biggest bed I've ever seen sits on the back wall. It may look like winter in here but I feel like I'm being boiled alive. Bernard follows in behind me.
"No offense, but this is bullshit!" I growl out at him.
He looks slightly taken aback but replies with "well I'm sorry you feel that way"
"Look, I stopped believing in Santa a long time ago. This has got to be some demented nightmare my mind has conjured up. One moment a guys falling off our roof and I'm putting on an old trapper hat I found the next I'm here and your spewing nonsense about me being the spirit of Christmas!" I say sitting onto the bed.
"Well, whether you believe it or not, you are now Christmas spirit." He says standing in front of me.
I take off the blasted hat that began this all and set it beside me. I begin to roll up my sleeves when I hear Bernard let out a soft gasp.
"Umm, what's your last name again?" Bernard stutters out.
"Calvin, why?" I blink in confusion.
I go to itch my arm and Bernard seizes my wrist.
"Ah! Fuck that hurt! What the hell is wrong with you dude! You're being really weird!" I yank my arm away, gently rubbing my wrist where he grabbed it.
"Language! But uh, I don't know how to say this," Bernard starts.
"Say what? That I've finally lost my marbles and need a mental evaluation?" I spit.
"We're soulmates," he breathes, calmly grabbing his sleeve and pulling upward.
Lo and behold there in the same handwriting reads the words (Y/N) CALVIN.
"What's a soulmate?" I hear a quiet voice ask from the doorway.
We both whip our heads around to find Charlie standing a few steps in the doorway.
I rush to him, sweeping him into a protective embrace.
"It's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's who you're destined to spend eternity with." Bernard tries to explain without fumbling over words.
"Well, sissy (y/n) hates Christmas, so I don't think she's your soulmate" Charlie says and then waddles over to the bed.
"Well, they'll learn to love it because they are now the spirit of Christmas, sport!" Bernard shakes his head, curls bouncing in every direction.
"Yeah, not gonna happen dude." I raise my eyebrows and lift Charlie onto the giant bed.
"Well it's got to happen or you and I both die. So..." Bernard trails off.
"How about I get is some hot coco and we talk about this?" Bernard tries persuading me.
"Ok I guess, but don't think that this will change anything!" I call after him as he leaves.
"He's nice." Charlie smiles at me.
"Yeah he is, but I think we will be talking about adult business, so... scram" I shoo him out of the room.
I flop on the bed and close my eyes, hoping once I open them I'll be back home in my bed.
"This can't be real!" I tell myself.
"It's 'bout as real as it gets." A voice cuts through my thoughts.
I open my eyes to see Bernard approaching with a mug in each hand. He hands me one and I cautiously take a sip. It's the best thing I've ever tasted. I set the mug onto a nearby coaster to cool off.
"So... what's the nonsense about soulmates?" I ask him.
"Every elf has a soulmate. It just makes things easier here. But never in my two thousand years of living would I have guessed that mine would be a human. Let along the child of Santa and the spirit of Christmas. I didn't know it was even possible." Bernard explains.
"This is crazy! I feel like I'm loosening it. First soulmates, Santa, Christmas spirits, This has got to be the weirdest experience ever!" I rant.
"Well you're stuck with the pole now." Bernard pats my back and I feel warmth radiating from my tattoo.
"Yeah, fat chance this is even real. When I wake up I'll be back in my bed." I retort.
"Well, yeah. You have to get ready to move here. Can't just yank you from your home you know." Bernard sasses.
"What's this b.s. about Christmas spirit now?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"I'll have to train you. I'll stop by whenever I can and teach you how to use your magic." Bernard illustrates.
"This is crazy. I have a job! I can't just wait around for an imaginary soulmate to show up and teach me magic! I have to support my dad!" I clamor while jumping up.
"I can see that this is getting us nowhere. It's fine you're in denial right now but here. Take this." Bernard fishes around in his satchel and pulls out a locket.
"Rub this whenever you need to see me and I'll be there. No matter the time." Bernard clasps it around my neck.
"If I'm your soulmate, wouldn't you want me here now?" I ask lifting a brow.
"I've waited over two thousand years for you, what's one more?" Bernard smiles a sad smile.
I rush forward without thinking, my arms wrapping around Bernard's neck and causing him to wobble.
"I'm sorry. If you were real I'd gladly stay here with you!" I cry.
My eyes water and he hugs me like I might slip away at any moment.
"Well, I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me around." Bernard smiles.
"You better get to sleep though. I'll always be with you, right here." He pats my chest and makes his way to the door.
"Goodnight Bernard!" I call to him.
"Goodnight snowflake!" He calls back, closing the door behind him.
I reach for the folded pajamas Bernard left. I unfold them to see that they are embroidered with my initials. I change into them and pull the covers back. This has to be the softest pajamas I've ever felt. I nearly melt into the soft sheets. My tattoo no longer burns. I hope I have this dream every night!
Work and a visit from an elf
(Chapter 4 of wrapped in love)

It's been eight months and the amount of mouth injuries I've gotten is impossible to count. Luckily my mouth instantly heals now, but it's still inconvenient. My canine teeth have sharpened and my ears have elongated slightly. Being a children's librarian it makes it easy to pass off as a cosplay in town. Dad is trying to deny what happened, but his hair has gone light grey and he has gained a lot of weight. I mean a lot. I'm setting up to record when I hear the sound of bells. I spin in my chair to see Bernard standing in my doorway.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Just checking in. How's everything going?" Bernard sits onto my bed.
"Cool, cool. My mom doesn't want dad to ever see Charlie again, but other than that I've been good." I say pulling on my sweater over my tank top.
"Oh, sorry about that." He winces.
"They'll work it out. They always do." I shrug.
"What exactly are you doing?" He asks, looking behind me at my books laid out.
"I'm gonna be going to work at the library" I say putting on my barrettes.
"Can I come?" He asks.
"Absolutely! Just wondering, why?" I ask, putting on my clip on earrings.
"I have to see what your like with children. It's customary." He explains.
"Makes sense." I nod as I grab the bag he gifted me.
"It's just down the road so I walk." I say slipping on my shoes.
"Are you sure you can walk in those?" He points to my platforms.
"Yeah, totally. I've been rocking platforms for over ten years." I smile.
We walk out the door and I lock it behind me. The walk to the library is a short but pretty one. The flowers seem to bloom and the birds sing in the trees. After a short five minutes, we are there. Entering the library, I am greeted by a chorus of hellos from patrons and coworkers. I clock in and walk back to Bernard.
"Reading corner isn't for another couple hours, I've got shelving until then." I gesture to my cart.
"That's okay. I need to see how you work with others anyways." He shrugs.
Quickly and efficiently I stock all the returns and still have twenty minutes until reading to the children. Bernard observes from the corner as I check out several people.
"Oh I love this book!" I say to the person I'm checking out, gesturing to the book Misery.
"I adore Stephen king and haven't been able to find this one yet. Im excited to read it." The customer grins.
"Well, tell me how you like it when you return it." I smile back.
The head librarian taps my shoulder as the customer walks away.
"It's time." She smiles.
I grab my small bell from the counter and make my way to the reading corner where Bernard already sits. I bring the bell up high and ring it six times. Children seem to come out of the brickwork and swarm around the reading corner. Some racing to the front and others preferring to sit back.
"What story are you telling today Ms. Calvin?" A girl with no front teeth lisps.
"Today we are reading... where the wild things are!" I drumroll and pull out the hardback.
"That looks scary!" A boy from the back calls out.
"Remember, it's fiction! And fiction means-" I start and they all bellow "fake!"
"The monsters in this book are not real and cannot hurt you! And if they were, I'd be here to protect you!" I flex my arm and the kids erupt into giggles.
"Now we have the main character, his name is max! And he's naughty!" I explain the premise.
I open the book and begin reading.
"The night max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind"
I flip the page. "And another."
Flipping the page "his mother called him wild thing" I say in a sweet voice.
"And max said 'I'll eat you up!" I give a gruff voice.
"So he was sent to bed without eating anything."
"That very night, in max's room, a forest grew." I rustle the potted plants behind me, "and grew- and grew until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around."
"And an ocean tumbled by with a private boat just for max and he sailed off through night and day. And in and out of weeks, and almost a year to where the wild things are!"
The kids become enthralled with the story. Some stomp when the wild things do and some make scary faces. The children no longer appear scared and relax into the story. I close the book and set it onto the shelf.
"What story are you reading us tomorrow?!" A girl from the back calls out to me.
"Well I guess you'll have to come here to see!" I taunt jovially.
The group erupt into giggles and sighs of disappointment. They begin to scatter back into the library when the girl with no teeth approaches me.
"Ms.Calvin? Who's your friend?" She points to Bernard.
"This is Bernard! He's from out of state so he's just visiting for the time being." I lie.
"Oh, that makes sense. So can you tell me what book your gonna read next?" She pleads with me.
"Now Gisselle, that wouldn't be fair for the other kids." I ruffle her hair.
"I know." She giggles as she runs off.
"How'd I know her name?" I mumble.
"That's part of being Santa. They're all knowing. Most of the time anyway." Bernard shrugs.
"Oh. That makes sense I suppose. Anyway my shift is over, we better get back to pick up Charlie from the bus station.”
I sling my bag over my shoulder and punch out. I send a goodbye to the head librarian and she nods. Walking the way to Charlie's bus stop I think about what this means for my family. Getting to the stop, we wait about five minutes until Charlie's bus pulls up. I sit on the bench and change my shoes, a new pair appearing in my bag and I slip my platforms into it.
"Why the change?" Bernard asks.
"Charlie likes to be carried. And I can't do that in platforms without risking injury to both of us." I shrug.
The bus doors open and charlie is the first kid off, running to me with open arms.
"(Y/n)!!!" He throws his arms around me.
I pick him up and place him onto my shoulders.
"Bernard! You're here too!" He points.
"Hey sport! I'm here to see how your sibling and dad are doing." Bernard smiles.
"Dad's in denial. I learned the word from Neil." He smiles proudly.
"I'm sure you want to get home before dad gets back, so we better head out." I start walking.
Bernard trails behind us. We soon make it to the house and I unlock the door. Placing Charlie down, he kicks off his shoes and runs to the tv.
"Can we, oh can we watch muppets Christmas carol? Please (y/n)?" He asks with puppet eyes.
"It's not even winter yet, sport." I sit next to him.
"But it's my favorite!" He pleads.
"I can't say no to you, you watch it and I'll start dinner." I kiss his forehead.
I walk into the kitchen and start to prepare supper.
"This a new thing with him?" Bernard nods his head at the movie.
"Oh no! It's been his favorite forever. He watches it all the time." I clarify.
"So your dad. How's his transformation going?" Bernard clasps his hands.
"He's convinced it didn't happen. Even though we both have changed dramatically." I sigh.
"That's ok. You have three more months to get your affairs in order. Then you both will move to the pole." He wrings his hands.
"Like forever? How's that fair to us?" I get up.
"Well someone has to deliver Christmas presents. And your dad is now responsible for Christmas cheer." He holds his hands up.
"He's like the least cheery person I know." I try to explain.
"Well that doesn't matter now." Bernard shrugs.
"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask.
"Not my job, sorry." He says, proofing into glitter once more.
"This is fucking bullshit!" I set the knife onto the cutting board.
I hear the door bell ring and sigh.
"Can you get that Charlie?" I ask him.
"It's the list!" He calls back.
The what now?