Bi Han X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hey, could I request Bi Han/Sub Zero romantic headcannons with a male reader who is his right hand man and childhood friend?

Bi-Han / Sub-Zero with a boyfriend who's his childhood friend

Hey, Could I Request Bi Han/Sub Zero Romantic Headcannons With A Male Reader Who Is His Right Hand Man

Note(s) : I'm gonna be honest, I don't really like him, but I want to try and be a better writer by writing about characters I don't like. Please, give me critiques on how I wrote him!

First of all, he was incredibly moody as a child already, not exactly of his own volition having a dad like his would ruin any kid, so if you can't handle people who are mean on purpose? You'd have a REALLY hard time getting along with him.

Bi-Han was always brooding, in the corner with a frown, he eats with a frown, sleeps frowning, talks to his brother's frowning, the only time he's ever smiling is either in private or when it's just him and Kuai Liang, but it doesn't happen that often any more after his dad died.

To befriend him, you'd either need to be a part of the Lin Kuei, either born into the clan, maybe the son of one of the lower Lin Kuei members, or found and taken in by the clan, or somehow be involved with one of the Lin Kuei's missions.

It's a long and slow process, but even just talking to him once a day will eventually gain a semblance of trust, it'll be hard to show it, and he mostly does by standing next to you and sometimes agreeing with you, but these things will take time.

By your teenage years, you two began training together, maybe he tends to be a little rougher than other Lin Kuei, and maybe he's broken your nose once, twice, possibly even thrice before, but he did apologise, eventually.

He would confide in you about troubles with his brothers, well, he insists that Smoke isn't a brother and more like a stray even though that's just not true, but Bi-Han would be awkward and reserved about talking with you.

He feels that this isn't your business, and not only that, he feels like you just... Wouldn't get it? While he understands you may have issues of your own, his situation is rather unique.

His troubles mainly consist of Kuai Liang and Tomas upholding tradition, Bi-Han believes that his brothers view tradition higher than him, and even though he's grandmaster, that they don't take his opinions into account.

Of course, this is ludicrous, his brothers follow his every word and typically offer little resistance, though, if you try to tell him that he will just storm off and claim he was right all along and that you don't understand. He'll eventually come to his senses and realise what you said was true, but, won't apologise.

If you agree with him, or at least say you do, he'll murmur a gruff complaint about his brother's and then you'll sit in silence for a while.

By the time MK1 rolls around, he's fairly jaded, he doesn't like talking to his own brothers, he dislikes them a fair amount actually, but he still loves them, or, at least he holds love in his heart for Kuai, he still hates Smoke.

Bi-Han doesn't know exactly what he feels for you, he knows it's not friendship, but at the same time, he's never really had friends before, so, he can't be sure. All he understands is that he values you, and more importantly, your opinion, if you disagree with him it may hurt his pride, but please, stay firm, he comes around eventually, only with you.

He wants to wait for something, that maybe proves you may love him, because when that rolls around, he can fully decide whether to act on his emotions or not.

You most likely accompany the trio to stop Shang Tsung, and you'll most likely be there when Bi-Han betrays the Lin Kuei. Obviously, you choose to stay with him, and, it breaks Smoke and Scorpions heart, they may not have known you too well, but, they knew you were one of the only things that would stop him from going down that path.

In a way, you both failed them that day.

Now, after proving your loyalty to him, you're basically his right hand man and oversee a lot of the clan, you train young and old recruits, you maintain a harsh schedule everybody is expected to follow, you help Bi-Han with whatever he needs, and sometimes need to force him to take a day off.

By the way, he won't let you say his actual name, you always have to either call him Sub-Zero or Grandmaster, depending on if you're on a mission or not, his name is personal to him, a core part of his identity, and, until you're closer, he feels awkward letting you call him Bi-Han.

During this, he becomes even more angry, even more distant, even with you, and it may take pushing, reminding him of your childhood spent together, for him to crack.

He won't come crying into your arms, he doesn't beg for forgiveness or want any, he just sits there, and begins to rant. He rants about how he feels like, if he was a better grandmaster, his brothers would have joined him, if he was a better grandmaster, maybe he wouldn't have joined Shang Tsung, and wouldn't have been tempted by his lies.

You hold a hand to his shoulder, and you confess, you tell him what you think about him, how you feel about his temptation into evil by Shang Tsung, and even though he doesn't want forgiveness, you give it.

And, with permission, you hold his hand. It's a small step, but, it's the most contact you two will have together for a long time.

Now, he gives you small smiles in private, nothing wide, but something so tiny it's hard to differentiate from not having an expression at all, he gives you some time off, more than he gives himself, anyway, and more importantly? He feels himself relaxed around you.

Telling a joke that would once make him scoff and walk away now makes him let out a gruff and amused noise, it's a mix between a laugh and breath of air, and he only does it for you.

Dinners with him are less awkward, when before you would sit in silence, hesitantly taking bites from food. You two now chat quietly about your day, each recruit, and sometimes about each other. You can actually enjoy the food and his presence.

He lets you call him Bi-Han now, not in public, but, when you two are alone, in a hallway, in your rooms, having dinner or breakfast privately, whichever situation calls for you two to be alone, he lets you call him by his name, and, it makes him feel vulnerable. It makes him feel loved.

He's always held your opinion in high regard, but now, it's honestly the only one that matters besides his own, and he does, silently, hope you aren't so tempted by power like he is.

Bi-Han may take longer to kiss or cuddle you than what most would consider normal, he loves you, he knows he does now, but, he's nervous, no, he's afraid. He knows he's a rough man, and he knows how uncaring and even violent he is and can come across as, so, naturally, he tries to avoid the subject. He doesn't want to do anything without your consent, but he's also far too afraid to ask.

It will take you to ask him, you'll need to make the first move, and when you do ask him for that first kiss, he gives you that small, hardly noticeable smile, and you both lean in, closing your eyes...

It's awkward. Maybe you know how to kiss, maybe you don't, but Bi-Han definitely doesn't, and, it shows. He feels slightly embarrassed at how lost he is, but, you two can learn together, and even just telling him, hey, maybe it wasn't the best, but, we can learn together, lifts his spirits an unnatural degree.

For the next week, the schedules become less strict for most Lin Kuei members, and any mess ups are met with less harsh, but still kind of harsh, punishments.

Kissing is basically ingrained into your schedule now, once in the morning on the cheek before breakfast, maybe once at lunch if it's a tough day, and always a peck on the lips at night before bed.

It takes less time to cuddle if you've already kissed before, sure, it still takes a bit long, but, so do most things with this man. Maybe it starts with holding his hand, or, sitting on his bed and talking about things, training gets hard sometimes, so perhaps you're just a bit tired.

You look up at him and quietly ask if you can just lay down for a while, or, maybe you just lay down yourself and wait for any objections, either way, he lets you lay down, and eventually, lays down next to you. Your hands hold each other tightly, your head is resting on his shoulder and it feels strangely perfect, despite how stiff his shoulders are.

This becomes semi natural in your schedule, but only after a long day, cuddling each other until you or him are on the brink of sleep, and then you return to your bed. You two still sleep in separate beds, that's just how he prefers things, no matter how much he trusts you, it's just more comfortable.

I'd recommend cuddling in summer, because, he's insanely cold and the winter is not at all suited for cuddle sessions between you two.

It takes a bit for you two to start calling each other 'boyfriend', not because Bi-Han doesn't consider you his lover, and therefore boyfriend, but because he sort of just assumes that kissing, cuddling, all of that, makes you together automatically, and, he doesn't like announcing his relationships.

It's not like he's embarrassed of you, he seriously isn't, but, you're the only person who sees the vulnerable side of him, and he prefers to keep it that way. None of the other Lin Kuei members, god forbid any one else, deserves to know your relationship with each other.

Dates are rare, extremely rare, you two have major responsibilities within the clan, and, Bi-Han doesn't trust anybody enough for them to run it while you two are away, so, the most date-like thing you'll experience is eating dinner together after every one has had theirs and left.

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3 years ago

Bi-han X male Reader

So this is a continuations of @tomoka0013 bi-han x male reader fic. Becuase I really loved it and wanted to make something for it becuase they are one to my favourite writers. So enjoy. It's only short but I'm quite happy for my first time of writing Noob saibot Bi-han I haven't really done that before.

Bi-han X Male Reader

The day after

Bi-han woke to his body being in an almost agonising sting. His hand sore, his throat and back felt bruised and even lower hurt the most.

He lets out a whine as he moves grunting and groaning we he turns to see his lover. His sleepy eyes trail to the man before he goes to sit up.

"What the fuck!" He hisses as his body protest. His back aching his hand swollen as he looks to it. "Why the fuck is my thumb broken!?!" He yells waking his lover up.

He hears a small noise from the man before he speaks up. "Babe it's too early go the fuck back to sleep, got a headache" he grumbles pulling the blanket over his head.

Noob growls, his hands snaking under the blanket and up his lovers sides. He can feel his warm body shiver under his touch.

"Bi!, your hands are fucking cold!!" His lover yelps only to be pulled closer to him. "Tough shit, my thumbs broken and my Ass hurts becuase of you" the wraith growls into his lovers shoulder.

"You!, We're the one who wouldn't say no, I told you it would hurt. Told you that you would be sore. But nooo.. do you listen to me." He grumbles only to let out a hiss as Bi-han bites into his shoulder.

"I'm losing my patients with you qíng rén" he says moving back a little still wincing at the pain of his own body. His lover let's out a soft moan before trying to pull away from Noob.

"Baby, it's to early and you'll hurt yourself more" he mutters but Bi-han pays him no mind ad his hands begin to run up his lovers body.

"Perhaps this should be pay back for last night" he hums lips and teeth trailing his lovers neck again.

"Bi-han" his lover sighs his name, he let's out a groan moving again "That's it Yīngjùn de nánrén" noob whispers agaisnt his ear.

"You evil you know that Bi, absolulty evil" he huffs as the wraith moves his hands down his hips digging his nails into the soft flesh.

" bìzuǐ, be quite. This is pay back" Bi-han says his hands moving both in different directions. Once comes to wrap around his lovers throat while the other trails down further past his hips and under the waist band of his pants.

Bi-han bites down on his lovers shoulder again drawing blood this time. "NOPE.. time out Bi, no more that hurt liek a bitch" he groans out making the wraith grumble as he rolls off his lover.

"Fuck your teeth are sharp!, your gonna leave a fucking scar!" The man hissed feeling blood trickle down his chest. "Yuánliàng wǒ shānghàile nǐ" noob says seriousness coming back to him as he looks over his lover he presses a soft kiss to the man's shoulder blood spreading across his lips.

"Your fucking enjoying this aren't you" he mumbles. Noob looks up to his lover. "Now we can both suffer" he says with a smirk crosses his bloody lips.

"You Are insufferable" he mutters to the wraith as he pulls him in for a kiss. It's soft and gentle something they didn't often do.

"You love it" Bi-han whispers agaisnt his lips causing the other man to groan. Pulling him back down so that he could lay across the wraith.

"Only gods know why"


qíng rén = lover / sweetheart

Yīngjùn de nánrén = handsome man

bìzuǐ = shut up!

Yuánliàng wǒ shānghàile nǐ = Forgive me for hurting you.

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