Bibically Accurate Angel - Tumblr Posts
Was doodling on Free Draw and was especially proud of this


sitting on this one for a little while but... bibically accurate body horror fractal sunflower

the scorched one
decided to name him adastriel!
My browser crashed about 15 times trying to make this foo
BOO another post
sorry if i scared you
erm, more stuff!!
an angel of fire

finally posting more recent stuff! drew this a couple days ago!!
tw: talk of religion and Christianity. no talking down or trauma dumping or anything, but ik some people don’t have the best relationship with religion and stuff👍👍 so just makin sure^^
have i ever described here how much i LOVE angels???? specifically biblically accurate angels. i am one myself. PLEEEASE!! they are SO SO COOL I LOVE THEM THEIR EYES THEIR WINGS WHAT THEY DO THE DESIGN OF THEM ALL RELIGION AS A WHOLE CHRISTIANITY AS A WHOLE IS SO INTERESTING TO ME!!! i might be a bit biased because i was raised in a christian household. baptist to be specific. and although i am more on the non denominational side of things now, i also am leaning into Catholicism!! i find it all so interesting^^ anyways. sorry, the biblically accurate angel and religion special interest is one that’s probably here to stay, huzzah!!