Big Agree - Tumblr Posts
there are a lot of relationships people say are definitely platonic in tlt and while I do love exploring different friendships in fiction I have to say *tamsyn Muir voice* if I treated my friends that way
Night at the Museum would make a perfect tv show, I will die on this hill
night at the museum is a franchise I wouldn’t have gotten sick of. they could have tried shoving 8 sequels and an animated series down my throat and I would have ate that shit up
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on the Aisha Alnazar situation that I don't quite know how to express. And the discussion is probably too nuanced for me, as someone who is western, white, and not familiar with Muslim culture, to really be able to address.
But I find it frustrating that Nix Hydra will heavily code their characters as something- like the Devoraks and all of Nevivon being Jewish, or the Alnazar family being Muslim- and then not label them that way. And hide behind this "we want them to be open to interpretation and relatable to everyone" excuse to not label them.
And I find it frustrating that their solution to people expressing concern that their Muslim characters were poorly represented was to actively try to make them less Muslim.
And I find it frustrating that they pulled inspiration from real world cultures, but didn't take the time to try to represent all of those cultures accurately or reasonably.
And I wish they would have at least made a more public announcement about her design change, and that they would have handled the criticism they received better.
I don't know what the best solution to everything would have been or what all they could have done better, but at the very least, they could have made a public apology for her representation and started a discussion about how best to represent different cultures in the game and have announced they were changing her and why before they did it.
Beyond that, I'm not in the position to really give good feedback or criticism here. But I think this could have been avoided if they listened more closely to the voices of people from the cultures they pulled inspiration from and maybe took more time with their character designs before they made them.
I'm not going to say much else on this since it's not really my place, but I've been keeping up on different arguments for and against their changes to her design and I am hoping next time, they do better.
Dan drops hints, drops merch, and writes a whole novel explaining that it took 2 years to put “my soul” on a black hoodie. Phil gives no hints, writes a newsletter that tells us absolutely nothing, and drops brand new designs out of the blue
Not just that, but Phil’s designs are unexpected for his previous branding, with the uncertainty of “To be continued…” It’s darker and moodier and it has his face on it, which, I guess there was Hot Topic merch recently with their faces on it, but they’ve mostly not done that, and the text isn’t something we’ve seen as a slogan or popular quote… It all feels like it means something! (Whereas Dan’s means, Dan wants you to buy stuff that relates to his brand.)
as a mlm, how and why is nsfw art/fics sexualising and fetishising you? because i agree its a discussion to be had, but i think right now its too broad of a statement and i dont really understand it. im wlw, and i personally dont feel like wlw fics/art i see (that are made by non wlw) are fetishising me, so id like to hear your perspective on what makes it not okay? please educate me so i can be more informed
hi!! (firstly thanks for being so nice if i seem snappy or whatever i’m super tired and kind of annoyed and stuff so i apologise in advance)
just to get stuff out of the way - as a singular bisexual guy i obviously can’t speak for the mlm community as a whole, also none of this is really about dnp they’re just the example right now considering this is their fandom.
personally, if someone who isn’t mlm makes some nsfw gay art/fic, i don’t really mind. it’s when specific people are constantly talking about mlm sex lives (in this case dnps) and are only making nsfw art/fics.
i think at this point i’m less annoyed at the mlm nsfw stuff just because i don’t want to be spoken over by people it really doesn’t concern. i’m just really frustrated by the female/fem-aligned nbs of the fandom speaking over mlm voices and calling it “unnecessary drama” because we have every right to be talking about and calling some people out on this kind of stuff.
when something is making you uncomfortable and you speak out about it, one of the most upsttting things is having countless amounts of people it shouldn’t even apply to say that you’re overreacting, because it makes you feel like shit and stops us from speaking up. i’ve already deleted all my tweets about this just from stress over what i’ve seen people say and it sucks.
i’d probably be better at articulating my thoughts when it isn’t 2am so i’m sorry if this isn’t readable but i tried :/
when the doctor used the tardis like a skateboard and pushed with his lil foot reblog if u agree