Biid - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

what is transabled

so this is a "i'm fine but really feel like, or wish I were/was_________"

is this just a cute way of saying "I think I'm going to merge Munchhausen's with hypochondria"

screw you guys. be nice to me. I'm medicated but I swear I have Borderline personality disorder and some shizmits like that.

or eah. maybe I was supposed to?

or maybe I was not supposed to be with scoloisis and neuro fibromatosis. yeah yeah. the backwards of transabled. I have reason to have body dysmorphia. I don't empthizie with the "i'm 300 pounds overweight I hate my body"

I also am transhobby. I just gravitate twords drawing things, but I should of been a really really good female wrestler.

I may of been bornĀ  a geek, but I don't think I can, as hard as I try be a scene brat clubber or swinger.

that is what it is.

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