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Glacier on her way to beat Deathbringers ass after he attacked Blaze
Thinking about how Blaze lost everything rn First, her mother dies, she has no time to mourn before she is thrown into a war with her own sisters who just want her dead, and she was ripped away from her brother too. Then she meets Glacier, a light in the dark, finally someone who she can lean on, a support. But she knows they could never truly be together, they are in the middle of a war and Glacier has to run her kingdom on top of that. I wonder how Blaze felt, watching Glacier send out all those armies for her. Or how Glacier felt knowing that any day Blaze could be killed by someone for the throne. Glacier watching as Blaze is attacked by her sisters, she can barely look because she wants to help her so badly but she can’t. Then Blaze lives and the war ends, everything should be fine now right? The moment Blaze gets some peace Darkstalker is set free. Her and Glacier lost contact and Blaze was staying at the stronghold at this point in time i believe. Once Darkstalker “magically disappears” Blaze probably wanted to go visit Glacier, go spend some time together (maybe a date….) but, Glacier was long dead. girlbossed too close to the sun murdered by darkstalker Blaze lost everything.
Homosexuals! Antlered icewings! Dumbasses! What more can a gal ask for?
Stick together during war councils! It could get chilly!

+ Bonus