Black Clover Leo - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Ships addition

The ships in question: Vanica x Megicula ( VanMeg?), Yuno x Leo ( YuLeo?), Lolopechka x Gadjah, Asta x Noelle (asunoe)

The hc will be on : πŸŒ‘Nightmares, πŸ’ Wedding day, πŸ§’ Kids, ❀ Love language and πŸ€ activities they like to do together


πŸŒ‘: both Asta and Noelle have their fare amount

Of Nightmares, so whenever one of them as a Nightmare the other will do their best to calm the other down and ground them. Then they will probably cuddle and if that is not enough they will go star gazing

πŸ’: Asta and Noelle's wedding day was large and grand even tho it happened in Hage. Asta's grommets were: Yuno, Magna, Leo, Luck and Gadjah while Noelle's on the other hand were Lolopechka, Mimosa, Nero, Kahono, and Vanessa!

While waiting for Noelle to walk down the aisle Asta was sweating like an animal bc he was worried that Noelle was taking to long and that something had happened. But Gadjah assured him that it was normal for the bride to come in later, so when Noelle came in with Yami by her side and the girls right behind her he broke down and started crying(p.s they hadn't seen each other before the wedding)

πŸ§’: Noelle and Asta have two children an older girl named Acier and a boy named Isaac with a 5 years differences. Acier has long grey hair like Licita and has green and pink eyes, her magic is like her uncle Mercury and she serves in the silver eagles alongside her mother. Isaac on the other hand has short straight silver hair and green eyes, his magic in contrast to his sis is water and services in the bbs

❀: Asta's love language is both physically touch and acts of service. Bc my boy never learned what boundaries are so he can and will cuddle for hours on end and acts of service...dos it really need an explosion?

Noelle's love language on the other hand is just acts of service and maybe quality time? Idk bc of her childhood she never learned how to properly react to affection none the less give it to someone else( but asta, lolo and Mimosa are doing their best to help)

πŸ€: Asta and Noelle are both very physically active and they enjoy sparring, working out just anything that requires movement and that applies to their kids as well


πŸŒ‘: The one that was Nightmares not the most but entirely in there relationship is Yuno his Nightmares are not rare but they aren't common either they mostly revolve around the Zeno vs GD fight. What Leo dose in order to calm yuno down is hug him for you see Leo is like a warm blanket he may be sorter but he sure as hell is wider

πŸ’: To many people surprise there wedding happened at the heart kingdom bc Leo was scared that his grandparents were going to crash it. So Lolo being the sweetest big sis she is agreed immediately, and so there wedding happened on the beach bc Leo and lolo have style+ Leo's grommets were: Randell, Luck, Gareth and Floga, while Yuno's where: Klaus, langris, David and Asta.

πŸ§’: To cut a long story short, Yuno and Leo do eventually want to adopt kids but first they need to deal with both Leo's grandparents and see exactly what is going to happen with Yuno's heritage to the Spade thrown and go from there.

❀: Now in terms of love language Yuno is a Corben copy of Asta the only man difference between the two is that Yuno knows what boundaries are. Leo's love language is physical touch and quality time and I don't think that really needs an expansion. Like man's will make you feel like royalty and like you are the center of the world

πŸ€: In their spare time I feel like they would either train or sit in front of the fireplace cuddle up in blankets with a cup of tea ( Yuno) and a cup of hot chocolate (Leo).


πŸŒ‘: Ok now look Gadjah is one of the lucky mf on the planet like he has no idea what experiencing a Nightmare is like bc he as never EVER had one ( and he never will ). But now Lolo on the other hand as Nightmares almost every night, now most of the nightmares Lolo does have are normally pretty tame but there are those times when they are not tame like at all. In those times Lolo panics like a lot and if nothing is done she will have an all-out panic attack so Gadjah does his best to came her down insert lots of cuddles, head pats and hot chocolate.

πŸ’: So when Gadjah and Lolo got married it was like the entire kingdom was having a large Festival although the only people that were allowed in the era of the wedding, were those that were invited. Gadjah's grommets were: Floga, Smurik, Potrof, asta and luck while lolo's were Noelle , Nero, Mimosa, Kahono and Sarado. ( Ps a handful of days before the wedding many of the people left gifts and cards with well-wishes in front of the palace, lolo broke down and Gadjah almost cried )

πŸ§’: Because of the law that all the Heart Queens must conform to they can not have any biological children. So after an attack on a research facility that did illegal experiments on children with special magic attributes, there was only one survivor a young girl with bright orange hair, ocean blue eyes and plasma magic named Freya who they end up adopting

❀️: As for Love language Gadjah is one smooth-ass bastard so words of affirmation and acts of service which is Self-explanatory. And for our beloved Lolo, we have physically touch like she will smother Gadjah to the point that he will not know what to do with himself and quality time, she is willing to do anything but her work

πŸ€: when they are not working they enjoy taking long nature walks which was one of the first family activities they did along with Freya! But beyond that love to cuddle with each other


πŸŒ‘: Very similar to Lolo, Vanica has had nightmares even night since she was young ( like 4-5). But because of that, she was grown used to the feeling of waking up in cold sweat so in the unlikely event that she does in fact have a nightmare that scars her that much Megi will make her a hot chocolate and cuddle her to sleep. Now if it is the other way around and Megi is the one having them then she goes into full panic mode and vanica needs to sing to her. Vanica doesn't know why but it always seems to soothe her

πŸ’: although yes they legally are married they didn't have a wedding! They just went down to Damantios's office on a Tuesday and some signed papers later there married. But granted Asta did give them the week off sooo

πŸ§’: Alright, so out of everyone in this list vanica and megicula are the ones with the most kids coming in with 3! The oldest a boy named Arthur, with long wavy black hair and bright red eyes who in fact has two magic types soul, and curses warding. The two others are Twins named Anastasia and Julius, they both have short straight white hair and dark red eyes, similarly to Arthur they both have two magic types for Ana we have cursed blood and devil bone magic while Julius has cursed blood and devil spatial magic. Ironically enough Ana is in the silver eagles with Acier, Julius is in the black bulls with Isaac ( they are bffs) and Arthur is in the research facilities with Meg ( ps he has a thing of Acier)

❀️: Now love language is a little difficult I can imagine Vanica would be physical touch and quality time so she can spoil the hell out of Meg both physically and materially. As for Meg, I would say acts of service and quality time now similar to Noelle Meg was never good at expressing love and affection but Vanica, Sally and Makusa have helped a lot.

πŸ€: As of things they like to do together Vanica loves helping Meg brainstorm ideas for new curses. They will sit for hours on end talking about new ideas. Another thing they enjoy is cuddling and when the kids join in it is even better.

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1 year ago

Till proven otherwise I chose to believe that Lolopechka is a native Greek speaker and has taught all her Basterds (The world leaders and everyone who when to Heart) how to curse in Greek

Imagine it, it would be glorious. Lolo would look on like a prud mom

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1 year ago




Fuck uhhhhh if this reminds you of Avatar the last airbender then good. Bc it should.

Ok so, the girl with the black bulls rob is Leondara Vermilion (of you didn't guess) she is Asta and Leo's kid with fire magic

Next we got Natsuki Kezukaku the girl that looks like Komri but with black hair, yea she is Komari's daughter but also Ichika's and Ginnojomorifuyu's bc I firmly believe that the woman of the Ryuzen seven kiss.

And last but not least we have the kid at the end with a lot of murder and blood on her hands. She is Noelle's and Kahono's daughter Acire ll Silva she is nothing like her moms

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