Blackstar Wc - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
Blackstar Did Nothing Wrong (he Committed War Crimes (i Forgive Him))

Blackstar did nothing wrong (he committed war crimes (i forgive him))

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1 year ago

Redesign of warrior cat minis

okay so i don't like the warriors minis. I don't really hate them either, but they always felt really messy, cluttered, and inaccurate to me. But i also understand the cats need to be mass producible, since the franchise is so big, so i redesigned them using a base i made.

I might upload a video explaining every change in debth when im done with every set, but for now, the basics:

i traced the mini-maker stencil roughly and changed a few proportions, using the symmetry tool to keep patterns simple, unless the character patterns need to be different (like tawny). There are a few eyes and mouth differences for a variation of expressions, and i switched the second Jayfeather for Brokenstar. I also switched around the pairings for something more, logical.

For now i only have the first two sets done.


Pair one: Firestar and Tigerstar.

The two famous leaders changed the clans around them for seasons and seasons to come. Firestar led the clans into a new age of tolerance and acceptance, while Tigerstar's rein still leaves scars in the clan's memory.

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis

Pair two: Tawnypelt and Graystripe.

These two cats both struggled to find where their loyalties lie, leaving their original clan in search for a better life. While Tawnypelt found her home among the shadows, Graystripe decided he couldnt turn against his former friends.

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis

Pair three: Jayfeather and Leafstar

These two cats may seem radically different on first glance, but they both share a calling for a greater destiny. When Leaf, a former rouge, was called apon to lead a brand new clan, she didnt let her anxiety come between her and her destiny! Jayfeather, simularly, set his sights on a warrior's glory, before his powers dragged him into a spiritual role he eventually saved the clans with.

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis


Pair one: Blackstar and Brokenstar

These two cats set their paws on the path of darkness when the clans still walked the forest. But while Brokenstar tormented the clans until his bitter end, Blackfoot was able to turn away at the last moment, leading shadowclan in peace for moons.

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis

Pair two: Ravenpaw and Sandstorm

These two apprentices trained together in thunderclan, growing to be great hunters and growing close to their clanmates. While Ravenpaw had to leave due to a certain shadowy tormentor, Sandstorm would grow to be invaluable to her clan in leaf-bare, as the best hunter in the clan.

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis

Pair three: Cinderpelt and Brightheart.

These two sisters were injured while serving their clan, and both fought with fears that they wouldnt be able to serve their clan. Despite this, they rose above their clanmates in terms of sheer determination and strength, becoming foundational cats to their clan!

Redesign Of Warrior Cat Minis

im almost done with set 3, ill post l8r i am so tired

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