Bleusinkoo-uses - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

hi, i'm using this theme for my blog and i'm so happy with it. I've been looking for something like this for a long long while now, something that has plenty of customizations that i don't have to put so much of my back into. something responsive for both desktop and mobile, something minimal and well-fitting to however many concepts or aesthetics. job well done, thank you for making this and all of your other themes - i checked them out too, and i gotta say; you're incredible! i wish your theme-making and blogging the best. thanks again! 😊

Hi, I'm Using This Theme For My Blog And I'm So Happy With It. I've Been Looking For Something Like This
Theme Nine: Lilac One-column Sidebar Theme With An Optional Header Inspired By Social Media Post Dashboards.

theme nine: lilac — one-column sidebar theme with an optional header inspired by social media post dashboards. made to commemorate the one-year anniversary of when i started this blog. it’s been a crazy year and i can’t believe how much this blog has grown, so thank you to all of you!

previews: static preview / live preview

install: theme garden / pastebin / github

features and options:

sidebar with a 100px by 100px circular image and up to three custom links

optional header with a search bar, optional header image, and up to seven custom links. header image can be any height and is the same width as whatever post size you choose.

posts sizes: 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px.

option to show or hide captions, show tags or tags on click, optional post dropdown menu with extra post info.

options include: post margin, photoset gutter, drop shadows, rounded post and photo corners.

first npf photoset in a post will be converted to a regular photoset, thanks to this script by annasthms and codematurgy’s npf photoset script.

responsive for both desktop and mobile devices.


tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have to toggle the options on and off to get them to work properly. if something doesn’t look right or the post captions disappear, save and exit because 99% of the time it will look fine on your blog.

icons are from Feather Icons and if you want to change them, go to the site, find the name of the icon you want, and enter it in the space in the customization panel.

there are only three custom links in the sidebar. links four to ten are in the header. if you do not toggle the header on, none of the links in the header will show up.

matches hyacinth about page and narcissus tags page

full list of credits here

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