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This is a bit of a long story. But here we go: I have a quite long series of fics (which still keeps growing) on AO3, Loki-centric, with LokiOFC called Nightingale (the name of my OFC): Thus far eight fics follow what I call the main timeline, the rest are separate AUs. One of them had Skye as one of the main characters, and the pairing was Skyeward. And I had this huge idea for their romance, but it didn’t quite fit with the fic as I was writing it, so in the end I put very little of that in the fic, called “Secret Warriors” (it’s #17). Then I met BloodlessAgain, and she had an amazing Skyeward video to Selena Gomez’s “Ghost of You”, I loved it and couldn’t help but ask if she was willing to take a request. So I explained to her about Secret Warriors, and the Skyeward story that was never fully written. After some talking, she gave me this (the video you see above). I fell in love with it immediately, so much I finally went ahead and wrote Skye’s and Grant’s story; it’s obviously AU from the series, but considering how that’s gone, that’s probably a good thing. So... I hope you’ll like the video, might consider reading my fics, and I definitely recommend you check BloodlessAgain’s videos on youtube. She’s awesome!