Ward - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

I said it once and I'll say it again

Humans are the literal definition of persistence

Imagine a group of unatural looking creatures start hunting you, you run and you think your safe, but they don't stop, they always are just walking along, while you start to get tired, and eventually are to tired to continue running, all while the stange creatures are ever behind you, and no matter how fast you run, will always find you.

I just described how humans hunted before we started creating our own weapons

Oscar was not joking one bit

Part 3 :]
Part 3 :]
Part 3 :]
Part 3 :]
Part 3 :]

Part 3 :]

Holly discovering the nuclear potential of humanity~

Holly: We have God

Oscar: We have something even better..

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4 months ago
Part 9 :)
Part 9 :)
Part 9 :)

Part 9 :)

Little fun fact. Astronauts are pretty often recruited from pilots, because people who can fly planes already have many of the skills and experience necessary for space flights:D

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4 months ago

Holly getting flashbacks of Oscar saying that humans are predators in the back

Part 13 :|
Part 13 :|

Part 13 :|

Rest in pieces space crab

.....I just noticed I wrote sait instead of said ahahah.....oh well I can't fix it right now so can you all pretty please pretend you don't see it?

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4 months ago
Part 14 >:)
Part 14 >:)
Part 14 >:)
Part 14 >:)

Part 14 >:)

Oscar....Oscar why is your mom's business giving people space cancer? Oscar??

Previous Next


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4 months ago
Part 1 :0
Part 1 :0
Part 1 :0

Part 1 :0

Heeey, what's up? We're entering a new episode. And this is where I warn you that this comic will contain a bunch of scenes of unethical and creepy experiments on characters. Not very explicit ones. But I want to warn you anyway.



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3 months ago
Part 3 :^
Part 3 :^
Part 3 :^
Part 3 :^

Part 3 :^

I keep accidentally drawing Ain with either eyes or sensors ahah. My art style is so deeply constructed around facial expressions and especially around eyes that my brain just..refuses to remember Ain doesn’t have them :|



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3 months ago

Sips invisible tea

Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.
Part 4 ._.

Part 4 ._.

My brain is dead it’s my third time redoing this part help_____

Ain is a flytrap creechur and once you see it you can’t unsee it haha



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9 months ago

Now For Ward and Oscar (and Alcor) from Marble Sky by @somerandomdudelmao

They're so fun I love them

Now For Ward And Oscar (and Alcor) From Marble Sky By @somerandomdudelmao
Now For Ward And Oscar (and Alcor) From Marble Sky By @somerandomdudelmao

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8 months ago

help me come up with a novel way of saying "i'd forgive ward everything if vic and ashley fucked"

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8 months ago

Me: "I'm disassociating to pass the time."

Victoria Dallon without missing a beat: "Thinker 1- no, two."

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7 months ago

Oooh I like these, so I'll chime in, but the short version is: No.

But the long version is: No, because.

1) In the case of second trigger causing a cluster, we need to understand how clusters are forming in the first place, how second triggers function, and then why for both of these things. Why is the shard clustering or going through a second trigger?

For the latter it's simple since we only have one example in canon, Brian, and in his case it was because his power wasn't solving his monkey's paw. This isn't the same thing as his power being useless or powerless in the situation, I'm sure plenty of brutes have been eaten by the Siberian and their power has been useless to save them. The crux actually is that he's being thrust into the same mindset as he was in his first trigger. Trump aspects are being added, because this time the threats are parahumans, and his little-sister stand in is about to have a fate worse than death inflicted onto her.

There's also a completely new paradigm to his trigger dilemma; he needs strength, any kind of strength, from any kind of source. His own isn't enough, it's never been enough. Nothing he has or has learnt can keep Taylor safe from all the shit she's been throwing herself into. Before it was fine if he had a way to hide Aisha from malicious intent, hide himself from violence, but now he needs something that can adapt to any kind of power that might harm himself or Aisha or Taylor or the other Undersiders. So if he can't rely on his own strength, he'll borrow others. Stranger/Trump shift, losing a bit of Shaker because its no longer a dangerous environment (just bad situations they keep falling into) but a dangerous group of parahumans he's defending himself from. His monkey paw has shifted and his trauma has taken on a new aspect. This is why he moves on from Taylor, who rejected his leadership and took it out from under him whilst he was suddenly granted power over other parahumans, and also moved on from her romantically, going for the anti-Taylor, a big breasted professional thief who prefers low stakes.

Now we've explained why and how second triggers form, lets look at Clusters.

Why do Clusters form? It's not because the Shards are all triggering at the exact same time and getting 'tangled' in each-other. It's because they're actively choosing to collaborate with each-other. It's not a simple thing to orchestrate and it involves an intense amount of cooperation, something some shards don't quite like at all (see Grasping Self in Ward). It's not an automatic thing either, I bet plenty of people were triggering in Japan when Kyushu sank, but Lung didn't cluster with any of them. Shards can trigger without clustering.

It also doesn't take too much of a leap to suggest that adding new shards to the cluster, which is usually already 3-4 members, wouldn't be something the other shards would accept. Firstly, all 3-4 original members would have their powers readjusted or weakened once again to spread to the new member, and the new member's shard would also have to weaken it's host and grant powers to the cluster. For a shard that has already invested a lot into it's host, enough to second-trigger in the first place, rather than just let the host die and move on to a new one, this is a pretty tall order.

However, a newly formed cluster trying to involve an already established shard/host might be possible. There's nothing in the canon to suggest it's possible though. Nothing to suggest it's impossible either.

2) We have no evidence of clusters ever having second triggers, and there's not a lot of sense that they would. In the first place, cluster triggers are already a heavily involved process, reproducing a clustermate's trauma to a sufficient level to cause a second trigger is a tall order. Consider also that they're not like our second trigger example, that they have a single power that needs tweaking to suit new circumstances, they instead have multiple minor powers that would all have to fail in order to call for tweaking.

But then that runs into the main conceit for some clusters; sometimes clustermates must die for interesting data to be gathered. Sometimes, it's a highlander style fight to the finish, sometimes it's trading tokens for power boosts, which practically suit your question. I'm sure plenty of writers have introduced concepts like clustermates eating each-other to imbibe their DNA and therefore their powers, strengthening their own, until there is only one survivor with 4-5 major versions of their powers.

It's therefore a little counter intuitive to change the powers of a clustermate when they've reached a fail state in the experiment and will probably die soon anyways. To answer your question, if their powers were to change, I think it'd be their main power only, if their shard even bothered to do something about it.

3) Okie, so clones and twins. We've seen that clones' powers can be identical and can also be tweaked to cause different effects. See S9k and Echidna clones respectively. We've seen that twins can have either extremely similar powers or radically different powers. Fenja and Menja in the former, Tristan and Byron in the latter. Why did Capricorn go case 70 where Fenja and Menja didn't? I suspect it has something to do with their triggers.

I think Fenja and Menja had the same trigger trauma, but that meant that the shard could distinguish between them, because they were both generating data. I haven't read a lot of Ward, but I think because Tristan and Byron's trigger trauma was different, the shard was getting fed conflicting data from the same genetic match and had to choose between keeping them separate but with the same power or merging them and getting two powers.

I think any kind of clone parahuman is unable to have a second trigger for the same reason Taylor couldn't have a second trigger. The power is already experimenting with some new power bandwidth, and Echidna's broken shard was helping somewhat with generating new criteria to create things like Chitter and Scurry, but it doesn't get to then receive the new versions and tweak them for later. They're disposable compared to the original host. A 'what if' to keep the original on their toes. All of the Echidna clones get killed in the end anyway. S9k clones were designed by bonesaw, so I can't really say that they're running off the same rules as their original parahumans.

To answer your question, the canon example of twins who had powers but weren't case 70s would be Fenja and Menja, and I don't think twins can second trigger while they're still alive. Again, the monkey's paw has to come into effect. I could see a case where the surviving sister second triggers without her sister, and it draws her dead sister into herself and you get altered powers and a case 70 situation. For Fenja and Menja, they could become Hel and get moon/sun, night/day alterations on their powers, but their powers are getting big and durable so I don't really know how you can riff off that. There really isn't very many problems they can't solve by getting bigger and more durable, not without that problem completely overpowering them before they can second trigger and killing them.

My headcanon here is; if there's only one twin surviving, they can second trigger and maybe end up with a case 70 situation where the dead twin comes back.

So what's the very long version? Yes, you just have to know what you're writing as an exception. I think all three of those should be allowed and would be very interesting.

Second trigger Questions

I've read both Worm and Ward twice now and I loved both. I just have a couple of questions about second triggers.

If someone where to have a second trigger right as some one else was triggering could they become a part of a cluster?

If some one is in a cluster and they second trigger does that effect their cluster mates and is it only their main power that is changed or all of them.

If twins who were not case 70 capes second trigger next to each other could they become case 70s?

Second Trigger Questions

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6 months ago


Drawing Cradle Fanart for a friend, accidentally made him a tumblr sexy man… should I erase my shin or give in to the meme…

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6 months ago

I can see Amy hating herself enough to have an amnesia inducing meltdown. Calling Victoria through muscle memory and being too shocked and grief-stricken to talk when she answers. Mourning the living. Deifying her love and putting an ideal version of her on a pedestal. Awful yet sincere karaoke. A binoclard torque-dork with plenty of empathy would fix her I agree. Would she be a Sorry Cop?

People say that Amy Dallon is the Shinji of Parahumans, but I declare that she's actually Harry Dubois. I will put this theory in practice the moment I figure out how to write a quest fanfic.

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4 months ago

now that would be a kickass crossover. detective victoria on the case and in her 40s. waking up in her trashed and gouged up hotel room with the wretch ripping up the floor and ceiling. being a member of The City's parahuman citizen militia. rather than an interinsula phone call, it's an interdimensional call to Amy. she used to be a basketball coach before she joined the force.

Disco Wardlysium, a game about being a cop. What capeotype are you? The Warrior Monk? The Wretch? Victoria Ambrosius Costeau?

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4 months ago

hey what the fuck is up with Ward?

If Nursery wasn’t such a fucking creep, I’d feel bad for her literally having the definition of “my power is to sexually assault you”. On a decent person, that is literally the ultimate cursed power to bear and like… never ever fucking use.

Like, there’s no way to go hero with that power in the first place, but goddamn if Nursery isn’t like, “Welp… time to forcefully impregnate people”.

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5 years ago
The Fabulous Miss Judith Ward Got A Quick Makeover. She Also Got Herself 2 Fancy Persian Cats Named Frenchie
The Fabulous Miss Judith Ward Got A Quick Makeover. She Also Got Herself 2 Fancy Persian Cats Named Frenchie
The Fabulous Miss Judith Ward Got A Quick Makeover. She Also Got Herself 2 Fancy Persian Cats Named Frenchie
The Fabulous Miss Judith Ward Got A Quick Makeover. She Also Got Herself 2 Fancy Persian Cats Named Frenchie

The fabulous Miss Judith Ward got a quick makeover. She also got herself 2 fancy Persian cats named Frenchie and Isabella.

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1 year ago

“I’m pretty sure Rain doesn’t like boys that much,” Lookout said. “Oh, ugh,” Rain said.  He looked at Tristan.  “Um, not ugh because boy-boy, but because Cradle.” “I get it.”


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4 years ago

Ever get that #ominous feeling?

Remember to throw #msalt over your shoulder every time it happens.

Especially on Halloween; one never knows what spirits you're keeping at bay.....


Ever Get That #ominous Feeling?

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3 months ago

Princess Pt. 1

Rafe x Liv(Reader or you can just do Y/n)


Sexual Content, Time skips(not major just by a few hours or like a few days), Mention of Abuse.

Reader has Phonophobia (Fear of Loud noises. It can be caused by genetics or Trauma. In readers case it is caused by Trauma)

Princess Pt. 1


I stare at my mom in disbelief. Like she had grown to heads. She’s fucking crazy.

“L-Liv I didn’t mean to-“ She chokes out like she’s about to cry. What the hell was she crying for.

My cheek stung like a bitch and I knew I was going to have a red mark there in a couple minutes.

I had never thought my mom would be one to hit me. Or physically Harm me.

It wasn’t the first or second time she’s hit me. She’s done it a few times but ever time she apologized and I’ve forgiven her every time.

But this was my last straw.

My mom came home drunk again. She never used to drink before my dad died which was last year.

She had turned to drinking for an escape. A way to grieve my father’s death.

I’m not sure what she was grieving for though.

My dad was a devil. I never liked him in fact I hated him. For me Him dying was an escape.

But I guess my mom didn’t think the same.

After he died she cried a lot and Complained how she loved him even if he did Abuse her, and Cheated on her.

That’s what I hated about him.

For all the things he’s put use through since I was born. For dying and making my mom just like him.

A drunk and now someone who hits there child.

I’m snapped out of my thoughts when my mom touches my cheek she’s just slapped.

I shove her hand away. Tears run down her cheek, Her footsteps follow behind mine as she follows me.

“Sweetheart please you know I didn’t mean to.” She speaks again and I almost want to hit her myself but I just slam my door open to my room.

I grab a duffel bag from under my bed then go over to my closet opening it.

I start to shove Shirts, Pants, and Underwear into it. Trying to fit as much as I can for at least a week or two because I wasn’t staying here.

“W-what are you doing?” She says quietly.

“I’m leaving.” I tell her as I zip up my bag and throw it on my bed and shove my feet into my dirty shoes.

I grab my phone and charger and through my bag over my shoulder.

I make a move to leave my room but my mom jumps in front of me.

“Where are you going? You can’t leave!” She crooks out.

I grimace at the snot and tears running over and into her mouth as she speaks.

“Why the hell not?” I ask her.

She just stares at me and her mouth hangs open like she wants to say something but nothing comes out.

I just laugh humorously and try to push past her.

I guess she really doesn’t want me to leave because she shoves me hard and I trip over my rug and fall onto my ass.

I gasp out in surprise and disappointment.

“I-I didn’t-” She says reaching for me.

“This is the reason why I’m leaving” I tell her my tone filled with anger as I shove her hands away once again and stand up.

“You’re just like him mom.” I start and her breath hitches in her throat as I glare at her.

“Ever since dad died you went into a spiral. Coming home drunk like you are now. Hitting me?” It’s more like a statement than a question.

“I’ve apologized” she tries to reason with me.

“And I’ve forgiven you! Every fucking time mom!” I say yelling at her. She staggers back like I’ve just hit her.

I wish I had.

“And every time I think you’re sorry you turn around and do it again! Every time I tell you to stop drinking you come home drunk again!”

She doesn’t say anything and I just scoff and pass her this time without any protest.

Before I exit my room I turn back to her.

“Get your shit together mom.”

That’s the last thing I said to her before I left the house.


I don’t know how long I’ve walking around the cut. But it’s now 12am.

I have no where to go. I don’t want to bother any of my friends because they’re probably all sleep.

I check my phone battery.

Shit. It’s almost dead and I have no clue where the hell I am.

I shiver and my teeth clatter as a breeze ruffles through my hair and over my bare legs.

I should have put sweat pants on before I left but I was too mad to have thought about whether or not to change out of my shorts.

I shove my phone into my back pocket as I continue to walk down the street.

I wrap my arms around myself in effort to seek warmth but it doesn’t help.

It shouldn’t be this cold at the beginning of summer.

I jump when tires screech behind me and a blinding light shines down on my back.

I turn to see a black truck coming my way and I almost turn to wait for them to reach me but I turn back around and continue to walk.

They could be a murder and with that thought in my head I pick up my pace.

It’s not like it’s going to do anything to a fast approaching car but it gives me closure.

I freeze when the car comes to a stop beside me but I ignore it and continue to walk until my name is called.

“Liv?” A deep voice says from the car. I freeze and turn around.

“Rafe?” I say back dumbfounded. The passenger window to his truck is let down.

I look at him but I can’t get a good view because of how dark it is. The streetlights doing little to nothing.

His headlights give me a little light so I can see his face clearly.

“Why are you on the cut?”

“Why are you walking by yourself in the middle of the night?” He ignores my question.

“Nothing” I turn and start to walk again.

Out of all people god sends it has to be Rafe Cameron? Why couldn’t it be his sister?

I expect him to take the hint and drive away but he sets a slow pace beside me as I walk.

“So you’re just going to ignore my question?” He says.

I ignore him again.

“Pogue? I’m not talking to myself, am I?”

I stop and his car jerks forward as he steps on the brakes.

“Don’t call me that.” I snap at him.

“Is that not what you are?” He smirks at me and I almost want to march up to his car and slap it off his face.

I just shake my head and scoff.

“Am I wrong? You live in that same dirty one story house. Even though your mom probably has enough money to buy a better house from your dead dad” he say’s.

My breath Catches in my throat at the mention of my dad.

“But even if she did it wouldn’t make you and your mother more than dirty Pogues.”

His words sting but I don’t let it show on my face.

“Fuck you.” Is all I say before continuing to walk.

This is why I hated him. He was an arrogant asshole who didn’t know how to treat anyone.

Especially if he thought you were less than him.

“Get in the car Liv.” He tells me not ask his voice more deeper than before.

I flip him off not even looking at him.

I can hear him chuckle a little. I almost let out a scream when he jerks the car and stops it in front of me.

I’m directly in front of the passenger seats door now. And I have a clear view of his annoyingly handsome face.

I glare at him.

“You could have hit me!”

“But I didn’t. So get in the car.”

I cross my arms over my chest narrowing my eyes at him.

“Why? I wouldn’t think you would want a-what do you call it- ‘dirty Pogue’ like me in your Precious car you got with daddy’s money.” I make air quotes with my fingers.

His face hardens.

“My mom and sister will kill me if they found out I just left you on the side of street this late at night.” He says through gritted teeth.

“Oh and would that be so bad? It sounds like a dream to me” i jump when he hits his fist on his steering wheel. I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again.

Breathe Liv Breathe.

“Just get in the goddamn car Liv.” He raises his tone and I flinch.

“I was only joking.” I say quietly before opening his car door and getting in.

I put my duffel bag at my feet and buckle up before closing the door.

“Happy?” He stares at me for a moment longer before straightening his car out on the road and driving.

“Where were you going?” His fingers tap against the wheel and my gaze darts over to the movement.

“I don’t know.”

He sighs.

“I’m taking you home” he says getting ready to reverse.

“Wait!-“ I grab his forearm that’s resting the the console in between us.

His eyes shoot down to to where my fingers grip his arm something flickering over his face before it leaves and I quickly snatch my hand away.

I clear my throat.

“Um- Can you please just drive. Please don’t take me home.” I tell him fiddling with my fingers.

“Does it have something to do with that bruise on your face?” He ask me.

My face Flushes with heat. I should have covered it up before I left.

Ignoring his question I text the group chat with John b, Pope, Kiara, JJ, and Sarah.

Me:[Can I please stay with one of you tonight?]

Kiara: [Cant tonight my parents have me on lock down]

John b: [DCS just raided my house today. Staying at Sarah’s]

JJ: [I’m not home and You definitely don’t want to be around Luke]

John b: [Hey it’s Sarah. Liv you can stay at mine. You can stay in the guest room]

I let out a relieved sigh. I cover my cheek up with my hair as best as I can.

“Sarah says I can stay with you guys. Just go to your house.”

He looks like he wants to say something but thinks better of it.

He puts the car in drive and heads to his house.

For the whole ride we sit in silence the only thing you can hear is the roar of the engine and our breathing.

To be continued

Since OBX Season for is releasing in a few days I decided why not make a Rafe Fanfic?

(Please give feedback! This is my first book so please don’t hate! This will be a series!)

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9 months ago
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>
Part 2 :>

Part 2 :>

Ward just got a shapeshifter roommate ehehehehehhfjfjg~


Masterpost References

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