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4 years ago

plus size reader x homelander perhaps

Homelander x Plus Size Reader 

Plus Size Reader X Homelander Perhaps

Edited 17-01-21


Just want you to know that the colour of skin in this Gif doesn’t determine the colour of the skin of the reader. 

Warnings; Language, mentions of indecent exposure, blood, indecent thoughts, mentions of anxiety and past trauma and BLOODPLAY. Read at your own discretion. 

WC - 2.4k


The suns’ arms were surrounding the city, squeezing it tight in its’ warm embrace. The light bounced off the windows and made the city look crystallised. (Y/N) stood with her eyes solely focused on the horizon; the warmth penetrated through the window and caressed her cheeks. She closed her eyes and sighed. This was what she needed after today, the man-child Translucent was caught up in another public scandal – he was caught being a peeping tom, again.

(Y/N)’s eyes closed as she released a deep breathe before she plonked her head onto the cold glass window, the contrasting temperature soothed her rising headache.

“I need a glass of whiskey, make it a whole bottle.” (Y/N) whispered under her breath. She was so close to braking down and everyone around her knew it, she wasn’t snapping at everyone like Ashley or Stillwell did. No, she would just stare at them and walk away because if she were to open her mouth god knows what would come out. It is not like they could fire her, they fucking needed her, but god was she close to killing a super.

She turned her head and made eye contact with the tray of alcohol that was beckoning her over, she weighed the options in her head – she is still technically working but if she doesn’t leave the room then no one will know.

The smile that graced her face was what sealed her fate.

The whiskey warmed her throat deliciously on its way down that she almost forgot about the man that caused her so much stress, almost. Groaning loudly, she placed the glass back on the tray and grabbed the bottle of whiskey by its’ neck and walked over to the desk that was tucked in the corner of the room.

“Fucking Translucent, always causing me trouble. I should’ve told Stillwell no when I had the fucking chance,” she opened her laptop and began the work she had been dreading since this morning; Mondays were supposed to be her good days, the start afresh day were Mondays and that nonce had completely shat on that for her.

She was immersed in her temper tantrum that she jumped out of her skin when her phone rang. ‘Madelyn Stillwell’ was calling, she couldn’t stop staring at the name in bold that was screaming at her to pick up the phone. She didn’t even know what she was going to say.


“Hello (Y/N) (L/N) speaking.” The silence made her heart shrink in on itself.

“Ahh, (Y/N) good to finally speak to you I have been trying to get a hold of you since this morning.”

“Sorry Madelyn, I have been trying to figure my piece out. I just needed to be shut away from everything for a minute.”

More silence followed, she hated it. (Y/N) drummed her fingers against the glass table-top impatiently as she waited for Madelyn to speak up again. After a few seconds she pulled the phone away from her ear to check she was still connected to the line.

“(Y/N) hello? Yes, sorry about that, I completely understand. I just wanted to let you know that the conference is in two hours. And after today you can have the week off. Okay?”

“Say that again?” laughter echoed through the phone, (Y/N) grimaced as she realised, she just said that out loud.

“God, five years on the job and you still surprise me (L/N), you have the week off. We, sorry I will deal with Translucent properly after the conference okay. I will see you in two hours.”

“Ok- “the line was disconnected before she could properly thank Madelyn. (Y/N) tried to break down the conversation that had just taken place, Stillwell sounded happy, but was she?

‘That week she wants me to have off is going to turn into never coming back, (Y/N) you asshat’, (Y/N) let out a shaky breath before looking at her watch, she could do this. It’s the same as last time, apologise to the press and explain the circumstances. The circumstance being that Translucent was being a peeping tom in the ladies visitors bathroom and got caught by a bystander.

“I’m going to kill that invisible son of a bitch.”

Two hours later….

“Ladies and gentlemen, if you could take your seats please the press conference is about to begin.”

The room was buzzing with talk and bodies, but (Y/N) didn’t notice.

She was too busy staring out the floor to ceiling window looking at the people passing below her, such simple boring people naïve to everything around them. The corruption and selfishness that she has witnessed ever since she started working at Vought has made her regret taking off her rose-gold glasses. The world she lives in now is scary, she use to fall asleep at night knowing that she was safe and that the superheroes would defend her no matter what. But now, when she shuts her eyes, she is drowning in the screams of those that could have – could’ve been spared, could’ve been saved – they never leave her because they know she’ll crack eventually. And she can see it, her face is puffy from the lack of sleep, her eyes are practically swimming in their bags, her shoulders can’t even carry the weight of alcohol – they use to carry everything she had going on her life.

And she had a really painful ingrown toenail that has been biting her for weeks.

(Y/N)’s hands smooth down her dress, the folds that use to make her weak and anxious now give her strength and a power of her own. She has struggled with the way she looked since she was a young girl, but her mother had always made her realise that she didn’t need to look like Victoria secret model to command the attention of everyone. Her rolls, cellulite and stretch marks have been with her through everything and she sure as hell will never make them leave her.

(Y/N) notice that Stillwell’s speech was coming to an end and checked herself in the reflection of the mirror, she went to go turn around when something in the corner of her (E/C) eyes made her turn back around to look out the window. But before she could investigate further the roar of applause made her turn her attention to Stillwell welcoming her on stage.

Smoothing down her dress one more time she strutted on to the stage and waved gracefully at the camera. Giving Madelyn a quick hug she turned to the podium and spoke with her voice loud and confident:

“Thank you all for making it today, Randy looking beautiful as ever,’ the crowd chuckled as Randy bowed towards (Y/N), ‘but we need not be distracted by Randy’s radiance. Unfortunately, there has been an incident involving Translucent exposing himself to a member of the public, and I can tell you know that the woman has our sincere apologies.” (Y/N) placed her hand over her heart and smiled sweetly at everyone, god it made her sick.

“As you all know, for Translucent to be, well, Translucent he has to be as naked as the day he was born. And recently we have had a few security threats in the building. He was following a lead that led him to a part of the building that he doesn’t quite know. Our bathrooms are gender neutral, to make everyone feel safe in included. We have talked to the victim of the exposure,’ (Y/N) made sure her chin was high and her voice was clear, if she stopped her true feelings were going to come out. And she couldn’t afford another scandal, ‘she was understanding about the situation, and we made sure she had everything she needed. I can assure you, ladies, gentlemen, and others. That once Translucent comes back from Palestine, you will have a sincere apology from the super himself. Any questions?”

She instantly regretted that question as the light and noise that arose once she finished talking made her believe she was entering heaven and hell.

(Y/N) closed her eyes briefly and took a deep, deep breath in before opening her eyes and smiling widely.

“(Y/N)! What do you think about the new member of the seven? Starlight?”


(Y/N)’s heels were off and she couldn’t be more grateful, she slumped her way back to the room she came from with a smile on her face remembering that she had left a half empty bottle of whiskey on the desk. Her eyes were halfway between closed and open after the media conference that went from two hours to six.

The soles of her feet were crying to be out to rest, and her back was already dead. She felt like a zombie, probably looked like one with how slowly she was walking. But when she saw the door to her room, her back straightened and her feet came back to life.

She completely ignored the fact that the door was open as she was too focused on the bottle of heaven calling her name; throwing her shoes into the closet, she turned on the lights and glided over to the desk only to halt when said bottle of heaven was missing.

“What the fuck?” she lifted up the laptop, papers and plant searching for her liquid gold.

“Looking for this?” the scream that left her mouth was surprisingly loud for such an exhausted person, whipping around (E/C) eyes pierced into electric blue. (Y/N) stumbled back into a wall as she tried to comprehend what was right in front of her, or rather who.

He looked different in civilian clothes, boxer shorts and a white t-shirt adorned his body, hiding the perfection underneath. He was sculpted by gods, his thighs made (Y/N)’s mouth water and he knew it by the smirk on his face.  He was stood in his signature pose, hands on hips. And it drove her wild.

(Y/N) bit her lip subconsciously as she looked him up and down before stopping at the bulge between his legs, it was calling her attention begging to be held.

The man in observation raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat. He watched gleefully as (Y/N)’s face contorted into a look of embarrassment, but the smile dropped as he met her eyes and saw the tears threatening to fall.

“Come here.” No question needed; (Y/N) threw herself at the supe in front of her and the tears released themselves from their prison. She stuffed her head in his neck and breathed in his scent, and for once in the past week she finally felt at peace with everything.

“God, I missed you so fucking much,” her voice broke as she moved her head to look into his eyes, her solace. (Y/N) found it ironic how stormy his eyes get yet she finds them so calming, so peaceful.

He was her solace.

His hands cupped the back of her thighs and hoisted her up. Once he got to the bed he turned around and dropped himself onto the bed, never letting go of (Y/N)’s legs. He just sat there, (Y/N) straddling his lap, watching her. He noticed the bags under her (E/C) eyes, and the dried blood on her lips from the continuous lip biting. It brought a sadness to him as he watched the bountiful goddess before him struggle.

“Let it go.” And with those words (Y/N) let the tears stream down her face, the numbness washed itself away with the tears of pain and sorrow. (Y/N) felt the weight that had been dragging her into the floor finally lift off her shoulders.

No more pain, no when she has everything she needs right here.

“I love you John,” and he was all she needed.

She ran her fingers down his neck, the feeling of something sticky caused her to stop and withdraw her hand. Crimson covered her (Y/S/C) hand, coating it to the bone. She started at it, wondering how it got there, the metallic smell invaded her sense as she watched it run down her forearm.

Without a thought, she brought her finger into her mouth and slowly licked the sweet and tempting blood off her finger. Humming to herself, she closed her eyes and tried to saviour the taste for as long as she could. The warmth of the blood lingered in her throat, coating it as it travelled down her trachea. (Y/N) opened her eyes as she finished swallowing the last drop and smiled sweetly down at the man trapped between her legs.

“Did they suffer?” her tongue swept over her teeth, licking off the remainder of the pleasant treat her man brought home. She watched at the smirk stitched itself onto his face, answering her question. She giggled softly before diving towards him, biting his bottoms lip before devouring him into a kiss of passion and lust.

John grunted quietly as he felt her pierce his bottom lip, but that grunt turned into a delicious moan as (Y/N) suckled the wound.

“Did they scream?” her question was breathless and quick as she frantically tore apart his shirt, hands roaming the body sculpted by God. (Y/N) pulled away, smiling to herself when she watched John try to chase her lips, she looked down at his body and frowned slightly when she realised, he healed before he came back to her.

Looking up at John through her eyelashes, she slightly traced the muscle of her superhero.

“Can I Homelander.” The eyes of the man in question turned dark with lust as he pieced together what (Y/N) wanted. He watched intently as she leaned over to the side and withdrew a knife from the end table. He watched the little sparkle in her (E/C) eyes turn into an explosion as she pierced his skin, he watched as her tongue swept through the valley of blood on his stomach. He watched everything his woman did to him and he loved every last bit of it.  

John cupped (Y/N) face after a while and brought it towards his face, he wiped of the blood on the corner of her mouth. The life had come back to her face, the tears had dried and the bags look less looming. His girl was back, and he was going to make sure that joy he sees now, never leaves her face. Even if it means killing a few people, or a few thousand he’d do it without a second thought.

“I love you (Y/N).”

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1 year ago

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8 years ago
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