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Woman of colour, she/her. I write. Requests-CLOSED! Masterlist multi-fandom.

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3 years ago

As a PoC, who mainly writes about PoCs this is the most helpful blog I have come across ever since I started writing. I find it difficult to be able to describe skin colour in the most intricate of ways, sometimes I leave subtle messages and leave it up to the reader to interpret them. But now I personally feel more comfortable with straight forward representation of my characters. 

Words for Skin Tone | How to Describe Skin Color


We discussed the issues describing People of Color by means of food in Part I of this guide, which brought rise to even more questions, mostly along the lines of “So, if food’s not an option, what can I use?” Well, I was just getting to that!

This final portion focuses on describing skin tone, with photo and passage examples provided throughout. I hope to cover everything from the use of straight-forward description to the more creatively-inclined, keeping in mind the questions we’ve received on this topic.

Standard Description

Basic Colors


Pictured above: Black, Brown, Beige, White, Pink.

“She had brown skin.”

This is a perfectly fine description that, while not providing the most detail, works well and will never become cliché.

Describing characters’ skin as simply brown or beige works on its own, though it’s not particularly telling just from the range in brown alone.

Complex Colors

These are more rarely used words that actually “mean” their color. Some of these have multiple meanings, so you’ll want to look into those to determine what other associations a word might have.


Pictured above: Umber, Sepia, Ochre, Russet, Terra-cotta, Gold, Tawny, Taupe, Khaki, Fawn.

Complex colors work well alone, though often pair well with a basic color in regards to narrowing down shade/tone.

For example: Golden brown, russet brown, tawny beige…

As some of these are on the “rare” side, sliding in a definition of the word within the sentence itself may help readers who are unfamiliar with the term visualize the color without seeking a dictionary.

“He was tall and slim, his skin a russet, reddish-brown.”

Comparisons to familiar colors or visuals are also helpful:

“His skin was an ochre color, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest.”


Modifiers, often adjectives, make partial changes to a word.The following words are descriptors in reference to skin tone.

Dark - Deep - Rich - Cool

Warm - Medium - Tan

Fair - Light - Pale

Rich Black, Dark brown, Warm beige, Pale pink…

If you’re looking to get more specific than “brown,” modifiers narrow down shade further.

Keep in mind that these modifiers are not exactly colors.

As an already brown-skinned person, I get tan from a lot of sun and resultingly become a darker, deeper brown. I turn a pale, more yellow-brown in the winter.

While best used in combination with a color, I suppose words like “tan” “fair” and “light” do work alone; just note that tan is less likely to be taken for “naturally tan” and much more likely a tanned White person.

Calling someone “dark” as description on its own is offensive to some and also ambiguous. (See: Describing Skin as Dark)


Undertones are the colors beneath the skin, seeing as skin isn’t just one even color but has more subdued tones within the dominating palette.


pictured above: warm / earth undertones: yellow, golden, copper, olive, bronze, orange, orange-red, coral | cool / jewel undertones: pink, red, blue, blue-red, rose, magenta, sapphire, silver. 

Mentioning the undertones within a character’s skin is an even more precise way to denote skin tone.

As shown, there’s a difference between say, brown skin with warm orange-red undertones (Kelly Rowland) and brown skin with cool, jewel undertones (Rutina Wesley).

“A dazzling smile revealed the bronze glow at her cheeks.”

“He always looked as if he’d ran a mile, a constant tinge of pink under his tawny skin.”

Standard Description Passage

“Farah’s skin, always fawn, had burned and freckled under the summer’s sun. Even at the cusp of autumn, an uneven tan clung to her skin like burrs. So unlike the smooth, red-brown ochre of her mother, which the sun had richened to a blessing.”

-From my story “Where Summer Ends” featured in Strange Little Girls

Here the state of skin also gives insight on character.

Note my use of “fawn” in regards to multiple meaning and association. While fawn is a color, it’s also a small, timid deer, which describes this very traumatized character of mine perfectly.

Though I use standard descriptions of skin tone more in my writing, at the same time I’m no stranger to creative descriptions, and do enjoy the occasional artsy detail of a character.

Creative Description

Whether compared to night-cast rivers or day’s first light…I actually enjoy seeing Characters of Colors dressed in artful detail.

I’ve read loads of descriptions in my day of white characters and their “smooth rose-tinged ivory skin”, while the PoC, if there, are reduced to something from a candy bowl or a Starbucks drink, so to actually read of PoC described in lavish detail can be somewhat of a treat.

Still, be mindful when you get creative with your character descriptions. Too many frills can become purple-prose-like, so do what feels right for your writing when and where. Not every character or scene warrants a creative description, either. Especially if they’re not even a secondary character.

Using a combination of color descriptions from standard to creative is probably a better method than straight creative. But again, do what’s good for your tale.

Natural Settings - Sky


Pictured above: Harvest Moon -Twilight, Fall/Autumn Leaves, Clay, Desert/Sahara, Sunlight - Sunrise - Sunset - Afterglow - Dawn- Day- Daybreak, Field - Prairie - Wheat, Mountain/Cliff, Beach/Sand/Straw/Hay.

Now before you run off to compare your heroine’s skin to the harvest moon or a cliff side, think about the associations to your words.

When I think cliff, I think of jagged, perilous, rough. I hear sand and picture grainy, yet smooth. Calm. mellow.

So consider your character and what you see fit to compare them to.

Also consider whose perspective you’re describing them from. Someone describing a person they revere or admire may have a more pleasant, loftier description than someone who can’t stand the person.

“Her face was like the fire-gold glow of dawn, lifting my gaze, drawing me in.”

“She had a sandy complexion, smooth and tawny.”

Even creative descriptions tend to draw help from your standard words.



Pictured above: Calla lilies, Western Coneflower, Hazel Fay, Hibiscus, Freesia, Rose

It was a bit difficult to find flowers to my liking that didn’t have a 20 character name or wasn’t called something like “chocolate silk” so these are the finalists. 

You’ll definitely want to avoid purple-prose here.

Also be aware of flowers that most might’ve never heard of. Roses are easy, as most know the look and coloring(s) of this plant. But Western coneflowers? Calla lilies? Maybe not so much.

“He entered the cottage in a huff, cheeks a blushing brown like the flowers Nana planted right under my window. Hazel Fay she called them, was it?”

Assorted Plants & Nature


Pictured above: Cattails, Seashell, Driftwood, Pinecone, Acorn, Amber

These ones are kinda odd. Perhaps because I’ve never seen these in comparison to skin tone, With the exception of amber.

At least they’re common enough that most may have an idea what you’re talking about at the mention of “pinecone." 

I suggest reading out your sentences aloud to get a better feel of how it’ll sounds.

"Auburn hair swept past pointed ears, set around a face like an acorn both in shape and shade.”

I pictured some tree-dwelling being or person from a fantasy world in this example, which makes the comparison more appropriate.

I don’t suggest using a comparison just “cuz you can” but actually being thoughtful about what you’re comparing your character to and how it applies to your character and/or setting.



Pictured above: Mahogany, Walnut, Chestnut, Golden Oak, Ash

Wood can be an iffy description for skin tone. Not only due to several of them having “foody” terminology within their names, but again, associations.

Some people would prefer not to compare/be compared to wood at all, so get opinions, try it aloud, and make sure it’s appropriate to the character if you do use it.

“The old warlock’s skin was a deep shade of mahogany, his stare serious and firm as it held mine.”



Pictured above: Platinum, Copper, Brass, Gold, Bronze

Copper skin, brass-colored skin, golden skin…

I’ve even heard variations of these used before by comparison to an object of the same properties/coloring, such as penny for copper.

These also work well with modifiers.

“The dress of fine white silks popped against the deep bronze of her skin.”

Gemstones - Minerals


Pictured above: Onyx, Obsidian, Sard, Topaz, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Rutile, Pyrite, Citrine, Gypsum

These are trickier to use. As with some complex colors, the writer will have to get us to understand what most of these look like.

If you use these, or any more rare description, consider if it actually “fits” the book or scene.

Even if you’re able to get us to picture what “rutile” looks like, why are you using this description as opposed to something else? Have that answer for yourself.

“His skin reminded her of the topaz ring her father wore at his finger, a gleaming stone of brown, mellow facades.” 

Physical Description

Physical character description can be more than skin tone.

Show us hair, eyes, noses, mouth, hands…body posture, body shape, skin texture… though not necessarily all of those nor at once.

Describing features also helps indicate race, especially if your character has some traits common within the race they are, such as afro hair to a Black character.

How comprehensive you decide to get is up to you. I wouldn’t overdo it and get specific to every mole and birthmark. Noting defining characteristics is good, though, like slightly spaced front teeth, curls that stay flopping in their face, hands freckled with sunspots…

General Tips

Indicate Race Early: I suggest indicators of race be made at the earliest convenience within the writing, with more hints threaded throughout here and there.

Get Creative On Your Own: Obviously, I couldn’t cover every proper color or comparison in which has been “approved” to use for your characters’ skin color, so it’s up to you to use discretion when seeking other ways and shades to describe skin tone.

Skin Color May Not Be Enough: Describing skin tone isn’t always enough to indicate someone’s ethnicity. As timeless cases with readers equating brown to “dark white” or something, more indicators of race may be needed.

Describe White characters and PoC Alike: You should describe the race and/or skin tone of your white characters just as you do your Characters of Color. If you don’t, you risk implying that White is the default human being and PoC are the “Other”).

PSA: Don’t use “Colored.” Based on some asks we’ve received using this word, I’d like to say that unless you or your character is a racist grandmama from the 1960s, do not call People of Color “colored” please. 

Not Sure Where to Start? You really can’t go wrong using basic colors for your skin descriptions. It’s actually what many people prefer and works best for most writing. Personally, I tend to describe my characters using a combo of basic colors + modifiers, with mentions of undertones at times. I do like to veer into more creative descriptions on occasion.

Want some alternatives to “skin” or “skin color”? Try: Appearance, blend, blush, cast, coloring, complexion, flush, glow, hue, overtone, palette, pigmentation, rinse, shade, sheen, spectrum, tinge, tint, tone, undertone, value, wash.

Skin Tone Resources

List of Color Names

The Color Thesaurus

Skin Undertone & Color Matching

Tips and Words on Describing Skin

Photos: Undertones Described (Modifiers included)

Online Thesaurus (try colors, such as “red” & “brown”)

Don’t Call me Pastries: Creative Skin Tones w/ pics I 

Writing & Description Guides

WWC Featured Description Posts

WWC Guide: Words to Describe Hair

Writing with Color: Description & Skin Color Tags

7 Offensive Mistakes Well-intentioned Writers Make

I tried to be as comprehensive as possible with this guide, but if you have a question regarding describing skin color that hasn’t been answered within part I or II of this guide, or have more questions after reading this post, feel free to ask!

~ Mod Colette

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3 years ago

It’s sad to see this masterpiece end but it had to at some point. @suga-kookiemonster I love you so much, the representation of the reader being a POC and the humour and love. Ahh!!! I’m so grateful to have read this.

ego 09


summary⇢ what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way. pairing⇢ jungkook/reader word count⇢ 12.9k ☠️ rating⇢ 18+ genre⇢ smut | humor | college!au | fuckboi!au | fratboy!au warnings⇢ sexual content, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), masturbation, dirty talk, everybody is still pissed tf off and consequently has an attitude, but then also everyone is soft 🥺, drinking/partying, taehyung gets done dirty and also can’t tell his disney princesses apart, seokjin mulls over his many career options

a/n⇢ THE END IS FINALLY HERE 😭😭😭😭 i’m so relieved, but also so, so sad. thank you to everyone who joined me on this long, goofy journey and encouraged me to keep going with all of your wonderful messages and feedback, and thank you to everyone who took the time to welcome my baby into their lives and love her as much as i do! i truly appreciate every single one of you beyond words and i only hope you feel your time spent with me was time well spent. thank you, thank you, thank you 💜💖💞💕💗💝💟💘

this chapter’s mood is this. hope you enjoy!

chapters⇢ previous | series masterlist


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3 years ago

We aren’t free till Palestine is free



They are shelling and air striking on neighborhoods where there are mainly children and women. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FOUR Palestinians have already died as a result of this and SEVENTY FOUR of those were CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please I IMPLORE you to take a moment to reblog this post/share/talk about/inform yourself  and educate those around you about what is happening in Palestine. This isn’t a new situation, this has been the reality of Palestinians for longer than they deserve and people need to speak up and stand with them! 


Below are links to donate, and CORRECT information on the situation. If you want to know more, please feel free to DM or send me an ask and I’ll gladly answer all your questions!

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3 years ago

Yes!!! The obsession I have with this is out of this world 🎉

ego 08


summary⇢ what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way. pairing⇢ jungkook/reader word count⇢ 8.5k rating⇢ 18+ genre⇢ smut | humor | college!au | fuckboi!au | fratboy!au warnings⇢ none really, except that everybody and they mama in they feelings 😩 BUCKLE UP 😈

a/n⇢ THIS CHAPTER KEPT GETTING LONGER AND LONGER AND I’M GOING INSANE so i’ve finally just decided to split it lmao. please take this part now and anticipate the (actual) last chapter a lot sooner than i got this one out since it’s already 80% written!!! 

this chapter’s mood is this. hope you enjoy 😩

chapters⇢ previous | next | series masterlist


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3 years ago
A Beautiful Piece By Nikkolas Smith.

A beautiful piece by Nikkolas smith.

Rest easy Mr Floyd. I and the world will forever remember you. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

3 years ago

Siren’s lullaby

Sirens Lullaby

Geralt of Rivia x WOC/reader

Summary: (Y/N) seeks the Witcher to help her capture the woman that shed the blood of her family. She may have the voice of an angel but her intentions are far from heavenly.

Warnings: Blood, violence, murder, torture, language, nudity, discrimination, abuse/assault  your media consumption is your own responsibility, you have been warned 18+

WC- 1.6K


I am hosting a little competition of sorts, I will pick five people to have their character be in my story just fill out this form- HERE. 

The ocean flourished under the caress of the afternoon sun; waves lulled softly against the side of the ship as they foamed back into itself, the voices of the men drowned out the song of the birds as they ran about fixing sails and tying ropes. A man sat on the railing of the figure-head and watched carefully as the water rippled around them. His tanned skin glistened with sweat under the sun as he sharpened his knife, his eyes and mind were elsewhere.

A whisper of lust and flesh floated in the air, dancing around his head as he looked of into the distance, his hands worked independently – sharpening the knife on the flat stone he found in the hull of the ship, the motion came naturally to his body after years of repeating the same motion. The whispers grew quietly into a song of men floating to the treasure at the bottom of the sea, where gift beyond men were to be found. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought a ghoul was sat beside him, lips pressed against his ear and lulling him with unforeseen riches.

His eyes casted downwards, watching as the blues and greens mixed together creating an illusion of a fantasy that was always told in fairy tales. A lost city and civilisation of merepeople. He remembers the stories he use to hear from the elders, the upper-body that of a human, and the lower half was that of a fish with tails almost twice the size of their body, decorated in intricate scales and colours, with a fin at the end that helped them propel through the waters. Their hair a celadon-green and nipples of light-green. He remembered how many elders and others of his race were enamoured with their looks calling them nymphs of the sea, singing about their looks and the great power they hold.

But he was a child then, naïve, and simple-minded. Now he’s a man and the branding on his left forearm reminds those he crosses paths with that he is a dangerous man.

“You never think you are going to fall in sir?” his accent catches itself on the syllables, making it seem more pronounced and thicker. The man in question looked over his shoulder, throwing a hearty laugh to his crewman he put his knife back in it pocket and swung his body around before jumping back onto the deck.

“You insult me Mayarnde, all these year on this beauty and you still think I can’t balance myself right.” With a slap on the back, he moved towards the centre of the ship giving orders, joking with his men. The hour of peace brought clarity to his mind, something he needed from the past two moons. He thanked the stars for the peaceful journey, but deep down he really knew the reason, he would be foolish to deny it.

He made his way to back of the ship where the door to his quarters stood red wood splintering with age and the constant battle from the sea. It looked like it could do with a new glaze. The money he was getting paid after this trip would be enough to completely redo the entire ship and there would still be some left over.

“Maybe a visit to a brothel, the men could use the release.” He scratched his head as the thought occurred to him, he hadn’t laid with a woman for two moons. None of his men had, usually when they make a quick stop to grab some previsions, they have time to visit a whore or two. But their current guest was adamant on getting to their destination as quickly as possible. And god was he suffering.

He shut his door behind him and looked over his quarters, the desk was covered in parchments and writing utensils, the table in the middle of the room was completely covered by the map – markings plotting their course and other annotations that made little sense to him, his windows were open letting the warm breeze dance around. The parchments on the dark wooden walls fluttered as the wind gently swayed by, the sound of scribbling told him that someone had awaken.

Taking off his coat and throwing it onto the back of a chair, he wandered over to the map and observed the new markings, a thick circle marked out the city Cintra telling the man that was their final destination. It caused his eyebrows to raise, all this time and not once had he seen any city marked like this one.

“So, he is here then, the one you are looking for?” his violet eyes looked up to the woman hunched over the desk, reading new parchments that had only just arrived by raven. Her (H/C) hair was set free, coiling around her face and down to her navel, her deep-toned skin shone with a light sweat as she sat in the embrace of the sun. He watched her for a second noting the strange celadon-green highlights that would catch the sun every once in a while.

“Mhmm, Minoa told me that she heard talks of him in the area. Last, I know is that no one had seen him for weeks.” She shrugged her shoulders, not once looking up at the man in front of her. “But if Minoa said he was in the area that he is. It kind of her thing.” Her voice always brought a strange sensation over the man. He couldn’t exactly place it but, it felt relaxing almost peaceful.

“When do you want to dock because I saw land. So, we can reach there by the end of tomorrows light.” He rested his hip against the table, his sole focus on the woman. He only now notice that she was wearing his tunic with her trousers. It suited her, it suited her really well.

He really needed to visit a brothel soon.

“We can dock tomorrow, let the men rest, fuck a few whores and drink to get their shit back together. But I won’t leave the ship for a few days.” The language that came from her mouth never ceased to amaze him. When he first met her, he was taken aback by the way she dressed – tunic and trousers but the way she wore them made it seem perfectly fit for her. Her gaze was captivating and pierced his soul as she spoke to him. It trapped him in a trance. She had the air of a regal and noble lady, but the mouth of a sailor. It helped his men feel at ease.

The past two moons had been hard, the constant stopping and starting that only she knew the reason behind. But she helped his men through it, she had plenty of coin to keep their bellies happy throughout their trek across the great sea – meat and drinks that only the finest in life would eat. She was stronger than everyone thought too, she didn’t slink away into the quarter and stay there for the past two moons, she slaved away like the rest of the men. And her fighting skills were beyond anything he’d ever seen.

And he has seen some shit.

She finally looked up from the parchment and held his gaze, her plump lips spread into a soft smirk as she watched the man in front of her dumbly nod his head.

“Sorry Captain Saria, I forget you are not used to a woman using such language. I keep forgetting that, and I will most certainly need to fix my tongue once we land in Cintra.” She puffed out a laugh and bit her bottom lip. It had been some time since she’d been around people. Her life was normally quite and simple, in her term anyway.

She pressed the heel of her palms into her eyes, letting them rest for a moment. She didn’t even remember blinking in the last few hours.

“(Y/N), what exactly are you looking for?” his violet eyes bore into her figure, he waited with bated breath for her to answer. And when her eyes met his, it took everything in him to not falter. It always amazed him how magnificent her eyes were, they could be the most tantalising feature throughout her entire being. One eye a breath-taking colour of (E/C) and the other celadon-green. It did give him some comfort, knowing that there was another out there from an ancient race. Throughout most of his adventures around this world he hardly saw anyone who looked like him, his elven bredrin had become scarce on this harsh world.

He was lucky with the life he has now.

“This man, he.” She put the writing pointe down and stood up from the chair she had been in for the past hour. She came in font of the desk and swiftly pulled herself to sit on top of it. She watched as Captain Saria looked her over, his violet eyes gazed at the shoulders that became exposed when the tunic slipped down.

“We have a lot in common, we are two beings that aren’t accepted in this world, Saria, he is going to help me find the woman that killed my family, my blood.” She brought her left arm forward and used her right hand to slowly roll up the sleeve of the tunic. An angry, jagged scar set itself along the expanse of her forearm. she delicately traced it with her fingers, a light mummer of pain made itself known. She had ran from her past, detached herself from everything she knew and it had worked. She became something she never dreamed of, she doesn’t even recognise her own reflection. (Y/N) looked back up at Saria, his eyes were dull, the sympathy felt mocking to her.

“I am the only one left out of my colony, I had to flee my home and become something I hate because my own home is unsafe. She took everything from me, and I intend to make her suffer.” (Y/N) let her arm flop back down. Her eyes clouded with the memories of her past, the laughter and pain, the children, Her blood.

Her people.

“And the Witcher is going to help me find her.”


Let me know what you think my darlings. if you wish to be tagged let me know in the comments. 

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3 years ago

❤️❤️ I love all of you who have shown your love for my work. And I don’t think you understand how much it means to me that you reach out.

I think all content creators can relate to this.

In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.

People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….

And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.

And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.

So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️

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3 years ago

And suddenly, life has meaning again 😘🤌🏽

a short ego 08 preview

because i'm working on the chapter now and i've had 2 glasses of wine and am therefore in a sharing mood lmao. subject to change as always! 😉🤸🏾‍♀️✨

You knew your best friend.

You were perfectly aware that ignoring his texts and calls would not make him go away—that not responding in a timely manner would only result in him seeking you out. But, at the very least, you were sure you had bought yourself a couple of days. The fact that Namjoon was currently standing in the doorway to your living room, a plastic bag dangling from a couple fingers, was proof that you had been wrong.

Your eyes narrowed, immediately looking past him to where your traitorous roommate was casually rooting around in the refrigerator. “Meen! I thought we agreed no visitors!”

“Since when is Namjoon a visitor?” Mina snorted, not even bothering to spare you a glance. “He practically lives here.”


“My bad,” she replied mildly, not sounding sorry in the least. She shut the fridge door, taking an unbothered sip from her newly-procured beverage as she headed back to her room with a shrug. “Maybe next time you should specify.”

“Really?” you hissed, but she didn’t even acknowledge your indignation as she left.

Namjoon’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you, unimpressed and slightly offended. “I know you did not just try to call security on me.”

You let out a loud huff, turning away from him to moodily stare at your tv, intent on getting back to your Snapped marathon. “Joonie, go away, I’m done with men. All they do is disappoint me.”

“Hmm, are you sure about that? I brought you that Italian sub you like.”

At the sound of crinkling plastic, your attention rather predictably drifted back to where he was tauntingly swaying his bribe.

“…your pass expires in twenty-four hours.”

Namjoon ignored your grabby hands, instead choosing to join you on the couch and set the bag just out of reach on the coffee table. The cushion bounced a bit when he determinedly plopped down next to you, the two of you staring at each other in the stretching silence, waiting for the other to break. In the end, your best friend’s current patience turned out to be shorter than your current pettiness levels.

“What happened?” he asked rather gently. And just like that, his obvious concern easily reawakened the swirling emotion that you had been spending all day pushing down, down. “Are you okay?”

“I’m just fine, Namjoon,” you sniffed, eyes shifting away. Down, down. “Just fine and dandy.”

From the look on his face, he didn’t believe you, and frankly, you didn’t blame him. Yes, it had been a few hours since you had essentially had a meltdown and manipulated your mutual friend into giving you his car, but that wasn’t nearly enough time to pull yourself together and rope your feelings into something more muted and productive. Joonie knew that—he knew you—and so he had clearly found you as soon as he could, seemingly hopping right off the BTS bus and making pit stops only to drop off his bag and pick up your sandwiches.

However, despite the logical part of your brain plainly laying all of these facts out for you, the panicky part still reigned supreme, reflexive in its feigned ignorance.

“_____, you are clearly not fine.”

“And so what if I’m not? What, did you come all the way here to comfort me by letting me rest my head on your bosom?”

He looked at you flatly. “For the last time, I do not have a bosom.”

“And for the last time, you do. Now stop fighting me and let me put my face in your titties. You know that always makes me feel better.”

“So you’re admitting that you feel bad,” Joon pointed out triumphantly.

Damn. You had walked right into that one.

“Who said that? Can’t a girl just get motorboated in peace?”

“AHT!” Namjoon interrupted, raising a warning finger.

“What?” you asked defensively.

“Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?”

“You know what.”


“The whole shutting down and shutting people out thing you always do whenever you get really upset. I’m gonna need you to communicate and stop deflecting!”

You blinked, reflexively tensing at being read so blatantly. See, this was exactly why you had tried to stay away from Namjoon for as long as possible in the first place. He knew you way too well and wouldn’t allow you to properly wallow in your misery like you wanted. Rude ass.

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3 years ago

Thank you soo much. I will be using these religiously.

Homelander Dividers

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Homelander Dividers
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Homelander Dividers

Please like and reblog if you use or save.​​​​

Requested by @operation-619

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3 years ago

My darling, at the end of the day those words stay words. You create and transpire words into living things, you share the wonders of your mind with us. It’s is a small number of people that come in here to criticise, but the number that praise and spread love is triple that. As some one who suffers from anxiety and depression, this is my escape from a world that is grey. You, are a wonderful person. A talented and courageous individual, to not only post your words on here. But to also speak up about the hate you have received and challenge that.

This is a safe space for a lot of people, and I love that so much. So please, be kind and think before you act.

And thank you. @ladyeliot

28th March

28th March

Good afternoon, I hope you enjoyed the week. Here I am for another Sunday with some Marvel recommendations, and while I’m at it, I’d like to comment on something. 

The other day I received the first anonymous ‘criticising’ the fan fiction I write, I guess it won’t be the last and I guess it will have happened to all of you more than once. I think that all of us who are on this social network, sharing our writings, are here for different reasons, many of them related to “fleeing” or “escaping” from our daily lives. For me, being here writing about my favourite movie/comic universe is an escape from my stressful life, it helps me to disconnect, to reduce my stress and anxiety. I know it might be a stupid thing to write, silly, but it works as a personal therapy for me. I believe that for many who are here writing, or reading, it also helps them, that’s why I think that hate, rude comments or any kind of action against, what it will generate is that these people who are in TUMBLR to escape from their life, don’t feel safe here. I just ask that if you don’t like what people write, fine, but respect it. There are plenty of insecurities in real life, don’t create them here too. Finally, I want to send all my support to all those who are here.

Love to all of you. 

P.S.: I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I’m not an English expert.



A New Hope by @fallingfavourites

Bucky + Steve + Sam /  bit of spoilers for TFATWS

Bucky Barnes

it’s ok if you forget me ✧ bucky barnes by @starrybrock

it’s ok if you forget about bucky—it’s what he deserves.

Carol Danvers

Sunset by @kram6496​


Parties and Jealousy by @sarahp-stan​

[+18] Something with Carol. I need a Carol x reader where reader is making Carol jealous at one of Tony’s parties so she could go home and finish what she started.

Clint Barton

December by @toomanyrobins

Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?

Johnny Storm

Satan’s Angel by @operation-619​

[+18] She was hidden from the world as the age of 16 when something within her awoke. Something demonic. But she has her brother to hold onto when things start to get worse, because he’s there for her. Right?

Maria Hill

Lost by @marvels-writings​

She’s lost without you, and when she finally finds you, a goodbye looms in the distance.

Natasha Romanoff

My girl by @junajackson

You and Natasha have been dating for a while, maybe it’s time for the team to find out 

Pietro Maximoff

The Hearts of the Hopeless by @sunny-reys

You are utterly in love with Pietro Maximoff, but he’s an Avenger, and way out of your league. Pietro is utterly in love with Y/N L/N, but she’s an effortlessly cool S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and completely beyond him. However, they may reveal certain truths after one jealousy-filled night at a local bar.

Tony Stark

I miss you by  @johnnyshellby​

Inspired By: Gorgeous by Mansionz

Sam Wilson

The art of self care by @dameronology

After a long week at work, sam wilson waits for you at home 

New suit by @pointbreak-odinson​

Black!Reader - This fic does not have any TFAWS spoilers and (as usual) does not give a fuck about Endgame, meaning our favorite dysfunctional couple Tony and Steve are alive. Steve simply passed on the mantle.

Steve Rogers

Somewhere in 1949  by @interstellarflowers​

tw: sad, depression, grief, allusion to PTSD


Valkyrie ~ Queen’s Stress Relief by @captains-simp​

[+18] Established fwb (kinda) relationship, dom!Valkyrie, spanking, degrading, oral, strap on

28th March

Tags :
3 years ago

Hey, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much. This might not seem like much, but to me it’s everything.

21st March

21st March

Hello again! I hope you are enjoying your Sunday, again I bring some recommendations that I think deserve more love. Tonight I will upload a new One Shot, happy start of the week.

Love to all of you.



Hell on Earth by @starshipsofstarlord​

As a teenager living in the compound, and a member of Earth’s mightiest heroes, there are often misunderstandings due to your powers. However, you express the darkness of your abilities through your style, and it serves as a warning to all other, unfortunately, not everybody gets the memo.

Bucky Barnes

Crash and Burn by @rubyrosettared​

Set after the events of Civil War and before the events of Black Panther, Infinity War and Endgame. Bucky is recuperating in Wakanda. After a fight with the reader, he questions why he should be forgiven for what he did as the Winter Soldier. Written from Bucky’s perspective. First person.

Carol Danvers

Until the end by @hiiraya​

Angst, happy ending, carol is soft for the reader 

Natasha Romanoff

The Fallen One by @yourtaletotell​

An alternative ending, for EndGame.

Peter Parker

Grief by @mads-weasley​

Peter feels something wrong, but when he doesn’t see you at the end of the battle, he knows you’re hurt, or worse. 

Paint by @itsapeterthing​

Peter sees a figure walking through the trees during his run and investigates only to meet a girl named y/n painting in the woods.

Sam Wilson

Confidence by @antheiagoddessofwriting

Fluffy Sam, nervous Sam, nervous reader, angst, pining. Mentions of VA and trauma of reader’s friend.

Steve Rogers

My Timid Hello, My Clumsy Goodbye by @anika-ann

You’re spending the evening and the night before your wedding with the two most important men of your life. When the sun rises again, you’ll say your ‘I do’ in a close circle of friends and family. It’s not a goodbye to your old life and it’s not a hello to some enormous change; but you will no longer be a Barton. You will be a Rogers. Why not reminisce a bit?

Her by @operation-619​

Series -  AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.


Body, Mind, and Soul by @marvelsbanner​

there simply needs to be more vision fic out there🥺 may i request a cute one where you’ve been going out for a while but the big L word hasn’t been said yet and vis is just.. trying his best to tell you but doesn’t know how🥺🥺 he’s just so cute like that😭❤️ kissy i love ur stuff

3 years ago

Satan’s Angel

Satans Angel

Johnny Storm x WOC!Reader

Summary: She was hidden from the world at the age of 16 when something within her awoke. Something demonic. But she has her brother to hold onto when things start to get worse, because he’s there for her. Right?

warnings: language, blood, violence, mentions of medical problems. mentions of needles, abuse and torture. 18+

WC: 2.2K

masterlist I Chapter 1

Chapter 2 

(Y/N)’s silhouette was outlined on the wall from the glow of the TV, a nature documentary had long replaced the season finale of some space series. But she’d lost interest a long time ago.

No, her eyes were focused on the moth flickering around the lamp on the desktop in the opposite corner from her bed. It’s determination to get out of the lamp shade brought the (E/C) eyes to it desperate figure. Such a small thing making so much noise. Trapped in its new cage.


‘I stopped making noise a long time ago.’

Her thoughts echoed in the emptiness of her head, a head that was still making its way out of the fog it had been pushed into. But like always, her body was use to it. The constant battle from herself and those around her. Fighting a common enemy – her.

Turning her head to the side (Y/N) watched as the sun’s crest peak over the horizon, the sign that she has began a new day. The trees sparkled as the light reflected off the snow and ice, the birds sang a greeting to the world and their neighbours as they ruffled their feathers and spread their wings. (Y/N) watched and listened as the world around her started to awaken, but she had never fallen asleep.

After she awoke from the slumber Doctor Tempest put her under, her body was still feeling the weight of sleep, but her mind was alive. Quietly alive. Six day had passed as she slept in her bed, six days of doctors and nurses poking her body with needles, six days of the moon and sun each taking turns to watch the broken women slowly come back to consciousness. But unknown to her, not once in those six days did the infamous Victor Von-Doom come visit her. He was too preoccupied with his upcoming meeting with Reed Richards, a man that needed his ship to conduct an experiment. He didn’t know the full detail yet. That meeting would happen later today.

But not a single thought was on his sister throughout those six days, but he did visit the lab every so often to see if they made any progress with her tests. But like always nothing came back. So, he had the nurses lie to his (Y/N), he told them that if she ask, tell her what she wants to hear.


The sun was bright, it calmed her. Soothed her. It was a saving grace after being stuck inside for so long.

“I have your fruit and yoghurt here, and the waffles are just being prepared as we speak,” a body sat itself down onto the chair opposite the women, their eyes watched as brown skin glowed in the sun’s warmth. Without a thought, a smile slithered its way onto the man face, wrinkles appeared around his green eyes as he watched the woman, he’d known for a long time to catch those rare moments of peace. His eyes left (Y/N) and travelled around the open space as he leant back against the woven chair. It had been a long time since he’d been outside with (Y/N); the sedative she was given helped her body freely heal itself without her tensing and drawing out the process. So, now she is likely to have a couple of weeks without another mishap. Maybe even a few months, but one never wishes too much.

“Do you know what Victor is doing today,” her eyes remained closed as she addressed the relax giant sitting opposite her, his frame dwarfed the chair he was sat in. He was practical a walking wall, but his personality didn’t even being to match his physique.

“Yeah, he’s got that meetin’ with Richards and Grimm,” Clinking could be heard and then a low ‘thank you’ and not long after the sweet smell of waffles engulfed (Y/N)’s senses. Inhaling deeply, she opened her eyes and was immediately met with the sight of physical heaven, not wasting any time she grabbed her fork and stabbed the fluffy circle.

“I know he didn’t come to see me; the nurses aren’t good liars.” The fork stopped just before it could enter his mouth, his lips twitched as he made eye contact with the woman in front of him. Gulping he set his food down and answered.

“Ha. How did you know?” the man seemed to shrink in on himself, the intensity of those (E/C) eyes made him wish he had just choked on his bacon.

“I don’t know I just kind of knew.” And with that (Y/N) began eating again. The sound of metal scraping against plates filled the cool air. No one spoke, eyes tracing the sky and birds.

“Give me your phone.” Her hand was stretched out towards the man, who had once again frozen in place with a sceptical look in his face. Slowly, as if he were going to scare a timid animal away, he reached for his phone and placed it into the awaiting hand. “You’re not going to call you brother, are you?”

“No.” And he knew by the look on her face that the conversation was paused. On his end that is. “Where is he now?” her eyebrow raised in question, like a child, the man in front of her looked anywhere but her eyes.

“Zion, please. I just want to get out of here. And you’re my bodyguard, so help guard me by letting me leave this fucking place.”

“What kind of backwards logic do you have rattalin’ inside that head of yours (Y/N)? I ain’t saying a thing,” the woman in question huffed out a laugh as she watched the man squirm in front of her. She looked down at the phone in her hand and started to enter the passcode, once she was through, she went through the motions of finding the desired contact.

“You know, your accent really comes through when you lie or are nervous. So please Zion, think about this or your donut privileges get taken when your wife finds out.” Her little threat was triumphant as Zion broke.

“He’s in New York, for the Richards meeting.” He was met with a ‘hum’ from (Y/N) as she brought the ringing phone to her ear. There was a moment of silence before Zion could see (Y/N) visibly perk up, some one answered the phone and he hoped it wasn’t her brother.

“Susan, hello. I need your help.”


New York city.

She had done the exact opposite of what Victor had told her to do. She left his facility in the Alps and was currently on the rode to the launch site. She needed to experience something before it would all end. And when she had learned from Susan that Victor had gone through with Reed’s plan, she didn’t even think before she jumped at the chance to go to space.

Of all places Reed Richards wanted to go to it had to be space.

The past few day had been a blur, getting the semi-all clear from Doctor Tempest was a bit tricky because she had to convince him that she was going to be okay. That was lie number one. She then had to convince Susan that Victor would be happy to see her there, lie number two. And then, she had to convince herself that if she had the opportunity she wouldn’t jump out of the ship into the wide unknown and die. That was obviously lie number three.

But sat in the car, wind blowing through her locks, she knew deep down that this was meant to happen.

“I hope you know that he’s going to hate you. And that is not my problem.” Sluggishly turning her head to the side, (Y/N) watched as Zion clenched his jaw in irritation. The greys streaks in his bread shining in the sunlight, contrasting beautifully with his dark skin. (Y/N) savoured this moment, the sight of the father figure she had grown to love sat next to her, possibly for the last time.

“We both know you’ll make it your problem.” They both looked at each other for a split second, unspoken words captured and understood.

Before anyone could say anything, a shout in the distance made them both look ahead. They had arrived. The building loomed over them, a reminder of the power it held. People were scattering back and forth, going from one place to another.

A smile graced her face, she was really outside.

Her (E/C) eyes were scanning everything; it took some strength for her not to run from one thing to another. The way almost everything had changed made her excited to explore the new world but at the same time it finally made her realise how she really couldn’t experience everything through people’s hearsay or a TV screen. She had to be there, in the flesh to really see how the ocean sparkled under the suns caress, how the birds danced with each other in the swing of the wind. Or how a person’s eyes shined with love and adoration. She had to be there to experience the laughter of friends and family.

Running her fingers through her locks, she sighed as caught a quick reflection of herself.

“Great, one thing I didn’t miss was the wind fucking with my hair.” She frantically searched herself for a satin scrunchie but whined in frustration when she came up short.

‘I didn’t leave it at home, did I?’

Running her hand through messy locks, she grunted as she came to the realisation that her first interaction after four years of isolation will be with her hair looking like a birds nest. And this is why sometimes she hated having kinky hair.

A noise brought her out of her existential crisis, and when she turned around, she was met with a sight to behold. A gasp fell from her plump lips as she carefully took the satin scrunchie out of her saviours hold.

“Susan, I’m going to kiss you, just give me a minute.” Quickly tying up her fro, she wasted no time and flung herself into the awaiting arms of blonde woman. She reluctantly let go of Susan, her hold on her emotions was failing.

Blinking before any tears slipped out, she plastered a smile onto her face, “so a little birdy tells me things between you and my brother a kicking off. I am a little offended you didn’t tell me, yes. But we move.” Linking her arm with Susan’s, she let the blonde lead the way.

“I don’t think that is true, if you were offended, you’d have come down here sooner.” Laughter followed the pair as they made their way to their destination.

Finally, they reached their destination. A small room sparsely decorated held the two suits that they would both be wearing. (Y/N), let go of Susan and walked over to them.

“What is this, I don’t think this will fit me.” She nervously chuckled as she looked over her shoulder at Sue who was shaking her head at the baffled woman. Sue glided over to her and picked up her own suit.

“Victor designed them; the synthetics act as a second skin adapting to your body’s individual needs. So, it will fit honey.”

“Self-regulating molecules huh? Nice.” And with that she made no fuss as she put it on. Minutes later the two women were putting the final touches to the space outfit before there was a knock on the door. (Y/N) looked over at Sue and followed her as she stepped over to answer the door.

“The others have arrived ma’am.” Susan replied with a quick ‘thank you’ and gestured to (Y/N) to follow her, she quickly picked something up before they both left the room. With wide strides the two women walked through a crowded hallway, exchanging hellos and smiles to the people they passed. (Y/N) noticed that only a handful of people she passed recognised her, she could tell by the look of shock plastered onto their faces when they saw her. She really didn’t expect any less, it had been a long time since she had wondered outside the facility. The last time was at Uncle Boris’s funeral.

“The look on your hard-ass CO’s face when he finds out he’s your junior officer: priceless.” (Y/N) watched as the interaction between Ben and some man went down. Her eyebrow arched in curiosity and scanned the man perched on the edge of the seat, his muscles were being defined rather nicely in the suit that apparently everyone was wearing, but her attention was cut short when she heard a deep voice cut through her thoughts. And before she could look up, strong arms encircled her body and lifted her in the air.

“God, you’ve gotten big squirt,” the rumble of Ben’s voice automatically made her body relax as she slowly returned the hug. As her feet touched the floor, she was able to properly get a look at the man; she giggled as the light made his forehead shine, his vivid green eyes made him look younger. The way they twinkled always made her wonder if anything could ever put her down. The last time they had talked, Mr Grimm had just proposed to Debb, and she couldn’t have been any happier for him.

But deep down it hurt, everyone was moving on with their lives. Finding love, having a family, grieving. But what did she have.

What did she have?

Tags :
3 years ago
Not Gonna Lie To You, Im A Marvel Fan Through And Through. But I Enjoyed Snyder Version Way More Than

Not gonna lie to you, I’m a Marvel fan through and through. But I enjoyed Snyder version way more than Whedon’s, but it confused the fuck outta me.

But my man Henry do be looking sexy as fuck.

Tags :
3 years ago

Satan’s Angel

Satans Angel

Johnny Storm x WOC!Reader

Summary: She was hidden from the world at the age of 16 when something within her awoke. Something demonic. But she has her brother to hold onto when things start to get worse, because he’s there for her. Right?

warnings: language, blood, violence, mentions of medical problems. mentions of needles, abuse and torture. 18+

WC: 2.2K

masterlist I Chapter 2

So I wrote this ack in my Quotev days, and I decided to edit it - because it was atrociously written. And I’m now posting it on here so I hope you enjoy my loves 


The world has never been in my favour, I realise that now.

I should’ve realised it years ago.

But standing here looking my estranged brother in the eyes; I finally realise that the world has led me on a path that had to end this way, no matter how hard I tried to swerve and dodge the upcoming circumstance, I would always end up staring at my brothers empty eyes, with my hand deep in his chest.

Killing him. Killing my brother.

She sat there, waiting for the pain to embrace her like a long-lost cousin. She knew it was time; her heart was spasming, she could hardly breathe. Her eyes were watery, tears sliding down her face.

Yet she sat there at the edge of her bed staring out the window that occupied the whole wall opposite her bed. She could see the mountains from her bed so clearly. It was as if she was there.

If she was there.

Her chest moved erratically, her cheeks soaked with tears, yet she sat calmly; pondering, wondering, daydreaming about a life outside these four walls that kept her trapped in her own mind.

A mind that kept her sane and crazy all at the same time. She would dream up stories of a handsome young prince saving her with a fiery kiss. Or most times it was a nightmare, a world made of purple skies and vibrant green grass, set aflame; with bodies lying across the ground as she ran with some man, her hand in his so he wouldn’t lose her, the other hand on her belly housing a precious creature. She never got the end of the nightmare because she would wake up just before a monster jumped on top of her.

She would always jolt up, sweat weighing heavy on her skin, a scream rising up her throat along with bile and the feeling on nostalgia. She hated how she knew the place she was dreaming of yet couldn’t place a finger on it.

Before she could ponder anymore, she felt the first flicker of pain, it started at the bottom of her spine, and oh-so painfully started to spread across the rest of her rigid body. She drew in a ragged breath as the pain wrapped a hand around her heart and squeezed. She clenched her eyes shut tight and tried soothe her breathing, but the hand around her heart squeezed harder. She gasped out in pain and rolled forward; landing on the floor on her knees as her hand started to scrape at her chest, desperately trying to remove the hand off of her heart. It was as if it was laughing at her attempts because next thing she knew, the hand squeezed so hard she fell forward onto her hand and screamed.

She screamed so loudly, black dots clouded her vision and danced around her. Her throat felt sore, but she didn’t stop.

She couldn’t.

Her body shook as sobs replaced the screaming in a matter of seconds. She hated this, for the past eight years it just seems to be getting worse. Ever since she surpassed her sixteenth birthday, all it has ever been was pain, pain and pain. It was tenfold as worse as it used to be. Before her sixteenth birthday it was like a build up to the pain she was feeling now. Minor headaches, to migraines, to temperatures either too hot or too cold. No one knew what was wrong with her. Not even the best doctors’ money could buy. And if it wasn’t for Victor she wouldn’t be here, with round the clock care to make sure she is okay, she knew that he loved her even though he wasn’t around as much as he used to be. She knew.

Of course, he loves you. Your all he’s got, and vice-versa.

The thoughts echoed around her head, bouncing painfully off her head.

The vibrations of the floor let her know that the people were on their way.  Moments later she felt her body being lifted from the floor, she felt herself slump against the broad chest of some man, she given up fighting against the pain and just let it take over her system. She couldn’t stop the tears, the echoed the lack of control she had over her own body as the gushed down her paling face.

“Hush now, close your eyes. I’ve got you.” The deep voice vibrated through her body, it felt oddly familiar and through all the pain she managed to look up into the familiar blue eyes of her brother.

“Vic- “her words fell short as she lost the energy to speak, instead she used all her energy to place her hand onto his smooth cheek.

“Hush, it’s okay. I’m here now.” With that statement she let her eyes roll to the back of her head, as the pain drowned her in its last tidal wave.

Satans Angel

  Victor released a long ‘huff’ as he stopped at another traffic light. He regretted coming back to New-York at 14:00 pm when the streets would be busy with the afternoon rush. He rhythmically tapped his fingers against the arms rest and looked on through the divider, he smirks as he saw his driver’s hand gripping the wheel tightly out of frustration too.

His attention was quickly drawn to his phone when he heard the ringtone brake through the silence in the car; reaching into his jacket he removed his phone from the inside pocket of his black Louis Vuitton suit jacket.

‘Her vitals are erratic again; she’s going to go into Comatose. But I think it’s best if you came over. You can get the samples you need.’

The text message was all he needed for him to clear his throat and say;

“Michael, turn back around to the airport, please. We’re going to visit my sister.” With a nod from Michael, the car was swiftly turned around and quickly driven back to the airport. He sent a text to his pilot, telling him to ready the helicopter that will bring him to the facility he has in the Alps, which is coincidentally where he is keeping his sister.

Victors blue eyes grew stormy as he remembered how much pain his sister has been through in the past few years, the undiagnosed tantrums her body would throw sent his sister into an unbreakable cycle of pain and then unconsciousness. He knew deep down that one day she’ll have an episode that she won’t concur.

He remembers the first time it happened; he was stepping through his front door. He barley even had time to take his jacket off before he heard a scream that made his blood curl, rushing upstairs he was met with a sight that had the breath taken out of him, there hunched on the bed was his sister.

Head clasped between her hands, nails digging into her skin as if she was trying to peel her own skin off, her lower face was covered in blood from her nose, and her eyes were screaming for help, for an escape that she was so desperately seeking.

Victor rushed forward and attempted to prise her hands off her head. But was met with a force that had him crashing into wall next to the door. He looked up and saw his sister looking at him with unnatural black eyes and a hand pointed towards him with her palm open. Her eyelids fluttered before they were back to their normal hue.

“Help me…” her voice came out hoarse and timid before she convulsed onto the ground.

Surging forward Victor managed to catch her head just in time before it hit the corner of the bed frame. His vision was blurry as he looked at his sister, her head cradled in his lap as he tried to steady her from the excessive shaking.

His ears picked up the sirens and then the sound of the door getting thrown open as paramedics came rushing upstairs.

Yet he couldn’t move, his body wasn’t registering what was actually happening.  

Their voices all became mumbled as he watched them pry her out of his grip, he tried to speak but his mouth wouldn’t move it just stayed there, hanging open like a fool.

He continued to stare at the group of paramedics struggling to hold his sister still as he felt two pairs of hands under his arms to haul him up.

‘Come on son.’ The voice sounded so distant and foreign to him as he let the two strangers support his weight as it appeared his own legs couldn’t do that. He hazily watched as the world around him moved without some much of a struggle. Next thing he knew he was sat on the curb with a blanket wrapped around him. Apparently for the shock.

Fuck that.

His head snapped to the side as he heard the shouting of the paramedics as the rushed his unconscious sister out of the house; one split off from the group and came over to him.

“Are you the boyfriend?” Victor shook his head, eyes trained on his sisters’ body being hauled into the back of the ambulance.

“Brother,” he managed to rasp out.

“Okay then that’s even better. Can you tell me anything about her?” His eyes stayed trained on his sister as the paramedics sorted her out in the back, the doors were wide open so he could see what they were doing.

“Yeah, yeah.” He numbly nodded. Half listening to what the man was saying.

“Any mental illness, inherited disorders from the family?” Victor continued to shake his head; the man continued asking questions, but they all had the same answer. A shake of the head from Victor Von-Doom.

“Okay can you tell me how old she is?” Victor looked down at his Rolex, his eyebrows furrowed in sadness when he realised what day it was. The watch read back 03:45am.

“October 31st, she turned sixteen forty-five minutes ago.” He finally looked over at the paramedic and noticed how young he really was, said paramedics face contorted into a look of unease. Victor sent him a look of confusion which lead to the boy looking away.

“Sorry sir, it’s just three am is considered the ‘witching hour’ in my religion, and it clashes with it being Halloween today as well- ‘the paramedic turned around and noticed the look on Victors face and cleared his throat- ‘Sorry sir. Happy birthday to her, you can ride with her if you wish.”

And with that the young boy scurried off.

Looking out the window, Victor noticed they were about to touch down on the landing pad. Exhaling unsteadily, he rolled his shoulders back preparing himself what was to come.

If only he knew.

  The steady, rhythmic beeping of the EKG machine soothed Victors heart as he stood by the window and looked out onto the scenery that was suspiciously calming. Now he understood why his sister made him replace the tiny window for this huge one. It was once a wall, but with the extra light and the view it made the room less constricting, less likely of a panic attack for her.

“Hey.” The soft voice barley reached his ears, but he heard it and he couldn’t be happier. Spinning around he marched to her side and plonked himself down onto the chair that he’d been sat in for the past fourteen hours.


“(Y/N) Von-Doom. Victor?”

“No, Birthday?” “Monday, October Thirty-first, three am. Victor please.”

“Favourite person in the world?”

“Steve Harvey.”

“Hey, what happened to it being me”

“You wouldn’t shut up. Your making my head hurt Victor.” She raised a hand to rub her temple, only to hiss in pain as her muscles burned. Tears clouded her vison as she remembered what happened.

“Did anyone get hurt?” She was met with a ‘no’ from her brother. She mumbled a response that Victor couldn’t hear. He watched her as she looked out the window; eyes glassed over and distant, like she was somewhere else.

“I can’t do this anymore,” her voice was quiet, lacking emotion. It caused Victors heart to beat faster. He couldn’t let her go. Not now.


“I mean, here. Here in this room. Because these episodes are getting stronger, I can feel it. I probably won’t survive the next one. Or fuck, the one after that. Who knows Victor. I need to leave, get out of here. I don’t care where, I just need to leave.” Her sobs grew louder as did the EKG machine, he tried to soothe her, but it only grew worse.

Doctors and nurse appeared in a matter of minutes, they checked the vitals and the machine only to see her hysterically crying.

“Ma’am, you need to calm down for me please.” The nurse’s voice was sweet, almost taunting to (Y/N). She sighed when the girls crying grew louder. Nodding towards the older man in a pair of grey scrubs she quickly caught (Y/N)’s attention as the Doctor came forward and injected her with a mild sedative.

With in seconds the room grew quite as they all watched (Y/N)’s eyes close slowly.

Just before she went completely under; Victor cupped her cheek.

“I need you. So, I promise I’ll find out what’s going on. You’ll get out of here soon. I promise.”

He watched her eyes close completely and looked out of the window, leaning back against the chair he spoke one last time before closing his eyes:

“I promise.”


Chapter 2

Tags :
3 years ago

The Witcher


Geralt x Reader

Siren’s lullaby - Summary: (Y/N) seeks the Witcher to help her capture the woman that shed the blood of her family. She may have the voice of an angel but her intentions are far from heavenly.

Warnings: Blood, violence, murder, torture, language, nudity, discrimination, abuse/assault  your media consumption is your own responsibility, you have been warned 18+

WC- 1.6K

I am hosting a competition to have you character be a part of this new series. fill out this form - HERE

I / 

Tags :
3 years ago

Steve Rogers



AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.

Her: I-Forest , II-Crimson , III-Hiraeth


My home isn’t a place - where you’ve come to know these people well enough home isn’t a physical object.  Coming soon

Call me when its over - she’s just a friend, right? Coming soon

Tags :
3 years ago

The Boys


Homage - after a long day of work to cover up for the man child translucent. (Y/N) get to indulge in her man. Warning: blood play, language and hints of indecent exposure!!! 15+

Even the strongest man bleeds - the truth comes out and just in time for The Boys, (Y/N) now has to make a choice. The truth or the visage she has built. Warning: the reader is an alien, blood, mention of death and murder, violence, language 15+

1.’ll keep you safe - Homelander has the need to protect the last piece of innocence left in his life, keeping her away from the darkness that is Vought. He grew up with her in the labs that made him who he is today, yet they had completely different upbringings. But she is his, no matter what. Warnings: Dub/Con elements, manipulation, mentions of violence, language 15+ 

 2. Sanctuary -  Summary: Homelander has found himself too drunk on (Y/N), so he take a brake from the one good thing he knows hoping his infatuation will calm down. However, upon return. the sweetness he’s tried so hard to resist tempt him once again to dip his fingers in. She’s his opioid, and he’s her Sanctuary.  Warnings: Dub/Con elements, manipulation, VIOLENCE, smut, death, language 15+

Tags :
3 years ago



Johnny Storm x WOC!Reader

Summary: She was hidden from the world as the age of 16 when something within her awoke. Something demonic. But she has her brother to hold onto when things start to get worse, because he’s there for her. Right? 

Warnings: language, blood, violence, mentions of medical problems. mentions of needles, abuse and torture. 18+ 

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2

 I write for most of the Marvel characters, but don’t be afraid to leave a request

Tags :
3 years ago

I’ll keep you safe.



Homelander X Innocent!Reader (female). 

This was request by the lovely @queenieheartsbitches​, they requested that I do Homelander x reader fic where the reader will be naïve and innocent. This Fic will have a dark tone to it so please read at your own risk. I am so sorry it took so long, but it is what it is. if you enjoy please leave a comment about what you liked and don’t be afraid to reblog and reach out for some requests of your own. 

Words: 2.4K

Summary: Homelander has the need to protect the last piece of innocence left in his life, keeping her away from the darkness that is Vought. He grew up with her in the labs that made him who he is today, yet they had completely different upbringings. But she is his, no matter what. 

Warnings: Dub/Con elements, language, menstrual cycle and blood, manipulation, mentions of violence, Homelander basically using the readers naivety against her. 

[Masterlist] - Part Two


The first few years of (Y/N)’s life was spent in a glass box; fitted with a bed, table, and chair. If she wasn’t being tested on or testing her powers, they kept her in that box. Food was passed through a slot to the side of the door, she had a limited number of toys that were her only friends for a while. She named them Bricky and Blocky, they were two dolls that didn’t have faces. In fact, they didn’t have any defining features at all, but she was attached to the two toys like no mans business.

When she was eight, her best friend entered her life, she called them Doctor Brookes. The Doctor was a smoothed face woman in her late thirties, with high cheek bones and hooded-almond eyes, her thick black hair was always kept up in a neatly wrapped bun at the back of her head with a pen always sticking out of it at an angle. The moment (Y/N) met the Doctor she noticed how tall and slender the woman was, she found the doctor breathtakingly beautiful. But there was something dark behind the Doctor’s eyes that always made her take caution with the way she spoke and moved. But the Doctor was the greatest friend (Y/N) ever had. Next to John of course.

When (Y/N) was nine years and eleven days old she awoke to pain in her stomach and blood flowing from her thighs, she did the only thing she could think of and screamed. After the hysteria was over, Dr Brookes came to the glass box and sat her down on her lumpy bed and explained how her body was changing, but it was different.

“Your body is changing, you will turn into a woman, but you won’t be like every other woman out there (Y/N). Do you understand?” The red lipstick was captivating, (Y/N) watched her mouth move as the words poured out.

“All the test we have been doing are making you better and your body is finally healing. You will become powerful little warrior.”

‘Warrior, huh no ones ever called me that before,’ her mind was racing as she thought of the days and years to come.

“Will it hurt?” Her voice was timid as she clutch Bricky and Blocky to her chest, her little heart was starting to ache with how fast it was beating.

“Of course,’ the doctors hand was places delicately on (Y/N) warm cheek, ‘but you will power through it. Won’t you little one?” Brown eyes bored into (Y/N)’s and held her gaze with a look that left a chill to run down (Y/N)’s spine.

“Yes Doctor.” White teeth came into view as the Doctor’s red lips were pulled up into a smile. There was a twinkle in her almond-hooded eyes as she clapped her hands together before standing up from her crouched position in front of (Y/N).

The glass door opened suddenly, and Doctor Vogelbaum stepped through his white coat twisted at the back and ruffled. He cleared his throat and beckoned Doctor Brooke to come over, quite words were exchanged before they both glanced over to (Y/N).

“Is she ready?” The man stalked towards the little girl sat on the bed and crouched down to inspect her, Doctor Brooke said something to him but (Y/N)’s attention was on the coldness of his eyes. She winced when he harshly pinched her round cheek and squeezed.

“Good, she’ll be a wonderful weapon for Vought.” (Y/N) shook her head violently and protested, “Doctor Brooke said I’d be a warrior!” His mouth pulled into a snarl and his yellow teeth were barred together, the anger radiating from his face made (Y/N) pull Bricky and Blocky up to her face.

“You little girl,’ the dolls were ripped from (Y/N)’s grip,’ will be the weapon we made you to be, you can pretend you are a warrior, but you were made to be a weapon.” Doctor Vogelbaum turned and walked away ignoring the wailing from the little girl trapped in the glass box.



“Can we go to the carnival later, I heard they had deep-fried chocolate bars.” His ridiculous cape blocked (Y/N)’s view of the TV screen. She sat, with her legs propped up on the glass table watching the trailer for Vought’s newest hero addition. But her vision got cut off when John came storming into the meeting room muttering about how ungrateful everyone was. As far as (Y/N) was concerned John wasn’t talking about her because she was always grateful, Doctor Brooke had taught her to always be grateful for what she had. No matter the circumstances. So, when John came in, tense and disturbed (Y/N) brought it upon herself to make the best thing in her life happy. And the carnival always made her heart fly.

“John,” her feet swung off the table and carried her to the Supe. His frame was tense, telling her all she needed to know, reaching out (Y/N) placed her hand on John’s bicep and gently stroked. Her effect on the man was visible even a blind man could sense the soft spot the legendary Homelander had for this woman.  The man in question deflated and mumbled a quite “fuck”.

(Y/N) tutted and lightly pinched the man, “watch your language J,” she trailed her hand downwards and swiftly turned the hunk of the man around until he was facing her, without question she wrapped her arms around his torso and nestled her face into his neck. After years of getting use to (Y/N)’s behaviour John still tensed when she pulled him into one of her loving hugs. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around her body, he wasn’t in the mind set for physical contact right now but that was him, the woman in his embrace was nothing like him.


He was raised in a lab, constantly being tested on and his only comfort was a blanket and the occasional faces he saw, that reminded him that he wasn’t forgotten. His mind was drilled and filled with war strategies and how to win people over, his mind was not filled with empathy or love and affection like most people. On the outside he was what everyone in America needed, he seemed like he had the life he wanted and the people, he showed the world how happy he was doing his job and how grateful he was to save the people of the US of A.

But on the inside, it was a whole fucking mess.

Letting out a deep sigh, John dropped his head on top of (Y/N)’s, letting her heart calm his racing mind. The scent of her was soothing, it strangely gave him a comfort of home. He lost himself to his thoughts as he stood there with her in his arm, hearts harmonising into a domestic beat. He slowly remembered how different they were, two completely different humans and yet they fit together so perfectly – he seems to think so anyway. He couldn’t bare to let her go, when he first met her the thing that stood out to him the most was how vulnerable she was. Standing with the smile of a god on her face, (E/C) eyes wide and brimming with innocence that he knew would disappear quickly if she befriended him.

But he was wrong, they had known each other for a long time, and she is still the same wide-eyed innocent motherfucker he met when he was young. He didn’t know if it was the way he was conditioned when he was younger, but his saviour complex was completely different when it came to (Y/N). To this day, he refuses to let Translucent anywhere near her, he made that mistake once and the rage he felt was other worldy and the pain he left Translucent in was something the sadist in him was extremely proud of.

“John?” her voice was muffled, and it almost went completely passed his ears, but he heard it and recognised the discomfort in her tone. He then realised that through his mindless wonder, he had subconsciously tightened his grip on her. Breathing a quick ‘sorry’ he let her go and watched curiously as she scanned his face. He knew what she was thinking, (Y/N) didn’t hide her emotions as well as she thought she did.

“What is the matter now?” her hand gently caressed his cheek, the smile on her face grew slightly as she felt John lean into it. She could feel the tense jawbone constrict and relax as he exhaled softly, she didn’t even blink when she felt John’s hands come down to rest on her hip. She was use to these administrations of affection, something that other people had a hard time wrapping their heads around. She never understood why. But she just guessed it was just down to the past these two shared, the lack of a parental figure – but it was more extreme in Johns case. Nevertheless, she still understood the crave for any kind of physical contact, the need to be heard and held.

“I just. It’s nothing my Dove. I just want to hold you.” And with that he brought is forehead down and rested it on top of hers, (Y/N) looked up through her eyelashes and observed how relaxed his face was, no hints of the stress or burden that were holding him down when he came in. It made her happy to see that he was able to relax when it came to her, it made her happy that he was able to fall apart and trust her enough to put him back together. She was suddenly distracted by the fingers that were tilting her chin upward, even more taken back by the lips that pressed gently onto her own. She pulled back and looked at the man in front of her, a warmth slowly caressed her cheeks.

“Sorry, you just shocked me a little you didn’t ask like you usually did.” Her eyes were cast downwards, watching the floor sparkle in the afternoon sun. (Y/N)’s eyes stayed down when those same fingers came back to tilt her face upwards.

“(Y/N), look at me.” (E/C) shot upwards meeting a breath taking blue, “I’m sorry I forgot, I just need you to make me feel better, is that okay?” the man asking the question watched as the woman in front of him bit her lip before nodding her head. Gently, he moved his thumb upwards and rolled her lips out from the torture of her teeth, and gently rubbed it. He smiled wolfishly when (Y/N)’s face took on a flustered look and she nodded her head slightly, a breathless whimper slipped past her lips as John gently surged forward and captured her lips again. He cupped her face and brought himself flush to her, every time he does it, he never gets over the taste of her – sweet and innocent.

(Y/N) had to suppress the noises threatening to slip past her lips as she brought her hands up to Johns chest, she couldn’t tell if her heart was beating so fast it was making her ears ring or if it was John who was having this effect on her. But either way she loved it.

She remembered the first time he kissed her, he had just come back from a taxing recon and he was pissed – excuse the bad language, she listened to him rant and rave about the incompetence of people and how no one understands the extent of his job. And after all that he still was tensed she could practically see the muscle damage through his posture, so she jumped onto him and hugged him with everything she had. She didn’t know how long they were stood there, but what she did know was that one second she’s hugging The Homelander-earths mightiest Super, and the next his hand is holding her cheek and his lips are planted on hers. John knew that was her first kiss, she quietly asked why he had done it, and he explained how she - (Y/N) (L/N) makes him feel happy, healthy, and so much better.

“I love how you make me feel like everything is going to be fine, and I need this. Don’t you want me to feel good?”

And she didn’t want to make him feel hurt, and since then whenever he needs her, she is there.


Because she loves him, as much as he loves her, and she is willing to give him everything he asks for and so much mor-

“Ms (L/N), I need to borrow Homelander for a minute.” The voice of Stillwell projected loudly into the vast room, making (Y/N) jump back in surprise. Her (E/C) eyes looked at the woman standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and face scowling at the scene in front of her. She didn’t know what it was but Madelyn never like the two of them together in the same room, (Y/N) knew if she had it her way Madelyn wouldn’t have the two of them on the same planet.

“I’ll see you later Dove,” with a quick kiss to the forehead (Y/N) watched as the man she was just kissing practically skip out of the door, with tears burning at the back of her eyes she turned around and sluggishly made her way back to the chair she was occupying moments ago.

Laying back, she looks back at the screen, still showcasing the show she was watching. But her mind was casted to the pair that had just left the room, she knew deep down in her stomach that something was going on between the two of them. But her heart couldn’t handle that. Rising her hand into the air she could see the red wisps dancing around her hand, moving her fingers slightly she watched as the sun started to dim and not long after the familiar rumble of thunder announced itself. She absentmindedly weaved her fingers around, her focus on the television, but her attention every now and then would listen to the calming storm raging outside the windows. The grey clouds encased the city below, the thunder clashed loudly in the air as rain fired down.

(Y/N) smiled slightly and closed her eyes, listening to the storm outside. She felt at peace as she waited for her John to come back, she felt at peace as the storm inside her slowly started to dissipate.

(Y/N) remembered the words of Doctor Brooke, and how right now she felt anything but a warrior. But she knew that as long as she had John, she will be okay.

Tags :
3 years ago

This shit is Bussin. @firefly-graphics this is beautiful.



Here you will find various dividers for fandoms, general ones like flowers and hearts etc.

Return to Masterlist


Alternate Universe

Is your story set in another world? a Coffee Shop!AU or are your characters part of the Medival!AU or the fantasy world of Mermaid!AUs? Check out the link above for all sorts of Alternate Universe related dividers!

Flora & Fauna

From Bumble Bees to sea shells to daisy chains to wolves. All plant & animal based dividers can be found on the above link.

Events, Seasons & Weather

Autumn / Fall - 1 // 2

Christmas - 1 // 2

Halloween - 1 // 2 // 3 // Animated


Spring - 1 // 2

Valentine’s Day - 1



Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you write fanfiction for Criminal Minds or just adore Chris Evans’ face? Well look no further cos here you’ll find all fandom related divders from Team Cap to zombies, there is all sorts here!


Masterlist Dividers - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

Personalised - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8

Character Dividers - 2 // 3


Gradient Line (Various Colours)

Line (Various Colours)



Angel / Cherub


Blue Diamond

Bondage & BDSM - 2

Gold Glitter




Film Strip

Heart (Rainbow)

LGBT - 1



Office Supplies




Pink Marble

Random Selection - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8

Silver Glitter




Tags :
4 years ago
And What Is This

And what is this

Tags :
4 years ago


Chapter two: crimson

UD- 24th June 2021


Big Thank yo to my translator, @primavera-allegoria​ this story wouldn’t be completed or written if it wasn’t for you. So thank you.

Summary: AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.

Warning!! this chapter contains scenes some may find upsetting and disturbing read at your own risk.

Word Count- 4K+

If you have any question please ask, reviews are welcome let me know what I can approve on and what you like.


 Chapter I-Forest : Chapter III-Hiraeth


The rebuilding of stark Tower 2012

“You know Tony, I would love to find an apartment in New York, but I can’t leave a child by itself for more than an hour, legally” (E/C) eyes cast downwards at the plans of the new compound, (Y/N) refused to wipe the smirk off her face as she heard the dramatic intake of breath behind her.

“Are you calling me a child.” She could picture the look of disdain on his face, his mouth wide open in mock shock and hand on his Arc Reactor. (H/C) textured hair bounced around her shoulders as she shook her head in disbelief. She walked over to the large window that overlooked the rubble that once was New York.

Heaving a sigh, she wrapped her arms around her torso and clenched tightly, her eyes became glassy as she withheld the tears threatening to come down her face. Her mind was running too fast for her to keep up with, the thought of what she could have done circled her head in a taunting manner. ‘I could’ve saved people, children.’ The guilt was evident in her eyes but not on her face, no she hid that well.

“You knew it had to be done,” obviously not too well, “there would’ve been more damaged with you and Banner out there, chaos. And we can really only just about control Banner. I did it to keep you safe.” The remorse was clear on his tongue she just refused to listen.

“So, knocking me out with that heavy duty sedative was your best option? I felt like a piece of shit when you did that with no explanation Tony! And to mention the fact that you left me in my room without so much of a note, do you have any idea how scary it was to wake up to you falling out the fucking hole in the sky!” her face was contorted into a painful twist as she grew closer and closer to Tony, her index finger jutted out and repeatedly jab his arc reactor. The strength behind it surprised him and led to him placing his hand onto her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down.

The veins in her body started to hum a soft crimson, her eyes filled with tears as she gasped for air. She could feel her body starting to change, the heat building up begging to be released was a sign she needed to breathe.

“You and I both know that the consequence would’ve been too much for everyone to face given our current situation.” His voice was soft as if he were talking to a wounded animal; he caressed her elbow and brought her head to lay on his chest. The soft humming of his reactor brought comfort to her. (Y/N) thought back to the moment she locked eyes upon the figure of a falling Iron Man, she couldn’t put into words the emotions that coursed through her body as she watched him fall. The scream that left her mouth shook the whole room, yet it was unheard with all the chaos flying around the city.

“I know, I am just pissed off that’s all. You promised not to do that again,” her voice was petite, the vulnerability flowing off her in waves.

She pulled her head away from his chest and looked up at him, a smirk slowly making its way to her face; “And fuck you for not taking me to get some Shawarma.” She pulled herself away from him and punched him in the arm playfully. She laughed as she watches his mouth form an ‘O’ as he rubbed the pain away.

“That looked like it hurt Tony,” (Y/N) whipped her head around at the new voice and immediately relaxed once she saw it was Pepper, the strawberry blonde gave the other lady a hug on her way to Tony. They exchanged a few words before Pepper came back to (Y/N).

“I’m going back to Malibu for a few weeks, wanted to know if you wanted to come?” The woman held a look in her eyes that (Y/N) had seen before; pity, the fact that Pepper was the one to find (Y/N) in her room with the window smashed, the furniture broken and all over the place with her sat, stark naked in the middle of it all. Pepper saw the struggle clear on (Y/N)’s face when she stepped into the room. The pain. The horror. The ongoing battle within her as she tried to claw her way out of the disorientated state, she was in.

“I don’t know, I still have to do clean up here- “

“Don’t worry about it I’ve got it, go you deserve it Foss,” (Y/N) winced at the nickname and walked out the office. The two adults watched the head of (H/C) curls disappear into the mass of construction and working bodies.

“JARVIS pull up surveillance please, from her room.” Pepper’s voice was filled with an emotion that Tony couldn’t place. It didn’t matter the moment the wall in front of them filled up with an image of (Y/N)’s form sleeping in the bed.

His face showed the confusion on his face as he looked at the surveillance footage- “why am I watching (Y/N) sleep Pep?”- his eyebrows screwed together as he looked from her freckle covered face to the video.

“Just watch.” Her voice held authority that Stark did not question.

The tape speed forward for a moment, the images past quickly from her getting up and looking around the room in confusion, to her trying to open the door, to then turning around and seeing the Chitauri flying around outside her large window. She tries the door handle one last time before slowly walking to the window. Hands on it as she surveys the scene unravelling in front of her.

“Pepper?” Tony’s voice is full of question as he watches the tape pick up speed again to the moment (Y/N) catches him falling out of the sky. The veins in her body starts to pulse a deep crimson as she slams her fist against the window in anguish.

It happens to quickly that Tony orders Jarvis to rewind and slow down the tape. Pepper takes a seat on the raised platform surrounding them and places her head in her hands.

But he doesn’t notice; he’s got his eyes focused on the image of (Y/N) hunched over in pain as her body starts to become overwhelmed in light as she screams in fear, the room starts to shake. A crack forms on the window, then one crack turns into five and then five turn into hundreds of spider webs turning the triple-glazed-Tony-Stark proof window into shards that fly across the room and fall onto the people outside. The clothes burn off as her body becomes too hot, all the pent-up energy finally being released. Crimson ribbons start to flutter around her body creating a circle that envelopes her trembling body as she hunched over in pain, the furniture in the room starts to shake as it lifted off the ground and hovers in the air.

All of a sudden, the ribbons that were once dancing around her erupted outwards as her upper body was flung upwards and a silent scream left her body. Everything broke; the bed, the table, the desk, and the walls dented.

She falls to the floor quickly, her head bounces from the immediate impact. The tape fast forwards again, and throughout her body doesn’t stop glowing, humming softly as it heals itself of self-inflicted injuries. The tapes stops suddenly to (Y/N) waking up; she arches of the ground and whips her head back and forth trying to grasp onto the perplexing situation at hand. But the confusion plastered on her face is clear as glass. A shard of bright light appears in the corner of the video before slowly becoming wider, drowning the dark and bleak room in artificial light.

(Y/N)’s face turns slowly to the figure in the doorway, a series of emotions flash across her face as she tries to understand everything, anything at all.

“Tony?” The plead fell on death ears as the 176 second clip was rewound and replayed over and over again; the already clenched jaw became slack before tensing again. His forehead creased in anguish as the image of the vulnerable woman stained is mind.

“Tony?” He exhaled violently through his nostrils before hanging is head low, he screwed his eyes shut and counted to ten in his head.

‘You fucked up’


“I…I promised her, I’d protect her and let nothing happen to her again Pep. I promised.” His voice meagre as he inhaled deeply trying to ignore the quaking of his lungs. He looked up at the paused video, millions of thoughts swarming his already distressed head. Taking a step back he cleared his throat.


“Yes Sir?”

“Delete the footage, erase it.”

“Permanently sir?”


“And what of the Bedroom Sir?”

“What bedroom Jarvis?”

“Of course, sir.”

He looked to his left at the strawberry blonde, sat calmly watching his body, waiting for it to crumple. She was reading him like always but this time she couldn’t quite understand the writing on the pages, it kept shifting from one thing to another.

“We don’t speak of this Pepper, she doesn’t remember the surge, she just remembers waking up and seeing me fall, and that is as good as it gets,” his voice was low, a whisper of a whisper. His dark brown eyes met her blue in a silent agreement.

An agreement to protect what could destroy everything. And nothing at the same time.

“Jarvis?” He raised his eyebrows at nothing waiting patiently for the response.

“You were never here sir.”

With a nod he turned and left, never looking back as he marched to find something to preoccupy his mind from combustion.

Silence met Pepper’s ears for a few minutes before the silence was filled with a small sniffle, wiping her hand underneath her nose she looked up to the ceiling blinking a few times to calm herself. She needs to control herself for her sake. Before she screams.

Nodding to no one she gets up.

Smooths out her skirt.

And leaves.


March 14th, 2015

Medical bay, New Avengers Compound, Upstate New York.

“We had to heavily sedate her so there would be no chance of a surge of any kind like you suggested Tony, her body is damaged though. He put some kind of poison in her system that is unnatural.”

His heart stuttered as he listened to the Doctor speak, ‘unnatural, what does she mean?’.

“I tested it and I couldn’t find any kind of natural compound in the substance I extracted from her blood, I don’t think it was her body trying to decompose it if that is what you’re thinking because whatever they put in her, it’s. I’m so sorry Tony,”

His heart became erratic the sound became claustrophobic, ‘what does she mean she’s sorry?’.

“It’s aim was to halt her reaction, the deadly kind so they could do something, but it did more than that Tony, it’s made her weak. She’s broken and I don’t know how to fix her.”

His heart burst, the pain was so great it became numb, it was so great he saw black spots as his vision swam, it was so great he forgot that the team was down the hall.

It was so great that he screamed.

His heart and lungs felt heavy as he forced in air to stop him from falling, he looked up at Cho and grabbed her by the shoulders, he looked into her fear painted eyes and begged, pleaded with her to stop lying.

“Tony, there is nothing I can do, it’s all up to her biology now. My machines can’t fix her, they’d kill her or make it worse. I’m sorry.” She placed a consoling hand on his cheek, a mockery to him as the apology felt empty, scares of emotion.

His eye landed on the shell of a human, his (Y/N) laid there motionless, mindless, and uncomfortably beautiful. Her dark complexion paling and lifeless.

His stomach felt twisted as he dragged in a broken breath, it settled uncomfortably within him as he continued to stare at the woman he has known since 23, he could remember the way the dimly lit dinner made her eyes shine so brightly with pain. He felt at peace for a moment when he saw the conflict flitter across her face as he drunkenly plonked down opposite her in the sticky leather booth.

They related to each other on so many levels without a word spoken, the loss and torment they both endured was what helped them come together. But their undying love and friendship was what kept them together.

The beeping became unbearable, it mocked him with the intensity of it obnoxiously loud beep. He gritted his teeth and looked down at the monitor, it looked clean and untouched, beautifully innocent for a machine.

Unlike her, lying in that bed covered in swells, darkened colours and bumps, a majestic art-piece for the psychopaths of the world.

The rhythm of the beeping was fast, it sounded like the machine was running out of breath to keep up with her heart rate. He spent years trying to keep up with her, yet this was the closet he’d been to see her so…peaceful.

“Heal for me,” he gasped out as the tears finally dripped down his face. Placing a delicate kiss on her forehead he turned and walked out the room – if he started any longer at her he would do something; he didn’t know what yet, but it wouldn’t be good.

His footsteps echoed viscously in the hallway as he marched down towards the group of heroes sat in the living room; waiting, begging, pleading that she would be okay. They better pray some more.

Natasha was the first to see Tony enter the room, she kept quiet and just watched him, standing there- catatonic. Her eyes followed the figure as it went towards the island that separated the living room from the kitchen. Those eyes were swimming in tears as they watched Tony hunch over the island, his shoulders wide and stiff as he started hard at the marble countertop.

“Tony?” Eyes snapped to the red head that asked the question, then followed her line of sight to the billionaire that looked too quiet. No one moved as the man in question looked up to meet the questioning gaze of his teammate. No one moved as he turned his back towards everyone.

But everyone flinched when the figure lurched forward and grabbed the flowerpot off the stand and throw it across the room, next were the plates and decorations on the island, they flew across the room and landed in a million pieces.

Chairs, books, spoons, and pots danced in the air and crashed onto the floor.

It went on for minutes, the display of vulnerability became too much for Tony as he stopped and looked at the mess he made, back facing the team, he looked down the corridor he came from minutes ago. It was littered with piece of broken porcelain and china.

His face remained stoic as an image of (Y/N) appeared in front of him, broken and shattered in a million pieces, too many for him to put back together.

He couldn’t fix her. No one could.

He turned to the team, “I want background on the man that did this, everything. I want no place let untouched you hear me?” the silence answered his question. He looked at his team- “Where the fuck is Rogers?”

Bucky looked at Sam and then at Natasha. They exchanged a conversation that Tony was too tired to pick up on.

“He left with K-” Nat shot the solider a look before standing up and placing a hand on Tony’s shoulder.

“He left with her, before any of this went down. He doesn’t know.” Her perfectly arched eyebrows came together as she observed the conflict smothering Tony’s face.

With a nod the billionaire rubbed Natasha’s hand and walked away to his room not uttering another word.

But everyone felt the pressure he left behind, the severity of the situation weighed heavily on their shoulders as they all, one by one, slowly got up and put their plan into action.

But their eyes were all focused on the corridor Tony had come from, because at the end of it lay their friend and teammate fighting for her life.


March 15th 13:41pm, Downtown New York

 Steve Rogers is a man of many things, loyalty and honesty is just some of them. But ever since he woke up in a different century his views have changed, not drastically but the influence of a few certain men and women can do a lot to a man.

But it wasn’t just those people that caused his views to change slightly, it was the way the world changed, the way the people changed and their views on the world. How women walked around covered in tattoos and piercing, some women walking around in barley anything.

How men no longer seemed to show women respect, grabbing them when they see fit, how the world had forgotten about all the lives lost during the war.

All his friends.

Within the first month of him awakening from the ice he had hopes that some of his past was able to hold out, anything and within minutes of that thought crossing his mind reality slapped him hard in his perfect face. Everything he knew was either changed or gone and that was that, no bullshit. And he was kind of glad about that, he knew he had to figure out what to do and he need that distraction, any distraction would be welcomed with opened arms.

After the attack of New York, he made it a priority to learn about what he missed and gain new skills, cooking being one of them. And he did, he prided himself on that, all the new skills he learnt being able to use the tablets and phone that are interactive and portable, learning that things taste so much better when there not boiled. And that he really, really feels out of place.

Although Stark offered to house him in his tower after the attack of New York, he declined. He found comfort in the separation between work and, and he didn’t really have a life outside of being Captain America. He didn’t have anything because everything in that apartment was already there when he moved in, including the food.

He worked his frustration out in the gym not far from where he lived. The same place Nick Fury asked for his helped, where he found his purpose again. But he still felt empty. So, he did what any sane person would do.

He talked to Natasha.

Now Steve Rogers is a man of simple things, he finds happiness in other people’s happiness, find love in the fact that the world is safe from the biggest threat from his time.

“You need to get laid Rogers. Simple.”

What does a man like Steve Rogers say to that, he wasn’t exactly what you would call experienced or a natural in that area of ‘expertise’, Hell he’s never seen a woman naked before let alone touch a woman with that intent. But the more Natasha explained it the more it made sense to him, the feeling of not knowing what he needs, feeling empty.

So, he tried it.

A lot.

Steve Rogers is a man of many things, honesty, sexual prowess, and loyalty are just a some of those things that have made him the man he is today, the very same man who is waking up in a bed coated in the scent of apples and cinnamon and a sprinkling of sweat covering his back.  

“Turn it off,” the scent was intoxicating, so homely and warm. It reminded him of his mother’s apple pie. The way she sang as she made one once they got home from church, the love that went into a single slice made his heart grow with warmth. The scent was accompanied by the beeping that was increasingly getting louder and quicker not to mention slightly irritating.

“Turn it off,” a hand slapped him haphazardly on the shoulder as he cracked open an eye to look at the flashing red numbers that read 13:42. The numbers kept flashing in a sequence, they mean nothing to him just random flashing numbers. He wondered if he kept staring at them then maybe they’d start to say something to him.

Suddenly a hand came slithering past his head to push a button on top of the cubed alarm-clock. Bright red nail-polish was decorating the long nails perfectly, the manicured hands attached to the slender arm wrapped around his shoulders and a hot kiss was placed on his left shoulder.

He lost himself in the tingle that covered his back; the goosebumps that enveloped him in a warm embrace, he was happy this morning in his own little world. The nails gently ran down his abdomen and danced around his belly button. The chills sent a smile to his face.

Turning around his eyes swept across the face of the woman that lay beside him with her leg draped carelessly over his hip. The storm in her eyes became more apparent as the sun draped its warm caresses over their laying figures. The (E/C) was like liquid heaven, whispering to him to come take a swim.

“You want pancakes or something else?” Emerald green. Her eyes were emerald green not (E/C).

‘What are you doing?’

“Steve? Are you awake in there?” his eye flickered up to meet hers; a smile was plastered over her face, her lips looked dry from the amount of alcohol she consumed last night. She giggled and rolled over, so she was sat on the edge of the bed, stretching she reached forward to grab his shirt that was hanging off the edge of the bedside table. Slipping it on she pranced out of the door and disappeared.


Sitting up he looked over the bedroom that was covered in personal effects including the lace violent panties she wore last night. The room smelled of sex and a fruity perfume that hurt his head, last night it made his head flutter but right now it burnt his nostrils with how pungent it was. He grabbed his boxers lying next to his feet and pulled them on before walking out of the bedroom and into the open-planned living, kitchen area.

His eyes were drawn to the blue fabric swishing back and forth on the small figure at the island, her hair was up in a messy bun, strands sticking out everywhere as she bopped her head back and forth. Flour was smudge on her thigh and on the back of her neck; she looked over her shoulder at the sound of him sitting down at the island. He smiled back and just watched her. He felt calm this morning, he didn’t know what it was, but he felt oddly calm.

 “You want a smoothie with it as well baby?” He just hummed, too busy watching his hands fiddle with the small Vibranium bracelet that always adorned his wrist. It was given to him on Christmas three years ago when the team did secret Santa, it took a small amount of explaining for him to understand what it was.

It was a small navy-blue plush box wearing a black ribbon tie, the letter just said ‘I noticed the ones you buy keep breaking, this unbreakable like my bond with you x’ he had a hunch about who it was from and the look of surprise on (Y/N)’s face told him, it had been on his left wrist ever since.

His thumb and forefinger rubbed the links subconsciously as he thought about (Y/N)’s words last night, how the emotion on her face looked raw and deep, he was perplexed by her to say the least. He knew about her, but he didn’t know her, and god did he want to. It seemed that she kept him at an arms distance compared to everyone else, at first, he thought it was Tony’s influence but then he saw that she had Stark wrapped around her finger. He then concluded that it was him, he was the reason she didn’t trust Steven Grant Rogers.

She trusted Captain America, when they were both on the field, she trusted him. But the moment he put the persona away and the shield down, she was back to keeping him at a distance.

“Your phones ringing.” He looked up at the sound of her voice and watched as she pointed to his phone charging on the coffee table on the side of the couch.

He numbly walked over and unplugged the phone but was a second too late to accept the call. She never called him, she never really said anything to him outside of work except a goodbye and a hello. His mind was racing as he selected redial and placed his phone to his ear as he turned around and walked back over to the island.

“It was Buck,” his husky voice drifted through the air, he nodded his head as the red smoothie was placed in front of him. Placing a kiss on the top her head he muttered a thank you as she walked past heading to sit down to eat her food.

“Thank fuck Rogers, I’ve been trying to call you all night.” He scoffed at the tone he was greeted with.

“Good morning to you to sunshine, I was a bit busy last night punk.” He smiled over his glass as he heard the clattering of a fork behind him.

“I need you in here right now Steve.” He chugged down the rest of his smoothie and sucked in a breath. He booked the weekend off, if it was an emergency, they knew the protocol.

“I’m off all weekend punk, you know this. If this is about the unfinished paperwork hand it to (Y/N), she knows the detail, she can finish them for me.” He heard silence on the other end of the phone, he called out Bucky’s name thinking the line went dead but him clearing his throat told him that he was silent for another reason.

“She can’t do that right now Steve, she’s down. Someone got to her.”

The thick glass in his hands shattered, breaking into tiny shards. Cutting his hands and his heart.




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4 years ago

How exactly is Amber Heard oppressing anyone? It never occurred that she might be telling the truth? That Johnny Depp is most likely an abusive asshole and beat her up because he’s a queerphobic misogynist. Also during the divorce when she got his money she donated all of it to organizations that help fight to end violence against women and toward women’s shelters. So why don’t we let THAT sink in.

I was going to write something about this whole JD-AH mess, but since I got this, I figured I’ll do it here.

When Amber Heard came out saying that she was a victim of domestic abuse back in 2016, I believed her. she came out saying that JD was abusive and controlling, that he was paranoid about her friends and thought that she had cheated on him with some of them. As a bisexual woman who has her own history of abuse (not domestic) and her own experiences of biphobia, I felt emotially compelled to support her.

I mean, she wouldn’t be lying about something as serious as domestic violence, right? Especially in what was the genesis of the #metoo and Time’s Up movements.

As the divorce was taken to court, it became a media circus, full with “he said, she said”. Both parties presented a great amount of evidence. But Heard’s case of domestic violence against JD was dismissed with prejudice, by herself. What does it mean? That AH’s case could not be brought back to court.

Since then, she’s been one of the public faces of the #metoo movement and human rights campaigns, she gave a speech at this year’s Women’s March and even wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post about domestic violence and harrasement. She became a spokeperson for survivors of abuse.

But then, last year, Depp came forward saying that he was the one that suffered from domestic violence. JD maintained his innocence throughout this whole ordeal, saying that he was never violent, that he never attacked her. He even filed a lawsuit for defamation in May 2019, trying to stop AH’s alleged “campaing to damage his reputation”. With this, the media circus started again, with AH coming forward with more accounts of the abuse she allegedly suffered from JD.

But, weeks ago, an audio surfaced in which is crystal clear that AH was the violent on in the relationship. Here are some of the things that are said in that audio [TW for mentions of domestic violence] :

For those of you who haven’t heard the first tape (you can find transcripts of boths leaked audios here), AH is accusing Johnny of leaving her. But to put things in perspective, he leaves when things get intense (physical violence). AH basically admits that this is not the first time things get physical. She blames JD for their fights, saying that when he leaves these situations, he’s actually making things worse. She’s also convinced that her initiating physical fights with him is the same as him defending himself, which JD refers to in the audio. The altercation being mentioned is the one that happened in May 2016, weeks before AH filed for divorce. This confirms that physical violence was recurrent on her end. 

She also continues to victim blame JD, a tactic used by abusers. “If you poke an animal enough, eventually… it doesn’t matter how friendly it is” she says to him, putting all the blame of the beating on him. “It’s your fault I’m doing this to you, you made me do this”. Classic abusive behavior. She says that if it weren’t for her love of him, she would’ve left already, but as it is, she’s the only one fighting for the relationship. She’s brave and strong, while JD is lazy and a coward (her words, not mine). 

When JD confronts her about her getting violent, she retorts by saying that sometimes she gets angry, that it is to be expected because she’s human. She sees physical violence as a normal response to her anger. I don’t know about y’all, but when I get angry I don’t start screaming at people and throwing stuff at them or hitting them. She keeps on victim blaming, saying how he makes her feel bad by making her look like a tyrant and a bully, which she actually seems to be, if you listen to the audio. 

Then, she admits to throwing pots and pans at him. Let THAT sink in for a moment. She activately says she throws stuff at him when she’s angry, but that’s not all. She says that her throwing pots, pans and vases is irrelevant. She says her violent actions are irrelevant because when all is said and thrown done, he’s doesn’t go to her door to apologize. She’s complaining about being the one having to apologize. She’s trying to guilt-trip her victim into apologizing for her own violent behaviour.

She also admits to hitting him the previous night, downplaying the gravity of her actions:

You didn’t get punched. You got hit! I’m sorry I hit you like this, but I did not punch you! I did not fucking deck you! I FUCKING WAS HITTING YOU! I don’t know WHAT the motion of my actual hand was but you’re fine! I did not hurt you! I did not punch you! I was hitting you!

She yells at him, calling him a baby for going out of the room when she was getting physical. She tells them to “grow the fuck up”. She sees herself as the one being mature because she can handle “hard times”, when in reality, it’s just her being violent to her SO.

The conversation goes on, discussing the previous night and previous incidents. But something that is bone-chilling is the fact that she says that she cannot promise to not get physical again. She justifies any violent behaviour as her “being human”, which goes on to show her toxic understanding of what a relationship is and should be.

The second audio is about her threat to JD about exposing him as an abuser. She tells him she has an incredible amount of well documented, time-stamped evidence of his alleged abuse, something that has been gojng on for years.

When you hear it, it’s basically like hearing a super-villain reveal their plans to the hero when they have them trapped on a corner. She goes into detail about her evidence, telling him how no one would believe that it was fake.

JD is calm in his response, telling her that he loves her and that he would rather not go to court (not make any of this public), since it would be damaging for both of them. He’s offering a way out before it turns into a media circus.

She mentions her reputation. At this point, her statements were already being questioned. 

One example is the incident from December 2015, in which she claims JD violently attacked her (she mentions being afraid for her life), while JD claims that it was AH that physically attacking him, leaving scratch marks across his face. Later that night, they were seen out and about in LA; JD had his face covered with big sunglasses and a hat, while AH had no discernible injuries (she claimed to have a bashed nose, which would’ve been impossible to hide with make-up).

Another example is the one altercation that happened in Australia in March 2015 while JD was filming Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. This was the altercation in which JD almost lost a finger. AH claims JD did it to himself while being high. JD claims his injury was caused by AH when she threw a bottle of vodka at him, which impacted on a cabinet near him, causing one of the shards of glass to cut off great part of his finger. Production had to be put on hold for several days after the altercation.

When JD brings up the incident on Australia, AH loses it. She says the following:

You can please tell people that it was a fair fight, and see what the jury and the judge thinks. Tell the world Johnny! Tell them Johnny Depp, “I, Johnny Depp… a man… I’m a victim too of domestic violence!”

[…] see how many people believe OR side with you!

When JD asks her if she believes herself to be an abuser, she responds by saying that since she’s a woman, there’s no way she could ever overpower him. When he brings up the fact that all the physical altercations were started by her, this is her response:

You’re going to get up on the stand Johnny, and say [in a mocking tone] “she started it”. Really?! I have never been able to overpower you! That’s the difference between me and you!


And that’s a difference, that a whole world, and that a jury and that a judge will see that there’s a very big difference between me and you!

She’s banking on the fact that she’s a woman and that she could never hurt him, except she most certainly did… numerous times.

I believed AH, as ton of people did. I believed her when she said she was abused by JD. Only to find out, years later, that the abuser was her all along. I feel ashamed because I wasn’t able to catch the lies. But as she says in the second audio, she planted every step of the way. She used the #metoo and Time’s Up movements to further her lies. She used a community to support those lies. It’s despicable and utterly disgusting. It’s appalling that someone would even dare to use other people’s pain and suffering like that.

So, to answer your question, anon. How is it exactly that Amber Heard is oppressing people? 

Well, for starters, she most likely lied about her abuse (exposed in the first leaked audio, her plan on framing JD explained in detail in the second leaked audio). What does this mean? It means it will make it 1000x harder for real victims of abuse to come forward. It will make it harder for victims of abuse to be heard and believed. Her lies give abusers ammo to counter-argue the results of their abuse.

One of the things she used to support her allegations of abuse was JD’s biphobia, something that a lot of people (myself included) go through. There’s already this perception of bi people as being two-faced, deceitful people. We’re already being accused, both by straight people and people in the LGBTQ+ community, of being attention seekers. Her lies do nothing but harm the bisexual community, which already has to face a lot of prejudice.

So yeah, she’s oppressing two groups of people with her despicable actions. 

She used the pain of survivors feel every single day.She used the prejudice bisexual people face every single day.

So why don’t we let ALL OF THAT sink in, hm?

Tags :
4 years ago


Chapter one: Forest 

UD- 24th June 2021


Summary: AU series were Bucky is safe and sound after AOU, (Y/N) (L/N) is a troubled woman with a haunting past, and its coming back to enslave her. But she doesn’t care, her interest is in a certain Captain America lead to a night that set off a series of unfortunate twists and turns. Can she come out on the other side, with her past a secret and a family to come home to. Or will she burn and take everyone down with her.

Warning! some themes that are triggering to some: VIOLENCE, NON-CON THEMES, DRUGS AND ALCHOL USE, BLOOD.

Translations at the bottom

inner thoughts for the reader are in bold italic

telepathic communication between people are in italic

Word Count 6.4K

Chapter II- crimson : Chapter III-Hiraeth 

The silence is too loud.

The music was booming for everyone else, but as she zoned out and watched as he danced with her. The silence became familiar- again. She could feel the bass of the music, the rhythm and how the floor vibrated with every living soul in the room jumping and twisting to the music.

But she stood still, watching- painfully as he dances with her. It was worse enough that he did not know how she felt about him but watching him dance with someone else was what made the tears fall, the heart claw its way out of her chest and break at her feet.

“Hey, (Y/N). I’m going to head out back for a quick smoke.” She nodded numbly as her eyes stained the image in her head of her arms around his shoulders. She jumped slightly when a heavy hand was placed on the side of her arm. “Yes, James. I know, you’re going for a smoke,” she spoke loudly as she turned to face unfamiliar green eyes that sharply stared back. She mustered a tight smile when he mouthed ‘hello’.

“Can I buy you a drink?” She stared at him, confusion running through her mind as she tried to piece together what he said. After a few moments of silence, she gestured to her ears indicating that she could not hear him. That is when he leaned in closer; so close that she felt his nose nudge the top of her ear lobe.

“Can I buy you a drink?” His warm breath sent a flutter in her stomach as his deep voice whispered to her.

Not being able to muster up the courage to speak. She weakly nodded back, stunned that a man like him would offer to buy a woman like her a drink. She blinked once, twice, three times and yet she could not come to terms with the fact that he was holding her hand and leading her towards the bar.

Sliding into the last stool against the bar she tilted her head back a bit to look at the man standing before her. She watched as he leant over to order the two drinks and licked her lips slightly. ‘When were they so dry?’ she asked herself. Reaching into her bag she quickly applied a thin layer of Chapstick to her patchy lips. But a feeling of being watched made her slowed down her motion; looking up she met the curious eyes of wonder-boy in front of her. His green eyes gleamed with humour.

“What?” She quietly mumble, yet he seemed to know what she said. He shook his head slightly before nudging her legs open to stand closer to her.

“You work fast,” his chuckle vibrated throughout her body. Laughing along with him she shook her head in return.

“No, no my lips were just dry. I swear. But you’d know when I’m working.” She blushed slightly at the sudden courage.

The feeling felt foreign but nice.

She tilted her head to the side as she watched the man’s eyes scan over her face. Just her face, not her cleavage that was suffocating in the tight romper that Natasha made her wear. And not her legs, which even she could not deny looked good in the romper, however it was just a little bit too high for her liking. She glanced to the side for a split second, a smirk tugging onto the corner of her lips as she saw the drink Kelly, the bartender, was sliding over.

“Blowjob?” Green eyes grew wide within a second, shock evident in the sparkling orbs.


“My blowjob, can you just reach over and get it please?” She tilted her head, showing green eyes where her drink was sat there waiting. She had to stop herself form blushing as the man’s hands gripped onto her thighs lightly to stabilise himself as he lent back to grab the drink. She drunk in the image of his shirt under stress from the simple motion. She blushed profusely as she gazed upon his nipples that were perking through the material.

A cough interrupted her moment, gazing through her long eyelashes she saw the chocolate and vanilla swirl substance in the shot glass in the man’s hands. Timidly she reached out and grabbed the glass; without a second thought she threw her head back and downed the shot. Vodka and Belgium chocolate mixed with vanilla essence filled her senses. She let out a small moan as the smooth texture slipped down her throat. Cooling her burning throat.

Making eye contact with the emerald eyes; she swiped her tongue around the circumference of the glass, as if mimicking the motion of her tongue when she would be giving the desired lustrous motion.

“Does it taste nice? I think I should get one.” The man’s throat moved as he swallowed deeply, flustered with the gesture he saw in front of him.

Shaking her head, she maintained eye contact with the beauty in front of her; dropping the shot glass onto the bar she reached forward and grabbed the back of the man’s thick neck, drawing closer she glanced at his lips before looking back into his eyes, that had grown a shade darker. 

(E/C) eyes stared into a forest so green, she lost herself in its beauty. He followed her the rest of the way and he planted his lips onto her plump ones, his hand coming up to caress her cheek. First it was slow and timid until she gently swiped her tongue onto the bottom of his now swollen lip.

Lips battled together as tongues fought for dominance. The taste of the blowjob was shared between them, causing him to moan at the sweet and bitter taste of the drink.

Moments passed before the two broke apart for air, chests rising and falling heavily, they each sported a goofy smile. He licked his lips, staring at the blushing mess in front of him.

“It tastes nice doesn’t it?” Her voice was husky, a slight rasp to it that she suddenly gained out of nowhere. The man shook his head.

She rose a perfectly arched eyebrow in confusion, slightly disappointed that she did not achieve her goal.

“I only got to taste it a little bit, I think I need to try it again.” A flash of mischief darted across his eyes, soon seen in hers too. She threw her head back laughing, catching the attention of her friends.

Nodding happily, she watched as the man stood from his seat and walked closer between her legs, she was just a few inches shorter than him on the high bar stool, her forehead coming to his eyebrows.

“The names Damien by the way.” She chuckled lowly and quickly pecked his lips.

“(Y/N),” she hummed as they came together, losing themselves in teeth and tongues. They lost themselves in the moment, lost themselves in the feeling that overcame all their senses.

Lost themselves in each other.

(Y/N)’s hand slid down and pressed on Damien’s chest, lightly pushing him away before they both suffocated in their not-so silent adventure of lust.

“I think…” Her words got lost as she gulped; eyes fixated on a bead of sweat that lusciously travelled down his thick neck. “I think we are in a too public place for this?” She tilted her head as her eyes cast over the crowd; although most of them were either too intoxicated or horny to care. She still felt self-conscious. To exposed to be doing something intimate yet whorish in public. Damien nodded his head, causing the mop of jet-black curls on top of his head to wobble childishly.

His grip on her thighs tightened a bit before he realised what she meant; nodding he grabbed her hands and helped her stand, not before flagging down a bartender ordering another drink. He turned to her, eyes ablaze before his husky voice floated out his mouth and down her hopeless body:

“Meet me on the west-balcony? I’ll get us a beer.” He nodded before turning back around to pay for the drinks.

With a skip in her step, (Y/N) pushed past the sweaty mass of bodies and made her way to the small black and violet metal staircase that spiralled upward to the next level. Just as her hand reached the railing to support herself a rough hand gently came down on hers, halting her in her venture upstairs.

“Where are you going?” His voice was not loud, it was soft and calming to her, but it held the same authoritative tone that was always present whenever they’d gone on missions. And she hated that he was not letting go like he should be. Especially with her, with them getting all handsy and- fuck did she hate seeing the two of them together.

Quickly glancing into his captivating eyes, she blinks profusely to get the image out of her head before looking over his broad shoulder; to the woman that caused the fire in her stomach to burn her intestines and heart.

“Upstairs, is that a problem?” She looked him in the eyes again, praying not to crumble under the intensity of them.

“No, it’s just, I um. I don’t know if you should be alone with that man by yourself.” His left hand came up and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Normally she would have found it cute, sexy even. But tonight, right then and there it angered her more.

Ripping her hand from under his right one, as if it scorched her skin, she pointed it up, so it hovered in front of his nose; her eyes squinted slightly as her shoulders squared, telling the man in front of her that she’s mad.

“You, Mr Steve Roger, fucking Captain America: told the team to come out here to let lose, enjoy ourselves, and for one goddam minute I get a chance to do that, you have to come along and break the moment of freedom I have.” She scoffed as she looked over her shoulder and watched Damien walk over, his right hand holding a ‘Strawberry & Lime’ Kopparberg and his left a Corona. He tilted his head to the side, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

“Go back to your show girl Steve, please I’m trying to act like everything is okay for me, and you doing that is making it so much easier.” Damien came over and handed her the Kopparberg before slipping his arm around her waist.

“(Y/N), what are you talking about,” his eyes burned with immense fire as he watched her turn around to walk up the stairs with the strange man. She turned to look over at him one more time, wishing she could just jump into his arms and hold him, tell him she loves him.

“I’ll see you later Rogers,” nodding to herself she brought the bottle to her lips and chugged half of it down in fear she would end up crying. She cannot cry, it’s not the time.

Never is.

She grabbed onto Damien’s shoulder as they clambered up the spiral staircase and broke their way onto the empty balcony.

Fresh air slapped (Y/N) on the face harshly as she emerged from the inferno of a building, she welcomed the new oxygen with open arms giddily skipping her way to the railing that looked over the New York scene, jaw hanging as she took in the plethora of lights and bodies.

She’s lived here for so many years now and will never get used to the scene of New York at night, the lights on buildings, cars, and the people. The people are truly the greatest sight to behold.

Sitting high enough so you can gaze down upon them but not be immediately spotted was the best way to watch the bustle of flesh and bones; the outfits, the conversations and the body language gave her hours of entertainment as she watched from building rooftops. Occasionally sitting with her legs dangling off the side as she ate lunch and watched the people move below with no idea of being watched by the mastermind behind every Avengers OP.

“You look like you’ve never seen New York before,” she just hummed as she gulped down the rest of her fruity cider. She set it down by her feet before straightening up and looking back at the sight before her.

(Y/N) looked down and smiled as she saw Bucky leaning against the wall of the club that juts out, smoothly talking to a girl with red hair; ‘Doesn’t have a type my ass.’ She scoffed as she thought to herself. She heard the sound of someone clearing their throat which caused her to whip her head around, maybe a little bit too fast as her vision begins to become a bit blurry.

Stumbling slightly; she grabs onto the railing behind her tightly as her foot bends awkwardly in her white heels – “What?”- her Black and green romper suddenly starts to become a little bit too tight as her senses overload, noises get louder and quieter at the same time, her breathing sounds foreign to her own ears, her body is suddenly covered in a light sheet of sweat.

She moaned as her head throbs along with the loud vibration of the music below her feet. She slowly lifts her head to meet Damien, a strangled moan escapes her lips as she lets go of the railings and tries to walk towards him. But she couldn’t even but one foot in front of the other. She felt herself stumble to the ground before a pair of strong arms gripped her waist tightly pulling her securely to their chest. ‘Steve?’  the thought echoed tauntingly in her head as her fear stained (E/C) eyes met forest green. A forest haunted with monsters and nightmares.

A forest she once wanted to get lost in, but now is trapped and running for help. “Look at you. We are going to have fun, aren’t we.” A smile spread across his face as he slowly put his arms underneath her legs to hike her up, he held her to his chest before walking back towards the door, he mumbled as one of her white heels slipped of her feet but simply kicked it to the side as he continued his adventure back inside.

The world spun around her as she laid still, helplessly in her capture’s arms. She couldn’t move, it was like she was trapped in her own body aware of the things going on, yet uncapable of doing anything about it. Her head limply fell to the right and her eyes widened when she saw the familiar navy-blue dress shirt among the mass of black and white; she saw him, her hope.

But her hope couldn’t see her.

She mumbled pathetically and mustered all her strength to move out of Damien’s hold. But it was nothing because he didn’t even visibly flinch or tighten his grip.


She was suddenly pulled further into his chest so he could adjust his grip. She was pulled closer to the devil, her death.

Her end.

Damien’s smile grew bigger as he moved his leg slightly to open the office door in front of him, joy ran through his body, glad he wasn’t caught or stopped. Even if he were, nothing would stop him having her. He’d been watching her since he saw her waiting outside in the line for the club. His other plans would have to wait, he needs her, one way or another. 


Consent or not he didn’t care. It was more fun without anyway.

He walked further into the office and looked to his left seeing the small living area and office that looked over the club. A massive one- way mirror let him look over the scene of cash flow without anyone seeing him. To the right the kitchen acted as a divider between living space and bedroom, a small archway close to the front door led back to the bed and bathroom. Turning right he walked through the archway and smirked when he saw his king-size bed calling out to him. He peered down at (Y/N) in his arms and laughed when he saw her eyes furiously moving around trying to make out her surroundings.

Walking to the end of the bed he chucked her down and watched her bounce as she roughly hit the mattress. He shivered in joy as a moan of pain slipped through her plump lips. He stood in the archway and watched as she struggled to lift her upper body off the mattress. A whine escaped her lips that slowly turned into a pathetic sob once she realised, she was paralysed to the fate that was inevitable.

He stalked towards her, like an animal in a hunt, growling in pride when he came to stand in front of her; grabbing her ankles, he dragged her till her hips lay on the bed with the rest of her upper body.

“Shush now pretty girl, let Daddy enjoy his moment.” Gargled sobbing filled the silence as he took in the image of her lying before her, helpless.

“No,” her voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hardly hear it, it caused a growl to arise from his stomach as he launched forward and grabbed the neckline of her romper and tore it. Fabric flew everywhere, buttons bounced off of the walls and the sound caused a moan to escaped Damien’s mouth.

He watched as goose bumps covered her exposed abdomen and chest, his eyes hungrily drank in the sight before they moved to the lace covered chest. He watched the movement as she took in every rigid inhale and exhale. 

“You’re spoiling me (Y/N).” He reached out and cupped her breast, pride swelled within him as he pinched the middle and unclasped it easily, letting the mounds of flesh breathe. His attention on her chest was undivided until he felt her leg kick him weakly. He looked into her glassy (E/C) eyes and tutted tauntingly at her before looking down at her legs as she kicked him again.

But his breath caught once they caught sight of her lace covered crotch, heat flooded to his stomach and crotch as he noticed her lace panties matched her bra, forest green. They contrasted perfectly with her dark skin tone, like a forbidden fruit he knew he couldn’t touch. But fuck rules.

“You were made for me baby girl,” his smile became toothy as he goofily giggled to himself, reaching out to pull her panties down.

(Y/N)’s eyes grew stormy as they filled with tears that cascaded down her flushed face, the drugs were working, she knew that much as she couldn’t move and felt so disorientated.

Goosebumps littered her skin and organs as she felt sweaty hands caress her trembling thighs. Were they trembling? She couldn’t feel it; she can’t feel anything however she does feel one thing.

Emptiness, she felt it the moment her back painfully hit the mattress. She felt hollow, and empty shell that once held liveliness and love.

“Stop, no, no!” Her voice rose slightly when she felt his hands around her waist, she looked into his snake green eyes and cringed; the fire within them burnt her soul, she was fucked, she knew it.

She gasped as she was lifted slightly and whipped upwards suddenly, her head rolled backwards and to the side at the sudden movement. Her heart hammered in her chest; it overpowered the feeling of the bass beneath them.

The club, god how people are clueless. She’s in her worst nightmare whilst people are swallowed in lust, drugs, and alcohol to notice. Her team is enjoying their free time to notice.

Steve’s to busy wrapped in her grip to notice. And she told him to.

‘It’s all your fault (Y/N).’

‘I know, I know…’

‘You let him slip through your fingers again and this is the consequence.’

‘I’m sorry’

A whimper left her mouth as she realised what she did, how she condemned herself to this hell. This grip that would never let her go, scarring her for life and haunting her dreams.

She jerked forward as she felt herself being situated onto Damien’s lap as he pulled her towards him. Before she could realise his lips slobbered overs hers, vacuuming them in as he swallowed her lips. (Y/N) tried to pull back, but her efforts were useless.


His hands travelled down and groped her ass cheeks, painfully grabbing them as he forced her to rock against his growing erection. Her eyes stayed wide open, watching his closed ones as he continued his assault. The tears never stopped.


A breath of frustration left his mouth as he forced her off his lap and shoved her back onto the bed. He clambered over her limp body and sat, hard, on her pelvis, causing a scream to escape her mouth.

He just smiled and reach down to unbuckle his belt.

“Stop! Help me, please someone help. Please!” Her voice grew louder by the second, desperation causing it to boom throughout the room. She continued screaming, fear growing in her as she noticed that he hadn’t tried to stop her from screaming.

“Scream all you like baby girl, no one’s gonna hear you. To noisy downstairs.” His belt became slack as he watched the horror of the situation finally wash over her face. The smirk remained as the cascade of tears increased but was immediately wiped of when a hard force hit his cheek.

“Fuck. You.” Her voice cracked with anger, she stared daringly into the fiery gaze that was casted down upon her from the man that sat upon her pelvis. The anger filled the room and caused the temperature to increase.

Her vision swirled as she was violently flipped onto her stomach, she didn’t even notice Damien move off of her. But she did notice his hands coming to hold her hips to lift her, so her ass was in the air. A feeling suddenly came crashing through her system and she felt the strength to surge forward. Her body moved, and she managed to fall onto the floor, she cried out as she shuffled forward. But that cry died when the arms of death grabbed her again and hauled her up from the floor.

“NO! No get off of me! Get the fuck off me!” (Y/N)’s legs flayed about as she used all her mustered-up energy to fight him off.

“God dammit you slut, stop fighting me,” his growl ripped through her body and it caused her to fight harder. She flung her head backwards, so it slammed down to hit his nose; causing him to let her go, she stumbled forward from the sudden force but maintained her balance long enough to let her turn around and grab his hair. She slammed her knee into his ribcage causing a loud crack to fill the prison cell and sighed as she watched him fall to the ground holding his abdomen.

Her vision swam as she navigated her way through the haunting environment; she made her way to the open planned space, ran to the large window and rapidly banged her fists against the window, she screamed louder hoping someone would hear but gave up realising her efforts were futile.

Turning around clumsily she whipped her head back and forth looking for the door, she saw two. One to her left and one to her right.

“Fuck.” She heard Damien groan quietly and made a rash decision.

Right, fuck it.

She stepped quickly not trusting herself to run, she couldn’t even see straight. Her hands flayed about touching everything in her path to make sure she didn’t bump into anything; she didn’t look back at the sound of a lamp and vase smashing on the ground as she knocked them over on her way to her freedom. Her hand wrapped around the knob she twisted it left before opening it all the way, her heart clenched as she saw the lights and heard the music grow louder in the familiar hallway. Her left foot dragged against the floor as she walked forward. Her breathing drowned out the music.

“No!” the hand around her ankle forced her to trip over and fall on her left shoulder; she looked down at her feet and cried louder at the monster that clung to her ankle dragging her back into his cave.

She kicked out with her free foot and shuddered slightly as it came in contact with his eye, she moved onto her elbows and used them to drag herself forward. She army crawled forward for what felt like forever before the same sweaty hands came onto her shoulders and turned her around. The pressure on her stomach made her aware of the man sat on her ribcage, she felt her heart coming out of her chest.

“Get off!” Her hands waved out and tried hitting Damien, but he was one step ahead of her and grabbed a hold of her wrists before placing them in his right hand and bringing them down to her chest.

“You bitch, I’m gonna make this hurt,” her head came up and before she could think, spit flew from her mouth and landed on his ironically perfect face. She sobbed as he stared dead at her face, unmoving, nerve wracking. “Help!” her scream rattled her bones as it came back hollow, no one heard it she knew she was helplessly screaming.

“Get o- “(Y/N)’s scream was cut short as hands wrapped around her throat; then, clamped down and squeezed, her legs kicked out helplessly and her vision pulsed as the air was clamped shut. Her temples throbbed and pulsed as her hearing was drowned out by the rapid beating of her heart. It hammered against her ribcage begging to be released.

Her vision turned red as she gazed into the eyes of the man, who she thought was safe, welcoming. But it’s her fault; being surrounded by all types of criminals should’ve told her not to trust a random man, no matter how captivating his eyes are. But her mind being clouded with thoughts of a certain man led to her not thinking straight.

Or was she?

Was she thinking straight enough to know the consequences, no matter how big or small? If she were to wake up naked in his bed after a good night of consensual, sensual sex; or if she went on to regret the decision or a small token of the decision stayed within her for nine months and a following lifetime. (Y/N)’s head felt close to exploding as it filled with all different scenarios that could’ve had a happy ending, or at least a moderate one. But the tighter the hands wrapped around her neck, the more her vision turned red and the more her head filled with a mediocre distraction.

“Your eyes look even more beautiful.” His voice held a tone of adoration and lust, it made (Y/N) want to throw up. His green eyes sparkled with glee at the sight of the whites of her eyes turning red. Green eyes scanned the nakedness that lay before him, goosebumps and stretch marks adorned her beautiful dark skin at it was all for him. He licked his lips hungrily, once Kuznetsov was done with her he’d ask for her back. Yes, he’d keep her.

She clawed at his hands and wrists, trying to stop him. Pathetically. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his wrists, hoping to loosen the grip he had on her fragile neck. But her strength started to vanish, weaken. Her ragged breaths grew shorter and quieter as she felt the last of her oxygen leave her body. But with one last breath she mustered up the strength to scream one last time. “Bucky!” she gasped as the hands tightened more, she tilted her head backwards as she felt a different vibration rock her body. She knew doing this would cause the effects of Damien’s hands to work faster but she didn’t care. 

Not now.

Her vision was clouded with black dots as she saw the familiar glint of the Vibranium arm, it sent a dull wave of relief through her body.

“Get the fuck off of her, you monster!” Bucky’s voice felt like it was miles away, as it bounced off her eardrums and back into the dark hallway.

The pressure of her neck was released suddenly causing her to gasp for air, her back arching upwards as if a string were pulling her chest towards the ceiling. Everything hit (Y/N) at once, the chilling air made her realise how exposed she was. The lights burned her eyes and the voices in her head made her realise how close she was to the edge.

Her head spun in rapid circles as the tidal wave of oxygen crashed violently against her system. The pain became unbearable as she started to cry, a hoarse sob of sorts as her throat contracted violently.

She felt the floor shake dangerously under her, the sound of metal on flesh filled her ears, the sound of running feet, the sound of an injured man begging for mercy.

She couldn’t breathe properly; her chest felt sore, broken. Just like her will to live.

Her body felt weightless as its floated teetering on the edge of life and death, even with no hands grappling her throat, she still couldn’t breathe. She just felt so tired, so tired.

(Y/N)’s eyes stayed open, wide open, as she tried to fight for one deep breath, just one. But it came and went before she could even register, she was breathing. It became unbearable after a while; she needed to rest, to sleep or die.

Whatever stopped the pain.

“Romanova!” the name barely entered her head as she watched the light above her head started to flicker.





It distracted her for a while, enough to not realise the growing sound of a stampede of feet running underneath her.

‘(Y/N), respira’ [(Y/N) breathe]

The witches voice in her head caused her to let out a painful gasp, she squeezed her eyes shut at the sudden pain.

‘I can’t do this anymore, it hurts.’

“(Y/N), sunt aici acum. Deschide-ti ochii.” [I’m here now open your eyes]

Wanda’s calming voice caused her muscles to relax. Her chest arched upwards as her eyes unscrewed themselves. She let out a sob, not caring about the searing pain that shot down her throat. The back of her eyes felt sore as her vision came back; she struggled to keep them open, but the sight of the red-headed witch gave her strength. Hope.

“Wa-” her voice cut off with a strangled cry. Her throat felt as if a hot iron rod was shoved down it and as it was pulled back it caught the flesh lining the walls of her windpipe and tore it apart. The pain was unbearable. She wondered for a split second how much pain Damien had actually caused her body, internally and externally.

Mentally and emotionally.

“Taci acum” [ Hush now]

She felts Wanda’s cold hands caress her burning forehead lovingly, it gave her a moment of relief, short and quick. The hand slipped to the back of (Y/N)’s head and lifted it up onto Wanda’s lap; the witch carefully stroked the (H/C) hair carefully.

Her hands were absorbed in a red hue as she soothed the sobbing woman in her grasp, begging herself not to come to tears for her friends.

“Hush now my love. Just try to stay awake. Okay?” Her voice broke slightly at the sight of the broken woman underneath her hands. She could feel the chaos raging around in her head, the symphony of emotions plagiarizing her heart. But all she saw was a tired woman, paling and cracking under the pressure of the situation.

“But I’m so tired. Please, just five minutes.” The voice inside Wanda’s head didn’t belong to the woman in her lap, it was too quiet, too fragile. The whisper echoed in her head, Wanda let out a whimper as her bottom lip trembled; trying to stop herself from crying, trying to be strong for her (Y/N). She shook her head as tears fell, stroking the (H/C) locs in a soothing way. She sucked in a breath, reminding herself to stay strong.

“Respiră, dragostea mea,totul se va termina curand. Iti promit.” [Breathe my Love, everything will be over soon. I promise.]

The strangled cry that left the Sokovian’s mouth as she watched (Y/N)’s eyes flutter close, brought the attention of the group that were surrounding Damien’s battered and beaten body, pleading for the abuse to stop. The pleads stopped as a heeled foot came down hard on the man’s head. Natasha’s turned and immediately stopped when she saw Wanda’s arms wrapped around (Y/N)’s head, back hunched over protectively as she rocked back and forth, the Romanian was distorted by the sobs leaving her mouth.

“Wanda? What. What’s, I. Wanda?” The words came out mumbled and quiet as Natasha kneeled down and held (Y/N)’s blood covered hand in hers. The bruises on her body were developing quickly. He decorated his canvas, stripped her bare of clothes and humanity. Her face faltered for a moment; an internal conflict was battering her emotions, her heart was hammering rapidly against her ribs adding to the horrible gut feeling, however, her brain was standing still as emotions and signals were firing continuously and the instincts, she’d gained from her line of work were telling her to stay void and kill the fucker who did this to her. But she couldn’t come to terms with reality fast enough. Because next thing Natasha knew, her feet grazed the ground momentarily as someone lifted her and moved her to the side hastily. She blinked once, twice and the image in front of her was still disordered like the cable wasn’t plugged in properly. Image fuzzy, sound all warble.

Stomach curdling.

“Wanda, let go. Please, I need to get her to the car.” Tony’s voice didn’t waver as he held onto the witch’s shoulders. Shaking them slightly, as if to stop the chanting coming from the broken woman.

“Te rog, Wanda.” [Please Wanda]

Bucky’s voice held authority as his right hand gently wrapped around the witch’s waist and dragged her off the battered woman on the floor. Looking up at Tony; the solider nodded his head briefly, brunette locks flopped down to cover his eyes as he swiftly moved his head to rest atop of the sobbing ball in his arm.

Bucky’s and Wanda’s relationship has always been strong, it was bound to be as they’d all been through the hardship of Hydra’s suffocating grasp. They shared the same fear, shielded themselves away from the losses that was caused by the octopus symbol that haunted their life.

Experiments, torture, pain, death.






It all repeated itself after a while, became normal. Even if they watched from the side-lines, it became their normal. Their life. And not once did they think twice, because all that caused was more misery.

His left arm came up to brush her hair soothingly as he mumbled softly to her. Only looking over his shoulder once to make sure (Y/N) was okay.

“Come kid. Hey Nat, call Cho tell her to set up shop in the lab immediately. And if she says she’s busy. Tell her I’ll get her that date with pointbreak.” Tony took Bucky’s leather jacket and carefully wrapped around (Y/N), then with delicate hands, his arms went under knees and the back of her shoulders as he lifted her up. He swayed slightly as the tequila from earlier said a quick hello.

One foot in front of the other, that’s all Tony thought about as he rushed down the darkened hallway, Natasha in front of him slightly on the phone to Doctor Helen Cho. Her voice was low and harsh as she briskly walked ahead, negotiating down the phone. His eyes narrowed slightly as a thought processed through his mind quickly.

“No.” But as soon as the small whimper left (Y/N) lips it faded away, his paced never slowed as he looked down at the woman in his arms. Her face was swelling, her lips cut and blood slowly creeping out of her mouth.

“Friday bring the cars round back please and tell the team. And get someone to pick up that piece of shit on the floor,” his request was met with a simple ‘Yes Sir’ as he continued down the never-ending hallway. He faltered when his brown eyes caught sight of Natasha reluctantly picking up the discarded white heel thrown carelessly to the side. They were (Y/N)’s; he was there as he watched her ogle them through the charity shop window. He’s the one who bought them for her. He’s the one who told her to wear them tonight.

 If he stopped now, he’d break.

So, his journey continued down the spiral staircase, his eyes met Happy’s through the crowd as his guard came to meet him by the staircase. With a nod shared between both men, they set out towards the back of the club. Not a single look was casted their way and it sent a shiver through Happy’s spine. If a man carrying an unconscious woman, or person, through the club isn’t strange, then how often does this sort of thing happen?

The fresh air caused the hair on everyone’s body to stand on edge, it was a massive change from sweaty hot bodies grinding upon each other to a cold and empty atmosphere. It brought a calming sensation through Stark’s mind. But his mind wasn’t at ease for long as the plague came back and rattled his body, squeezed his skull till it felt like it was suffocating his brain.

“Cho’s setting up shop as we speak, we need to go now. Bucky and Wilson said they’d meet us there. They just need to deal with trash control. Wanda’s finding Rogers and Barton is calling Fury as we speak.” The red head placed a hand on the older man’s shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before letting it go as the sound of squealing tires breached their ears.

“Let’s go, she is getting cold.” His voice was hard, void of the usual sarcasm and teasing. The doors opened as the car came to a halt. Placing (Y/N) in the back seat, he laid her down gently placing her head on Natasha’s lap once she got in the other side. He closed the door, jaw clenched and the moment he turned he launched his foot forward and kicked over the trash can.

“Fuck!” His yell was loud and drowning in pain and guilt. His breathing came out in gasps as he tilted his head back and looked up at the clouded sky. Clogged with pollution, not a single star was seen.

He sharply turned and got into the car, muttering a simple ‘go’ too Happy in the driver seat. Head pushed back as they sped away from the club and to the compound. _______________

translation, with the help of my dear friend @primavera-allegoria 

(‘(Y/N) respira’ = (Y/N), breathe)

(Ray, sunt aici acum. Deschide-ti ochii = I’m here now open your eyes)

( Doare = it hurts)

( Respiră, dragostea mea totul se va termina curand. Iti promit.= Breathe my Love, everything will be over soon. I promise.)

( Te rog, Wanda = Please Wanda)

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