Boding - Tumblr Posts

(This happen after this video and I hope you enjoy this parent-child and siblings moment)
To understand:
(Text) = thoughts
*Text* = movements & sounds
"Text" = calling/answering the phone
Text = Narrator
After Show #4
18:47 p.m.
Sun and Dazzle go trow the portal; Dazzle looks at the place with amazed eyes and Sun laugh a bit a it, finding it cute.
Dazzle: Yours and Moon's house is amazing, Sun!!
Sun: *giggle softly* Yeah, it is....but now it's your house too Dazzle! So, do you wanna get inside and have that dance party you told me before?
Dazzle: *gasp excited* YES YES YES!!! I'D LOVE THAT!!!!
They went inside, prepar the stuff for the party and begins it (Lunar is at Earth and Monty's house and Jack doesn't know he leaves there yet).
20:11 p.m.
The living room was full of food, light stickers and sticks and pillows; the TV was on a channel were they projected music all day.
Dazzle and Sun were laying on the couch, both tired.
Sun: Ouf-!...that was quite a party!..
Sun: *looks around* Uh- I think we should clean up, before Moon and Lunar comes back, don't you think Dazzle?.....Dazzle?
Sun looks over Dazzle and sees she fell asleep; he decide to let her rest and clean the mess alone.
After a while he finally finishes to clean up everything and goes pick up Dazzle from the couch, go upstairs and put her on her new bed.
He sits beside her and watch her sleeping for a bit(like a mother that watches over his child).
Sun:....*sigh* you didn't deserve all you have gone were just a innocent kid who had all their life to live and now... *a tear falls from his eye*.....I'm so so sorry...
Sun lays down to give a goodnight-kiss on Dazzle's forehead, but when he's about to leave he feels a hand taking his and sees the little deer holding his hand: she doesn't him to leave, she wants him to stay.
An indescribable emotion passes through Sun's eyes, an emotion that he had never felt before towards any child: the need to protect (the need that a mother cat has in protecting her kittens).
Sun feels his heart fill with love and with tears of joy in his eyes he lies down next to Dazzle, holding her in his arms and cradling her gently and so he falls asleep too, holding the little girl close to him and that goes the same way around.
21:23 p.m.
Moon got home really tired from work.
Moon: *groan* God, it was a h*ll of a day, today.
Moon: *looks around* HEY SUN! I'M BACK!
He doesn't get response.
Moon: SUN?....Where is he?
Moon starts to look around the house, but still he doesn't find him; he starts to get worried.
Moon: *worried* mh..Where is he?...Did I check everywhere in the house?....Oh wait, I haven't checked Dazzle's room still...
Moon: (I hopes he's there, if not...I'm going to do some calls and go look for him, because I'm getting worried..)
Moon go upstairs, in front of Dazzle's room.
Moon: *opens the door* Hey Sun are you here-..
Moon sees Sun and Dazzle cuddling each other on Dazzle's bed, while sleeping; he smiles at them and goes near them.
Moon: *sits on the bed* *laugh softly and whisper* So you did do the party, and I see you had a lot of fun from what I'm seeing~
Moon lays down near Sun and hugs him to himself with Dazzle still in his arms.
Moon: *kiss Sun's forehead* Goodnight brother!
Moon goes on sleep mode, while cuddling Sun, whose still holding Dazzle in his arms protectively, like a parent would do with his kid.