A Bit Of Angst - Tumblr Posts
“𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷:𝓐𝓬𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭” Oliver Knight x (fem.) reader (Fluff)
Hello~I’m sorry for the repeat of the same words!But i hope you enjoy!
Prompt:Day 2 (Accomplishments)
Warnings:Not the best english you’ll read, haha.I’m sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes!Also, a bit of angst, but a happy ending!

Tonight was going to be a full moon, so you and Oliver were getting ready to visit London and stay there for a whole month, ‘till the gate to Cradle opens again.
“Oliver, i’m ready.”You looked at him and found out he was already looking at you with the softest smile he could master.
“What is it?Is there something on my face?”You asked him with a fake pout.
“No.Unless by ‘something’, you mean your beauty.”Oliver answered smoothly and ruffled your hair.
“Oliver, stop it.You’re going to ruin it!”You spoke in a tone Oliver found adorable.
He chuckled and offered you his large hand.When you grabbed it, you felt his warmth and let out a sigh.It always brightened your days everytime he touched you and he felt the same exact way.
“Well, shall we go, my fair lady?”He took it close to his mouth and left a small kiss at the back of it, making your heart flatter in your chest and a blush rose to your cheeks.
“Yes, let’s go.”You agreed and left Blanc’s house silently.The white rabbit like man was already informed of your actions, so he slept peacefully.
The two of you were holding onto each other and fell together in the rabbit hole.You had a bracelet that Oliver bought you, which was made in Cradle and he had a watch his best friends gave him as a present, so you could return back.
It was a wild ride until the moment you felt the grass in between your fingers.You looked around and saw London.
“We are here, i guess.”Oliver removed his hat for a moment and styled his fallen hair back in place.
“Oliver, (Y/N)?”The voice of another person reached your ears.
You turned your head and found James, your boyfriends father, close to you, whom you had already informed of your arrival a month ago.
The male next to you stood up fast and helped you as well.
“Mr.Knight?”The older of the three chuckled.
“I told you to call me James, didn’t i?You nodded quickly with happiness, but Oliver was very stiff.
James thrusted his hand in Oliver’s direction.
“Long time no see, my son.”The young hatter hestitated, but you pinched his arm.He glared at you and you glared harder, making him give up by shaking his dad’s hand.
After the greetings, he offered you two to sleep in his house, to which you agreed quickly.Oliver wasn’t exited at all, but you made him promise to have a dialogue with his parent.
You arrived in front of their house.The place itself was classic and the atmosphere was very welcoming.
“It’s really late.You should sleep.”Mr. Knight showed you to your room and you exchanged goodnights.
“I won’t sleep yet.”Oliver spoke.
“Why not?Today was tiring.”You told him, but he shook his head.
“Not for me.You worked hard, but i didn’t even finish that magic hat Ray asked me to.”He pecked your lips and continued.”I have the things i need in the next room, so i’ll finish faster.”You nodded your head and kissed him sweetly.
Oliver groaned and wrapped his strong arms around your waist.
“If you keep kissing me, then i won’t be able to work, you know?”At last, he moved away and winked, giving you a promise for a very passionate night.
You rolled your eyes and stepped in the room.You changed your clothes quickly, feeling all the heavy weight melt away, mostly from the moment your back met the mattress.You were ready to travel in Dreamland, but the sound of people conversing made you curious.You made a vow to yourself before arriving.Oliver will make up with his father and everything will be fine again.
You ‘escaped’ the bedroom silently and went closer to the noise.’Almost there.’You thought while walking like a cat.
Suddenly, laugher filled the mostly quiet house.
A glance inside confirmed your suspiciousness.
The two men were sitting next to each other.S tall black hat with purple decorations and three magic crystals was really ckose to Oliver as he smirked, while his father was laughing uncontrollably.
“Did you really do that?”He asked his son enthusiastically.Oliver scoffed.
“Of course.You had to see them!They were moo-ing and eating actual grass!Even the Queen of Hearts was infected.The Red Jack loved to tease him, so he bought a new farm, which was full of grass and he ate some of it.”When Oliver finished his tale, his dad was once again laughing maniacally.
“You, my son, are a true, mad genius.”He calmed down and grabbed Oliver by his shoulders.The mood suddenly changed.
“I’m really, really sorry for every little thing i’ve done to make you sad.I didn’t show you any respect.I didn’t appreciate you enough.And you, my dear child, deserve the best.”The younger one hid his face in his elbow.The tone of his voice sounded broken, but he responded.
“Why did you transform into a fame seeker?”Jame’s eyes were filled with unleashed tears.
“I was wrong to ignore you.You did everything for me and i simply didn’t care.I’m a father unworthy of your love.I know...simply asking for forgiveness is not enough, but...i’ll try to make you happy.”He hugged Oliver, waiting for him to turn and leave the room.What he couldn’t believe was feeling his son hugging back.
“I forgive you.”Oliver mumbled innocently.You grinned at the family bonding scene and left.
Your only though was: ‘Mission:Accomplished.’
The End~

(This happen after this video and I hope you enjoy this parent-child and siblings moment)
To understand:
(Text) = thoughts
*Text* = movements & sounds
"Text" = calling/answering the phone
Text = Narrator
After Show #4
18:47 p.m.
Sun and Dazzle go trow the portal; Dazzle looks at the place with amazed eyes and Sun laugh a bit a it, finding it cute.
Dazzle: Yours and Moon's house is amazing, Sun!!
Sun: *giggle softly* Yeah, it is....but now it's your house too Dazzle! So, do you wanna get inside and have that dance party you told me before?
Dazzle: *gasp excited* YES YES YES!!! I'D LOVE THAT!!!!
They went inside, prepar the stuff for the party and begins it (Lunar is at Earth and Monty's house and Jack doesn't know he leaves there yet).
20:11 p.m.
The living room was full of food, light stickers and sticks and pillows; the TV was on a channel were they projected music all day.
Dazzle and Sun were laying on the couch, both tired.
Sun: Ouf-!...that was quite a party!..
Sun: *looks around* Uh- I think we should clean up, before Moon and Lunar comes back, don't you think Dazzle?.....Dazzle?
Sun looks over Dazzle and sees she fell asleep; he decide to let her rest and clean the mess alone.
After a while he finally finishes to clean up everything and goes pick up Dazzle from the couch, go upstairs and put her on her new bed.
He sits beside her and watch her sleeping for a bit(like a mother that watches over his child).
Sun:....*sigh* you didn't deserve all you have gone trow...you were just a innocent kid who had all their life to live and now... *a tear falls from his eye*.....I'm so so sorry...
Sun lays down to give a goodnight-kiss on Dazzle's forehead, but when he's about to leave he feels a hand taking his and sees the little deer holding his hand: she doesn't him to leave, she wants him to stay.
An indescribable emotion passes through Sun's eyes, an emotion that he had never felt before towards any child: the need to protect (the need that a mother cat has in protecting her kittens).
Sun feels his heart fill with love and with tears of joy in his eyes he lies down next to Dazzle, holding her in his arms and cradling her gently and so he falls asleep too, holding the little girl close to him and that goes the same way around.
21:23 p.m.
Moon got home really tired from work.
Moon: *groan* God, it was a h*ll of a day, today.
Moon: *looks around* HEY SUN! I'M BACK!
He doesn't get response.
Moon: SUN?....Where is he?
Moon starts to look around the house, but still he doesn't find him; he starts to get worried.
Moon: *worried* mh..Where is he?...Did I check everywhere in the house?....Oh wait, I haven't checked Dazzle's room still...
Moon: (I hopes he's there, if not...I'm going to do some calls and go look for him, because I'm getting worried..)
Moon go upstairs, in front of Dazzle's room.
Moon: *opens the door* Hey Sun are you here-..
Moon sees Sun and Dazzle cuddling each other on Dazzle's bed, while sleeping; he smiles at them and goes near them.
Moon: *sits on the bed* *laugh softly and whisper* So you did do the party, and I see you had a lot of fun from what I'm seeing~
Moon lays down near Sun and hugs him to himself with Dazzle still in his arms.
Moon: *kiss Sun's forehead* Goodnight brother!
Moon goes on sleep mode, while cuddling Sun, whose still holding Dazzle in his arms protectively, like a parent would do with his kid.
Moon, you naughty boy!
(A recent meme, I think-)
(This take place after Lunar moved in with Sun and Moon, so Jack, Dazzle and Solar are not there here yet).
(Context: Moon you better apologise after this, cuz' you scared the sh*t out Sun)
Sun was in the kitchen cooking dinner, while Lunar was waiting to the table the food.
Moon: *walks in* B*tch what's for dinner.
Sun: *caught by surprise* *extremily intimidated and about to cry* ...grilled cheese..?
Lunar: *giving Moon a surprised/irritated stare*
Moon: ...
Moon: *walks to Sun*
Moon: *grabs Sun's shoulders* If you ever let me talk to you like that, you better beat the sh*t out of me.
Sun: *blinks* ...o-ok..?
Lunar: *even more confused* wha-?
5 minutes later:
Moon is hugging Sun, while Lunar is watching the scene.
Moon: *23th time apologising to Sun*
Sun: *nervous smiling, but greatfull he apologised*
Lunar: *satisfied* (good thing he apologised, if he didn't, I'd beat the cr@p out of him for that).
¤ End ¤

A new magic master??
(1:06) True-!
(2:18) Why do I feel like he's going to have an odd dream-?
(2:35) Oh? What's that place? Where is he?
(2:40) . . .Maybe-
(3:14) Hi dear! Who are you? Why did you kidnap Sun?
(3:20) You did?
(3:45) Atlas...I see, so you're the new magic master for Sun?
(4:06) Oh, ok!
(4:50) "Observer"?
(4:59) Oh-
(5:15) OK. THAT'S GOOD!
(6:55) ...you really want that?
(7:35) Oh, ok-!
(8:08) . . . I'm crying right now- I can't believe SOMEONE GOOD IS FINALLY WILLING TO HELP THEM! THIS IS FANTASTIC!
(9:36) Yep, that is quite beautiful!
(10:63) OK- He didn't that remainder, so pls don't say that again-
(11:56) WO-!
(12:30) Oh! That's cool and useful!
(13:12) PTF- Of course he's eating like that-🤭
(14:11) Moon, you seem too calm about this- but I can't think another way of a possibly reaction, so yeah-
(14:49) OH-! It work I guess-
(14:49-14:52) Moon freaking because his twin just disappeared-
(End) When Moon touched Sun's head with his, it looked like he was giving Sun a sort of good night! It was cute!

They finally did this again!!!!!!
(Start-0:19) PTFFFF-!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣 They really love doing this Meme!! XD (But yeah- it fits them so much!🤣).
(1:36) Ptf-🤭🤣
(3:01) Oh oh oh!!!! I love this one!!
(5:26) I saw this one too!! And I loved it!!
(6:56) oh, this one is when $un "captured" Ruin and they talked..
(7:33-8:00) ....You really don't remember about what Sun said, Moon..??
(8:09) I also saw this one!!
(10:30) I saw this too and it's really good!
(12:22) Huh....maybe Nexus left some of his memories in Moon?
(13:00) Oh...this was back then when Nexus/New Moon and Solar brought Eclipse to therapy with Earth...
(13:59) Oh! This is great and funny!🤭
(15:15) oh god- this one-
(16:23) PTFF- This one is one of the best I swear-🤭
(17:20) Yeahhh it is actually- ptf-🤭
(17:40-18:43) I love them so much!❤🤣
(21:27) PTFFFFF- THIS OBE ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH SO HARD-!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(22:40) I saw this one too!
(23:12) This one kinda creeps me out, but ok-
(23:49) Oh oh oh!! This is another that I really like!!!
(27:14) Oh this one-🤭🤭🤭
(30:47) 😶.............you really need to look in that more......that thing you saw on the news......it's REALLY dangerous for everyone...
(31:24) Moon. What did you do with that bugatti?
(33:27) This one is so funny! XD
(34:23) Solar the twink!🤭
(35:09) Oh! I love this too!
(36:53) I saw this one too!
Well, this was nice to watch!