Bojack Season 6 - Tumblr Posts
Ahaha in Bojacks dream Herb was eating nuts
Bojack Horseman SEASON 6 EPISODE 15, second viewing thoughts
Spoiler aha
- the water Bojack drinks is actually chlorine because he’s drowning in the pool
- Corduroy does a double take when Bojack says ‘hung up’
- Valorizing sacrifice/how that idea was drilled into his head is why he got so defensive when Diane told him that he ‘fetishizes his own sadness’
- Beatrice is eating a TV dinner at the party
- Herb is eating nuts
- The fact that Sarah Lynn talks about how traumatic that 2009 tour was shows how close she was to Bojack for him to even know about that. It also makes how much he abused her even more painful
- The leak that keeps hitting him is a reference to when he said that he feels like he was born with a leak
- Sarah Lynn had a song of hers play in space and that was her legacy, and she died in the planetarium
- Bojack always wanted to be like Secretariat in the ways that he saw him as. But he ended up being like him in all the worse ways
- Beatrice: ‘Until we both...’ Bojack knows deep down that he is dying. Also she says she’s running out the clock, as if none of what happens in this episode matters
- Beatrice raised him to never be able to believe that anything comes after death, as it’s shown that she scolds the mere mention of God
- When Sarah Lynn says ‘a song you taught me when I was small’ she’s referring to loneliness/the emptiness that comes without the audience. Also that scene where Bojack tells her that the audience are her only friends probably inspired that
- Also the way Bojack brings Beatrice flowers in the beginning/how there are flowers on the stage, it’s like a funeral
- The view from halfway down is what Bojack is also going through in that moment
- The way that the lifeline noise at the end starts to beep again is epic
- If Bojack can fuck up that badly and still get a happy ending, then I can probably do alright
Just finished bojack horseman.
That fucking broke me.