Bojack Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Guess Who Just Binged This Show?
Guess Who Just Binged This Show?

guess who just binged this show?

Get ready for fanart

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6 years ago

Bojack Horseman Showstopper

I wanted to analyze this episode for a while so sorry if this is incoherent lol, i’m not that good at this

TLDR; Horsing Around = Bojack’s past, Secretariat = what he wants to be,     Philbert = what he is, and that horse balloon of him is Bojack seeing him as   himself 

When Bojack is looking at the ads for Secretariat, the only one he likes is the mirror ad. He was seeing him as he saw himself.  Bojack wants to be like Secretariat though he knows that he can never be the person he wants to be, his dream role. All he wants in life is to be seen. That’s why his mom’s last words to him meant so much until he realized they weren’t even directed at him. In the same way he wishes to be Secretariat, he hates that he is Philbert. Philbert is a horrible person who has made many mistakes and refuses to change. 

Now on to what the title says. During the drug trip in Showstopper, the lines between dream and reality, Bojack and Philbert. And the whole time the balloon of Bojack from episode 10 of season 5 is seen occasionally in the background. When the climax of the episode happens, Bojack chokes Gina then runs away. He climbs up a glowing staircase, and instead of seeing a heaven or a hell, he sees himself. He sees himself as he is.

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5 years ago

Ahaha in Bojacks dream Herb was eating nuts

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6 years ago
Those Parties, They Were Really Something. There Were Skits And Magic Acts And Ethnically Insensitive

Those parties, they were really something. There were skits and magic acts and ethnically insensitive vaudeville routines and the big finale was always a dance my mother did. She had a beautiful dress that she only brought out for these parties and she did this incredible number. 

It was so beautiful and sad.

Dad hated parties. He’d lock himself in the study and bang on the walls for us to keep it down but he always came out to see Mom dance. He’d linger in the doorway, scotch in hand and watch in awe, as this cynical, despicable woman he married...took flight. And as a child who was completely terrified of both my parents, I was always aware that this moment of grace, it meant something. We understood each other, in a way. Me and my mom and my dad, as screwed up as we all were, we did understand each other. My mother, she knew what it’s like to feel your entire life like you’re drowning, with the exceptions of these moments, these very rare brief instances, in which you suddenly can swim.

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