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How to fix R6 siege operators part 6 : get it?
Hopefully this will be the last one.
I'm not sure about some of these suggestions and we're probably better off without them
Give his stim pistol a faster ADS time and a sight like the one with ela and Zofia, this won't affect his ability to take on gunfights but will help him being a better team operator
the laser sight for her gadget should be changed from red to something like green to make it easier to aim and tell where the pellets will land on surfaces especially reinforced ones
I have talked about her in a previous post but I'm thinking if she can remotely detent her candelas through soft surfaces rather than being set on a timer wouldn't that allow her to organize her moves better
Ubisoft has stated that the only reason her holograms do not change skins is because it will require a lot of programming so here's what I would do
Her holograms will have the same grip as her and if possible the same sight
If using the shotgun her holograms will hold one of the secondaries for the following reasons
They're small and hard to spot no matter what skin they have
They will help you on long ranges since you are in danger of being spotted on a shotgun range
Why dose she hold the AUG A2 that way? It covers half of the screen
There's a leak about her getting a rework to become a proper medic which is a good thing in my opinion.
A YouTuber named Thagil made a video on how to rework her into a medic without getting rid of the global aspect of her gadget and i think his ideas are very good and interesting so i recommend you watch his video
Currently she has one of lowest win rates on attack and i think it's because of the following reasons
Her posts are only temporary and forces you to take gunfights and rush which can lead to your death, unlike lion and dokkaebi who thire gadgets are a win/win situation and can be used as a defense mechanism or provide Intel to the team
Usually when you get in a DBNO state you'll die immediately
Most players don't need The recoil reduction that comes with her posts
I think that he should get breaching charges instead of a claymore since his gadget is better used when deffenders are in chaos and are moving around
Why Dosen't she have any grips?
Maybe her AK-74M should a higher fire rate from 650 to 670 at maximum
Maybe her ARX200 should get more bullets, 25+1
Reduce the recoil of his C8 by 10-15 percent
Some pictures say that he should get access to the SMG-11, although i think it would be nice i have to ask, does he need it?
Maybe the AR33 should get less recoil to better compete with the L85A2 on long ranges, but I'm not sure since he has access to both and the AR33 is good for close ranges while the L85A2 is good for long ranges
Allow him to use his hammer multiple times without the need to put it back every time he uses it
Allow him to sprent with it
This is a change that isn't important or going impact the game and won't make sledge stronger than he is, i just think it would be better this way
Should he get his impacts back?
Weapons that i think could use some buffs
P90 : reduce the recoil by 10-20 percent to allow it to compete against the MP5 and maybe increase the damage from 22 to 24
P10 roni : increase the magazine size from 19+1 to 24+1
SMG-12 : much like the scorpion it was overpowered and annoying to deal with but ubisoft overdid it is impossible to control right now so here's what I would do
Give it the same recoil as the SMG-11
Remove the vertical grip
Lower the magazine size from 32+1 to 20+1
I don't know how it would affect vigil but if dokkaebi becomes a problem then simply remove her frags
C75 : some people say that it's bad because of it's iron sight but if you gave it another sight it would become a primary weapon since it has an easy recoil and a high fire rate and high damage
(FMG9, MP5K, MPX I'm not sure about these suggestions)
FMG9 : increase the fire rate from 800 to 880 at maximum and reduce the recoil a little bit to keep it easy to control because the higher the fire rate the harder it is to control the gun
MP5K : increase the damage from 30 to 34 at maximum and reduce the recoil a little bit and reduce the magazine size from if needed
MPX : increase the damage from 26 to 30 at maximum anything above that would be problematic especially it has somewhat a high fire rate and easy recoil
Please share your thoughts with me
(Because of some connection issues I had to rewrite all of this 3 times)