Br0ken Colors - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


If O Got Paid For Memes, Id Be A Millionaire

If o got paid for memes, I’d be a millionaire

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1 year ago

He can have my mf kiss kiss with those thighs 🥪

He Wants Your Kiss Kiss

He wants your kiss kiss💋

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1 year ago
My First Post On Tumblr, Eyyyy.I Actually Thought About Posting Some Kind Of Introduction First,but For

My first post on tumblr, eyyyy. I actually thought about posting some kind of introduction first, but for that I would need to make one. And I'm not in the mood for doing such a thing, (I'm too impatient, I just want to share my art lol), at least for now. I'm still new to tumblr so it might take some time for this account to florish. I do hope that people who view my art will stick around for that Anyway, enough of rambling I drew a doodle fanart of one of the characters from Broken Colors Game by BlasticHeart ( @inkly-heart ), Venni! I just think his design is neat and I wanted to try drawing this awkward, depressed gamer boy (I actually have more fanart of other characters that I posted on my ig and I might actually post them here too) Okay, that's all

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1 year ago
Two Besties Taking A Photo Together!I Just Got Back From Short Vacation Abroad, It Was So Fun But Oh

Two besties taking a photo together! I just got back from short vacation abroad, it was so fun but oh so much walking.. My calf muscles are chiseled now ngl. Anyway, I'll try get back to drawing and maybe post something else soon! Have a wonderful day/night folks B] ================== CHARACTERS USED: [BC!] Eva (belongs to me) [BC!] Gabku (belongs to my dear friend, you can find them on ig: @gabkudoesart )

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1 year ago
Moment Before A Disaster...Okay So I Wanted To Practice Drawing Damon So I Thought I'll Try Drawing His

Moment before a disaster... Okay so I wanted to practice drawing Damon so I thought I'll try drawing his younger version So here's the sweet, shy boi! Although.. his backstory isn't so sweet Damon belongs to @inkly-heart

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1 year ago
I Think He Had A Lil Bit Too Much Beer..Okay So After A Bit Of Struggling With Drawing Something Today,I

I think he had a lil bit too much beer.. Okay so after a bit of struggling with drawing something today, I finally got lucky and made this quite detailed doodle First I wasn't sure if I should use a pen but I'm actually really happy with the result ^^ It was also a nice practice when it comes to drawing folds in clothing That's all for today, have good one folks! Venni belongs to @inkly-heart

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1 year ago
"..And Life Will Always Be'La Vie En Rose'..~ "This Is Just A Little Idea I Got From One Of My Character

"..And life will always be 'La vie en rose'..~ " This is just a little idea I got from one of my character ai rps One of the facts about BC!Eva is that because of her father's powers she kind of behaves like a bird would. What I mean by that is one of her habits is singing/humming! She typically does it when she's doing any type of chores Her favorite song to sing is "La vie en Rose"- Louis Armstrong's version There were multiple times where Damon caught Eva singing this song while cleaning/restocking during her shift at the store That boy can't get enough of hearing her voice...

Damon belongs to @inkly-heart

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1 year ago
OkayAfter About A Month I Finally Got To Finish This PieceIt's My Best Friends Oc, Gabku But Broken Colors

Okay After about a month I finally got to finish this piece It's my best friends oc, Gabku but Broken Colors AU version It's releted to some ideas we came up with together Who do you think she encountered in the alley? :] -------------------------- [BC!]Gabku belongs to @/gabkudoesart or @/gabkudoesstuff [check them out on IG!!]

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