Brainrot Initiated - Tumblr Posts

Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok


So @luckycharms1701, this probably wasn’t what you meant by Femme Fatale Donnie, but this is what my brain decided to come up with so I’m tagging you with the source of inspiration.

The ANONymous Ninja
I’m WoRkInG oN a LiTtLe SoMeThInG PlEaSe BeAr wItH mE wHiLe My BrAiN rOtS

Has this been rotting my brain for the past week? Yes. Did I completely come up with an entire brand new AU?

*Donnie voice* Nooooooooooo… of course I did….nt

AnYhOo please enjoy my concept art for my new upcoming AU “🖤 The Dapper Snapperz🖤”

Part 2 coming soon!

Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Special shout out to @doreen090 and @anobodyinabog for listening to my nonstop rambles. Love ya ladies!

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