Rottmnt Donnatello - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Me Wanting To Workout For Reasons Like This Like

Me wanting to workout for reasons like this like…

Seriously tho, this totally fits the vibe I get from Casey, and I want to be like this. “But who’s going to carry you?” W E A K 😖🙌🏼🤌🏼🧡✨

Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange
Of Course Turtles Are Strong And Can Hold Casey Like An Orange

Of course “turtles are strong” and “can hold Casey like an orange”

Okay yep mhm

Who’s going to hold them?


To be continued? Idk, maybe xD

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Anyone Gonna Mention That Here Thanks To The Beautiful (aNd InCreDibLy PaInFuL) Work Of @somerandomdudelmao
Anyone Gonna Mention That Here Thanks To The Beautiful (aNd InCreDibLy PaInFuL) Work Of @somerandomdudelmao
Anyone Gonna Mention That Here Thanks To The Beautiful (aNd InCreDibLy PaInFuL) Work Of @somerandomdudelmao

Anyone gonna mention that here thanks to the beautiful (aNd InCreDibLy PaInFuL) work of @somerandomdudelmao that we see THE Donnie, who is known to be touch adverse most of the time, is so scared, hurt, frustrated, lonely (what other Donnified adjective that fits) is not only actively ReAcHiNg, but using whatever little strength he has to get to Casey, to HOLD him as fast as he can.

Anyone? Or is that just me?

(All artwork belongs to the incredibly talented @somerandomdudelmao)

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Donnie Cheese

Donnie Cheese
Donnie Cheese

Oh would you look at that I like actually drew something (*spongebob voice* 7 months later)

The “Do it ugly and afraid” mindset is just the kind of kick needed to help me get out of my funk. Who would have thunk?

Anyhoo just the sketch of a screenshot redraw and one of my favorite pickup lines, for a sticker I designed for a coworker. (Why are the sketches always better?)

Was proud of how it came out (still working with a style tho) and thought I share with the class 😛

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Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok


So @luckycharms1701, this probably wasn’t what you meant by Femme Fatale Donnie, but this is what my brain decided to come up with so I’m tagging you with the source of inspiration.

The ANONymous Ninja
I’m WoRkInG oN a LiTtLe SoMeThInG PlEaSe BeAr wItH mE wHiLe My BrAiN rOtS

Has this been rotting my brain for the past week? Yes. Did I completely come up with an entire brand new AU?

*Donnie voice* Nooooooooooo… of course I did….nt

AnYhOo please enjoy my concept art for my new upcoming AU “🖤 The Dapper Snapperz🖤”

Part 2 coming soon!

Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Special shout out to @doreen090 and @anobodyinabog for listening to my nonstop rambles. Love ya ladies!

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🖤 The Dapper Snapperz🖤

As a creator, I really should not be left alone with my imagination and access to this site because I am really having too much fun with this.

Plz send help. I’m eating my TMNT Mac and cheese I’ve been cackling like a hyena for the past couple hours. My roomate is concerned.

Part B of this

headbonks @doreen090 and @luckycharms1701

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