Brawl Stars Gray - Tumblr Posts

Based of yesterdays events

Thanks to @impeack I got inspiration
Behold Super Needy Gray Streamer

Recently found out todays ace day
I got pretty much nothing for ace day
But have a Gray (chuckles in grayaroace/grayrose)
Some old drawings humanoid ver of brawlers again

Made some more
Let's all make ourselves as little guys! Everyone is welcome to join!

Here's mine:

Tagging: @silentwillowwhisperer @hecateisalesbian @mushr00mswirl @mischievousmary
Computer Drawings on Google Jamboard (Mostly ships) because Jamboards gonna shut down

Wip of trash I feel like doing (unless ofc I have another idea)

Tried to turn it into a portal

draw your favourite brawler with silly R-T😁
With how some people draw them I thought it’s funny to put it together

This is why I’m a firm believer that he is a powerful being just chooses not to because miming go brrrrrr pew pew!
I also have two ideas about how his powers worked but I don’t feel like explaining it rn

So I’ve been working on a drawing for 20+ hours (Still not doneeeee isgwiwgsiegwhhahhahahahahqiwgsisgeieveuev)

AMPLIFY THIS CLUSSY GRAY (Gray and colored ver)

HC of the week (I kinda forgot it’s today lmao)
Back to Mind Power Gray
Btw I want to thank you @allisterscorner for making me realize that I’m more “Grays imagination can come to life” than “Grays a psychic”
I have two ways of how his powers works
Not Powerful: He can try to imagine what he wants and tries to create it but he’s not that much powerful to do it (if I’m being honest I forgot how this works, but it’s close)
Is Powerful but needs Logic: HE CAN CREATE ANYTHING- maybe it requires logic like for example if he wants a tv remote he can’t just imagine it he needs to know the features, what it does and etc, basically he needs to know the absolute details of what he needs.
Either way it gives him headaches/migraines, and yes it’s possible that he can get brain damage from it.
How to make it real is either him shooting or even his portals it can work too.
Also out of topic but I can imagine him having a frenzy frantic saturated colors when he’s stressed/angry why? Because I think it’s cool
Also it occurred to me that if I HC him as trans and with this stuff going on, he can have the details of the male anatomy and shoot himself with it and now boom he’s now a guy not a girl and even BIOLOGICALLY, how did I never realize that before????

I was experimenting my Chibi artstyle for the 208494th time
Several Brawlers (lies, it’s a ship platonic or romantic idc I like it, also for a friend) for good measure
HC of the Week

I believe there’s two types of Gray voice (well two main types I’d like to think he can also mimic others people voices, hardest ones are like Pam and Buster)
1. Silky smooth voice, this used to be his main for a while but then he chocked on a gem
2. This causes him to sound like metal singing aggretsuko
However, 1. Can sometimes go to 2, and then 2 can almost always sound go to 1 he has good control of his voice, just not for too long since the gem sort of damage his vocals.
2 is used for a warning, hear him do that you should be very sorry. (Ngl I don’t like the interpretation that he can’t fight himself he very much does, he has teleportation, he can get into your house and burn it or something)
I HC this because it’s funny to me