International Asexuality Day - Tumblr Posts
excuse me, some of us are cryptids and monsters. not all of us are fairies. This is misinformation.
But I'll gladly take the first born child under the right circumstances. If your first born child happens to be a fur baby or a feather baby, I'll take them too.
here are some ways to support ace ppl on international asexuality day!
1: give us money
2: give us your first born child
3: give us money

Happy International Asexuality Day!
Here are some books with ace and/or demisexual characters. A majority of them are the main, but in the case of some they are the love interest.
garlic bread to share to your aspec friends :)

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Thank you🖤🩶🤍💜
It's international Asexuality day and i wanna wish all Aces a very good day! You are valid, you are seen and you are part of the rainbow just like the other colours🌈 Don't let someone else or society itself determine or validate your feelings & desires You know who you are and that's enough.
April 2nd was also Autism awearness day and i'd like to say to all on the spectrum that, you are also valid. I know some days are harder and it feels like nobody undertstands. But that's okay, it's okay to experience things differently. No one can tell you what traits, feelings and experiences are not right, because they are and they're yours. We're what we were made to be and that's good enough.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Stay healthy and stay safe✨♥️

Congratulations my comrades asexuals, for me don't feeling seggsual attraction it's normal, but my grandma says that I MUST marry someone and make a family in future, but I really don't want to!I better marry myself
And those characters are my OCs, Coco and Oceanica (but they're more aroaces)
Dividers by:@theprideful
A nice sunset at the beach for all fellow aspect out there!

Happy International Asexuality Day!!!
💜🤍🩶🖤 💚🤍🩶🖤 💙🤍🧡

Since its International ace day have my aroace oc Ophelia! We love her! And I'm sure at least a few aces can relate to mixing up platonic friendship to romantic/sexual attraction 🙃

happy ace day!! here's a quick drawing of my beloved canon ace bi eye guy 🖤🤍💜
happy ace visibility day! reminder to everyone on the ace spectrum that people can see us today and we need to be more careful when committing any potential crimes we may or may not be doing. thank you, this has been a psa

Happy International Asexuality Day! 🖤🤍💜
Feel free to reblog and add your own ace characters! I love to see us represented.
(ca. 2022)

I created this piece for the first ever International Asexuality Day last year. I still believe in it, and I'm proud that asexuality (and aromanticism) is gradually becoming more recognized.
Society tells us that we need love to be happy. But that is not, and never will be, true. We are not broken.

-April 6th

Happy International Asexuality Day! Mr. Mouse is here to represent!
garlic bread to share to your aspec friends :)

rb to share
Happy International Asexuality Day!!
💚💜♠️ sending so much love to any tumblr folk who are on the asexual &/or aromantic spectrums like me. ♠️💜💚
♠️What is Asexuality?♠️
An Asexual is a person who rarely or never experiences sexual attraction. They are not drawn to people sexually and do not feel compelled to act on attraction to others in a sexual way. Asexuality does not preclude you from experiencing other types of attraction (including romantic attraction) to people of the same or different gender to yourself, or define whether you want to be in a committed relationship.
💜Why is awareness important? 💜
An absence of attraction is much harder to define than a presence; and lack of awareness means many people have no idea that there are words to describe their experiences or others who feel the same. While the term has been in common use since the 1960s, many people are well over the age of 25 when they first hear the word - especially if they experience romantic attraction to the opposite gender and haven’t had much exposure to the broader LGBTIQAP+ community. When you’re told all of your life that romantic feelings about someone are inextricably linked to sexual attraction it can be confusing when your experiences don’t seem to match. It can also be hard to tell what is hyperbole and what are thoughts that allosexual (the opposite of asexual) people have the intention of doing?
There is are strong social and cultural messages which use the development of sexual thoughts, sexual relationships and having children as markers of age and maturity. It can be difficult to express a lack of sexual desire without being invalidated or challenged by the people around you or your own built in expectation that sex is fundamental to being human. Are you medically or psychologically unwell? Are you repressed? Broken? Prudish? A late bloomer? Will this “all make sense” when I meet “the right person”?
While most identities on the LGBTIQAP+ spectrum are becoming better protected from medicalisation and psychiatric diagnosis - Asexuality has a long way to go.
It is still very common for people who are questioning or on the Asexuality spectrum to be offered medical testing and treatment aimed at curing their Asexuality. Most GPs still routinely recommend blood tests to check hormone levels, assessment for depression or other mental illnesses, recommend counselling or prescribe medication to boost libido.
♠️Celibacy Vs Asexuality♠️
Celibacy is like being on a diet. You still want to have sex and have sexual thoughts about others but are choosing not to act on them at that time. Whether it’s based on your beliefs or availability of a suitable partner varies but that desire is still present even if intentionally suppressed.
Asexuality is like not experiencing hunger because you’re already eaten enough. You don’t have sexual thoughts about others or feel compelled to act on them.
💜Attraction Vs Libido💜
Libido is typically the amount that you think about sex and how much you want to engage in sexual activities either partnered or solo. Libido is on a spectrum for people of all sexual orientations. They normally range from high to low. Libido can fluctuate and change over the lifespan and it can be influenced by hormone levels as well as some medications.
Attraction is usually whether your libido is directed at a particular person or type of person. Attraction can also be seen as the extent to which you want to act on sexual thoughts about a particular person.
Asexual people can and do experience a range of libidos from high to low. However they do not experience attraction, therefore are less likely to feel compelled to act on it and rarely associate it with a specific person.
♠️Attitudes towards Sex♠️
Asexuality is a wide spectrum, individual wants and needs vary but all are valid and normal.
In broad terms: Some asexuals are sex positive, they may not experience hunger but still get pleasure out of sharing a meal with someone. Some asexuals are ambivalent towards sex, it’s something they can take or leave. Some asexuals are completely or partially repelled by the idea of personally participating in sexual activity with a partner.
Asexuality Visability & Education Network (AVEN)
‘Finding Asexuality in the Archives’ by Michael Waters (Article on the history of Asexuality)
‘Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex’ by Angela Chen (Nonfiction book)
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker (Nonfiction Book)
A-Ok Podcast (30-60 min interviews with people on the Asexual &/or Aromantic Spectrums)
There are a lot of fictional books for adults and teens with asexual characters & if anyone is interested I can provide links 😊
Happy Asexual Day!
If you are ace (or on the ace spectrum) here’s some things I need you to know:
• You are loved
• You are not broken
• You will find someone who appreciates you
• You matter
• You are allowed to have boundaries
• You are valid
• You don’t have to justify your identity to anyone
• You are so fucking amazing and beautiful and wonderful
• You deserve to be happy
If you want to support the acespec community and be a good ally, here are some things I need you to know:
• Aces exist
• Asexuals are not broken or unnatural
• Society is inherently sexual, but aces are not lacking anything that would make them less human
• Asexuals can feel any way towards sex
• Asexuality is not the same as celibacy
• Asexuality is not a choice
• Being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t have sex, nor the opposite
• Whether or not an asexual person has had sex before is none of your business (and the answer doesn’t invalidate their asexuality at all)
• Aces are people, and their individual boundaries deserve to be respected, period
• Asexual itself is both a specific identity and an umbrella term
• Asexuality is a spectrum
• If someone says they’re ace, know that they might still experience some feelings of sexual attraction, and don’t try to invalidate them for it
I wish everyone an amazing day and happy supporting all the asexuals out there!
I’m always open to questions or things too, so feel free to swing by and drop an ask if you have any!
And as always, if anyone adds any aphobia to this post I will steal your kneecaps :)
I didn‘t watch crystalized so I can happily pretend this is what he actually does in the finale

Looks really great!
Seeing everyone make art for International Ace Day made me want to draw a little something of my own hehe