Breakup Poem - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

not you

i wanna fall for him. fall for his touch, fall for his words and how kind he is.

but hes not you and he will never be you..

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1 year ago

i told nature about you

i talked to her about you every single day

she is very special to me

i told her about how your laugh makes me smile

about how for you my feelings i would compile

about how i would change my style

i told her to walk you to me down the aisle

but your feelings were mild

cause you live away more than a mile

you liked me for a little while

i find things that remind me of you

i romanticised everything because of you

maybe that was too soon

cause now i hear a tune

it's from this cartoon

i used to watch every june

my dear racoon

should i go to the saloon

the sky is full of you, red moon

i told nature about how feelings change

they can change in a big range

and you feel a bit strange

but it's common for actions to be misarranged

the sun saw me crying for you

the dirt tried to be gentle for a minute or two

i heared someone playing the kazoo

i saw a flower, it grew

the sky wasn't that blue

the air picked up something and it flew

nature never puts me on the queue

i just wish that i knew

she listened to me trying to hate you

but I don't want to fight you

all i ever did was be beside you

i hoped that id find you

i miss ignorance

now this is my deliverance

i sat with nature all noon

new phase of the moon

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7 months ago

Where the Mountains Meet the Sky

Where the mountains meet the sky

On a cold December night

Is where my spirit met your eyes.

A tale as old as time,

A story told so many times,

I don’t know which parts are true and which are lies.

All I know is that you grabbed me,

And I couldn’t fight your gravity,

And you said you were meant for me,

But written in the stars, I see

That we were never meant to be

And terror was our destiny.

But soon I was addicted to the pain

That came from your embrace.

You filled my cup with poison,

And I still ate from your dinner plate.

I tried to play your twisted games;

You tried to make my spirit break.

There’s just one thing I can’t contend with:

Would I still be twisting in your rapids

If you hadn’t cut me from your cast net?

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7 months ago

Here Lies the Dream

I took the blow

When I tired of this whole show.

I got lost in our faults,

And now all of my thoughts

Are running away from me, dear.

Was I crazy to think

We’d come back from the brink

And for better or worse

We would make this thing work

When you don’t see me standing here?

Should I just take your word

When we both don’t feel heard,

And we’re sick of the darkness?

Is this where we part?

They all say that the end is near.

Here lies the dream

That we’ve given our lives to feed

And the mourners don’t cry

So, we just say goodbye,

Turn and face all our deepest fears.

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7 months ago

Even Galaxies Fade

I couldn’t find what I needed,

And you walked through life like a stray.

You took my hand and led me to

A place where we couldn’t stay.

But you didn’t know how to be there,

Closed your eyes and had nothing to say.

I held on too tight for a season,

Watched the skies up above turn gray.

Even lost boys and girls need a reason

When the darkness of the night fades away.

Pixie dust wears off, and all highs must fall,

And, alas, even galaxies fade.

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7 months ago

Carnival Games

Revel misfits

Share a first kiss.

Start the games now.

Let’s all play.

Lost inside your

Fantasy, you’ll

Count your worries

All away.

Make a wish and

Blow it out. Then

Don’t be scared to

Walk away.

The flame’s gone out,

So don’t look down.

But watch your step.

You’ll be ok.

Carnival Games

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