Breath In Breath Out - Tumblr Posts

Today, I went for a walk, in our place. My room is kinda suffocating in a way of I couldn't think clearly on about everything. I'm drowning to the idea of it (future). I feel like I need to breathe some air outside, wonder and think about the future.
Have you guys think that at this moment, you barely see and notice what you really want in your life? Or you end up questioning yourself, Is this the best you can be?
Is this the person you want to achieve goals?
Is this all enough?
You don't have to rush things to get yourself back to where you want to be. Everything takes time. Yes, you are worried on the outcome would be, about the future, but you deserve a break. Go easy on yourself.
Life is hard sometimes. You can be defeated sometimes, but all you can do possible is try and try until you reach what you're aiming for. Just don't give up. Giving up is just one of your options. You have multiple options, so go for something the best for you.
Life is fulfillment. Love what you are doing right now. Give importance on what you really love. Breathe in and take every possibility you think at the moment. "Shooo!!" that unwanted thoughts of yours everytime you breathe out.
So when you feel tired, exhausted— PAUSE. Just take a deep breath for a few seconds then let it out. REPEAT.
These are the prompts that I'm going to be working on... Hope you like n_nU
sentence prompts
“What if I say no?”
“Get out.”
“I dreamed of you last night.”
“I don’t know if you noticed… but we’re in a party”
“You can dance with me… if you want!”
“I think people hug at this point.”
“I’ll take you.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“Would you stop that?!”
“I loved you.”
“Yeah I was there.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’ll take the couch.”
“You lied to me.”
“Maybe you didn’t love me after all.”
“Take my hand.”
“SO… you think I’m hot?”
“What are you doing?””Hiding.”
“Let’s run. Together.”
“Wow! you’re good at this!”
“I think we should stop seeing each other.”
“You have a picture of me? On your fridge?”
“Do I know you?”
“I thought we could go back to whatever the hell we were!”
“Did I just say that?”
“Breathe, okay? Just breathe.”
“Stand behind me.”
“But I don’t want to leave.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“DON’T PRetend with me!!”
“I saw you, right there.”
“I-I just wanted to say that I uh, I missed you.”
“I’m not lying.”
“You look… okay. I MEAN-”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
“You still remember?”
“I guess I just wanted to know if you missed me.”
“All I needed was my friend.”
“I like your new place.”
“You left!”
“Do you know any jokes?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m not supposed to be here.”
“Do I even wanna know?!”
“Take me home… please?”
“Hey just be cool.”
“You have pretty hands.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s about to rain, get inside.”
“So… friends?”
“I’m his/her best friend.”
“I got you, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“We can leave, you know?”
“Did I interrupt something?”
“I’m trying, okay?”
“Why didn’t you ask me instead?”
“Sing to me.”
“What’s my prize?”
“I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“You’re so cute!!!”
“I was trying to protect you.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“And then you laughed.”
“I didn’t know where to go to.”
“I was having a nightmare.”
“I know this song.”
“I need someone to hear me.”