Brett - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Brett Talbot - (A-Z NSFW - headcanon)


A = Aftercare

Brett just wraps you up in his arms making sure your ok in case he was too rough ;)

B = Body Part

He loves your neck and jaw, he loves marking your neck and jaw and to be able to mark both and make it so everyone can see it. He loves his whole body I mean you can’t blame him.

C = Cum

When you guys use protection he doesn't have to pull out, but when you don't he pulls out and cums on your chest.

D = Dirty Secret

He loves teasing you in front of Liam because Liam now being a werewolf can smell your arousal and he tries so hard not to smell it 

E = Experience

He is pretty experienced 

F = Favorite Position

Manhandler, wraparound 

G = Goofy

You and Brett can be sassy people so you both crack jokes during sex sometimes

H = Hair

Brett loves when you pull or grab on his hair when making out, he's also well groomed down there ya know ;)

I = Intimacy

Brett can be an asshole to people but with you, he always has to have an arm around you or on you some how touching you, in bed he is very inmate

J = Jackoff

He does it when he wants to get you to lose and crack first

K = Kink

Sir, alpha, maybe ageplay

L = Location

Brett will do it anywhere with you

M = Motivation

Anything you do, your smile, laugh, etc...

N = No

You both agreed on nothing except kissing

O = Oral

Brett prefers to go down you, he's amazing with his tongue and fingers, he likes watching you squirm under him.he does like when you give him head but he so much prefers to go down on you

P = Pace

Depends on the mood, but if he’s jealous forget about not being sore

Q = Quickie

Occasionally he prefers a quickie, he really likes to tease you with fingering you and bringing you to your orgasm and he doesn’t care if you're at school, with the pack, etc

R = Risk

Doing it in school he doesn’t care but you both almost get caught Mulitple times, and Lori has almost walked in on you too before she came home a little to early

S = Stamina

Have you looked at the guy, kinda explains its self. Many rounds, and a long time.

T = Toy

Sometimes handcuffs, sometimes a vibrator

U = Unfair

Teasing at school and teasing everywhere, making you beg yeah very unfair

V = Volume

Brett doesn’t make much noise 

W = Wildcard


X = X-ray

Brett well he’s not to big but not small

Y = Yearning

Bretts is like  8 out of 10

Z = ZZz

You both kinda pass out at the same time


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6 years ago

You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are - Brett Talbot

Brett Talbot x Fem!reader

Liam Dunbar x Friend Brett

Warnings: none

Word count: 535

Summary: Liam is complaining that his girl wants to go out on a proper date, and Brett says “You don’t know how lucky you are”

Authors Note: Kinda sad for Brett in this. Reader is dead in this




“You ok?” Brett asked walking into the boy's locker room looking for Liam. The game was rough and Liam left the field fast and he seemed distracted during the game.

“Fine” Liam replied taking off his gear

“You don't seem fine” Brett pushed, hoping Liam would open up despite there little feud.

“Well now that the games over I have to plan something big cause my girlfriend wants a proper date.” Liam looked at Brett. Liam didn’t understand why Brett even cared. He pushed Liam to talk but all Brett ever did was make him mad or make fun of him.

“You don’t know how lucky you are, do you?” Brett questioned. Liam didn’t know what he had. He’s complaining about his girlfriend and all she wants is a real date. She sees their relationship going somewhere in the future that's great for him.

“What do you mean” Liam didn’t understand what Brett meant. How was he Lucky?

Liam loves his girlfriend. He just doesn’t know what to do for the date. He wants it to be special but where does he go? What restaurant?

“You have a girl that loves you. All she wants is to go on a proper date with you. Your lucky. You even have a true Alpha. You don’t realize how lucky you are, at all.” Brett stated moving closer to where Liam was sitting on a bench. Brett leaned against the lockers.

“Why do you think all of this makes me lucky?” Liam asked Brett confused.

“Do you realize how rare true alpha are?” Brett asked looking at Liam shocked. True alphas happen like once every couple hundred years.

“I don't think you only meant about that.” Liam said questioning. He could tell that Brett meant something other than just that. There was something other than just about his alpha.

“Brett?” Liam spoke again seeing that Brett got lost in thought. What else was this about.

“You’re right. . . I’m saying this to you because for one I’m right. For two I had a girl, that I’d do anything for. And she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I would have done anything for her.” Brett told Liam trying to get him to see that he is lucky.

“What happened?” Liam asked curiously as to what had happened to him and his girl.

“A pack of rabid werewolves attacked us about 6 months ago. She died, in the attack, in my arms. I would have gladly died in her place.” Brett spoke in a soft tone, looking down.

“I’m sorry-” Liam started but Brett cut him off

“Don't be there's nothing anyone could have done. She was stubborn as hell. I loved that about her, I loved everything about her. So when I say your lucky, it’s because you are. Don’t take your girl for granite... .Plan something nice, elegant make her feel loved.” Brett smiled at the memories of her. He misses her so much, everything about her.

After a period of silence. The boys shifting a little.

“Could you help me? Plan the date I mean. You probably know some good places.” Liam asked Brett nervously. Hoping that he’s not overstepping.

“Yeah, sure.” Brett nodded.

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5 years ago

A Fling - Liam Dunbar

Brett x Fem!reader (romantic)

Liam x Fem!Reader (friend)

Warnings: none

Word count: 554

Summary: Liam being your best friend and you to do anything and everything for eachother and he pretends to have a fling with you so people don't find out you're actually with Brett

Authors Note: Part 2?




“Come on Liam, Please…..” y/n begged her best friend since forever

“y/n-” Liam went to say no again but before he could y/n started to talk again

“No, Liam you said-we both always said that we would anything and everything for eachother.” she reminded him hoping to change his mind

“But this?” Liam whined

“Liam please. . . I know you don’t like him but I don’t know how everyone else will take it.” y/n begged

“So I’m basically you guy's cover” he asked

“Yes!” y/n said excitedly at the fact he’s catching on to what she’s saying

“How does Brett feel about this?” Liam asked not wanting any more trouble with Brett then he already does

“He doesn’t like it.” she mumbled looking anywhere but him. When she heard Liam gulp she looked up and spoke again. “But I talked him into it.” she added quickly

“Talked him into-” looking at her in disbelief

“Yes! He doesn’t like it but he understands.” she nodded


“Please, please Li. Let’s just let the pack think we are a fling.”

“ok.”Liam gave in never being able to say no to y/n

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the bestest friend ever.” y/n jumped on him giving him a giant hug.

“Yeah, ok.” Liam returned the hug, still feeling nervous about the situation.

^          ^         ^

“Hey guys” y/n said the pack as she sat down at the lunch table, next to Liam.

“Hey” they greeted back

“How’s your day been?” she asked looking at everyone

“Good” Scott said nodding with a smile

“Weird” Stiles replied with squinted eyes

“Look I’m grateful your doing this.” she whispered in Liam’s ear, low enough for the others not to hear even with there super hearing. Resting her head on his shoulder.

“I know you are I can tell.” he smiled at her. Liam’s happy he could help her even if its weird. “So how do we do this? I mean your not really with me, how do we do this without Brett. . . you know,killing me?”

“I told you before he doesn’t like it but understands. So really nothing to intimate. No kissing on the lips, obviously nothing more.” she explained

“Ok, so like when we were little.” Liam stated nodding unconsciously

“Yeah.” y/n smiled back

“So what's going on here?” Stiles pointed between the two youngest members of the pack

“Stiles!” Lydia hissed

“What?! We are all wondering it. You two have been weirdly cuddly and touchy-feely.” Stiles waved his hands around

“What we can’t be close?” Liam asked, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist pulling her more into him.

“No, this is more than close. This, this is something more.” Malia agreed with Stiles bluntly

“And what makes you say that?” Liam asked again actually enjoying Stiles’ frustrations about them

“Why do you always question me?” Stiles almost yelled

“Says who?!” Liam exclaimed with a smile which grew when he felt y/n laugh into his shoulder.

“Are you two together?” Stiles asked almost turning red

“That’s our business” Liam said in a defensive tone

“Damn,” y/n said under her breath, but Liam heard it.

“What? Did you want them to know-”

“No, no it’s ok. Just the way you answered it, it shocked me.” she smirked.

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4 years ago

Manners Forgotten - Brett Talbot

Brett x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 578

Requested: Hello! Sorry to bother. May I request? The imagine is with Brett: You and Brett are in a relationship. You went together with him to the game where he meets Liam again. And he was being rude but you or I step in and apologize for Brett and they are shocked to see you. And Brett gets jealous and Pulled you to him. And you just smile and say " We're going now, nice meeting you" or you could change that. - @booklover240​

Authors Note: I’m so so  SO sorry it took so long. Back when this was requested I was still in high school so My mind was so jumbled with so much stuff that I forgot about this. I feel so so So bad that I forgot about this and I am so so sorry. But hey at least it got done eventually. Right lol. But on the Brightside  I feel like I'm a better writer now so ...


Teen Wolf Masterlist

link to scene



“I still don’t get why she’s allowed on the bus with the team?” One of the freshmen on the lacrosse team asked, out loud as they waited to board the team bus. “OW!” he winced as one of the older guys smacked him upside the head.

“Because she has straight A’s and she the Team captains girl.” The coach stated as he came to stand next to the team, he sent a wink Y/n’s way with a smile. It did help he is her uncle and all.

“Come on. Let’s get on the bus.” Brett pulled Y/n into his side before they turned to get on the bus.

“Are you excited for the game?” Y/n asked once everyone was settled and the bus was on the road.

“I guess” he shrugged sitting next to her.

“Brett…” she dragged out his name nudging him.

“I’m glad your with me, and that your coming.” Brett loled his head to the side readjusting his sitting position so his body faced her more and so he could comfortably lay his arm around her shoulders


“But, Beacon Hills High is where a nemesis of mine transferred to and he’s on the lacrosse team there.” he told her.

Y/n nodded, understanding better now that she knew that detail. “Well. I’ll be there so focus on that. Focus on me and cool yourself off if you get worked up. No glowing eyes.”

Brett smirked, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “I will.”

^      ^       ^

“What’s wrong now?” Stiles asked as he approached a cautious looking Scott. Once Stiles turned his attention towards where his best friend’s attention was, he could see why. Liam was talking to their opponents for tonight’s game, and it didn’t look like it was going very friendly.

“Oh shit.” Scott and Stiles rushed over upon seeing Liam clenching his hand so hard he started drawing blood.

“I paid for it!” Liam yelled as he was held back by Scott and Stiles beside him.

“Oh, your gonna pay for it.” Brett added almost taking a step further but Y/n stepped in front of him placing her hand on his chest. Which Brett took further and pulled her tight into his chest.

“I’m sorry gentlemen it seems Brett here forgot his manners when we got on the bus back home.” Y/n stated as she turned in front of Brett facing this Liam guy and his two older friends. “So I apologize for him. Let’s all just have a great good game tonight, yeah? Keep it clean.” she smiled at them hoping and trying to defuse the very tense situation.

“Couldn’t agree more.” Stiles smiled clapping his hands together. He could really like this girl he thought.

“Well, we’re going now. Nice meeting you.” Y/n nodded with a smile before elbowing Brett in the gut.

“Yeah, sure.” Brett mumbled in a tone you could tell was not genuine. Which earned him another, harder than the last one.

“Well, see you guy’s later.” She gave a tight friendly smile. Y/n grabbed Brett’s hand and dragged him away behind her. Once they were far enough away she stopped and turned to face Brett crossing her arms, giving him a stern look. “You are so gonna hear it when we get home.”

Brett sighed leaning his head back. He figured but still, he can’t help it if he gets jealous or that he thinks to get under Liam’s skin.

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8 years ago
Heres A Commission I Finished Up Last Night Of @cumguts Character, Brett. I Had A Lot Of Fun Inking And

Here’s a commission I finished up last night of @cumguts character, Brett. I had a lot of fun inking and coloring this.

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2 years ago

Brett  🥺

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4 years ago
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf
Farewell Teen Wolf

farewell teen wolf

day 5: under-appreciated characters ⇾ brett talbot

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8 years ago
Liam Dunbar And Brett Talbot | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif | Requested
Liam Dunbar And Brett Talbot | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif | Requested

Liam Dunbar and Brett Talbot | Teen Wolf | Not my gif | Requested

Liam: It has to be around here somewhere...

Y/N: *behind them* What is?

*Liam and Brett turn around quickly*

Brett: Babe, what are you doing here?

Y/N: *walks closer to them* I’ve noticed you two have been hanging around a lot. Which is odd since you two hate each other. So I followed you.

Liam: *shakes his head* We don’t hate each other, well not anymore.

Y/N: *chuckles* Really? Because if I remember correctly during the scrimmage, you were just about ready to kill each other. *turns to Liam* Is that why you brought Brett here, in the middle of the woods, to kill him?

Liam: *shocked* What? No, no! I-I don’t want to kill him. I just needed help to find a hole I fell in the other day.

Brett: *turns to Liam* Sounds a lot like you want to kill me and bury me in the woods.

Y/N: *nods* It really does.

Liam: *frustrated* No! I don’t want to kill anyone, okay! Will you two just help me look for this hole... *starts walks away and mumbles* No wonder they’re together, they’re both crazy.

Requests are OPEN!

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