Brio - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
“So, what do you think, you got what it takes?” The weight of the gun shakes in her hand and Beth tightens her hold on the heavy base until her knuckles shine white. Blinking rapidly to dispel the gloss of tears that continue to spill down her cheeks, she glances frantically at the mutilated flesh of Dean's face before her gaze darts wildly back to Rio; the man and the monster. (Post-cannon Season 1 x 10)

Time for another fanfic recommendation. I actually just finished reading this one over again (probably the 2nd or 3rd time I have done so at this point).

WARNING – this fanfic is a work in progress and has not been updated since October 2018. It’s possible that the author does plan to update but it’s also possible that this work of art will remain a WIP. Sobs.

Really though. I honestly think everyone should give this one a read. It is a season 2 speculation fic, picking up right where the finale leaves off. I’ll try not to give too many spoilers.

Things I love about this fic:

• The constant flux between distant and can’t-help-himself Rio.  A really striking thing about this fic is that it doesn’t shy away from the consequences of Beth, Annie and Ruby selling Rio out to the feds. Beth herself acknowledges that there is a distance between her and Rio that wasn’t there before. Also, Beth feels genuine guilt a few times in this fic when she realises that there is a lot going on behind the scenes of Rio’s organisation because of her actions. I’m pretty sure it’s partly because she subconsciously realises that Rio was probably going to leave her, Annie and Ruby alone. He wasn’t going to come after them. She is also confronted by the fact that she was potentially destroying the lives of all the people who work for him.

• Despite this, Beth still stands up to Rio several times throughout this fic. I legit love her so much and she is just as strong in this fic as she is in the show!

• Their discussions about keeping their stories straight for Agent Turner, whenever he wants to speak to Beth about the time she spends with Rio. OH MY GOD. Every single interaction between Beth and Rio is charged in this fic but these scenes in particular just leap off the screen. ACTUAL FIRE. There is one particular discussion (about, ahem, Dean) that is just unbelievably well done. I sometimes go back to the fic just to read that scene.

• Ruby. I love how the author acknowledges the inevitable difficulty she was going to face in her relationship with Stan and how devastated Beth feels for her best friend.

• Rio’s jealousy. I have said this before but it is difficult to pull this off without his character coming across as OOC. He’s just unbelievably well written in this fic.

That brings us to a close.

I know that since season 2 has aired, we are being fed actual fanfiction but honestly this fanfic takes it to a whole other level. 

The author does not mention whether or not they are on Tumblr. Hopefully they are and people will reblog so that the author can see this. I legit adore this story!

Until next time!

Reviewed by @elixir448 

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4 years ago

this video by @simplymaterial is a fucking masterpiece, like seriously pls watch this if you haven’t. I’m obsessed with how this video so beautifully captures all my favorite Brio parallels (1:45 onwards takes me out) and also satisfies my niche kink for syncing external diegetic sounds to the beat 

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4 years ago
- Soulmates
- Soulmates

- soulmates

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4 years ago

1, 4, & oh crap, I forgot the number already 🤣 16??

1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?

Answered here But since I have new ideas popping into my head every other minute I’ll share another:

College Soccer Team AU. Here’s a snip from my jumbled ideas Google Doc for this one LOL don’t judge me.

Anyway so start of Junior year beth goes to the weight room EARLY like at 5 am before anyone else.  Cuz of course she does. And she wants to prove herself as a young captain. WHo is always there also but Rio. She avoids him like the plague but of course they always steal glances at the other while they workout. Whenever Beth does squats with dumbbells Rio is mesmerized by her thighs and ass. Whenever Rio bench presses Beth nearly drools. So it all comes to a head when beth gets so fed up with the rudeness of the male team that she challenges them to a game. Classic girls v boys

4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)

Answered here and here. 

16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)

I suppose my latest one shot “Earned It” is different because it’s a fetish centered fic - spanking. And I’ve never focused so intently on one kink before. It really made me blush writing it, ngl. 

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1 year ago

I live for succubus Beth. She’s so hot!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

It’s a need

Snippet of need Lovers and Friends:

Snippet Of Need Lovers And Friends:

Snippet of untitled fic that I'm not even sure what I'm doing with yet: it's a werewolf/witch AU with a side of Actor Rio and Book Author Beth.

Snippet Of Need Lovers And Friends:

Untitled Part that was supposed to be part of Partners, but I forgot it existed so I'm gonna put it somewhere else.

Snippet Of Need Lovers And Friends:

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1 year ago
keqing-addict - Jayden


1000% can see this conversation happening.

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1 year ago

Does anyone remember what the fic where Beth and Rio got to Alaska is called? I can’t find it

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1 year ago
The Real Otp Commits To All Four (in / Sp.)
The Real Otp Commits To All Four (in / Sp.)
The Real Otp Commits To All Four (in / Sp.)
The Real Otp Commits To All Four (in / Sp.)

the real otp commits to all four (in / sp.)

The Real Otp Commits To All Four (in / Sp.)

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1 year ago
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.
Yeah, I Like Pushing It Out Of Your Face.

Yeah, I like pushing it out of your face.

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1 year ago

This song fits perfectly with them

I Know Heaven's A Thing I Go There When You Touch Me Honey Hell Is When I Fight With You
I Know Heaven's A Thing I Go There When You Touch Me Honey Hell Is When I Fight With You
I Know Heaven's A Thing I Go There When You Touch Me Honey Hell Is When I Fight With You
I Know Heaven's A Thing I Go There When You Touch Me Honey Hell Is When I Fight With You

I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me Honey hell is when I fight with you

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11 months ago

My dearest friend @abi1821 sent me this song as it was suggested to her and this is what it makes me think of and ugh!!! I just cannot. My ❤️.

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10 months ago

This scene is just everything

keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden
keqing-addict - Jayden

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3 years ago

May I have Brio's opinion on my Terrovania OCs Leto,Anastia and Chiksura ?👁

Yes, Yes, Yes! My wall girl needs to make friends!

May I Have Brio's Opinion On My Terrovania OCs Leto,Anastia And Chiksura ?


" The boy who likes puzzles... I don't like him. I don't want him to talk about me. But I like that he is justice aside towards others. My doll really likes him though! It said he has a bright future if he goes down his path. I wouldn't mind him talking to me. Only if I see how he plays with his puzzles to others."


" I don't mind his screaming since I do it as well. I'm scared of his fire outbursts... I tend to stay away since it told me to. I make sure animals are present just in case he gets angry...Maybe I should lend him my kitty doll if he wants to."


" I like big sister! She called me strong once! She is very tall like me as well! Doll said to just watch her and it's safe to be with her! She even bought me a cardigan! But it had a hole where my chest is at. I remember the puzzle she gave me! I had so much fun!"

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2 years ago
I Love Them

I love them

I Really Like You

“I really like you”

Old little ‘storyboard’ dump. It’s little Nitrus & Nefarious in the Academy of Evil :’) <3

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