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3 years ago

—gifts for little brothers

Gifts For Little Brothers

pairing: regulus Black x sirius black (platonic)

summary: regulus had never once in his life received a christmas present until this morning

warnings: none

authors note: I wrote this ages ago lol

regulus was rather sad as he awoke on the morning of the 25th december. normally, every boy would be impatient and looking forward to this special day all december long. but christmas was nothing special in the black family.

at least not special regarding the wishes of a nine year old boy, such as regulus was one. he was dreading to stand up and get dressed. he hated these days. days on which special guests would visit the black house and join the festivities.

but to regulus' misfortune his mother, walburga black, held these events in a really high course. so she always made sure everything, especially her family, would be perfect when their guests arrived.

so just a few seconds after his awakening, a house elf knocked on the black wooden door to regulus' room.

„kreacher was told to make sure master regulus would be awake by now", the rather ugly-looking house elf spoke, as he lifted the curtains of regulus big window.

„thank you, kreacher. would you please tell my mother that im getting ready now?", the boy lifted his blanket and climbed out of his giant bed. When he was younger (about a year or two) he would use a small ladder to get in and out of it.

„of course, master regulus."

the elf turned around and made his way out of the room, just as regulus opened the door to his closet, to reveal the neat suit that was hanging on the back side of its door.

regulus sighed, again, knowing how formal and unrelaxed this day would go for him.

as regulus made his way out of the closet (no pun intended), formely dressed and ready, at that, he heard a soft knock at his door.

"yes?", asked regulus as he watched the door expectively. in marched his brother, formely known as sirius black.

"sirius!", regulus grinned as his brother closed the door quietly and made his way to the bed to sit down comfortably.

"hello regulus", sirius spoke. "how are you feeling this fine morning?"


"no wonder", sirius adjusted his position. "mother is more stressed than last year, because a few special guests will come this year". sirius rolled his eyes so high, that regulus could only see the white in them.

"more special than last year?", regulus asked, worriedly, still remebering the unexpected visit of the prime minister from the year before and his mothers not so relaxed reaction to that. the brothers had to hide under a table the whole evening long, in fear to fall into the aroused hands of their mother.

"apparently" sirius sighed and rubbed his temple. "i can't wait to go to hogwarts and get out of all of this"

"you know that she will still make you come, right?", regulus asked

"of course, but atleast i don't have to put up with this the whole year. i will get a tiny bit of freedom and only come on the day of the festivity so i don't have to be present when this woman throws one of her tantrums."

"if only i could come with you"

"dont worry, little brother. its only one more year and than you can join me at hogwarts. but now, i have a little surprise for you"

regulus raised his eyebrows at sirius and sat down next to him on the large bed. "a surprise? what do you mean?"

"i mean this"

sirius reached into the pocket of his suit and took out a little box, messily wrapped in paper.

"what is this?", regulus asked

"its a present, reg. i read about it in a muggle book. this is what other kids get on christmas morning"

regulus brought the box up to his eyes to inspect it further.

in his nine years living, regulus arcturus black had never received a present. because of that he never got to know, what the term actually meant. he admired his brother for knowing all this, because he always knew things that regulus didn't. it was sirius big interest of knowledge, of freedom and the thought of knowing things his mother wouldn't let the teacher inflict on them.

regulus, on the other hand, wasn't like that. he never had enough bravery to do the things his mother didn't want him to. so adapted to everything he was allowed to do and tried to like it.

as regulus finally unwrapped the present a small amulette fell into his hands. as he opened it he could saw a picture of him and his brother on the right side and his full name and a rather weird looking painting at the left side.

"that is the star that you're named after, regulus", sirius spoke after he noticed the confusion on regulus' face.

regulus smiled. "thank you sirius. i like it very much". the nine year old let his arms fall to the sides of his brother and hugged him messily.

after this, the brothers stood up and made their way out of the door to finally face their mother and get in position for the arrival of their guests.

quietly, just for himself, regulus swore he would never forget, how his heart felt warm and his eyes started to fill with light tears, as sirius black gave him the first and only present he had ever received...

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1 year ago

I Miss Her Too

I Miss Her Too

Dean x Sam (Platonic), Sam x Sister! reader

Warning: Mentions of character death, cursing

Description: The brothers open up about their dead sister


    Dean releases a long sigh as he stares out at the parking lot of a raggedy motel on the side of the interstate. The flickering multi-colored sign bleeds into the inky blackness of the Impala, causing the pulse in the man's frustrated mind to burst against his skull repeatedly. Dean's knuckles were sickly pale in contrast to his freckled tan skin as he held the stirring wheel of the parked car in a vice grip.

        His cheeks sag under the pressure of the heavy bags carried beneath his sad hazel eyes. The smile marks that tug at the edge of his lips barely show as a deep frown etches across his face. His usual neatly done hair now stuck out in a disheveled state.

        Dean notices a tall shadow rising behind the illuminated brownish-white curtains in one of the rooms. The material tugs slightly from the window and soon enough the deep green heavy duty door opens to reveal his brother. He looks down at the wrapped burgers set on the passenger's seat and grabs them before exiting the car.

        "These are cold," Sam remarks as Dean pushes them against his chest.

        "There's a microwave for a reason," Dean grumbles in response and sits at the edge of the bed to take off his shoes.

        "You do realize you got three," Sam asks softly after a short pause.

        "We'll eat it later; It's no big deal."

        ""This was how (Y/n) liked it," Sam states while observing the content inside one of the burgers.

        "I said we'll eat it later," Dean snaps. He snatches the wrapper from Sam's hands and lays it on the drawer between the beds. He keeps his back turned from his brother as the atmosphere becomes tense.

        "Dean," Sam whispers. He presses his calloused palm against the eldest Winchester's shoulder. Dean looks over with a distressed expression and places his own hand over his brothers. "I miss her too."

        "I'm sorry," Dean apologizes.

        "Let's talk about it," Sam insists.



        "I can't."

        "We promised her, Sam cries, "we promised her before she died that we wouldn't end up like this- distancing ourselves and pretending everything is alright when it isn't. We're letting her down."

        "I know."

        "I know? That's all you have to say? Dean, she was my sister too. She's gone now and faking a world where she still exists is just hurting us." 

        Suddenly, Sam slams into the wall with Dean's arm against his neck. Dean glowers over him, scrunching his nose into a snarl. "Don't talk about her like that," Dean mutters before releasing the pressure from Sam's body.

        "It hurts me too. It was just the two of us, then she came along rocking our boat and it seemed like we were an unstoppable trio. It's going to be so hard going back to the way things were before bug showed up." Sam collapses on the bed as tears stream down his sun-kissed face.

        Dean wraps his arm around Sammy in a brotherly hug. "(Y/n) was one hell of a gunslinger."

        "Yeah," Sam smiles.

        "And a brat too."

        "Hey, she wasn't that bad; Although, she did have her moments."

        "Your right."

        "She kinda gets a pass for being a girl though."

        "That's not what I meant- yes, but no- I meant it's good talking about her," Dean confesses.

        "See, I told you."

        "Alright, alright. I'm done," Dean whines as he gets up, "We may have opened up a bit, but we are not turning into a chick flick."

        "We were having a bonding moment, you jerk!"



        "Rest up. We're leaving in the morning."

        "Yeah, you too. I don't need you looking like a living corpse anymore," Sam comments.

        "Shut up."


        A shiver trails up Sam's spine and his eyes jolt open in shock. The dark motel room was silent besides the soft snores coming from Dean's side of the room. A soft blue glow appears and shines over the popcorn ceiling. Sam immediately feels each of his tired muscles tense in alertness as the overwhelming foreboding thought that something else was in the room punches his gut.

        He slowly reaches under the flat pillows beneath his head for his knife. His fingertips gently graze along the handle and he grasps it tightly. Sam settles his ragged breathing before springing to action. He rushes off the bed in a defense position, with the knife pointing threateningly at the figure leaning over Dean. A soft glow emits from their body as they brush their thumb over Dean's forehead with a gentle smile.

        "(Y-Y/n)?" Sam asks feebly. The girl lifts her eyes to him, her (E/c) orbs glittering softly with curiosity. The knife falls from his hand and clatters to the carpeted floor. "You were dead..."

        (Y/n) straightens herself, her brows furrowing. 

        "What happened, bug? Why show up now when we are finally getting over losing you?" Sam's voice cracks and he takes a step towards his little sister. "How exactly did you die?"

        The deceased Winchester shakes her head, turning her body away. "Too soon," She gasps out, grabbing at her throat painfully.


        "Love you, Sammy," She whimpers out, before disappearing like smoke and the pale glow fades out. 

        "(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Don't leave us again!" Sam scurries to unlock the door and runs out. He looks around in a panic, only to find empty cars in an empty parking lot.

        "Sammy? What's going on?" Dean calls wearily from the inside, "What is it?"

        "N-nothing. It's nothing."

Was he dreaming?

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