Bruno Moraes Cunha - Tumblr Posts
Muscleman on the beach.

Bruno Moraes.
“You called for me?”
Fuck~ I just want to lick every last inch of his body and make out with him for days on end. What a beautiful man to worship.

Bruno moraes
Pure masculine greatness
Bruno Moraes Cunha
Bruno Moraes Cunha backporn May 24

Bruno Moraes Cunha backporn May 24
Bruno Moraes Cunha

Bruno Moraes Cunha
Muscle perfection. Mass accumulation. Years of steroid abuse. Goals!
Body swap diaries: PETER’s CYOC
After months of training and studying, I stood there proudly with fellow agents and superiors in the lower levels of Area 51 awaiting for my first mission as a full fledge secret service agent. It was a grueling time to the point that out of 50 candidates, only 3 of us actually made it.
We hear a gruff raspy voice from the intercom. “Welcome new agents and congratulations. You all are now officially part of the secret service which; as you all know, deals with more covert missions regarding this country. So please meet up with your superiors to discuss your first mission.”
All of the agents dispersed and so did I, and made it to Mr. Carlson’s office. I open the door and see a half naked man with curly hair frantically trying to put his clothes on.

“Ahh dammit looks like i forgot to close that damn door again. Lock it for me will you Peter.” I locked the door behind and sat at one of the office chairs trying not to look and stare at my supervisor’s body. “Hahaha come on now Peter, don’t be so shy. This isn’t the first you’ve seen me in another body.” He was right, but the usual bodies he’s in are the bigger hairy daddy types.
“So i guess you took my advice huh”
“ yeah. Went with someone younger and chose this guy named Jon to take for my time off. Gotta say its a different feeling.” He flexes his arms.
“You look great sir”
“Hahaha thanks Peter. Now since you were the highest achieving agent we have, i decided to assign you as a personal guard for a past president. As may know, any two term US president that finishes their service gets assigned a lifetime agent to help with safety and security, and they are also enrolled with the ‘reincarnation program’ which…
“Gives the ex president and their partner, a choice to have their consciousness transferred to another person’s body.”
“Very good Peter!” He claps his hands “now of course they can opt out of it if they choose to, but we at least wanna give them a taste of it and see if its for them.”
“Isnt it too early for Mr Obama to be in this program?”
“Yes you’re right which is why I’m assigning you to George W bush.”
“Wait isnt there someone already assigned to Mr. Bush?”
“There was, but we are reassigning Gary to a much more… lets just covert mission.” I just nod my head knowing exactly what he means.
“Now Mr Bush has been living in his current body Bruno for almost a year in Brazil.”

“How about the real Bruno.”
“He’s living life as Mr. Bush. We programmed him to practically BE George Bush… memories and all” i nod my head. “ now Mr Bush has been alerted of the change in staff but I would like you to travel to Brazil and introduce yourself”
“No problem sir. Will do”
“I also gave the guys at the lab the Ok to swap you with someone else for this mission, of course you don’t have to.”
I thought about it for a short while and decided to swap. “ Thank you sir. I will go right now.”
“Sounds good. Here is a catalog of the guys that are available.”
I look over it and saw Jon’s body with the amount of $10,000 right by his name. “Damn! I cant believe this kid is getting paid $10,000 to swap bodies with an agent” i thought to myself.
“now if you’ll excuse me. I think its officially time for me to start my Time off.”
“Have fun sir and Ill see you when you get back.”
I leave his office and made my way towards the all the while looking at the catalog.
“Hey Peter!” I waved at Vinh “ Mr Carlson told me all about your mission. So have you thought about which body you want.”
I looked over the catalog one last time…. “This one” I said
(Which of these guys should Peter switch with. From top to bottom: Joey, Christian, Larry, Leon).

Pretty in Pink
"No way I'm wearing those things bro," Jorge scoffed as I playfully held up the shiny pink posers, "that color's a little too... ya'know?"
"C'mon a big strong man like you? You're the most man a man can be, I don't think you have to worry about anyone getting any ideas," I replied to ease his hesitance. "Besides, I think this color will really pop on you."
"You just want to see my ass in them, don't you?" Jorge is well aware of what I think of his body, and hey, he's not wrong, a subtle shrug of my shoulders playfully agreeing. His expression softened with a chuckle "you really have a way of convincing me bro..." "Hey you better not wack off to this later" he prodded with a crotch tap as h e snatched the garment from my hands.
As he watched himself waddle up the aisle from the locker room in the gym mirrors he was taken aback by his magnificence. He felt a rush of excitement unlike any he had felt before just taking in his own muscles as they came into sharper focus. And the posers, glistening in powerful pink, their shiny slightly stretchy material cupped his ample package neatly, while around the back they only amplified the juicy shape of his meaty bubble butt.
Jorge felt something welling up inside of him as he continued to gaze upon his hypertrophied muscles, something new, an attraction to himself more than just an admiration of his progress and hard work, a sensual feeling, a lustful feeling. His cock rose to attention during this realization, the stretchy poser pouch struggling to contain it.
"Told ya you would pop in these," I winked pulling Jorge out of his trance. "I... I've never looked so good. I've never felt so good... My body, it's... so fucking sexy." Finally glancing over to me he was surprised by my sparse form, taking the opportunity to strip down into my own pair of matching posers. Without hesitation he blurted out "Bro, when did you get so... hot?" I smirked knowing my plan had worked. "Hey, whatdaya say we hit the showers? I want to show you how much of a man a man can be."
Bruno Moraes Cunha. Seconds before he exploded. 🤣🤯