Bucky Barnes X Reader Drabble - Tumblr Posts
"My dog ate your christmas present” || Bucky Barnes x reader drabble

Words: 774
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Bucky's dog ate the present for reader. Bucky had to invent something ad hoc.
Author: Beast.
A/N: Drabble written for @caplansteverogers writing challenge. I hope you don't mind me changing the character I was supposed to write about.

Shit, shit, shit!” Bucky was running over his room looking for something, when Steve stepped in.
„Hey, pal, what's up?” Captain asked.
Bucky only waved his hand slightly. “I have a problem here...” James laughed nervously. “I mean, just look at this mess” he pointed at the corner.
Steve frowned but looked at the direction his pal has pointed.
He noticed Bucky's dog. The animal was laying on the floor eating a colorful decorative gift paper.
“Is this...?” Rogers gave Bucky a look. “Yes. It it.” Bucky sat on the bed slipping hands in his hair. “What I'll do now?” man wailed loudly. “This one time I thought it'll be nice. That I'll make HER happy. It's Christmas time... And again I failed.”
“Hey, hey!” Steve took a seat next to his friend and wrapped arm around him. “Hush, bud, don't worry. We still have time. We can make it up.”
“How?” Bucky spreaded his arms in a gesture of helplessness. “We have only an hour to Christmas Eve. I won't find anything proper for her now.”
Steve sighed. “So maybe just tell her the truth? She's gonna understand I bet.”
Bucky looked at his dog. “Boof!” animal barked happily waving its tail. “Hey, you. Yes, you! I wouldn't be so happy if I'd be on your place, mate! Hey, I'm talking to you!” Bucky snarled deeply rolling his eyes while dog got up and rushed briskly to his owner. German shepherd sat in front of the bed and put its head on Bucky's laps.
“C'mon, Champo!” Bucky sighed, but finally he ruffled dog's fur. “Who was a bad boy?” Dog looked at man with his huge eyes.
“Haha, just look at him, Bucky!” Steve smirked and also pated dog's head. “Can those eyes lie?”
Bucky cocked his brows looking at Steve. “Eh. Only this time! Bad boy! Bad doggo!”
Champo wagged his tail happily and barked again.

When gifts were given, Bucky still had his eyes on you.
“Hey! Does everyone have a gift?!” Tony yelled loudly outshouting others. He briefly looked at you and frowned a bit. “Hey! Bucky! You were responsible for dispensation of presents! Where is the one for Y/N?!”
Bucky blushed slightly and desperately glanced at Steve, who only gave him a nod.
You blinked when Bucky approched you. “Y/N, let me explain...” he stuttered a bit.
You lowered your head shrugging. “It's okay, Bucky. I know you had a lot on your shoulders lately. I'm not mad at all. It's okay.”
He slipped his metal palm under your chin and forced you to pick your head up and to look into his eyes. “It's not like that, Y/N. I didn't forget.” Bucky took your face into his hands. "My dog ate your Christmas present."
You blinked few times. “E... Excuse me?” you enquired. “Just what you've heard” Bucky mumbled quietly. “I left it on my bed. When I came back I found him eating your present.”
You slowly put your hand up covering your mouth.
“Y/N, everything's alright?” man narrowed his brows.
You bursted into laugh. “Oh, God! Bucky!”
As confused as he was at that moment, Bucky tilted his head slightly. “Have I done something wrong?”
“No! Of course not!” you giggled happily. “I just thought you forgot!”
Bucky blushed once again ruffling his hair. “I haven't. This time it was just an unfortunate coincidence.”
You smiled at him brightly stroking his cheek. “My lovely unlucky fellow” you chuckled gaily.
Bucky looked at the rest of Avengers over his shoulder. They were sitting at the long table, drinking and eating and enjoying their presence in that special time of the year. Bucky looked you deep in the eye, then he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him
“B.. Bucky? What are you doing?” you asked nervously looking around. “Someone can spot us!” “I. Don't. Care” he smiled widely at you, then he leant down and kissed you deeply.
“Woooaaah!” Tony rose from his seat, he was glancing at you two. “Can you see this, guys!? Barnes has girlfriend!” he clapped his hands eagerly. The rest of the team was cheering loudly and cheerfully, whistling.
Bucky broke the kiss and pressed his rough lips to your nose. “Taking I don't have any reserve present for ya, so here I am. I'm gonna be your Christmas gift” man whispered into your ear.
You felt like your cheeks were blushing fastly, so you nodded. “Yes, please!” you nuzzled to him purring softly.
Rest of the Christmas dinner went quietly in a wonderful atmosphere.You and Bucky didn't have to hide anymore. Now you were a real couple.

The story is amazing. Short, well written, easy and nice to read. You did a great job! Thank you so much for your participation. ~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

FORGIVE ME, I LOVE YOU || Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky got into an argument with you. But good thing is he realized his mistake rather quickly.
Words: 813 (it’s short, sorry guys!)
A\N: I made this little drabble for the best squad I’ve ever met. @thepaperpanda ~ guys, I ❤ you and thank you for the opportunity you had given me by your writing challenge. All the love to ya!

Bucky was at the office on the one of important team meetings. You were there also, taking you were working for Tony Stark as his personal assistant.
Tony dispensed some folders to each of team members. “Take a look at our new guidelines. I’ve decided to introduce a few changes into our previous regulations.”
Bucky exchanged surprised looks with Captain. “Wait, wait, wait. What?” Rogers asked frowning and shaking hia head angrily. “Why you didn’t consult this with us before?” Steve growled.
“To be honest I thought it won’t be a problem to you all,” Stark shrugged rolling his eyes. “But as I can see, Mr Rogers has an issue, as always.”
Bucky clenched his metal hand into a fist.
“Oh! Barnes, are you okay?” Stark contorted his lips in a wry grimace.
“Yeah. I am,” Bucky looked briefly at you.
You were sitting next to Tony making a notes from the meeting.
The truth was you and Bucky were meeting since few months. But you had to be very secret about it. You knew how Tony would react if he would find out. Besides, Bucky didn’t want to make himself any additional problems.
You threw him a mean look and Bucky turned his eyes away. This moment didn’t run of Tony’s attention, however he said nothing.
“Next time, consult such things with rest of the team before you will make them official, is that clear?” Steve asked firmly. He also looked at you. You ran your glace away.
Tony was silent for a bit, then he nodded insensibly. “Yes,” he agreed.
After the meeting, while you were walking along the corridor in the Tower, Bucky caught you up. “What the hell was that, doll?” He questioned out loudly. “Who does he think he is!?”
“Buck…” You started quietly, “don’t ask me. He’s my boss. I don’t have any influence at his decisions,” you explained shortly. “But that doesn’t mean I agree with him.”
“You cold make a statement, but you rather wanted to stay silent about things, huh, Y/N?” He lowered his strong voice while speaking to avoid others to hear your argument.
You cocked brews and took a step back. “What’s that? Why are you accusing me?” You whispered. “You know I would do everything for you.. For us..”
“He again made a fool from Steve,” Bucky crossed arms over his chest.
“Hah, so that’s the reason?! Steve. Great Captain. Friendship before love, huh?!” This time it was way too much for you to handle. You raised your voice, almost yelling.
Bucky growled deeply, turned around, and rushed back toward staircase. He stopped after few steps, and looked at you above his shoulder. “Maybe you like him more than you like me? But like you wish, go to him! Go ahead! If you want to be his puppy on the leash and obey his every word, no problem. It’s your shitty decision, Y/N!” He went away leaving you in a shock in the middle of the corridor.
So this was the real problem between you two. Bucky was jealous.
After the work you came back home, and got changed in some casual clothes. You decided to go out for a little jogging. You were living in the nice district at the suburbs. It was a calm and great place to live in, and you were enjoying that fact.
When you were running through near park, you heard your phone ringing. You ait on the bench and pull your phone out of the pocket, and answered the incoming call.
“Hi, Y/N.” It was no one else but Bucky.
“Sup?” You weren’t in mood for a conversations.
“Listen, doll, I wanna apologize.” Ok. It was something new and completely unexpected. “I judged you wrong, I should know how does it work.”
“Yes. Indeed.” You rolled your eyes but little smile appeared on your face. You were proud of him. It was a very first time when Bucky admitted that he made a mistake.
“Please, forgive me, I love you,” he muttered softly. “Don’t be mad at me any longer..”
For few seconds you remained silent, but then giggled and agreed.
“Yes. I forgive you.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” You heard a happiness in his voice. “And.. By the way. I really do admire your pretty butt in that tight leggings.”
You blinked and quickly got up from the bench looking around. How huge was your astonishment when you saw Bucky sitting few benches away from you.
You lauged and walked to him. Man got up also and wrapped his arms around your waist. His smile etched its way back into his face. His body was warm and toned as he hugged you, comforting to the touch. His voice was deep, with an serious tone. His lips brushed your ear as he spoke.
“I really do love you, Y/N.”